W. A. Wiae.dentist. Celebrate—Firework« at High'«. E<1 Worthington motored into Clovet dale Sunday. fi -uie of tlie rancher« have hegui haying this week. Garage* are springing up like rooiu« along the highway. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank were in town Monday. iiiuh I i - Worthington Mr. and Mr». If. 1». Brootdo were Tillamook visitor« Monday. Mr». George Well« visited her parents at Neakowin u few days tin» week. M i» i Nellv omilh, of Portland ia tl e gueet of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kraner. ODAK Buy your Firework» at High .- Hing Ntore. Those who attended the show last night report it very good, They play ' here again this evening. Have you thought of the flA.n enthusiastic Hod Cross meeting pleasure you could have with a real was held last Thursday night. Solicit­ KODAK, taking pictures of the scenes ing com in it tee» were appointed and over and tilings that intend you mort. l.'MIO.(X) was raised in and around Don’t deprive yourself of Cloverdale. this pleasure. Step into our store and A social dame will he given at the let u*- show «ou oui line of Cameras and Pacific City hall Saturday evening, July Kodaks. 7. '1 he music will fie of the best. It will be furnished by the Fuulcnner or- P r i c e * » f r o m 7 5 c uj> eh*stra of Sheridan. Bancing to com­ mence at H:SO p. m. You ure all cordially invited to attend and partici­ pate iu the plea.-ares of the evening. WM. A. HIGH, New and. second-hand fairiiture Ht the Oruââl«t an d K odak D e a le r The government needs farmers us well Tillamook Farniture Go., Allan Page. ! ns fighters. Two million three thousand • Cloverdale, Prop. i acres of Oregon A California Railroad Chet Worthington and family made » ¡ C o . grain land». •5 0 - 5 0 You make 50 We Lose 50 Shoes at Half Price WHILE THEY LAST Odds and Ends 200 Pairs of Shoes to be sold at one-half price Title revested in trip tu Eugene last week returning Sat­ l nited i-tates. To tie opened for bume- urday. ■teuds and sale. Containing some of Tillamook and Neakowin are two j the best land left in the C nitH States, pluc-s tu the county tliat will celebrate Large copyrighted map show ing land by sections and description of soil, climate, on the Fourth rainfall, elevation-*, temperature etc , Surveyor Bunn and bis crew arc Will .. , . i hr counties. Postpaid one dollar, rnrking on oi the big Nestucca Drainag ¡ (¡rant Lamli Locating C V , working m pioject lids week. \ Puitland, Oregon. Arrangements are now complete for For Sale— Bauch of 150 acres at the dedication of the Sour Grass Road The W. C. T. U. met at the Lome of Wools, with some stock. Gilbeitj and on Saturday it .s expected one of Mrs. Joe Wilson. The meeting was B< Urque, Woods, Oregon. tip- largest gatherings ever held in th* opened by singing, und nading the 3rd county will witness the dedication of The Louvre for an appetising lunch or diuner. Counter and table service. chapter of John. Motion was made and i the best .improvements ever n.ade in When iu Tillamook next time try the carried that the money on hand )>« Tillamook County. turned over to the lied Cross. Heading Until this year the jieople coining to Louvre. by Mrs. Brink “ Silent Battles.” Head- Tillamook County were compelled to The Clovcrda’e contingency of the lug by Mrs. Wilson, “ Cniversal Peace.” travel over a miserable piece of road i -------- Coast Guards arc makiiiK fin* progrès« I |,v Frame« Nelson. “ Whv -hat was only passable in summer time | rs.i in their work un l«r < oporul Cole • Compensate the Liquor Bealer»,” loi- and for this pi iv ilege Imd to pay toll to ! i I I I training ! lowed by song. Bues for the 11 road has j Mr«. Charles