— P E / ^ L o / r h M Æ 3 (JY W. Me CONNELL ■■I ■ ■ >11-11.1 ■ i — gone! Instead was a gold lo ck et! Un­ ab le to believe h er eyes, she opened it a t «Mice— h er priceless m iniature o f Thornton B re n t w as m issing! Fum bling again through her purse stie found th is explanatory n ote penned on the private station ary o f Capt. Ilalp li P a y n e : m W Story o f “America F irst ” Un­ masking America’s Secret Foes m .i - ........ . G uard th e p a ck e t in vour trav e lin g case F ly to th e t uso del N orte on the G ra n a ­ d ian fro n tier. T h e re fu rth e r h siriictio n s a w a it you. W e a r th e locket O r identifi­ catio n aud B r e n t's m iniature will l>e you rs ' again. uicrciU-iS rvalizatlou o f what the dis­ grace th at had cotnc upon him meant to both and n desire to have the m eet­ ing over with qulekly. But never had she so adored him as then. He stood erect, a trifle stiff, smiling easily so th at she might not disturbing aspect'. Every day some unexpected development In our for­ eign relations was arising, exacting a keener finesse, a more •harp finality, u g reater precaution, hurhingeriug no oue knew what form o f disputation yet to come in the preservation of national Independence, T h e hour had arrived when some­ thing more than the cra ft o f our sta tes­ men wus necessary to avert national d isaster. Ageucios hostile, mysterious, unrecognizable, eluding detection, de­ fying offueement, Infested the land, lurking lu every byway o f public life. Even trivial events lu ordinary tim es now took on a sin ister meaning to those upon whose vigilance ttic protection of a country uml its people depended. It was a tim e when sober-minded men were beginning to p ractice with a ritle in the buck yard and women to gaze upon th eir stalw art sons with tender­ ness horn in fe a r o f sacrifice. T h e bosom o f Am erica, unumg young nnd old w as inspired iu a new and solemn patriotism . P earl tn h er m otor c a r reflected upon t h e s e tilings soberly. Slu* sighed. They rode past tin* celebrated cen­ tra l railroad depot where the qu.o> eyes o f both perceived th at the singe o f th e night's dram a hud tern; or: shifted . H alf a score o f foreign diplo­ m ats and a handful o f railroad em ­ ployees were surrounding u hearse. A g'nuce told them th at in ii v as the dead body o f the G ranadian aiO as.-.i- M>r. Pearl marveled a t the h a ste d!s. played in gettlug it out o f the coun­ try. On reaching h er r e - T -Kt . r *> the house shut up foi . m issing Toko, who proceeded ^ oul . toward the garage in tin* re a r o f tho prem ises, slu* adm itted h erself. While closing the door, she observed a ta x i­ cab on th e opposite side o f the thor­ oughfare. T h e driver was huddled in his seat, apparently asleep. She won- do red who m ight he lm 'ii if < ”• r t such an hour, fo r in none o f the houses in the neighborhood w ere there any lights. In hoy own homo a supernatural quietude prew iled . W ith a l!file shiver she quickly turned on the elec­ tric lights. Then she slowly mounted the sta irs to h er bedroom. in tin* a ct o f sw itching off th e cur­ rent a t the top o f tho stairs, she h a lt­ ed, listening, n ttra *>*d * • the sound o f stealth y movome >w followed by a fa in t groan, due n. *v down the steps and Into the library w h en ceT . sound had come. H ere she scented the odor o f chloroform . SimuMi ** mug» ly she ¿tum bled over tne unconscious person o f one o f h er m aids lying on the floor and detected short, quick- Dashes o f light iu the colonel’s " tra y . She stole to the cu rtain s which sen- am t ed th e two rooms, punning m e folds side. She stepped b a e k v a rJs , startled . A strangely garbed num, Ins buck toward her. w as fumbling over some papers on the desk. P earl must have gasped aloud In her sudden excitem ent or