i CLOVERDALE COURIER P ublished E very T h u rsd ay F ra n k T aylor, E ditor and P u b lish e r. “ E n te re d assecond-class m a tte r, Nov­ em ber liltli, 1906 a t the post office a t Clo- veniaie, Tillamook County, O re gon,un­ der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. S ubscription R a v « One Y ear, in a d v a n c e ...................... $1.0C Six M onths ............................................. 60 Three M onths ......................................... 26 Single C o p y .................................................05 A d v e r t is in g R ates Displayed A dvertisements, 00 cents per inch per m onth, single colum n. All Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per line for each insertion. T im ber land notices $1R.00 Homestead notices 6.0*1 Political A nnouncement Cards $10.00 J ob D e p a r t m e n t My Jo b D epartm ent is complete in every respect a n d I am able to do all kinds Commercial Jo b Printing on short notice a t reasonable prices. T H U R SD A Y . J U L Y 19, 1917. T he perpetual boozer will never get in to th e regular arm y. li e is already shot. The C h a u ta u q u a is now in session at Tillamook. T he e n te rta in m e n tg given by C h a u ta u q u a people are uplifting and educational, as well as interesting. It furnishes wholesome a m usem ent tha t all should enjoy. You should not miss a tte n d in g one or more of the e n te r ta in ­ m ents. F rid a y , S a ta rd a v , Sunday and Monday opportunities for those who wish to attend. HERE IS A GOOD RULE TO OBSERVE. A restaurant, in one of our cities r e ­ m inds its custom ers th a t $700,000,000 is wasted in food in th e U nited State? every year and urges them to order no more th a n th e y can eat. Were this rule observed in all th e re sta u ra n ts and hotels in th e land, a greater conserva­ tion of food would occur th a n m any realize. CORN IS RING AGAIN. Corn has come back to its own. I t ’s crown has been restored. The United States forecast of the o u t ­ put this year, th re e billion bushels, ought to make th e livestock world smile. D enm ark and the rest of the neutrals, and our allies need food for th e live­ stock. Our corn crop will help to keep th e beeves and horses on their feet. The whole world will benefit from the energy of th e A m erican'farm er. A nd w hen tu rn e d into Jo h n n y cake, it is an appetizing food for the hum a n race I t doesn’t look as if the world c o u n ­ tries were going to starve. LAYS DOWN HIS TOGA. Ja nie s W. (lerard, formerly a m b a ssa ­ dor from th e U nited States to G erm any, has resigned. C ircum stances over which he had control, lost him his job. But a t its best, the job in Berlin which he held down du rin g those crucial tim e t was not attractive. He was in a delicate position, but when put to the various tests by G e rm a ny and th e United State« he tyas fnllv com petent to meet them in a m a n n e r satisfactory to the U nited States. li e w as in G erm any all of the disquieting hours prior to the d e c la ra ­ tion of war, and his conduct had to be overly circumspect lest he make a move th a t would inimical to his government, l i e aerved his country well, did G erard, and we have no doubt but this govern­ m e n t will m ake use of his services again when an opening presents itself. TRAMPS. There is no excuse from tra m p s in th e U nited States. E very m an who is physically able and desirous, can obtain work—work of some kind, by which Le can earn his own living. The American vagabond who moves from city to city, stealing rides upon railroad ‘reight tra in s, or w ho perchance, may walk from town to tcfwn in thickly settled com m unities, should not be encouraged bv th e house­ keepers when he applies to th e back door for som ething to eat. T he vagabonds are too lazy to work. They live off th e labor of ^other people. E very person who contributes to the t r a m n a t th e back door is guiltv of e n ­ couraging a class of peopls who, wsre »bey off th e e a rtb , would add to the value of the world. Thev are merely idlers and loafers, and oftentimes thieves. They are dangerous rh a ia c - ters to be allowed to roam a t large. T hey c o n trib u te nothing to th e com­ m unity. They are consum ers and non- producer«. T here ia no excu»e for their living and th e best way to wipe out the t r a m p ia to force him to work and earn h i i living as honest people do. Do not fe«4 tram ps and never giro th e m money. HITS THE MAIL SQUARE 0M THE HEAD. th a t order. | Ilia duties can be b etter The view point of a soldier in th e reg­ performed. Now, if the soldier w ithout intoxicants ular arm y, on one phase of the liquor can do his country a greater g o o d , c a n ­ question, may he of interest to the not th e civilian do his country a greater general public. F irst of all, let it be good w ithout intoxicants? Really, does understood th a t the w riter is an advo­ ^ th e soldier owe his country a greater c a te of tem perance in all things. But service th a n th e unenlisted m an? j “ W h a t's food for th e goose is food for he believes ale* in justice and is u n a l­ ‘ th e g a n d e r ." terably opposed to anv rulings or