Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 28, 1917, Image 4

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Continued tioin first page
"'hen her lingers touched lil« revolver,
• hitched It; h i k J she held him at bay
before he quite comprehended what
had transpired.
The place suddenly filled with Bo-
lerolsts, one of whom knocked the
weapon to tin* floor, too greatly ex­
cite (I to pay further heed to her. Tin;
Oyi ig revolver fell near where was
o f«
ah< ail, and alter proceeding a short
distance complete darkness enveloped
them. The atmosphere reeked of foul
water somewhere near. Wuter itself
was trickling toward them, and they
came to a sudden stop, startled by
rumbling noises. The earth quivered.
Was that an earthquake shock?”
arfl.i’d Pearl, tr» tabling.
Adams gave her hand a quick pres-
sin ». ".N'o’m.” Tin* phenomenon was
a familiar oiu* to him. "Them’s s-shells
burstiu’. There’s mi artillery action
over our heads, wherever that may
<e li!
Tli y'n* shelling the
Granadians outa America!”
"I wish they would shell us out 0 1
here!” exclaimed Pearl, Impatiently.
“V. lint's that I see in front of us?”
"'1 hut's the only way we’ll ever g-git
out,” wus his Ului.t rejoinder. Then
lie ottered an exelamati n. A rising
stream of wat' r was flooding toward
them. "Doggone! I know where we
he— we're under t-the- river at.the old
waterworks near the d-dain. A can­
Tillamook Abstracting Co
Re roe*!
I ceeded In establishing their exact
whereabout» and the movements of the
contending forces. Once started, hew-
ever, he saw the folly of eudeavoriug
T hus . C oatks . P rimi dent .
to chunge their course,
i In u little while they were some­
where in the Urunudiun foothills.
The crash of guns and the shouting
of men nmv ceased. The crack of the
rifle of Some sniper on either side was
; heard ut longer intervals. The lurid
light began to fade from the sky.
There came upon the two silent fugi­
I tives in the Granadian woods the su­
pernatural stillness that follows a
Conveyancing, Ltc.
clash of arms. Queer sounds arose i
uad shadows crept toward them.
Opp. Court House,
Tillamook, Ore.
They hud reached the edge of a
steep precipice down which led a rough !
trnil to a ravine. Peurl came out of
her reverie.
“Are we followed?” she asked, un­
Adams startled her by leaping to the
Write for Literature.
ground. lie drew from the saddlebag
a revolver and handed It to her. Then TILLAM OOK.
In; took the trooper’s carbine in his
own hands. Tlie soft patter of the —
shoeless hoofs of Uranudiau ponies
was unmistakable.
“W e’re t-trapped,” he said, bluntly.
"It's sure trouble for us t-to turn and
;<> back. You've got to take .a chance
»n that incline! I’ll s-stay here and
•hunt ’em off. If they k-ketch me, all
the better for you.” He indicated a
blanket and a pup-tent in the troop­
er’s outfit on the horse. "You’ll git
good and warm wrapped up in them
She laid a small, icy hand in his
warm one. "The belt?” she interro­
gated. “Will you give it to me?"
£ee me for realty deals.
soft, purring voice in foreign accents
whispered in his ear:
**J»o not turn, señor. It would he
dan,:cron*. You d< sire to efface Ber-
tha Bonn from your life; eh, señor?
Ah! Thai will lie easy and at no In­
convenience to the major. It will hap­ flung and tied a bit! -to unobserved
pen tonight. If the señor officer, who second prisoner, lb- r../led over mid
desires the* colonel's daughter to for­ covered it with bis writhing body, it
get forever about Captain I'uynu Mill was Adams. He also was bound,
i The newcomers crowded around
follow the written directions."
The voice ceased. The shadow faded. their leader, shouting and gesticulat­
"Tin* Gringos— they are upon
Brent sat as still as stone for a sec­ ing.
In their haste and affright they
ond. When he looked at tout no one
was within immediate talking distance. literally dragged the proto.-ting Bolero
He put on his hat, paid his hiil, Into a narrow tunnel.
The eyes of Pearl and Adams met.
and stepped outdoors. Here lie almost
In that tense moment tie was
ran over a little halfbreed girl, who,
to his surprise, thrust Into bis band a smiling whimsically.
She lim 'lied In »-'pite of herself. He
nosegay and quickly
had u sense of humor uad somehow
around the corner of the building.
she was glud.
A note was fastened to the stem.
