Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 19, 1917, Image 1

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The Nestucca Valley First,
Last and all the
NO. 51
VOL. j 2.
¿4 Story of “Simeric a First,” Un­
masking America s Secret Foes
Novelized From the Motion Picture Serial o f the Same
Name Released by Pathe
b c v U CmmM.
the attem pt of the foreign alliance to
embroil the United States and Gra­
in a war for the purpose of ex­
Capt. R alph Payne, IT. s. A., is given se­ posing onr unprepared position to de­
cret plans of defense to deliver to P a n a ­
ma. H e atten d s a ball a t the G ran ada em ­ fend a counter-attack at our weakest
bassy w ith Colonel D ares' daughter. place: the Canal. ‘T he government
Pearl. As a clim ax to a series of m ys­
terious incidents he is arreited for tre a ­ took the death of Boi ro as an indi­
son. T he am bassador of G ranada is found cation of the failure of the plot.
dead and the plans m issing from P ay n e's
:oat. M ajor P rent, T ayne's rival, en ters
If only to settle public unrest, some
Into suspicious negotiations w ith B erth a 50,000 experienced soldiers were now
Bonn. P earl D are follows a burglar from
tier hom e; is drugged and left in a field, added to the military garrison on our
and later overhears plotters, who alm ost 40-mile strip on the isthmus ; negotia­
capture her. Payne is sentenced to life
im prisonm ent. A train carryin g P earl, tions to purchase the Panisi» W est In­
B ertha Bonn and P ay ne on his w ay to-,
prison is w recked and P earl sees P ay n e's dies were started for the purpose of
IifeU ss body a t her feet. She m eets a making a new naval base in the Car-
m ystenous stra n g er w ho offers her his ribean : a more watchful gunboat pa­
services to trace the traitors. She learns
th a t he has th e plans. P earl finds A dam s trol was maintained on both the At­
In W ashington and iearns of his peculiar
actions. A dam s w arns Senator W arfield lantic and Pacific sides of thè big
th a t he is in danger from a ring of spies. ditch ; and with th at the incident be-
W hile they talk the sen ato r's office Is
attacked* by conspirators. B ertha Bonn j came a closed one, so far as the public
asks P earl to hand A dam s a package knew.
w hich proves to be the plans. A dam s is
But the incident was by no means
m ade Colonel D are's orderly. T hey are
ordered South. The G ranadians capture closed in inner government circles.
P earl and A dam s to get the plans. P earl First was the unsolved mystery In the
begs Adams to let her tak e his belt w hich
contains the defense plans. They escape Payne case. It was now admitted by
and Adams steals th e belt from her. everyone connected therewith that
B rent confronts A dam s com m unicating
w ith the enem y. B erth a Bonn w arns there was more than reasonable as­
P earl against her professed friends. sumption of doubt of Payne’s guilt,
P earl is captured again by the G ran a­
dians. She is rescued by Adams. D is­ which made lits untimely death all the
guised as Ids b rother she accom panies
him into th e cam p of the conspirators,
and poses as a chem ist. They are rec­
ognized; in th e fight A dam s saves P earl
from harm . Colonel D a te arrives w ith
A m erican troops. T he black scarf appears.
International Diplomacy.
The dram atic end of Bolero in his
stronghold at Eagltta on the western
boundary of Granada and the recovery
of the Canal defense plans, proved
several im portant things to the United
States government.
It established absolutely the exis­
tence of a foreign alliance; it cleared
the Granadian government of respon­
sibility in the Payne case, it being
provfjp that Bolero and the murdered
Granadian am bassador, De Mira, were
traitors to their own country, secretly
and independently in lencue with the
foreign alliance in the furtherance of
their personal am bitions; it welded
the two natious more closely together
than they ever had been. This marked
the birth of a united American spirit
to defend the Monroe Doctrine against
Invasion from overseas.
Perhaps no more startling Interna­
tional plot ever had been woven than
Pearl in the Power of the Silent
more regrettable. Tet, there was the
testimony of Colonel Dare’s orderly—
T. O. Adams—who claimed to have
found the Canal defens" plans in Cap­
tain I’ayne’s m ilitary belt, or at len^t
National Thrift Is the Slogan
of the Day
TATISTICS Show- that the country today is prosperous.
Bank deposits have increased. Statisticians agree, how­
ever, that a period of depression is possible at^er the Eu­
ropean war. Wise people are preparing bv adding to
their bank balance?. Are you? If vou haven’t a bank account,
open one today. If you have a bank balance, make up your mind
to add to it. See us about your banking.
