r PEARL OF THE ARMY Continued In m lir-t one obtained n clear glimpse of his face during these rapid contortions and ever changing postures. Adams would have been recognized for It was he. T he other man’s face was not ex- Hut the resem blance .vas to Toko, who In real­ ity 1 was. lit (tail lost the card, evaded ids guide ami returning to the scene ran squarely into the colonel’s mysterious orderly. Atlums resisted tils opponent stub­ bornly and vulluntly, but by a trick v a s Anally laid low. T h e noise of his fell and the sound o f u pistol shot oocu -red simultaneously. lie lay for n moment .1 untied. When he strug- ■: to hln foet he caught sight o f a ho:- > and rider speeding toward cover and then, blinking bis eyes, he found Pearl D are confronting him pointing a revolver at his head. W ithout removing Ills eyes from the h a n d o f the weapon, he felt for the posed even to Adams himself. Adams and Pearl Plan to Escape. belt smiling slowly when his hand came In contact with It. Then he yawned, stretched his limbs and point­ edly ignoring her threatening attitude, beat the dust out of his clothes with Ins hat. As he s to o d upright, the rim o f a Mood red s in emerged upon the horizon and night tied before the rapid npproueh of a new day. “Wur.l. little lady, w-what h er 1 got that gun against me f-fo r? You're not going to s save my skin one minute and shoot me t-the next, a re you?" be m ked. perplexed. “1 don’t know exactly what I'm go­ ing to do with you until I ask a few question.-'." she began sharply, keeping him covered. "W ho was iluit m an?” "T h a t’s whnf 1 in mighty near found ou t," he replied, ruefully. "1 don’t I now w-what he was tlghtln' me fer. \ ou came J.«*t in the n-nlek of tim e." He tapped the belt. "M ehbe tills." "N aturally,” she replied with Irony. "Everybody seems to want that belt— you mote than anyone el»e. Why did you present me with It and while 1 was asleep steal it from me? If it is true that it la longed to Captain Payne, which you aver. It must conceal some mystery In connection with the crim e o f which his guilt h a s never been made clear to me.- and I atu determined to know Its s e c r e t!" He looked at her steadily. "T h is ain 't no t-tlm e to talk about s tucli tilings. "D on’t eq u iv ocate!" s h e cxeluluicd. Irritably. " I f 1 can't make you apeak, I Can n u k e you do something els®. Collie the belt—let me have it." "Now's not fl s-snfe tim e," he rea­ soned. He pointed In cxasperatlou to a cloud o f sand Just ahead. "Com e o n !" Grasping her by the arm, ho started to pull her into the b u s h e s . In an utu'ontrolnhle stubbornness I v:\r1 broke away from him and. be- for< be knew what she was doing, faced with rush courage a band nf iiruitd Granadians swooping down m*- ou tile'll. She realized her m istake Immediately. Hat it was too lute. They received the shots from her re- v«.l\. r mu. h ,s tt,. > would la n e re- garded a rain of |tebbl®s and before Adaa .- cvuld lotiT fer 0 they overflow- eri d and spini away with the girl In their possession. He plui .god headlong. hut Uselessly, a fter tlniu for n while. T h . n he stopped and sw**pt the bori- sou u llll anxious «•» »‘S. Hi* exprea- Gou of al;.m i Installi! y «r h t aged to an almo st boyish »mienflW>.s. For high over the arid was;»* in fhos,. Gruna- than dunes among whi< h llie m iriiu- der* ill sopì“ 11 r o d - !i In s ward, he b»*- beld a fam iliar bird- Ilk e shape. All army air scout was on the hunt for Peni 11. lie waved his hat. >. tiled r , ’untod to an elevation am) » nl* end'avorvd lo ai tract th«* flyer's «tt»'tuiou. T he blnl-m an had lo raili­ era. A war® only tha t tn’ had di scov­ er«il and In turn hvi*n ai «covered by them and unaware 1»f the luindnent 1 * *»‘ to wh- k hv W w i • X .