CL VERDALE COURIER furnish object lessons for better work in WOODS ITEMS. all of our local industries hv placing the hist product on exhibition. Mr. C hurU nd hih I Barney Raudell ; In th e preparation of samples of are making an extended trip over the “ E n te re d assecond-clasa m a tte r, Nov­ cereals, the exhibitor should remove all m ountains. They e xpeit on th e ir is-; ember lo th , l'JOo a t the postoffiee at Clo­ leaves. This process is known as tu rn to bring Mr. Randwll’s m o th e r and verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon . u n ­ stripping the straw. The separate straws p e rh a p s two or th re e others. der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. after having th e leaves removed should Work has esm m enced in ea rne st yu ; L>e laid into as neat bundles as possible. SO B SC K LPrlO N K a t c s One Year, in a d v a n c e .......... $1 OC This can be done by laying a row of the mill at Pacific Citv. It i* being Six M o n th s ................................................. 50 heads in an even line on a work bench thoroughly overhauled and will be an , m Three M o n th s .............................................25 uptodate little plant. Single C o p y .................................................05 and then laying a n o th e r row on top of the first row with the ends of the head* Mr. H u n te r and Mr. T urner have A d v k r tisin g R ates draw n back a little, possibly one-six­ been quite successful with th e ir deep- Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per inch per m onth, single column. All teenth of an inch, although the exact sea fishing operations and seem to find . 1 Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per am ount varies somewhat with the crop. ready sale for th e ir catch. line for each insertion. For instance, th e second row of oat Dr. Montgomery and hi* U. S. class Tim ber land notices $10.00 K ads could he placed a little farther Homestead notices 5.00 of boys and girls made a trip by boat to Political A nnouncem ent Cards $10.00 back from the front th a n the second Cloverdale, then on foot to Hebo Sun­ row of w heat heads. This process is day night, taking part there in some of J ob U kcaktmrnt continued until sufficient straws h»v» My Jo b D epartm ent is complete in every the exercises of th e evening. respect and I am able to do all kinds been laid to make tlie required tbree- Mr. Beals has begun the construction After the «(raws are Commercial J o b P rin tin g on short incli bundle. notice a t reasonable prices. laid o u t in this shape, they can bo tied of a fine new building on the eam p _ ... up w ith galvanised stove-pipe wire. ground, where a num ber ot campers T H U R SD A Y . J U N E 28, 1017. The wire is placed under the bundle : h a , e ta k e n eurlv quarters. and the two ends crossed after which Next Sunday will be tbe regular The season for cam ping is delightful thev may be twisted until the band I m onthly m eeting of tfie mission. Why and now is th e tim e to enjoy the is tight with a pair of pliers. The rough | not spend tbe dav with us? There will beauties of the cam ping grounds of P a ­ elide are th e n cut off and th e twisted ; be m orning and evenig service. portion of the wire which is left about cific City and Neekowin. Dave M( Craeken returned home from 1 one-half inch in length is bent down It-will be to your interest to be at the even with the bundle. After the bundle Miama T hursday. dedication of the Sour Crass Road next is tied up tightly with the wire bands, Mr. G a rre tt captured a sealion weigh­ Saturday. D on't get drowsy on the job, the lower ends of the straw are trim m ed ing about one ton. be on hand and urge the building of off. The trim m in g can be done quite A lady from Kansas is visiting here, of other good roads, especially the hard accurately with a corn knife although surfacing of the roads th a t the state will some prefer to use a saw. After the tin- being her lust opportunity to view th e Pacific. W ords fail to express her! help to bard surface. bundle is complete it can be hung up appreciation of this place. Campers are a m o n th late in coming | downward on a stretched across , You m ight a« well give it no. if von ! to the cam ping grounds hereabouts, b u t [ the room or can be tacked to the side of i a tte m p t to leave this place du rin g the the work room with a headless nail. from th e great n u m b e r th a t are see* su m m e r yon will surely re tu rn , as has ! 'I he grass end forage crop bundles daily passing Cloverdale going to Pacitic been proven h\ several of our boys. can be prepared in th e same way City or Neskowin it looks as if the e x­ except th a t rare should be cess in num bers will more th a n make taken not to strip the leaves off u p for the lateness of th e ir a rrival, of the plants. In the case of cereals, Leiand E. Erwin ? The laigest crowd tha t ever assembled the head is the most im p o rta n t part. in this end of the county should be at To make the bundles of forage crop* the dedication of th e Sour Grass road show up well, the m aterial should be Diploma from the Chicago ? S a tu rJa v . Its a big th in g and should cured in a room w here there is very little light but plsnty of circulation of 5 Nusical College £ hove fo u r enthusiasm . Make a holiday of it, aud every soul living north of the air. If the specimens are gathered and # 55 ill be in Cloverdale