given some evl- It was some minutes b efore she gathered th a t an inexplicable turn o f events was in je ctin g her. w hether she willed or not, into the affairs o f the man whom M ajor B ren t had set out to remove, if possible, from the life of ! B erth a B onn was th ere, waiting. SY N O P SIS. “H ow dy!” she exclaim ed, fam iliar- P earl D are. B erth a opened h er traveling case. Capt. R alp h P ay n e. IT. S. A.. Is given se­ i ly. He m erely touched h er outstretched c re t plans o f d efen se to deliver to P a n a ­ : tinkers. “ W ell! You know why I am T h ere lay a neat, oblong package re­ m a. He atten d s a ball at th e hom e o f his here. Must 1 go to C aptain Payne for sem bling a silken envelope. It was sw e eth ea rt. Colonel D a re s’ d au g h ter. Sh e looked P e a r l. As a clim ax to a se rie s o f m >: - ! the funds I need, or a re you prepared sealed and unaddressed. te n o n s incid ents lie is arrested fo r t re a ­ j to be magnanimous in your own in- at it though;fully. son. T h e am b assad o r of G ran ad a Is found F o r one thousand dollars in crisp dead and the plans m issing fro m P a y n e 's te re s t?” co a t. He met h er challenge fran kly. “J new (rills, held together by a rubber I told you th e truth. I am broke and hand, also lay in a conspicuous plu«e SECOND EPISODE - » in the case. j facing ruin. A little Inter, perhaps— Still smiling, she went dow nstairs Out of the ta il o f his eye he saw hei cynical sm ile and changed his tactles. and paid h er account out o f this mys­ Found Guilty. “I am h ea rtily sorry fo r the shadows teriously acquired w ealth. “ Have yon ever had anything forged which I cast upon your early life T h e ball a t th e G ranadian em bassy on yon?" she queried o f the cashier, B erth a . B u t why have you reopencc continued w ithout interruption until a th at painful chap ter at this la te d.’. te nnnb'e to ro«d?t tne fling, fo r she was la te hour. O rders from no less im­ portant personage than th e president | Tsn’t there some w ay by which we can tilled with no Itttio curiosity concern­ ing tht» locket m yster; forbade m aking knowu to th e public, ) keep it closed and forget each o th er?” “Never.” said lie. cb 'n ein s apprais­ fo r the tim e being at least, th e sudden -- She slu t gged contemptuously. “ IIow ingly at h er through Ins horn-rimmed !, ÿ/a’-e i v H * y - ? v A* >4 aud m ysterious death o f Am bassador ! can I forge t ! You refused me honest spectacles. li e n .i« irnp-shouldered D e M ira— attribu ted to suicide— until love aud u clean name.” H er voice chilled him. “In a few and bald-headed. a fte r the prelim inaries o f an. inves­ B erth a turned nwrv. now laughing tigation could be arran g ed ; and 60 months,” lie fenced, w eak ly ; “I sh all outright, and asked the iiielit porter closely was th e secret guarded th a t probably be aide to settle upon you a only a few of th e attach es w ere cogni­ sufficient sum to m ike you alw ays in­ something about enrlv morning trains. \ i lust h efo r° retirin g she hanpen“d to zant o f the am bassador’s fa te . T h e dependent. W on't th at suffice?” T h ere w as a note o f jealou sy in the look down open the thoi ->np’ t »re and absence o f Colonel D are, his d au g h ter “So sew , the F»nre ni'tomohile con nialng and his unfortu nate young colli »ague, nervous laugh which followed. Cupt. Italph Payne, if noted a t till, o c­ you expect to m arry the D are m illion s! oplv th e fum iliar visnged Toko rustl­ ing hv. Sh e wondered why roe ca r (h e P riceless M iniature of Brent W as casioned no comment among th e a s­ Is th a t it ? ” “T h a t’s i t !” h e adm itted, a fte r a de- was out at (hat Into time and w hither sem bly now wholly absorbed in th e Missing. it was bound. An hour later the ca r j finnt silence. pleasu re o f the momeut. H e