- vS iL.g t h ® colonel’s daughter of whom he saw no trace, he hurtled a torrent of destruc­ tion earthw ard. Itlders, wild-cyc-d and pallid with terror, dashed about helter-skelter, some toppling. Here and there both horses and rr:*n were stricken down by the flying dt ith. in a twinkling those escuj ing b u d t i e d the spot. I Th ■•» cam e the clim ax i®id Adams stood transfixed. A bullet from a Granadian ritle in o r steady than the r e s t struck the aviator, wounding him mortally. T a e machine glided to the ground and Its occupant lunged out of the s> at in a dying condition. Pearl cam e running up from behind same boulders. She did not hesitate. Adams knew that she was an accom ­ plished flier and when he saw tier quickly don the dead man’s goggles and car-mufflers and Invest h erself iu his coat her Intentions needed no ex­ planations to him. Showing him self to her for the first time, he grasped the unexpected chance and gave the machine a push, »nvoluntarlly Pearl opened the levers and started the engine. In another mo­ no nt she was soaring toward the American border. Alone for the moment in a region h f • ted with the lurking and rapu- cion® border foe Adams now did sev­ eral queer things. From among the apparel of dead G ranadians strewn about he collected a wardrobe and dis- | appeared behind some bushes to change ids clothes. T h ere was something startlin g in the change v lieu he reappeured. Armed from the holster of one of the dead raiders and drawing the prized bolt a little tighter, around his Waist, without looking to right or to left, he slunk out of view with the a ir o f a p c son who knew what he was ubout, where he was going and at ease In the garments he wore. Ati hour la ter a fte r a dogged tram p through n changing landscape, he cam e upon a hut ut an abandoned silver mine, li e entered without hesitation. He swept the spare and dirty interior with u cold glance. In a corner crouch­ ’d a hug of a frightened woman. “Get u p !” he ordered, bluntly. “I'm half sta rv ed !” T he aged G ranadian tottered to her feet, cringing before a m aster. Tfn-n »•: me another surprise. Ilis Graundlan was fa u ltle s s ; nor now was there stammering iu his speech. A fter a breakfast of bacon and cof­ fee. Adams had a long talk with the woman and sent h er Into another room ■ommuuding h er to rem ain there until lie called fo r her. li e removed ids belt when lie was sure tliat he was alon« and unobserved, and opening a secret compartment lx hind the buckle took out the Canal d efense plans. He fell to studying and wondering over the blank sheet o f paper for which chem icals to render It legible were lackltig. Midday arrived b efo re h'.s solitary m editations w ere concluded. During luncheon he had another long talk with the woman.» the su b ject o f which pertained to Hole ro. his movements and the attitude of the people of that section toward h is ambit lens to over­ throw the ruling party o f G ranada and seat him self in the presidi ntlal elmlr. T he woman was well informed. H er shack was in an is luted and sequest- cd location. It wns a safe place for porsonngi s in any faction besetting (hat turbulent country to iiff'et and hatch political schem es. idle wns a C astlllinu. She had been very beautiful in the gentle days. T h e noble Diaz of M exico hud often said so to tier. She told Adams; o f rem ote and pic­ turesque things, o f laces and rullles, of lev» s, ot v a lo r; and i l l s volatile im ­ agination dwelt pleasantly iu the courts and gardens o f a ghostly royal­ ty. when out of these stirring shadows of long ago tlucre loomed upon the threshold a tle>di and blood figure o f today. M ajor Hreut stood there, his eyes dilating. "H ands up. Orderly A d am s!" cried Itt'cnt, covering him. "D rop that gun! You have ex j used yourself at lust ut.d are under