Mr. ami Vira. 11. N. Bulky, who were m arried l iât week Tuesday at Tillamook Everybody busy having (his week. liv liiv . Y ou el, will leave tomorrow Fltner Earl left Tue»day for Dundee j m orning fur Salmon, Idaho, where they will m ake th e ir home. to visit Janie* W hitm an. W. A. Wise, dentist. T he rates at the Louvre restaurant in D on't forget th e sugar sale at the i Tillamook are no higher th a n a t other Cloverdale Mereantile Co.'» Mr and Mr* it. A. Mile*, of Wood*, sa tin g plane* and the tables are a* in vitiog and the edibles ax .ippctizilig ax ware Cloverdale visitors tixlay. those \o u find in tin- larger cities. Bv aperlal request Rev. J . A. M c W g h Mr. find Mrs. Carl i-hort ridge an toed ajiet’c a t Hebo «nine night next week. to Salem Sunday returning Sunday New and second-hand furniture at the evening. They were accompanied hum« Tillamook F a rnD ur« Co., Allan Page, by th e ir sou Ja c k , who Lax, fur the past Prop. live weeks, been enjoying a visit with T he Cloverdale Mercantile Co., Inr his grandm other a t (lie la tte r place. will pay 36 cent« a dozen fot your fresh The C hataqua a t Tillamook this year ra n c h eg:;». will be a feast of good things, th e like F l y Sugar S p r a y Sugar W hat are vou doing to protect your cows from th e flies'* You are loosing a Sugar share of your profit if you neglect to« protect your cow* troui th e flies. Come in and get a can of any one o f « the best Spray* to be found on the m arket for uee against Flies, d o n ’t wait begin now. 600 Sacks in Stock at Mr*. J . L. Iatwrence returned home of which has never been had in the W ednesday from the Keetncca Valley county. Make a r ra n g e m en ts to attend all th e ente rta in m e n ts. Season tickets Hospital. }2 60, high school stu d e n t's tickets $1.50. The Reliable Druggist, “ Out boys” of the Conat Guard have They cun be had a t the Courier oflit*. received their call and will leave for e n ­ Cloverdale, - - Oregon. We can sell you a first-class range at c a m p m e n t the 2 i t b . a price much lower th a n you can buy WOODS ITEMS. Season tickets for th e C hataqua to he one elsewhere. We are direct agent* h* ld a t Tillamook, J u ly 18 to 23 on sale for th e m anufacturers, tiie Portland Pacific City, although not celebrating at the Courier ottice. Stove Works, and you save the eastern ou the F o u ith , bud many visitor* Mrs. F rank Owens and family left h e ig h t and th e middle m a n 's profit. Mr. Hill, who has charge of the plan­ with their auto yesterday morning for Tillamook F u rn itu re Co , Allan Page, ing mill at Sheridan, ami Mr. Cutler, New berg and P o rtla n d . Prop. th e Superintendent, w ith their wive*, • For Sale— Ranch of 150 acres at Mrs. Charles Blum m et w ith a very were visitor* at Pacific City thi* week. Woods, with some stock. Gilbert serious accident last Friday while c a n ­ Mrs. C utler 1 * the youngest d a u g h te r of j BeUeque, Woods, Oregon. ning fruit. W hile screwing the lid an a Dr. Montgomery. l»an Fletcher held th e lucky num ber Mason fruit jar it broke and c u t her Mr. Fisher has become tb e proud ami curried away the phonograph given hand. She was brought to the hospital Dr. Wise will be a t his Cloverdale | ow ner of an autom obile. It i* reported where Dr. Shearer dressed the wound, by th e Cloverdale Mercantile Co. office every Monday evening and all j b u t she wns so weak from th e loss of th a t he ha* ceased m ilking cow* and th ro u g h the day Tuesday and longer if Mr. and Mrs Dee Moon and Jo h n ! blood th a t she was obliged to remain will hereafter run the machine. required until fu rth e r notice. Those M pen left W ednesday morning in their th e re until the ne x t day. H arvev Montgomery ami wife made desiring dental work done can make Ford for a trip to P ortland and Seattle Hev. Jos. McVeigh is