GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE CLOVERDALE COURIER. The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. NO. 48 CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREOON. JUNE 28,1917 VOL. j 2. CONVENIENCE OF HAVING The “R IG H T CHANGE s i Story of Imcrtca F irstf Unmasking America's Secret Foes THE Novelized From the Motion Picture Serial of the Same Xante Released by Pathe O # ' /? A h Cv With a checking account at thi- Bank you will always have just the ‘ rignt change” no matter where you pav the hill or to whom you pay it. I T. - L « « . / You can draw your check tor any 01>l) A M O U N T and pay your bill either in person'or BY MA I L which is a realoonvcnii nee you can enjoy by Guy W Me Connell S Y N O P SIS . Capt. Ralph Payne, U. S A., is given se­ cret plans of defense to deliver to Pana­ ma. He attends a ball at the Granada em­ bassy with Colonel Dares' daughter, Pearl. As a climax to a series of mys­ terious incidents he Is arrested for trea­ son. The ambassador of Granada is found dead and the plans missijig from Payne's coat. Major Brent, Payne's rival, enters Into auspicious negotiations with Bertha Bonn. Pearl Dare follows a burglar from her home; is drugged and left in a lit Id. and later overhears plotters, who almost capture her. Payne is sentenced to lire imprisonment. A train carrying Pearl, Bertha Bonn and Payne on his way to irison is wrecked and Pearl sees Payne's ifeless body at her feet. She meets a mysterious stranger who offers her his services to trace the traitors. She learns that he has the plans. Pearl finds Adams in Washington and learns of his peculiar actions. Adams warns Senator Warfield that he is in danger from a ring of spies While they talk the senator’s office is attacked by conspirators. f FIFTH EPISO DE Somewhere in Granada. For several seconds no one stirred. All stared atflAdams in sheer amaze­ ment. It was Toko who broke the sus­ pense by entering and whispering to Miss Dare. Pearl rooked at her chauffeur blank­ ly. “ Where— here? Did she give you her name?” Toko shook his head. Miss Dare excused herself and stepped Into the corridor. There a haughty and stylishly dressed young woman aw.aited her. Pearl immediately recognized the girl whom she had seen when the corpse o f Captain Payne was discov­ ered at the railroad wreck. “ You are Miss Dare, I believe?” Pearl bowed formally. “ And you?” Tier caller smiled faintly. “ Is the name of Miss Bertha Bonn unfamiliar to you?" “ I regret to say that it is. Please be brief for I am engaged. I saw you at the railroad wreck yesterday, didn't I?” "Yes," said Bertha Bonn, abruptly. "That has something to do with my visit to you here— yiat and this.” She took from her mesh bag a slim, oblong packet and a sealed note. “ Do you recall the strange man with the lan­ tern who helped you to identify Cap­ tain Payne?” A thrill shot through Pearl. “ Ad­ ams !” she gasped before she could >> restrain herself. “ Yes— is he here?” Pearl eyed her suspiciously, “ lie is. Do you wish to communicate to him through me?” Bertha placed the packet and note in Miss Dare's hand. “ Not ten min­ utes ago I received a visitor at my apartment in the ITr*ol Wilton," she explained. “ lie w;;s dress» d in the uniform o f n Senate Building guard and was very much upset. He to!4 me that a grave injustice was being done to a man by the nrme o f T. t >. Adams of Monks Corner. Nebraska, and that if I came here immediately and deliv­ ered these things to you it would prob­ ably be the means o f saving his life. He gave me a written order o f admis­ sion. So here I am.” “ Why. o f all persons, were you cho­ sen ns his messenger?” was all Pearl could think o f saying in that sur­ prising moment. Thus far Bertha had spoken the truth. But now she became evasive. The return o f her locket containing Major Brent's photograph, so neces­ sary in Bertha Bonn’s scheme c f con­ quest, had been promised her if site would perform this mission and p r o j ceed without delay to the originally appointed retjdezvou.; at the Paso del Norte on the Granadian frontier. “ I cannot answer that question. I, too, thought it strange.” ( Pearl was at a less as to what to io with her visitor. Just then her fa ­ ther, Colonel Dare, hastened down the corridor, an expression ot relief ap­ pearing on his anxious countenance upon sight of her. Site introduced Bertha, who repeated her story. Upon the Colonel's suggestion the three re­ turned to the waiting group in Senator Warfield's office. , By a curious irony Bertha Bonn was requested to occupy a chair next to Major Brent. Again she told her story under the «harp _ cross-questioning ol Major Steele of the army intelligence bureau, conducting the inquiry. Senator War- field listened with mouth agape; Toko with natural Interest in anything per­ taining to Miss D are; Adams with bland and speculating attention. Pearl gave the packet and note to Major Steele, which ho in turn banded to Adams. “ Open them 1” he ordered. Do You Love Your Family ? F course every parent loves his family. The question seems superfluous. Yet many thoughtless parents spend as they go. They live up to every penny they make. T i e best wav to obviate the money spending habit is to start a bank account. You’ll not be so ready to draw a check as you are to break a bill. Let us explain our banking svstem. O NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. i OPENING A CHECKING ACCOUNT AM supplies furnished free. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK A Bank for all the Feuple fsjor Brent Receives a Bouquet and a Message. M;ij< r Tirenl Inlerposed an objec­ tion, leaping to his feet aud taking the center of ti'e room. “ This is nn extremely singular and irregular affair, colonel!” he exclaimed, aiming addressing his superior. ‘Who knows what those envelopes •ontain? This man who is under sus­ picion should not be permitted to open them !” A ll eyes were turned upon the major and in that absorbing second or two Adams, stepping back a pace, ex­ changed the packet in his hand with ae irmn his imiA coat pocket. The notion was unobserved. “ Open them > -ur.