a r r e t * !" Adams held Ms nerve. " I may b ’ under arrest and 1 w-won’t resist you." he said, low ering his w eapon; "but I'm n-ta t go ji g along with you. 1 g g u e s s you're going tl«> give m ■ ten minutes alone. M aj a l ’.r« nr." A »1 he indicated to th e officer to step luside. motioning the woman to retire. Som ething in the fa ce of Ad ams mad® Itrent c< usent to that ten min­ utes' Interview , l i e cam e iu and closed the door with a I ang. Adams openori the conversation. "U h a t ' s t-tlm; I vk> ’ of Hcrthn Honn's containing your photy w-woith to y wi ?" "W h at locfcet— what 1 ’ < m graph?" demanded l i m i t v o h sudden fear. "T ry that s • cm *!’ >ut on M -« Ih ireT ’ cxelaliinsrl A« h e ns, laughing in h .s fuo®. "You ca n ’t put it o over on ! ie. 1 g-gnj your number. M ajor R rcnt. JY b at w ill you pay 111-iu® for it? " At the expiration of the ten minri’ e Interview A lajcr B ren t left the shack alone. He carried with hliu the sup pojvtj. belt of thlt a sense of disap- point merit and uneasiness in not find­ ing I'eu rl D are there to lueet him. It hud been so arranged when upon her exciting return in the a ir machine, he, seeing his opportunity to play upon her emotions In a spectacular manner, had volunteered to head the force hastily dispatched in search o f the colonel’s orderly upon the inform ation conveyed 10 her fa th er in the amazing experi­ ences she related. He wondered why she was not on the look-out. His vanity was hurt. Moreover his conscience, none too easy during the homeward dash, pricked him unm ercifully. Assembling his little command o f tired and dusty men upon the drill allian ce making of I ’uyuo th eir dui*e was a myth, a m ental fan tasy o f her own. Furtherm ore, her disappoint­ ment in the ch a ra cter of Adams was more personal than she cared to let h erself believe. T h e man had got a strange hold upon her. And now again entered into the lives and careers of these two people that Invisible evidence of a dom inat­ ing and controlling destiny so often before in crucial moments revealed. F.re the train had proceeded many miles it was attacked and held up while cross­ ing th e ltio G ranada. T h e m ajor was 1 ! ; 1 slightly wounded and unable to ren­ der any assistan ce to P earl who with the paper in her possession was ab­ ducted. W hen P earl collected h er scattered wits, she missed the paper a t once and found h erself In an automobile which w as racing along a desert trail. T he driver wore wet cloihcs. On the Hour near her feet a wet black muffier Pearl Hulls Revolver on Adams. lay. She picked It up— recognizing it Sh e started away with a counte­ ns the one used on sm li occ isions bv nance hiding a full and sorrowful the Silent M enace. Then she caught h eart. Could she longer refu se to ac­ sight of her companion's face. cept th e seemingly irrefu tab le evi- “T o k o !” she exclaim ed ia u tter as­ »lence o f the guilt of Captain Payne ton ishm ent; for It was her chauffeur. with the discovery w ithin his own Toko turned a grim visage toward army b elt? She wondered whether, her. a fte r all. the existen ce of a foreign EN D (IF s i x t h e p i s o d e grounds, he hastily reviewed, thanked and dismissed them. They rode eag­ erly to the stables, surrounded a t once by com rades asking a volley of ques­ tions which they, knowing nothing, could not answer. M ajor Hrent, turn­ ing his horse over to a stablem an, walked across the intervening space to the commandant’s quarters. T h ere he announced him self in the custo­ mary way. A moment la ter he pre­ sented him self to Colonel Dare, who was closeted with I ’eurl and the Mor­ mon army scout. } Hi saw at once that something was !