‘ Send Pearl Bare alone In the twilight
non bail or something has broken the
to the pas.i before Bertha Bonn arrives at — la v v-\ u still got my belt on?"
Fort (Jordon," the note read, “aho mo; t
“ Your I « It?" she echoed.
I ipes and turned the water tldj way.
wear the belt of Orderly Adams. She will
lie no. led, “Yos’ni, my belt— the B-huck fire. miss, hack Are!”
return on.«armed and be yours forever. otn* Major Jiriut gave you to wear to­
Thev faced each other resolutely as
Aleanwh.l Bertha Bonn will disappear." night."
It dawned upon each that they were
Brent b aped upon his horse and sent
A worried look appeared in Pearl’s cornered as the rapid inflow reached
for Adonis as soon ns he arrived ut e- i s. The mutter of the belt had puz-
tilelr W a is ts .
the fort.
z'i»d her, but she had not associated
“T. O. Adams,” began Pearl very ear­
“Let in” have your licit, sir,” lie de- it or her seizure in any w.»y with Ma­
nestly, as the light flickered and died;
O. a tided when the latter appeared.
jor Brent. Adams, awaiting her reply,
There was nothing to do but obey noted tier sudden abstraction.
tlie superior officer.
With i icreusit g vehemence she swift­
When he was alone Brent scruti­ ly reviewed the night's occurrences.
nized the belt with great care. It did I ■ She had explained rather bluslnugly
hot seem to differ In any respect from . to herself that the major's visible em­
the common article. Afterwards be barrassment in sending her on her se­
rent for Pearl, with whom he had a cret mission was accounted for In the
long and serious talk.
rivalry which had existed between
That evening Peurl set out alone on Payne and himself and that he did not
horseback, laughingly refusing an want to up; ;.r in an ambiguous light.
Plaeker Bros, for all kinds of oiutnb*
escort and stilting that she did not in­ She recalled now his insistence that
bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­
tend to go far or tie absent long. In she wear the belt s<> ¡is to tie armed, !
R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor.
the holster of Adams' belt, which Ma­ lu Spite of ids assurances that s'.ie '
Night and Day calls
jor Brent Insisted upon adjusting need have no fear. It was only mitu- !
promptly attended.
rround tier waist, was a loaded re- ral that she should wonder about tlie ]
volv< r. To|:o ui s to fetch !!• rlha Boon source of Major Brent's apparently
Sixth Street at Second Avenue East
about the hour lived for her return.
sudden news in the Payne case, wheth­
Twilight deepened Into darkness. er the Bonn woman wus n >t in some
She dug the spurs Into the Hanks of way linked in It, and Just where lu*r
her mure so ns to reach her destina­ father's orderly came in, if the belt
Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone 5,‘i-J
tion quickly for she was eager to ac­ wus r» ajly his. She concluded that
P. O. Box 147
complish her errand. Suddenly the * * In* Lilt itself would have to answer
mure ‘dumb! d mid fell, throwing her. these questions.
With Rollie Watson
She rose unhurt. The mare, however,
Adams, who had not removed his
lay writhing with a broken leg. Pearl gaze from her face. caught something
drew her revolt* r and shot the mare. j of the working of her mind when she
She realized that she was alone In quickly ruh.eil lar lu ad and fixedly
mi unknown country. Yet she was regarded a spot on tbe wall.
-------------------F O R ------------
not ularined, (»von when, after dis­
“They hev t fiikcti t.h-» fri •in you,
pacific abstract
charging her revolver In the air. no l*-ln v they? Huit! 'they hev hid it
sign of assistance appeared. Present­ away, hev they? Hub!”
L. v. EBER H ARD . Manager.
ly there did appear a li;:!if moving rap­
The man's dlvimitan startled her.
Set of Attracts of the Record^
idly nod drawing nearer every sec­
i '’ .' ' sho exclaimed, motioning with
Countv, Oregon.
ond. After an Interval, an automobile her he !. ."It's up there
What is
hove In sight. Toko was at tilt* wheel; there abolir your belt, Adams? 1 de­
in the rear sat Miss Bonn.
mand to know !"
In that same Instant Orderly Adams
-A N D -
He appeared to be on the point of
rode toward her like mad. and there telling her wlnn further eonveisutlon Orderly Adams, Who Has Secured the
loomed out of the shadows a body of was an ¡e 1 1 a possi I « ! e for the time be­ | Defence Plan3 and Concealed Them
horsemen Intent upon doing bnnn. ing I*y what appeared to hi* an appa­ ] In His Belt.