still on the job th e 'r father a short visit th is week. He a p p o in tm e n t by telephone. J . E. Cochran, who has been traveling a t the Cloverdale Presbyterian church is yard foreman at the Sheridan mill through California and southern Oregon and next Sunday evening his subject and reports a n unusual rush of business th e past th re e m ouths, returned home will be “ A nother M a n ’s Wife.” This, ther*. to lay. Leland B. Erwin however, will n o t be a sensational Thi meeting a t Oretown last Sunday The Louvre for an app< t i l 'n g lunch or serm on, as it m ight appear from the was enj.ived by all. and such a d in n e r i d in n e r C ounter and table s* rvice. title, lu the m orning his subject w ill wns served at th e c hurch a* cnly can be | W hen in Tillamook n ext time try the j be “ Tbe Drink T h a t Satisfies.” Couie found in Oregon. At the m o r u ir g j Diploma from the Chicago j to both services and lieur two good ser\,.?e when Dr. Montgomery asked for I Louvre. Musical College klis* GohH • Wilson b it Tues D y for serniOcs delivered bv a man who knows a te xt be was given John 3 3. Among | ' how. Will be in Cloverdale on T h u r s ­ the visitor* present were Mr. and Mr*, i California where she will be the guest day of each week. «»f h e r sister, Mrs. t r e d K rc u ts of The governm ent needs farmers as well Alwiu Blum, of Pleasant Valiev, th e ir! Those desiring to ta k e les­ Fellows. as fighter*. Two million three thousand children and Mr. Blum 's m other. Clias, sons please engage a lesson period Blum, wife ami children, were also acres of Oregon A California Railroad M rs. Clarence llu e h le e k returned now. Leave word at th e Cloverdale present. Hotel or write me at Tillamook. Monday fiom a visit in Tillamook. She Co. g ra n t lands. Title revested in * Why not spend next Sunday at Nos- I 2 was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. U nited States. To he opened for h o m e ­ Terms $J.OO Per Legjon. steads and sale. C ontaining some of kowin, th e M ontgom ery-N orthrup band W ebb and family. o tb e be*t land left in the United States, will hold a morning service there. All Mrs. .1. M. T r a i l e r und children, who l.urge copyrighted m a p showing land by I aie cordially invited. have hceu visiting Air. 1 ruxlcr for the sections and description of soil, climate, The other evening th e re was q u ite a puxt tw o weeks, left fur th e ir Portland rainfall, elevation*, te m p e ra tu re etc., nice display of fire works on the beach hom e th is morning. | bv counties. Postpaid one dollar, and Tuesday ir’ght a merrv pa rty were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. C h a p m a n of the ( ¡ r a n t Lands Locating Co., I L i (¡10 toasting marshmallow s dangerously near Portland, I)iegon. Oregon Voter, Portland, were pleasant ihe breakers. callers a t the Courier otllee Wednesday. | F ire s tn Oregon during J u n e caused Service* Sunday night at the Chapel. They were enroute to Neakowiu. ! a loss of $C 4,1*20. Subject: “ W hat N e x t.” Ti v th e Ramsey bot**l the next tim e T he fifth annual C hau ta u q u a opened It is reported th e re were 74 ticket* you visit Tillamook. The dining room lu Dallas Tuesday. servi e is the best tha t can be had M olallus two-day celebration and sold a t the «lance S a tu rd a y night. Quite a showing for Pacific City. Table* an I lunch counter gervice. round up was a huge success. WM. A. HIGH $9.00 Per Sack GET A SAGE OR TWO WHILE IT LASTS Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc PIANO INSTRUCTION CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIG Tho Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide Lyseptic is completely ed ita b le in water. A t« axpoon full to one q u a r t of water is th e average stre n g th to be used for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants, wound*, cut*, nail