C lo v e rd a le , O rego n .
in a belt which he swore on his oath
came from Payne’s body.
Adams had so firmly re-estnhlislied
his position that his word was ac­
cepted ns the truth. Careful Investi­
gation of n man answering his descrip­
tion, hailing from Monk’s Corner,
Nebraska, and in the various kind9
and places of employment represented
by Adams was made, verifying his
Between Toko and Adams quite a
Jealousy sprang up, and between one
other person and the colonel's cele­
brated orderly a hostile feeling ex­
isted. This was Major Brent. The
major, who had satisfactorily ex­
plained the mu ill or affair, could not
get over the fact that Adams had
come back a heap in the estimation
of the government and the Dares.
It was Major Brent who, while
Adams was being examined by the*
g< r.oral army staff, tried to pierce lit-»
testimony full of holes and make him
out anything but a well-meuning and
patriotic fellow.
“You knew that the Canal defense
plans were In Captain Riyuc's belt
from the very beginning, didn’t you?’’
queried the major at that time.
“I d-didn’t,” answered Adams to the
“When did you discover them to be
concealed there?” interposed the chief
of staff.
“On the day Major Brent t-took
them from me.”
“In the hut of the old woman in
Adams nodded.
“Why then did you resist arrest and
conceal the Information you now
"I had n notion that I could k-kete'n
that there Sileut Menace. I wanted
to c-cop the credit. Alu’t that natural?
I jest let Major Brent think t-that I
was a Granadian spy.”
“But who other than you could have
given the Canal defense plans to Bo­
lero?” Interjected Brent, sarcastically.
“Why, the Silent Menace, him self!"
anxtf cred Adams in surprise at such a
“it was not you then?”
“I told you before it w-wasn't me,”
maintained Adams, his features flush­
ing in anger. “The Silent Menace
ain't been about i-lately—ever since
I shot Bolero.”
To th at suggestion there could be
only vague comment.
Major Brent fell silent and bided
Ills time.
“You’ll pH me yet, w-won’t you, mn-
Jor?” ironically inquired Adams one
day when the two were for a moment
alone in Colonel Dare's library.
The major eyed him ferociously.
"Y'ou may depend upon it, I will.”
“I'm terribly scared of you,” laughed
the orderly. “M-tne and Miss Bonn—
we’re afeared t-lo open our mouths.
Have you seen the lady l-lately? And
¡hat reminds me, m ajor—you’d give n
hull h-hcap to have Hint photygraph
back, wouldn't you? I ain’t n-no
blackmailer, bu t—”
Brent held up a protesting hand, f<xr
Miss D are was approaching.
Adams withdrew Into the hall. lie
cli urk led when he overheard Miss
Dare’s greeting.
“Thanks for the flowers. Thornton.”
She wore a beautiful and becoming
corsage. "It was as usual thoughtful
of you.” Then she changed the sub­
“I wonder» what has become of Miss
Bertha Bonn?" she asked, innorently.
“Miss Bertlm Bonn?” repeated Ma­
jor Brent, blankly.
“The girl we saved from Bolero.
I haven’t seen or beard of her since
we left the Grnnadian border.”
Adams lingered in the hailway, lis­
“I know nothing about her,” lied
Major Brent in the m anner of one dis­
missing an uninteresting subject.
“Will yon look her up?” persisted
Pearl, clinging to her theme.
“If you ask me to, yes.”
“Ohtatn her address, please. I’ll ask
her to call. I want to set her straight
“About what?" Brent faltered.
“Don’t pry troo women's secrets,
Thon.ton.” she warned In an arch
manner. “I may po> Ibly want to dis­
“Good L ord!” exciulmed Brent, try-
'ag to he comleal. hut failing utterly.
He was tn hot wafer and showed It
by m uttering something about Adams.
"Did you call me. ?,!!ss Dare?” In-
ferrnnf« 1 Adam*-, atidd^dy appearing
in th» doorway. IPs laughing eyes
were fastened upon the disconcerted
“I don't see hew you esn stand that
cy fcrprd gink aroood.” growled Brent
Thrift and Savings Deposits
AVIXGS in a way indicate (he degree ot prosperity of the
people. For example in America the average Saving»
"i’' Accouut is $47 0J; hut in benighted Africa, the savings
are less than twenty-five cents per inhabitant. Savings deposits
assure comfort and provide for possible futuie needs Saving» de­
posits are the arm ot financial power and »bow the degree of thrift
that the people have attained.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits
Established in il‘02
as Pearl dismissed tin* orderly with a Adams wine« <1 at tfi* ugly word.