-eif, then,” growled Major Steele, turning to Adams, who iKsod the things in Ills baud to Major Bri ut. As everyone save Adams drew near ■i' him, Major Brent continued to show shntmn and doubt as to the wisdom f this procedure. But at a nod from Colonel Dare lie did as he had been isked. The note was opened first. “ Keep out of our affairs hereafter,” it rea l. It was signed under the sil­ houette o f a masked man: “ T H E S ILE N T MENACE.” Next came the packet. T o the aston- shiiiont o f all it contained Senator Warfield’s summarized military pre­ paredness file with the theft o f which ¡hey had charged Adams. A hasty examination showed it to be damp, as from a copying press. “ I warned you, senator," drawled Adams; "I w-warned you.” “ By Jove, you d id !" acknowledged the senator warmly. lie stepped up to Adams and grasped his hand. “ I owe you an apology. Will you accept It?" "S-sure,” beamed Adams; nnd to his evident embarrassment and surprise, the others followed the senator’s ex­ ample, even Major Steele. "I guess you’re not the man we’ re after, after all,” declared the latter, appraising him. “ I g gla ss you’re right there,” stam­ mered Adams. “ What’s more, you'd b-bi tter gif me in on this thing— that’s what I told this little g-girl here,” In­ dicating Miss Dare, who, with her father nnd Senator Warfield, closely followed the conversation, Brent, Ber­ tha nnd Toko having left the room. “ What do you mean by that?" Inter- I ised Colonel Dare, smiling at the fa­ miliarity Adams assumed in his ref- erenee to his daughter. In ttie awe of the simple for brass buttons, Adams replied: “ I got a n-nn- tion. colonel, that I kin help your «laughter to s-solve the riddl«* almiit her .lend hcjiu. T that's what I told her. She w-wouldn't h«‘iir I«* It. She g-got an Idea that I was some chap «he called ’T ie Silent Menaee’ that 'pears t-to he behind all these here «loin’s, like this frinstanee. The hull f-truth Is I pick up a lot o f dope, waitin’ around in hotel cafes, harber- ing nod t-telegraph operating and serh like. People thick Pin a doggone fool because I stutter snd pay no attention to me. Now, w-what I ’d like to do— ” lie reflected a moment— “ Pd llk e to jin e the army, and b-be attached to you sort of like— ” “ Your orderly, father,” whispered Pearl, to whoiu the suggestion ap­ pealed. The colonel nodded. So did Major Steele. So did Senator Warfield. “ That’s it," concluded Adams. “ Then I could watch a-after this gill here." Pearl giggled. “ 1 like her," declared Adams In ft postscript. And so it hnppened that within the next few days T. O, Adams of Monks Corner, Neb., became orderly to Colonel Richard Dare o f the Seventy- first Engineers, U. S. A. The government now began to take some heed to Pearl Dare’s assertions o f a foreign alliance scheming to in­ volve anti at tlie same time cripple the country in war. The cnnal- defpnse plans had been stolen, the na­ tional preparedness budget had boon stolen, copied and returned— what government secret next would be re­ vealed to hostile eyes? Every branch of the secret service department was called into play to ferret the intriguers out of their apparently Impregnable disguises nnd positions of security. Events thickened. Fretted by our alien laws, the Orient, whose glittering eyes w ere fastened upon our Asiatic possessions, kept us In ti constant ex­ pectancy. With Canada, our northern neighbor, we had no difficulty except that by her we were not regarded wi»h the old-time friendliness; rather were we In disfavor because of our neutral position with all powers then at war In Europe, of which her mother country was one. (in our southern ex­ posure we were always in lint w ater; and now added fire had been heaped under the troublesome diplomatic kettle nnd Grnnuda was boiling. As a precautionary measure Colonel Dare and his staff were detailed south to quietly establish base patrols on the conduct was concerned, the confidence of the Dares seemed to have been war­ ranted. Unknown to nnyoue, however, except 11" •» foreign alliance, Adams was really not what lie represented himself to be, or ut least was open to serious doubts as to the patriotic side of his diam eter. For Adams was the possessor o f the secret canal-defense plans. This much speculated-about military document was In the slim. ol>- lotig packet brought to him by Bertha Bonn in the committee room of Sena­ tor Warfield. It from the foreign alliance, who, by their own etror, thought they had sent him a copy, when too late realizing Mieir mistake, for the lak In the plans hud faded en­ tirely, rendering them Illegible until another chemical application could be made. This, for the time being, it was Impossible to do because no one pos- •‘■sed tjie chemical formula. Adams, ."or reasons o f ills owq, hid the docu­ ment In his military belt, lie thought that he alone knew where it had been secreted. T o Major Brent the southern detail was a most welcome one, for he looked upon It as an opportunity to be re­ lieved o f the constant persecution o f Berths Bonn who seldom let a day puss without making an olTort to be­ guile him and finally threatened to expose their affair to Pearl Dare. As well i,my lie Imagined, therefore, when on leaving Washington on the long overland ‘Journey, Brent ran cross the girl o.n his train and dlscov- ■ red tlml she also was hound f o r tile Granadian frontier, his rage knew no bounds, lie beem ie po.-sc c d o f one Idea how to evade her forever. The circa; islaiic s were more tlcn startling when that way opened. Hi.« , iriy had arrived and were domiciled at Fort Gordon, a military post of strategic value, adjacent, to the com- Adams Becomes the Colonel's Orderly. <>r»lia