Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 12, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m a tte r, Nov-
l.tth, 1905 at the post office at C'lo-
v^ruale, Tillamook County, O regon,un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S c B s c a im o N R a t «
One Year, in a d v a n c e ........................ $1.00
Six M onths ...........
Three Months
Single C o p y .................................................05
A d v e r t isin g R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per
inch per m onth, single column. All
I ocal Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
$10 00
Homestead notices
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
J ob D epartment
My J o b D epartm ent ¡^complete in every
respect ansi I am able to do all kiuds
Commercial Jo b Printing on short
notice a t reasonable prices.
T H U R SD A Y . J U L Y 12, 1917.
Probably no F o u rth of J u ly address
was ever given t h a t created more fa­
vorable com m ent th a n the one given by
Colonel Roosevelt List F o u rth at Forest
Hills, Jjong Island. He pleaded with
th e people for a single sta n d a rd of
loyalty, and argued th a t th e re were
some who were not really treasonable,
according to law, were morally so.
Among other things Colonel Roese-
velt said : “ There can be no half and
half a ttitu d e in this war, and no ho n ­
orable m an can afford to take such an
a ttitude. We are bound by «very con­
sideration of loyalty and goad faith to
our allies, and any opposition to them ,
and any aid given to their and our e n­
em y, is basely dishonorable as regards
our allies and treasonable as regards our
own c o u n try .”
He said t h a t th e claim t h a t it was
n a tu r a l for A m erican citizens of G er­
m an origin to favor G erm any was " n o n ­
sense, and criminal nonsense to boot,”
and added, “ E ith e r a m an is an A m eri­
can and nothing else, or he is not an
A m erican a t all. We are akin by blood
and descent to most of the nations of
Europe, but w-e are se) arate from all of
them . We are a new and distin c t n a ­
tion, and we are bound always to give
our w holehearted undivided lovalty to
our flag, and in any international crisis
to tre a t e ie r v foreign nation purely ac­
cording to its conduct in tha t crisis. It
is both weak and wicked to permit any
of our citizens te hold dual or divided
allegiance, and it is just as mischievous,
just as un-A merican to d.scrim inate
against any good American because of
his birthplace, creed or p a re n ta g e .”
E laborating on tha t point and pro­
testing against the plan to exclude from
American Red Cross unite Americans of
G erm an or A ustrian parentage or des­
cent. Colonel Roosevelt said th a t if he
had been perm itted to raise a military
force for service in France m any of hie
officers would have beep chosen from
men of G erm an parentage who were u n ­
doubtedly Americans.
Colonel Roosevelt severely arraigned
those who eeek to excuse the acts ot
G erm any, “ our em bittered and enven­
omed foe,” by saying, “ we woeld be­
have in like m a n n e r if we had the op­
p o r tu n ity ,” and reviewed th e history of
th e Civil W ar in support of his conten­
tion th a t the utterance was “ infameus
“ C o n tra st the b rutality shown to­
wards women and children on the Lusi­
ta n ia , and scoies of other ships by the
officially directed G erm an subm arines,
with the A labam a’s action 50 year* ago,”
he coutinued. “ Semmes never destroy­
ed a veesel w ithout providing for the
safety of the passengers and crew. He
tu rn e d his own officers out of their cab­
in to put in th e quartere the women and
children of his foes, and onco when he
bad 700 prisoners and a prize be allowed
th e m to go in freedom on the vessel
ra th e r than to send them to a nearby-
port where there was yellow fever. Com­
pare these actions with the methodical
and organized brutality of the G erm an
m ilitary authorities in this war, and
th e n brand with sha m s the American
tra ito rs who seek to aid G e rm a n y by
asserting th a t we, if given tb e chance,
would be guilty of atrocities like those
ebe has com m itted ”
“ IM ore I conclude this speech I wish
to say one word on the in sta n t need of
today, July 4th, Independence Day, the
day on which the Nation was born and
was dedicated to th e cause of orderly
liberty and equal rights for a ll," be
“ There has just occurred in a N or­
th e r n city a most lam entable tragedy.
We who live els*eh«r< will do well not
to feel self-righteous about it. for it was
produced by causes which m ight at aav
tim e produce inst such results in any ot 1 reverently believe in facing truths by
• th e com m unities in which we dwell, officially acting on t tie knowledge gained,
j There have been race riots with dread- so th a t when order has beeu restored
| ful accom panim ents of wholesale m ur we can establish a peiuianent working
system of justice."
der and arson.
----- --- — -------- _ . . . .