Smith returned from ' Lunch was served by the hostess which been a thorn in the side of the Tilla- Tillamook Fri lay where she was the ! WU8 enjoyed bv all. One young lady mooker fo ra good long time and with! guest for a couple of weeks of her sister, i * * * heard complaining because she the completion oi the Sour Grass Hoad Mr«. KItner Webb. | couldn’t eat as much as some others lie feels like throwing his hat in the air j and yelling hurray, and that i* just | The highest crowd« of the season are at j: •' t Saturday. ¡ X b ¡g l5 n e c o n g ¡ 8 t 8 0 o t o n l y o f 8 a d d , oo d gb u t #j F ¡.¡ Tackle, tending the moving picture show Ratttr- R“ y Hushbevk hung on li ce grim it wot he hii all-day affair everybody • “ * day nights. If vou r* ad the story, death to a nigger ancl the bovine attach- taking their dinner with them. Flash Lights, Batteries, Oiled Clothing, Pock et books, Razor I earl of the Army, in the < mirier you a,| t0 the otla« r end of the rope was en- The county courts of Tillamook and w ill doubly appreciate the show I. . ... ... 11 joying a lively race ar-wind the pasture Yamhill will he on hand to receive tlm Strops, Cutlery and Z*ro!«ne dll to be told at 20 per It is reported that chicken thieve* hit. Hay girated several time« and plaudits for their work und the Gover­ cent cut. except on Gasoline. v ’ - tiHl the coup belonging t>> i I ( •' made several a»cen«ior.* and descens ons nor of Oregon, Hon. James Wit hycoinhr-, , will be with the crowd to show his ap-| He iton a id stole ‘Jtl of hi« I irds It :s' ” tiefoie he discovered a p st ami attempt- proval nf one of the many road impruv to > had Mr. Heaton didn t get hold of meets of Oregon. lb » thieve-and kick them full ,,f iue to m standstill, tie reckoned with­ w tli his No. 10 boot out In- host foi no sooner had he stepped j rhat the pe i|>h> of ( I ovoi d tie are nI>on a log near the post than the fr.sk« j musicallv inclined is evidenced bv the bovine switched bis tail, threw bis fact that .Mr. Frwin line sold three bead one Kid«' and made another leap j piano« In ro iu the past thne weeks. for liberty. This energetic movement They went into the hotma of Hr 1 nt Ins nibahip caused our friend Kav to Shearer, Mr«. Sth’er-on and Otto aeroplane several feet and this time he It i- be.-t to trade at the heat store, then y ou get the bc*t goods. We carry the highest grade of j was unlortumite ami lan led unevenlv ] Wilson. goods obtainable in » very ¡it,*- • For that reason our customers are satisfied customers. Come in and ' upon tiis feet, spraining Ins tight ankle ^ e can sell you a flrst-e’ ass range at h-arn the right ¡ .ace to do your tradii g. \ >u will like our goods and our prices. You can rely on Flier injured memtiei was treated by Hr , w hat you g« t from us. a price much lower than you ian 1 uy Shearer ami is getting well rapidly, j W IL L DEDICATE SOUR GRASS ROAD Tbs Services are to be Held Saturday, June 30- Governor Withyconbe and Other Rouble Men be There. This is tho opportunity for you to make your foot ¿»lml at 50 GO. Closing Out S a l e entire* stock of the W, A. Williams Fi unless store at Tillamook thrown on the market. W. ¿1 WILLIAMS, Tillam ook, Oregon W H E R E DO Y O U T R A D E ? one elsewhere. We am direct agents Fins, all happened Iasi Friday ami lor the manufacturers, the Portland while we aru sorry for Mr. liuslibeck’s j Stove Works, snd w i i -a\e the eastern accident we are glad to know it did freight and th * middle man’s profit. not prove more serious. Tillamook Furniture Co., Allan Pace Prop. Bills w ill be received bv the Cold Dm- Long and fain Ijr, of Salem, were Springs Cheese Factory up to Fucsdav. called here the first of the week on ac­ July 3, li'17, for UK) lick of Alder wmsl count of the serious illness uf their »on ricked in woodshed at factory. Address j who has ha I charge of their ranch neat 1 \.»ti G.st, Secretary, Cloverdale, Ure. Helio. The young nan suffered h severe attack of appendicitis and On and after July I there will bee taken to the hospital whore he uuder- wrut mi operation and later devclo|>ed sligtit advance in the price of milk. pneumonia, lie is reported some l**i 7 tickets 50c 14 tickets $! 