“I wasn't tile t thief,” he denied. "1
kindly motion.
Pearl’s eyes opened wide, “He’s not kin explain n-nll that If l want to."
awkward. He’s handsome,"
“Tell It to the marines, Adam s!”
“You’ll rue It,” warned Brent, sigh­ she derided.
ing ns one who knows.
“W-why haven't you squealed on me.
Subsequently Adams, obtaining If you’re s-so sm art?”
l«*ave from Colonel Dare, went up­ “T hat’s what I call coming straight
town and paid nn unexpected call on to the point 1 told you u moment ago
Miss Bertha Bonn tn her apartm ent that 1 think wo can get on well togeth­
In the Hotel Wilton.
er. I’ll forgive you everything and
“On»h!" he exclaimed, feeling n Mt keep your secret forever, if you give
awkward in her luxurious sitting me back tny locket and Major Brent’s
room. "It m-must cost you n heap of photograph."
money to live here.”
After an uncertain pause; Adams
Bertha laughed and offered him a carelessly inquired: “What If t told
cigarette from tier gold ease, lighting you t-that I never seen that locket or
one herself.
photy? W would you believe me and
They sat.down.
still keep my—secret?"
“I knew- that you would come some­ “I don't see how I could do the
time. I’m not afraid of you any more, former, at least,” she retorted, in­
T. O. Adams. In fact, I believe that specting him curiously. “The latter,
we can g^t along well together,” site possibly—If only for, well let us call
began, eordlnlly.
* it a diplomatic reason,"
“What do you think I c-enme for?" . ‘ Let's git down to n b-bnsls," he
Inquired he, looking ot her steadily. I proposed after another silence. “You
"To talk with me nbotit M ajo r1
Brent's photograph and my locket," 1
Surrounded by
was her .frank and quick response.
“That's about It,” he admitted, show­
ing that he was a little surprised.
“I’d like f-to have that p h n ty .”
She did not seem to understand him.
“You would like to have It? H aven't
you got It?”
He ignored her question with a
“Didn’t you steal it from me and
then decoy Hie to the Granadian fron­
tier with a promise to return it If I
helped you out of that scrape when
they nearly had you caught at the
senate building?”
“I didn't,” he replied emphatically.
“Didn’t your messenger send me to
Senator Warfield's office with the
packet and note when everybody
thought that you had stolen the pre­
paredness budget?” the girl Insisted.
“Me w-wnsn’t my messenger. Did
you know the c-contents of that fgicket
and note before they were opened?'*
lie r reply gave hirn a start. “The
note, no. The packet—tt contained the
Canal defense plana. I recognized the
wrapper. m od naturally.”
His eye« narrowed. "And yet you
Met roe g et away with them plans —
yon saw me stuff them i-tn my po< ket
and hand over the budget Instead?”
The girl merely Dodded. “I knew
all the time that you were the thief
they were after."
Masked Figures.
think that I g got the locket and photy
•—that I'm t-the trouble maker, that
there Silent Menace what do you
think about M-tnnJor Brent?”
“You've bought hfm, body, mind and
soul—that’s why I'm your friend.”
Adams had difficulty In restraining
a desire to Inugii In he» face, for this
was not true. “YSu got it In f-for
him hard, ain't you? You’re Jealous
of someone, ett*?"
The abrupt question startled Rertha.
“Of Miss Dare, yes,” she admitted,
her eyes flashing. Then, with a catch
In her voice, “I’m afraid to analyze»
my real feelings for Thornton. To do
so might lend me into ra.-h behavior."
“You don't tn-mean to say you love
,“I hate him !” she began, Impetu­
ously; adding with doubt, “I think.”
“There Is something b-between yon
—something big?”
“There was something—big," she re­
sponded, her eyes fixed upon the floor.
“You know ail about that.”
Then ns the hush of twilight fell
upon them, Bertha told Adams of her
girlhood romance ns though »he were
repeating to him a familiar story; of
her fnnle attem pt to regain Brent's
affections; her threat to expos* him
to Captain I’nvne or Miss Dim*
through the medium of the locket
Continued on last page.