" T h e first necessity is th a t th e Gov­ \
l’lasker Bros, for all kinds of plumb
e rn m e n t should use its stre ngth to stop
and to punish th e violators and once .ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til-
more to iustali th e ordinary in s tr u m e n ­ i lauiook. Ore.
talities of law a n d order, but this is nut
enough. The causes, social and indus­
For Sale.
trial, should be fearlessly and thorough­
A 2 h. p. m arine engi:;®, w ith shaft,
ly investigated, so th a t th e primitive wheel and Schebler carbureter. The
remedy may be found and th e investiga­ first check for $15 takes it. Can be seen
tion should blink no fact, however ugly. 1 at tbi' Courier other.
satisfy th e said ju d g m e n t;
1 will, on Monday, the 30th day of
July, 1917, at 10 o'clock in th e forenoon
of said day, a t the north front door of
the Court House in Tillamook City,
Oregon, sell at public auction to th e
highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described real premises, s it­
uated in th e Countv of Tillamook and
State of Oregon, tow it:
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
Paying $175 an acre, George Pering
Franklin .7. Miller, who has been se
er, one of the largest fa rm e rs in the lected by S e na tor McNarv for admis
cour.ty, bought the Jo h n La Roque sion in the governm ent s na'-al acad
a llotm ent on the Umatilla reservation. emy at Annapolis, is a son of Frank
Mrs. H e n rie tta B. W hitney, widow of J Miller, c h a irm a n cf the Oregon pub­
George M. W hitney, pioneer pastor of lic service commission.
Eugene who died in 1895, died at the
One hundred good road b u r s te r s cf
home of h e r daughter. Mrs. George A Yamhill county, representing Carlton.
W estgate, in Portland.
L afayette,
The "Made-in-Lebanon F a ir.” wes Sheridan, Amity and Yamhill, met in
largely a tte n d e d and was a decided McMinnville and organized a pe rm a n ­
success, both from the standpoint of ent good road association.
exhibits and producing funds for the
Attorney G eneral t’. rown has advlg
Chautauqua associaticn.
ed District A tto r n e y Gehlhar, of Mar­
Cal Neal, who is employed at the ion county, tha t the county may go
Oregon P o rtla n d cem ent quarries, a ahead and a d v e rtise for bids on the
few miles south of Roseburg, was construction of a new intercounty
killed alm ost instantly w hen he was bridge over the W illam ette river at
knocked b e neath some loaded ore cars. Sal^m. and that the contract betweeft
T he Sha.iiko wool sale, se t for J u n e Polk and Marion counties as to the
23. has been postponed to Ju ly 6. p a y m e n t for th e bride® holds good
Owing to the late, cold season and the
In view of the fact that nearly 6400
scarcity of shearers, not over half Oregon men have voluntarily entered
the Shaniko clip has been shorn to the national guard and the regular
army, Oregon f ill fepl the effect of
The P ortland commission of public
the selective draft but lightly. It is
docks has ta k e n steps to select the
probable on the basis of present e sti­
site of the $3,000,000 freight and grain
m ates that not more than 2000 Oregon
term inal voted at the la s t election, men of m ilitary age out of the 62,000
from among a score of a ailable loca­
who registered will be drafted.
D amage ru n n in g into the hundreds
Word ha s been received at Madras of thousands of dollars was caused
from Senator C ham berlain th a t the when the r e s e r - o l r of the Kilmaque
controller of the c urrency h a s approv­ Irrigation company, near Haines, went
ed the application for th e organiza­ out and the released w aters rushed
tion of the F ir s t N ational bank of in a wild to r r e n t through the U lla -e
of Rock Creek, destroying it a r d de­
Mies Lillian Tingle, principal of the v a sta tin g thousands of acres of fa rm ­
Benson polytechnic school for girls, ing territory in the a d ja c e n t i alley.
of Portland, will give up t e r position
P u n k a ? '- of :!•• fir-; ii ./ ailment of
to become head of the now d e p a rtm e n t a consignment- of fir luml or to build
of household a r ts in the U niversity yo wooden ships, obta nod by the
of Oregon..
E mergency fleet corp naiiou, obtained
Oregon schools ha ve responded no­ at $30 a thousand, was announced by
bly to the call to arm s. S tatistics C hairm an Denman, of the shipping
gathered by J. A. Churchill, su p e rin ­ board. The lumber was bought from
tendent of public instruc tion, show the 1'oos F a Lum ber company of Ore­
that up to the time of th e closing of gon and the co n tia c t calls for delivery
school a total of 1121 stu d e n ts ha'-e a t s' aboard.
enlisted e ith e r in the national guard,
The old m 'llta ry highway, between
the regular a rm y or tfie navy out of E n g in e arid Klaina.h Tails, now of
the high schools, colleges and univer­ fin a lly d
vied as the Willamette
sities of the state.
road because it follows the river of
The sta te highw ay commission, at a chat name for a great part of the dic-
meeting in Po rtla n d a tte n d e d by Com lance, will be opaned for the first time
m issioners Benson and Thom pson, de to automobile travel the latter part of
cided to defer any action looking to­ \ngi st according to an announcem ent
ward a definite road-building pro mad® by Clyde R. Seitz, supervisor
gram e until a fte r the s t a t e suprem e of the Cascade national forest.
court decides w hether th e sta te board
A co n tia c t for 10 m lR s of hard sur
of control can issue bonds under the 'a c e pavement, the first to be let un
Bean-Barrett law to m atch the $1,800,- tier the read bonding measure, a p­
000 of Federal money available.