laws T he new war regulation a good one which savor of class legislation. but let is scope lie more embracing. The enlisted man must not indulge in W hy not m ake th e non-intoxicant order or pa rta k e of intoxicants. U ndoubtedly universal instead af a specific order to he will be a better soldier on account of o n e class of citizene, th e soldiery? STATE NEWS NOTES Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in Oregon. a ju stic e of the peace in th a t county recently dism issed liquor case s a ga inst O. Suml and A. W hite is unsound. The a ttorney-general holds thut nil ths sta te needs to prove is th a t the liquor cam e into th e d e fendants' hands and th a t the burdeu is then shifted to then» to prove th a t they secured such liquor in a lawful maimer. FRANK TAYLOR, * Notary Public Cloverdale, Ore. Are You Going East this Slimmer? IF SO WHY NOT THE CALIFORNIA WAY? Three Fine Trains Daily the grain crops of the great wheat belt im m ediately tr ib u ta ry to Pendle­ ton, fa rm e rs a re beginning to he a p ­ prehensive re ga rding the effect of the heat on the ir crop prospects. Miss B ertha Althaus. saleslady at the U m pqua hotel at Koseburg; Mrs. Alice Allen, a Roseburg nurse; VV. J. W eaver, p ro p rie to r of the U m pqua hotel at R oseburg; J. M. Burt, tra v e l­ ing salesm an for the Jo h n Deere Plow company, of P o r tla n d ; E. L. P a rro tt, capitalist, and Elovd Miller, son of a prom inent Dillard rancher, are suffer­ ing from injurie s which they sustained T he next national convention of the when Mr. P a r r o t t ’s car ieft the road Mu P hu Epsilon, national music so r­ and tu rn e d over p A a point n ear Can- For in fo rm a tio n , ority, will bo held in E ugene in 1919. yonville S eventeen bra n c h e s of the Red Cross T.m e Tables, Etc., ca ll on o a r agevÀ society with a total m em bership of That, th e Bellnnd law .enacted a t the or irrite 1671 have been formed in Linn county. recent session of the legislature to Deer in the m ountains have suffered prohibit the sale of salmon caught In severely from the long winter, says the ocean off the Columbia river d u r­ J o h n M. Scott, Cenerai Faesenger Agent C harles H oskins, an Echo sheepm an ing th e closed fishing season ia un­ Portland, Ore. T he main railroads in Oregon have constitutional was the decision of Cir­ abandoned th e ir a tte m p t to get a IS cuit Ju d g e E akin at Asto*:c. per cent Increase in in tr a s ta te freight 5\ hile the^num ber of a- tomoblles in ra te s a t this time. the s ta te re g iste re d up to Ju n e 30 this T he little town of Flavel was visit­ y e a r is greatly in excess of the n u m ­ ed by a blaze which destroyed two »• ber reg iste re d for the fin d six m onths • ■ I fram e buildings with the loss of a p ­ I of last year, the n u m b e r of inotorryrtes proxim ately $2500. has dropped off, according to a s ta te ­ Hood River has shipped 80 carloads m ent issued by S e c re ta ry Olcott. Moving w ith expedition in its efforts of stra w b e rrie s and it is expected to prom ote the s ta te highway work, tha t fully 100 carloads will be handled In ever lino of Merchandise, but none the sta te highw ay commission has a d ­ before the season closes. more especially than in Bids will be opened at Roseburg vertised for proposals on a large Ju ly 28 for the Douglas county road a m o u n t of road work, the proposals to bond Issue of $555,000 authorized at i be opened Inly 20, at th e office of S. • Benson lirrnan of *'•' T U o o fe r, Q Y lu e . © o c . been outlined. ripening are especially wanted at this Several d eputy s ta te fire marshal* time, b u t f*«*ady work for an unlim it­ Suite C, 322 West Utica St., have been se n t to th " e a ste rn Ore ed nu m b e r of men from now until the BUFFALO, N„ Y. gon grain fields to aid farm e rs and middle of O ctober or N ovem ber is also w arehousem en to give ihe fullest pro­ offered. p. 8 .—Dr. Wooler also corrects a m a te u rs' musical composition», a n d tection again?* fire th a t m.ght destroy A tto rn e y ^re n e ra l Brown advises J. w rites music to poems. Those desiring su h service mu»* send t keir needed food supplies. O. E rtckson distric t a*torney for C la t­ M. 8. or poem for estim ate of cost. Prices are resonable W hile th e re ia j e t little injury to sop county, th a t the theory upon which —— ■ —■— — —........................................................................................... .. ...... T he next meeting of the Oregon 6tate grange will be h e ll in the spring of 1918 In Salem. Miss O. Shaw was appointed post­ m a ste r at P le a sa n t Home, vice Mrs. C. J. Britton, resigned. E v e re tt, 19-year-old sen of Mr. and i Mrs. W illiam Green, of Haines, died from injuries caused by the kick of a horse. H e n ry M. H ansen, Salem corres pondent of the Portland Telegram, hr.s been appointed S e na tor M eNary's private secre ary. Connecting al San Francisco with through service to the East via Ogden and New Orleans Southern Pacific Lines Quality Counts HARDW ARE I Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves. Hanges, Farm and Garden Tools Alex McNair & Co., Tuiamook ore. J I)iimong ani> Compoetftoit