on Thurs- X ; south county line be there to greet the hung up heads downward in bitndfes • day of each week. A G overnor and others th a t will be on not exceeding six inches in diam eter at Those desiring to take les- the point where they are tied, they will * hand. c u te out nicely in such a room it con­ | 2 son* please engage a lesson period ♦ n<>w. Leave word at the Cloverdale E v e ry o n e in this end of Tillamook ditions are provided as described above. J Hotel or write me at Tillamook. Any information or assistance needed County should atte n d the dedication of Terms SJ.00 Per Lessen. th e Sour Grass Road S aturday. Hi is will be gladly given hv your manager, Ben K uppenbender. will show the governor of the state and others th a t may come with him our Notice of Sherilf Sale. T h re e hundred m em bers of the G irls’ in te re st in good roads and may help to Notics is hereby given, th a t pursuant Donor Guard of Oregon, representing liaeten th e state board to act in regard to a writ of execution issued out of the most of the C, or;;tni/.iMotts and 4354 to the hard surfacing of other projects Circuit C ourt of the State of Oregon, n u m b e r s in the state, as-cm bled in in the countv. for th e County of Tillamook, dated the Portland (lurin'; the rose festival Inst 22nd day of J u n e , 1017, upon a judg week for the first annual convention. INTOLERABLE NUISANCES. m ent rendered in said Court on the T he Pacific synod of the Evangelical I t is beyond th e average mind to 23rd day of November, 191«, in an action L uthe ra n church will hold its annual um le ista nd why ^he two noted a n a r ­ wherein W .G . Dwight was plaintiff and chists, Alexander B erkm an and E m m a B. A. kiioblovh and Ed Knohloch were convention in Portland from Ju n e 19 Goldman, have been allowed to run at defendants, in favor of the said plaintiff to .” 4 Delegates, m inisters and laymen and against th e defendants in th e sum will be present trmn Oregon, OaII- large these many years. of one hundred and ninety and 30 lot) fnrnia. W ashington and British Colum­ Both of them have becoin* intolerable dollars, with interest thereon at the bia, Can. nuisances. ra te of eight per cent per a nnum from P re se n t indications point to record They Inure become enem ies of the August 7th, lout; in th e further sum of U nited States governm ent, enemies of $2,5.00 a tto r n e y ’s fees and costs anil dis stra w b e rry prices for the Hood River biusem ents in said action allowed at our social fabric, enemies of everything ♦ Ui.20, which said execution is directed and W hite S .lnton valley this season. th a t tLis country stands for. and yet we to me as she?iff and commands m s to The ruling quotations rem ain at from have pe rm itte d them to remain out of sell the real property attached in said $.1.50 to J4 a crate, and local shipping jail where they can spread their a n a r ­ action and hereinafter described to agencies are not able to meet the satisfy the said judgm ent; demand. chistic and degrading lite ra tu re with 1 will, on Monday, th e 30th day of The first arrest, of alleged slackers im p u n ity . July, 1917, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon Thev have gone about the country, of said dav, a t th e north front door of in Benton county was made when flaunting the red flag and w hat it sy m ­ the Court House in Tillamook City, Deputy S h e r iitt O. E. Holderman tIregon, sell a t public auction to the bolizes with th e utm ost brarenness. highest bidder for cash in band, the brought In ( harles Tassell and Clar W hen not othei wise engaged, they c a r ­ following dc.-cubed real premises, sit­ enoe Este-’p from Alpine anil lodged ry on their teachings of lawlessness in uated in tlie Countv of Tillamook and them in Jail pending advice from fed­ eral authorities State of Oregon, tovvit: New York city. All the right, title and interest« of the A survey of the proposed road' from They snap th e ir fingers in the faces of said defen lants in and to the southwest Eugene to the coast as provided in the the courts, tear down the social ethics of q u a ite r of the northeast quarter, the sta te highw ays commission s plan for the land and engage in practices which west half of th e southeast q u a rte r and road im provem ent in the sta te will be the southeast q u a rte r of the southeast th e law of the land prohibits. u u a rte r of section th irty -th re e , in tow n­ T hus far they have escaped anv long ship four south, range ten west of the made r.t once according to an a n ­ nouncem ent made by E. J Adarn3, sentence in prison. The inside of jails W illam ette meridian. sta te highw ay commissioner. W L. Campbell, they have seen, b u t they have emerged Dr. J. Howard Miller, a well known Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. therefrom more bitter and more d e n u n ­ Portland and Astoria dentist, died at ciatory against the government. Guy Oliver, of Corvallis, private (n St. Vincent's hospital in Portland 10 Both proudly confess to be anarchists. company K, 3d regiment. O. N. G., w„s minutes a fte r ho had fallen from a The police know th e m to lie anarchists. drowned in the governm ent canal at fourth story window of the Morgan And th e W ashington governm ent are building The police express the b e ­ Celilo while In bathing. also informed. As the result of c o o p e ra tio n be­ lief th a t he committed rulclde. And the wonder is th