proved at the Ju n e election, wa.<
T h a t the rodent poisoning cam paign aw arded by the s ’ate highway com
now being carried on by seven of the mission and the Umatilla county court
county pgricultural a g e n ts of Oregon to the W arren Construction company
with the co-operation of th e United for $119,120.42. The section of the
States biological survey will result in road to be surfaced is the first 1C
the saving of $300,000 w orth of food mil®s betw een Pendleton and the
crops from th e ra va ge s of harm ful sta te line.
rodents, is the belief of R. A. W ard,
As a result of the decision of the in­
who is r e p re se n tin g th e bureau of bio­ te r s ta te commerce commission In the
logical survey in this work in this 15 p®r cent freight ra te increase cases
C hairm an Frank J Miller of the Ore
George A W hite, a d ju ta n t general gon public service commission experts
of the Oregon national guard. Inform the railroads in Oregon which have
ed sheriff! of the state, at the s h e r ­ asked for 15 per cent Increase on all
iffs' convention In P ortland, tha t In in tr a s ta te freight ra te s to abandon
recognition of tbe>r good wmrk in their general applfea'tons and endeav­
handling the w a r census. G overnor or to get Increases in the ra te s on c e r ­
W ithycombp has confirmed recom ­ tain classes and commodities, which
m endations th a t c ounty registration mi£ht be able to stand higher rates.
boards shall pass on exem ptions from
m ilitary se rv ic e when selective con-
Notice of Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given, th a t pursuant
■crirtion begins in Oregon.
“ No com pany will be pe rm itte d to t.o h u n t of < xei ution iesued out of tbe
Circuit Court of tbe Rta'e of Oregon,
operate in this sta'® unless it protects for the Countv of Tillam ook, dated t he i
its policyholders by s e tfing aside suf­ I 22nd day of Ju n e , 1917, upon a jndg-
ficient re se rv e to c a rry Ita liabilities, nerd re n d e re d in said Court on t i e
and keeps Its o p e ra tin g expenses - 25i<1 day of Novem ber, 1916,in an action
w herein \V. G. 1M igbt wa« plaintiff and ¡
within a re a so n a b le am o u n t,” says In , R. A. Knoblocb and Ed Knnbloch were j
su rsn e e C om m issioner H arvey Wells ■ defendants, in f*v<<r of the «aid plaintiff
in the ninth a n n u a l re p o rt of the In­ , md »gainst the defendants in tbe «urn
surance d e p a rtm e n t, which has Just j of one hundred ami ninety and 30 100 |
been Issued. "T h e new Insurance law , dollar®, with intere*-* thereon at the
I rate of eight per c®nt pei annum fr-mi
ia effective as of May 21, 1917.” says Giguat 7th. liMfl; in the further sum of
Mr Wells, and it la one which will $25.00 a ttorne y's b ea anil costs and dis-
give protection lo the citizens, as well I bnrsement« in said action allowed at |
as agents and c o m p l i e s who are con f i b 20. wbicn «aid execution i« directed ,
to me as sheriff and com m ands me to
ducting business in a legitim ate mao *el! th e real property attached in «aid
action and here m a tte r described to j
All th e right, title and interests of the
said defendants in and to the southwest
qua rte r of the northeast quarter, the
west half of the southeast q u a rte r and
th s southeast q u a rte r of the southeast
qua rte r of section th irty -th re e , in to w n ­
ship four south, range ten west of the
W illam ette meridian.
\V. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
Are You Going East this
Three Fine Trains Daily
Connecting at San Francisco with
through service to the East via
Ogden and New Orleans
For In fo rm a tio n
Time Tables, Etc., ca ll on our fig en t
or u-r/te
J o h n M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
P o r tla n d , Ore.
outhern Pacific Lines
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, hut none
more especially than in
Our large stock in in every instance the Lest that can be had
and our aim wiii be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware j
Stoves, Ktmges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a firel-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., timas«.»* j
Correspondence Lessons in
f)annont> anb Compos if ton
Composer, Teacher and Director
All musicians, w hether director, te a c h e r,
pianist or vocalist should u n d e rsta a d H a rm on)'.
Instruction in this branch ot study should,
whenever possible, be taken from an e x p e rt
teacher. However, it is not always convenient,,
nor possible for one to leave town and study in ’
person with such a teacher.
For the accommodation of such Dr. Alfred
Wooler, of Buffalo N. Y., has ;>erfeclod a m ost
thorough co u rse in H a rm ony and Composition
tha t is simple, conns® and practical, which ha
trachea aacceaaiully by mall.
If interested, write for prospectus and rates
Q tffv eb T2 ?oofer, Q Y lue. © o c .
8uite C, 322 West Utica St.,
P . \ 8 . —Dr. Wooler also Correct« a m a te u rs' musical composition«, and
writes music to poem*. Those desiring auch service m u s t send their
M. S. or poem for estim ate of cost. Price* are resonable.