Safe ami Comfortable
Pearl was lifted by two powerful arms rition emerging from the wall.
“will you answer one question? What »
and tossed upon a saddle In front of a » If was Bolero, however, anil his is the s ent of tlie In It you wear?”
litige i i i i i I ovll-eyed fort igner. A fu­ nuivetueuls iiiilii-iitcd baste, Wltlemr
Slu- li d unconsciously clasped her »
sillade of sliots followed, a blanket glnncing at elttier, he op< ned tlu* arms about his neck and they were >
(vus throwa over lier heud, and ¡du* cucile nini to* k olii thè belt. A pistol treading water. Before In* could frame »
t'otlld nelther sec nor hear more.
-hot ratig out and the In
It droppe ,p an answer a faint light from
AI the end of a Imlfhour of barri Coinpl li ly surprised. Bolero stared u crack following a terrific crash. It
Meals c.
Mdlng she wus scl/ed from the horsc, open-mouthed into the barret of u re­ widened and u side of the wall fell in.
Adams lifted IVarl to his shoulders,
distance volver in the eordeil bunds of Adams.
Í •
throu; !i un underground passage, and In tin* next second in* lc:ifw>d aside, shoved her thmu rh the aperture, and ♦
howling. A second shot h;.d g r a z e d »lie s-Tumbled nimbly to open air ami ♦
tlung lato u corner In a dnuip collnr.
A tnll, lien v II.\ bullt and nltogothor Ills -i i!p. A third followed in quick ground. She helped to extricate him. « ♦ • « « « • « « • « • » • » • a « ? « » « « « « .
They stood dangerously near the
Htuunlng (iianadlau leap.-d iipmi lier, sueei s don mid be disappeared like a
ruins of Oie hotel, in tlu* midst of a
leiisldag ber urius to lier vvnlst and shadow uctuully melting away.
blndlhg lier uukles togetlnr.
“Mow in Hindi tuTvi* hev you got?” battle between tin* revolutionists of
Jerked Ailiims’ lu it from ber. Poursq- ! Adams now inquired of Pearl in a Granada tinder Bolero unit a dctuch-
Hess mil brutality, nini Hint he was | reassuring manner. "1 g-gut one shot ’ i 'cut of regulars from Fort Gordon.
a grandiloquent uml cunning type, 'left.
I kin cut your wrist cords if The garrison guns were raining shrap­
w ere stamped upon Ids features as he you keep still ns stone. I’d let you nel and shell everywhere about them.
stuoli over ber.
It was a never to-be-forgotten scene.
j try K on mi» if I vv-wus sure I could
She croUelied bitek, dlsheveletl. un- toss the gun to you. I'm a straight The hotel and entire town of Paso del
We’ve g got to do something Norte w as on tire. Tlie boom of can­
iifruld, senrehing ber bri«in tu neeount shot.
non half a mile away, explosions in
/or Ics nuihietty in kiilnuplng Ini tl.ut quick.”
night i»n American sull unii rlght under
i lie eenflileni'i* that he meant to In- midair and alun -t at their feet, weird
Ho* i vi s nini tur» of un American bor- Mil! in lVurl cuiiie without hesitation, and spasmodic illunilflutlons In the sky.
the * rack of tlu* riile distinguishable
der g irrisoli.
j Her alarm of Adams came later.
"Quick !" .-he responded. If she felt in the fattle and raiu of bullets from
Ile vonicd to he musisi; over Ilio
bine guns, swiftly moving platoons
I» li wlth bis back toward ber. four of consequent s she d.d Uot re- i.
i of l. tl It« Klail.i on foot tti.d on horse,
Ji. t Pi llimi lilm a i lii-ter of ehvtrli? "•‘ill it.
the shriek of flying missiles commin­
Ai!;i! s‘ pvi'N shone.
I ,'hts fiotti some unknown uml rltful
tarreni hui'Ped In thè ccillng, reileet* | "Some girl!” he murmured, ddlb- gling In the uproar with human cries.
; and above all the cool an I deliberate
Big a silurimi Hgulnst the farther wall. s- ’ ’y ».¡ring.
In tween all S utliern Pacitii stations in Oregon
llie look Ufvon her counter. »-. 1 - 1 » ns voio - of oflii ers held Adams and Pearl
Y Itero wus somethlng unu-ual nl>ou t I
thls shudow, fnr While Bolero- -fer It '•'.£!» freed hands s!u* release.I tierse.f I sp I.bound.