0->, ter at present. McGinnis Bailv. Bids Wanted. A. A. PENNINGTON Royal THE QUALITY STORE Worcester li* our goods don’t make good, \vc do Corsets TILLAMOOK, OREGON The City Dairy. Phone Us Your Drug Store Wants j y f b 1 T h i M a *1 ay pa-» ■* tbat you 3.. n >t want «um*-thing in di g »t'ife supplii -* B ni’ t lyt C--1I. st.-rmv weather nr «I is I m r - . V* It*-- p v* -I I' muii bavin i t . B. - t put \iiin---ll t- in- n x . i n i . e t-> V< t it. Ji**t telephone u.- and we ll deliver it at once. \ ’ f B-ar.Jc.v.*-! . \. J ( ’/ ;S .i D jd ’I Ihink yon are Tronuling us—We seek tliat Kind oi Trouble. • K N * Men’s Shoes Men s Clothing Boys’ Suits Buy your new Suit now while our linen are complete. W’e are showing new up-to-date stuff, and the quality, workmanship and firiee are rignt, and we fed we can please you. M e carry the well-known line? of Brandegee Kincaid. Oregon (';»?• ► iim-r nn-l N! itohles« A Suit froui either of these well-known lines will giv« you sati-fact ion. Boys’ Knee Pants Suits, shown in mixed fabrics of various colors, and Blue Serges. Many Suit« have two t-airs of Pants. Sizes range from d to 17 years i\nd priced according to size and quality of material. Prices range from -f.j to $10 0). I tiev are all Well tailored w II hold their sl-c j e styles. We hi ve vour size. aril *ry if on. Brices range from nt d $16.50 to $25.00 I t « of i-copie buy Mtsl.cin« -. Fulct V » » i.-l • t'and l'.rl'in;. * ,-t - I u* cvei « -lay bv phone W e «etui ( .r an I deliver per« - ipti - «. 1 *mr or l. r ie--en, » the »ame i r opt and careful attenti..n as t .-li v u came t.- iti* «tm,- in penou. S3.50 to $ 0.00 Spon Shirts N" 4— Men « Gun Ht-li! p,it- ton Br.-i«- Sh -c. ,cw ■ t t •« ar.-l he«-l. Drice, | k i (*-i;r .*> Shown in a w i Ie luwortment of l- i'tt u o 1 - i ilitv of material a-i I Weil in ; l-v Trice« are $1.25 $1 50 and f l 7t- T ry Telephone Shopping iliuelier lace l>re-* (tli«v, *lyb«li la*l, medium fuel, price p. i B.W:«s Shirts Me «h« w tiicOi In stri pep of vari -u* c l«»r* an i plain rtvles, an I with rather -oft <>r tuff rtifl«. I’t « * range fr rnti.U) t o l l . 75. I-air. LAMARS DRUG STORE T illam ook, O regon ">0. s ■ sao D .-J ln w ll rk HI - Matcher, lace, t al l-.-avv ...I,. black «a!f upjwr Fi . ¡ « r a,-. ♦ 4 M). N Men » 1 .k IF, 1*. it ,t- ing M, «. with «iaculi». ! l-»i. « le, M r ».; • !. Prices range from |3 50 to $C. Men’s Hats % Men’s Shirts We ir- si - wing a big line of M-* - Brc«« Slurt«, Sport Shirt?, $ etc , tor suinn t r \«e:tr. Men'« G Boys’ Russian Suits These Stiifs are for sm a lle r boy* from 3 to 6 years old and are shown in pretty patterns and Come in Hen’« F.tigli«!, Walk r '-I, **- »l-'-wn in «iti.«-r Buck * r Ma* hegany. 1’ii.*-* N Pictorial Review Patterns Soft Shirt.« '-Ioti * Shirt« with »oft collar» 'na-le --i tine quality >«*i« lette in w hite or cream col* r. Price* $; .50 tv» 92 .( 0 Me carry a large and complete ine ot Conqueror, Hardman and other well known makes of hats. I hese hats are shown in all the n*«« -hup*» and colors and are priced at 13 and tip. We al.* > have a complete line of c <-ih h a t , . and light w e ig h t bats ot all kinds at from 75c to $2.