punctures, mange, hoof rot, mnd fever, lice, flea*, dandruff, sham poo, bei.ig of a soapy n a tu re proves very effective for w ashing th e a n im a ls’ and stable utencils, and if used in g e n ­ eral, improves stable conditions, infect­ ion, am ong cattle, abortion, foul dis­ charge and externally to prevent th e spread of diseases. CHAS. I. CLOUGH, RMiahiflUruagist, Tillamook. Ore. Closing Out The entire 4 stock of the W, A. Williams Harness store at Tillamook thrown T h e e a s te r n Oregon s ta te conven­ Dick Ward returned from Newherg ttie first of the wetk. lb reports E ve r­ tion of C hristian ch u rc h e s was held e tt l.a ndingha m is confined to hi* bed In La G rande. S tr a w b e rrie s a re growing so large all of th e tim e now and ver> weak. lu llu rrisb u rg tha t IS of them fill au The Kaiueey Hotel a t TiPatucok « ordinary berry box now u nde r th e m a n agem ent of Mrs. Actual construction on the K lam a.b Goldie S tephenson, formerly of Condon, Palls municipal railway commenced at Oregain Tf « dining room of thw hotel K lum ath Kalla Friday. has been opened un i th a t popular hotel T he te n th a nnual three day conven­ is attain enjoying A good business. The tion of the Oregon C hiropractic asso­ n-w propi ieti *-« invites the people of ciation was held in Portland. this ‘e tij of th e countv to m ake the W ork on the new $14 000 addition U s iu 's y t h e 'r h e a d q u a rte rs wtieti in to the chapel of the Oregon notinai T .la m o o '. i school at Monmouth has started. on tho m irkot. Married. Married at the home of the bride'* parent*, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sm ith, Miss F sth e r D u rh a m to Rot Schultz, of racorna, by Elder II. V Blalock. The souiig couple left Tuesday for Tacoma where the groom is employed in one of the shipyard*. The C o n n e r jsins w ith th e ir m any friends in wishing ttn u i n nl «.in n« led happiness Mi. Bauer, of Alton», an old tim e resi­ lient of tin« Nestucea Valley, was in Cloverdale today and m ade the Courier olliee a pleasant call. This line consists aot only of saddlery good* but also Fishing Tackle, Flash Fights, Bitterie?. Oiled Clothing’. Pocketbooks, Razor Strops, Cutlery and Zerolene all to he sold at 20 per cent cut, except on Gasoline. # W. A. WILLIAMS, Tillam ook, Oregon T Phone The Military Girls at Chautauqua ! Us Y o u r D r u g S to r e ----------------------—----------------------—----------------------------------------------- ---- ------------Q Wants J& ELPO M a day pa- *<•* t h a t y. n do not w ant som ething in drug •tore supplies. Don't let cold, sto rm y weather «*r slushy i«>a * keep ven from having it. IXm’f put yonr«elf t* inconvenience t * get it. Ju*t telephone u* ami we'll deliver it at »tice Don’t think you are Troubling U 3 —We seek that Kijd cl Trouble. Lot* of inopie buy Ale d icim * F olci Articles, Candi«-*, Perfumes, etc., of il* ever» lay by ‘phone. We send for an I deliver porter»plions. Your or. ■ r receive* the sum * p rom pt and careful a tte n tio n .i* though you came to the »lore iu poison Try Telephone Shopping LAMARS DRUG STORE Tillam ook, O regon a- AUK Military Girl*’ a! aging orrbea- tra. Bove.ty tlrM. ilium corps, melai s c of Irresistible feminini­ ty a V to ubre two sparkling program s U n the th u d day of the Kllison-White t'b a u ta u q iia s th is sntn..ier. T here are [ six of these hrwltotal*v idrls. and they are glowing w ith first honor» from i ne of the largest o f the E a ste rn C h a u ta u ­ qua» last *sas««n. T he M ilitary Girls are rated very high as an orchestra. Then, while tbelr a sto n ish in g spec tat­ tles h a r e all the snap, splash-dasb of a girl galaxy vaudeville headliner, the utmost refinement pervades th ro u g h ­ out. The Military Gtrla Just bubble happi­ ness. th a t ’s all.