Tin y might have remained indefinite*
vus he— stomi Hke itone, the shudow »"as Well Weith the danger, us e\hit i-
i lion of his skill.
ly in that p ■ dtieti. forgetful of its dan­
wn* nnlinuieil.
'Some shot!" was all she s.,id. now gers. had net a cavalryman, in tlu* act
Althoegh Peurl never he.-ml Bo­
of dashing by. been sh »t clean out
lero s voice, silo vv'an quick to rci'ogtlUil re!i*u*lng him. im I i I in thè Grauudian uc* I She i .feted the belt to him, veiling "f Lis - Idle, bis body falling with a
Tiffs brought Adams to his
! her liilcii*e interest in it.
ciiits w Meli wero uow spoken.
On Sale July H 1.5 inc. Return July 1*
lie lilted it mgly around 1: wai.-t. s. uses. 11c caught the bridle of the
"Senor hus badty Mundered. Th!s
fiom all Si utlu rn P«»ci!'c On gon stations t.« Portland
dead man's uu uut. lifted Pearl into
|S Dot thè girl, Iillhiillgh tllis ls the bell, i feigning Indifference to it.
"lid s here t-tiling ain't any .nut unv tlie saddle, filing himself behind her.
r ii «r W 1 11 li.«le tlu» bell r lliewber »,
‘Ilio girl must be releused ut once. Sbe more,” hi* stiuuiiicrctl in his cool, and gallopm! away, heading anywhere.
There was nothing thick-headed and
ls tl■;* Am -i n’an iu|..nels daughter tu J druv ling way, r. carding the empty re­
( .(pialli payne Wus lo bave btvu U».r volver. But Pearl notldsl that he put stupid about Ada ins. Pearl secretly
On Sale on various dates in June, July, August and Sept.
marveled at his poise, dexterity and.
it in the holster.
of m>t only beard thls spianti
Liberal Stojuvtrs. Limit 3 months.
Then began search for a way to
in r>ii|»rlse, for >he mt see Bi>- escape. A hasty Inspection brought mind; uad somehow it seemed to her
leros bps me ve ut nll, Imt wliat was cut the fact that they wo re in no ordi­ that this was uo now experience for
i t i' l'oiifu i w.i- thè «a-appi urnnen nary place of confinement.
it » u the recruit.
She was chilled through from the
i il.e shudow ihouglt Bolero hud uot clear at once that Bolero must have
Fi r information ask nnr local agent
t lini,getl bis positlon.
arrived ami departed by a secret pa»- vve;ting -lu* hail received, t'lutchiug
clin M Scott, General Passenger Agent
- * '.ml tl%- they vv. .» ut. !e to the ponmn-l of tlu* saddle, slu* stall'd
HI» medltatlon, If sudi It wns, carne
Portland, (tre.
straight ahead, leaving her salvation
to nn end. Ile concealed the belt tu locate.
| Li!.oration, therefore, might be pos­
u Cliché nini appn-u« hed In r.
l»y a curious twist of things they
"Ze M i t i Dare- ber pardon! I n sible j>u!y through the tunnel.
being driven away from their
Bolero. Iie tnake 'uni tucvvukc. Sin»
The area of tl e tunnel was narrow
friends into the territory of foes.
; fiali be W'hut ls lt you SOy set lo< e, and cramped. They were obliged to
Adauis. wuh the inborn sense of a sol-
' s.op aud n u their way along, uig ua-
F. R. B E A LS
Notary Public
Cloverdale, Ore.
Money to Loan
R< ‘til Estate Agency
Tillamook Undertaking Co.
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
I [
Cloverddo i
A ll W a v P o in t s
I The Tillamook,
Todd Ore. Hotel
L. S. HU3H3ECK, Proprietor.
Leave Cloverdale daily at
7:30 a. in . arriving at Tilla­
mook at 10 a. m — in time for Dining Room run on Family Style
train to Portland.
% morning
Lea ve Til la monk at 3 p. m . ?
25 0
% arriving at Cloverdale at 5 e
Rooms SO and 75 Ceats, Special
p. m.
Rates fcy the W eek.
Low Round Trip Fares
independence Bay, July 4
On Sale July 3 and 4. Return July 5
N. E. A. Annual Convention
ro rtlatd , Cre., July 7 14. Inc.
Eastern Cities via California
Southern Pacific Lines