a t they were not tween the governm ent and sta te a u ­ John M Mann m em ber of th» ■ant to prison years ago. thorities a shad hatchery has been es house of the last legislature, and re T heir last offense in New York has c e r tly elected city com m issioner of tablished at St. Helens. p u t them in jail with bonds fixed at George Talmer Putnam , pri’ ate sec­ Fortland. has filed hts resignation as $25,000each. Their bail should be made with Governor Withy- re ta ry to Governor Withycombe. has legislat or eo high as to be prohibitive. Thev resigned, and the resignation has been combe, as the city c h a rte r prohibits should be kept behind bars. And in the accepted by the governor. him from holding the two offices case now against th e m , if found guilty, Contract for the new $ 50.000 The April results of the first Gen it is hoped they will be given the limit women s dormitory building of the i tral Oregon Cow Testing association of th e law. University of Ore.eon was awarded to ; show a steady increase in the produc $ If not found gniltv, Berkm an and Van Patton Sr Son. of Sab-m. »ion of hutterf»* and It It hofed *hst G oldm an should be deported, via the Forty-one tkouean'l one hundred with the Improved m ethods adopted sub m a rin e rone. motor vehicle licenses have been is by the ass elation this Increase In su“d so far this year, approximately j butterfat production will steadily »1 COUNTY FAIR NOTES. v ance. S000 more than all of last year. County Agent Blanchard of Crook A class of 40 applicants was llcens and Deschu’es countie», r»ports tha t ed to practice dentistry in Oregon at As the time for th e Countv Fair is $207 worth of poison has killed about a meeting of the Oregon sta te board nearing the crops are m aturing and in 41 400 jaekrabbits. at a cost of about of dental examiner» In Portland. order to have a complete exhibition we one half cent per rabbit, which ta one A deal has be»n closed by whirh m ust begin earlv and as it is about time tenth of th e am ount paid by Crook to begin gathering the grasses and forage Astoria la to h a ’ e another shipyard The new company is to be headed by county as a bounty for each rabbit crop the first consideration is to selsct F. Rogers former mayor_nf Salem. j killed. th e beat. The object of the fa.r ¡a to P ublished E very T h u rsd ay Frank T aylor, E ditor and P ublisher. (iet tli<‘ habit. Read CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIC Tha Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide the story now run- í { / j|| flit' Courier > ii j hOO t ile SHOW Saturday night. | PIANO INSTRUCTION l \9 n „ ^ Lysepiic is completely soluahla in water. A teaspoon full to one qu a rt of water is the average stre ngth to be used | for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants, ■wound*» cuts, nail punctures, mange, 1 hoof rot, m ud fever, Hce, fleas, dandruff, shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves very effective for washing the anim als' , and stable utencils, and if used in gen- Oil p.ral, improves stable conditions, infect- ! ion, among cattle, abortion, foul dis­ charge and externally to prevent the spread of diseases. CHAS. I. CLOUGH, 3niiahlADruQgist, Tillamook, Ore. rm » i I Quality Counts In ever lin e of M e rc h a n d is e , h u t n o n e m o r e e s p e c i a l l y t h a n in Our l a r g e stock is in everv instance the Best that c a n Le liad a n d our aim will be to keep the high standard up. Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shell and Heavy Hardware Stoves, Rang<\% Farm and (¿unirli Tools And everything usually kept in a first-class lu m in are store, and all goods are of the best quality. Alex McNair & Co., TUlamook,Ore. Correspondence Lessons in 2 E )a r m o n £ a n b C o m p o o t it o n BY DR. ALFRED W00LER Composer, Teacher and Director All musicians, w hether director, teacher, pianist or vocalist should understand H arm ony. Instruc tion in this branch ot study should, whenever possible, he taken from an e xpert teacher. However, it is not always convenient, nor possible for one to leave town and study in person with such a teacher. For the accommodation of such Dr. Alfred Wooler, of Buffalo N. Y., has perfected a most thorough course in H arm ony and Composition th a t is simple, concise and practical, which he teaches successfully by mail. If interested, write for pr «pectus and rates. Address Wfrefc Tfroofer, QYlue. ©oc. Suite C, 322 West Utica St., BUFFALO, N. Y. p. 3 Dr. Wooler also corrects am ite u rs’ musical composition«, and w rites music to poems. Chose desiring such service m ust »end their M. 8. or poem for e stim ate of cost,. Prices are n sonable. ( T M e G O O D J V O O r F IM O S W -B T O B A C C O P O P U L A M ------------------------^ » T T H E P O O T K X C H S M Q t , j 1 ~ jco tO M E L .t m c s i 'D you ’ __ S P f AX o r WANTIMO SOME cot TABACCO 9 0 (V| SCOUTIlKj AUD HE F F i f I% w-eì s e r o e am t it « p p p , y O ' jR L O y a u r y l Ec i a r p D I s h a l l * CCOMMLNO vour PROMOTION C • ' ) I I l ' Y '"OUR soldirr i; a!! I->t::,inr«:% from re\ct1!c to 1*09 —no room for ex cess baggage w ith him. H e has no use for a big plug of course leaf, ail loaded up with heavy syru p —what F ew a. ¡'3 is tobacco satisfaction. T he little sappy clu w t,{ W -B ( 3UT checks ur> w :th his idea of what’s £ o < h 1. Out on 7 lonely outpost, it’s mighty sociable and ETtisfyinJ; and toy, how it d o ts Iasi! $L