• wrong ¡uid fe a r chilled his heart. The ^ scout slouched away upon a word from I ♦ the colonel who sat at the command- | * an t’s desk Ignoring B ren t, not even • acknowledging Ids presence. His at- ! X tention was fixed upon a lady ’s visiting j * FOR- curd. It was B erth a’s. ! X B ren t shot u sw ift glance at P earl. ; f PROFESSIONAL CARES H er buck was turned toward him. 1 ' __________________________________ He advanced Irresolutely, exhibiting j J to them the evidence of the su ccess of j® Tillamook Abstracting Co his undertaking. j r T ho ». C o a t e s . P k k siu k n t . Presently the colonel lifted h is eyes | • and soberly regarded B ren t. “M ajor,” J COMPLETE SE T OK ABSTRACT BOOKS -AND— ¡s a id he, fin ally ; " I wish you would ♦ OF TiLLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. read this card before we proceed to j * TILLA M O O K C IT Y , O REG O N . h ear your report." j Brent stepped forward and took the ! g Safe and Comfortable I card from the colonel. Ilis frigid re- ! ® T.H. GOYNE, ' ception had schooled him for the un- | * > Leave Cloverdale daily at < xpected and his composure was per­ i 7 .3 0 a. m . arriving at Tilla- fect. He read the words penciled monk at 10 a. in — in time for I thereupon. T h e coloned and l'ea rl Conveyancing, E tc . * morning tr ain to Portland. lmd their eyes fixed on him. "T h ese words are true, whoever the I Leave Tillamook at 3 p . m . i Opp Court House, Tillam ook. Ore. j woman th a t wrote them may b e." said 1 arriving at Cloverdale at 5 J Brent, steadily, raising his eyes to * ]>. m . ‘ 1 theirs. "F o r Miss D are's sake 1 am £ J M. T R A X L E R , Prop * very sorry Indeed, and also fo r your X » 0 ® C > 0 *•»♦< ?*« • < © ♦ » * 1 own colonel. You both trusted the f | J fellow' im plicitly.” Both the colonel and his daughter W rite for I.iteratarre. . turned and gazed nt him curiously, i Then Pearl, a tinge o f surcssui In TIL L A M O O K . - - OREGON I voice, ex claim ed ; "T o whom do you re fe r? I trust you more than any man on ea rth except A. C. EVERSON Tiliamcok, Ore. f a th e r !” 1 TIL LAMOOK. O R E . "1 shall hold you to th a t." lie re­ L. S. HUSEBECK Projrietor. sponded, gravely. “F o r o re foolish •> moment 1 was absurd enough to think that you. like the card ».-eferreil to the Insufferable Adams." To bis sup» rlor officer in u form al D in in g Room run on F u m i ’ v Style See mo for realty dials. way he concluded; Meals 25c. “Adams, sir. I beg to report Is a Q Jìce Ground Floor Bi ll Phone 53-J j Granadian spy anil is still a t la rg*\ National Bid. P. O. Box 147 j There, however, are the C anal d ef ense 1 p la n s !" He deposited the docu'aient W ith R ollie W at-on j and also the b«*lt on the desk and/^tood ! at attention. i Chagrin and apology were w ritten upon their faces. II»* smiled good hu- Tillamook Undertaking Co. 1 moredl.v. T h a t night M ajor B ren t and Miss R. N. H FN K F.L , Proprietor. D are were dispatch»*»! to W e llin g to n Night and Day calls 1 with the recovered m ilitary piy.ier T he !.. V. E B E R H A R D . M anager. promptly attended. president him self had telegraphed Com plete Set of A bstracts of the Record® Pearl to accompany the m a jf.r so that I S ix th f treet at Second Avenue F ast of Tillamook fo u iiy r. Qregon. he might hear her story from her own « lips. - - OREGON' T IL L A M O O K . - - OREGON TIL L A M O O K . Ì (iU’t the habit. IU‘ad TAKE the story now run­ I TEE WHITE AUTO ning in the Courier, i STAGE then see the show oil Saturday night. Tillamook- Cloverdale A ll Way l\>ints ATTORNEY AT LAW F. R. BEALS REA L ESTATE £ The Todd Hotel Money to Loan Real Estate Abbacy Rooms50 an! 75 Cents,Special j Rates 6y the Week. HL (o I D PEVTON G R AVELY • MADE T H E F l f S T PLUG OF TO BAC C O T H A T EVER’ WAS M A D E Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. .CL GRAVELY« CELEBRATED NO M A N EVER MADE AS G O O D Chewin