r m anner sw iftly changed. T he again passed the U’ilton hotel, hut by tne j-ccnty fee! the natural em barrass­ M ajor Thornton B ren t, it is tru e. ment. \s lie lield her hand in a re­ having seen his party's h asty e x it, may mask o f the worldly woman illsup- th 's tim e B erth a w as sound asleep. T h e autom obile on its return trip assuring clasp, she knew that he was liave wondered what sudden notion [»eared fro m h er faca, flushed and re­ tiifiklnc tin* m aster effort of his life took them off w ithout telling him about veallng mi outraged heart. Sh e s ta rt­ was not empty, however. In tf w ere , >r self-control. Colonel Dure and Mu jo r B r e n Y re -ced ­ eli troni th è sola and then fo r tilt1 fu st it. H e w as, however, in a m easu re They stood talking briefly, Incoher­ ing to the form er’s residenc" from n relieved and glad to be alone. Tw o tim e his w itlenfug eyes saw u plaln ently. • ooking into i iich o ih er’s eyes, secretly convened court-m artial of gold locket attaelred to a Chain a t her tilings had occurred to d istu rb his tliev bow th a t som ething which bind C aptain Payne. equanim ity. H e had lo st the in sin u a t­ iliroat. women Irrevocably and exult men. It was obvious th at th 's wa« no hap­ l ’or n few d 'stu rh in g seconds B ren t ing note from B erth a Bonn sent t n him ' f t th a t th is dread tiling lay bo- a t the Dure resid ence earlier i a the j confounded if vltli the one in which py homecoming when tlie ear stopped tv i-en them Payne as well as she knew, before the D are door. Toko stood evening. T h is w as enough to Uirow j the governm ent ch em icals had been se­ and when without responding to Ids llini into n panic of apprehension. And creted and given to his unfortunate aside a trifle more d cfere n fn l than usual w hile the officers descended. sd in t pleading for b elief in ills Inno­ t\ie girl had. a fte r all, appeart *1 at brother officer. H e sprang to h is fe e t ju s t as she T h e colonel seemed suddenly to have cence Pearl with a sob turned aside, the ball. H e had seen and been f meed wrenched th e ic c l 'i t from its fastenin g aged. Ilis eyes lacked luster. In con­ lie e. the ing in , m i a- toni-dilng calm his personal Tie drew b « ,• u tterin g an oath. arm y life a fte r leaving W est P< c'rit house, which fo r the mom ru t apparent­ a ’ uvneya who were now arriving ou She turned a vay, snapping the lid A m ere ch it then, w as th is sim p le, pm "/' u iatters of business. ly was deserted. meek-eyed daughter of the old frantieV shut. *4 f I w ere you, Thornton,” she it'-n u ll he out in a Jiffy, P a y n e !" drawled w iih studied iro n y ; “I B ren t passed into the library. On post sergeant, who cam e tw ice a week- ’u“ y assured I ’.ninbridge, tho senior, w ith his linens and darning, am i to wouldn’t calcu late on those D are mil­ the w all hung a splendid painting of i -v.-i-. ly before lie was inside the door. lio n s to prov iso tile w ith an incom e.” I ’ayne. I lis eyes were rivi ted upon it. whose childish adoration, in tlw* grenl B ren t sprang iq oil h er in sw ift and B u t In them th ere was no pity. A ‘ • '•inicbod.ff will pay for this dammilde isolation of his life, his heart erf youth voControllnhlC' ragi c his vision blurred. stran ge uneasiness p >rnieat( d h i s , «••.itrage. T h e government seems to have hungry to love, succumbed. i •» its head e n tire ly !” . F o r years he had wondered w heth­ se,*uig only th a t f yrjrotten inscription senses. Turning, lie found 'J ko. he. i- i I n ; lie, bored, motioned them to tit o f ii -* im pulsive a tel sentim ental mo­ tatin g to approach, yet with an evi­ er she was alive or dead. T h en, one d w ri. dent qm stlon on his lips. day shortly a fte r his com m ission ns m a­ ment o * y ears ago. ' I w ant to talk to you about my Th e I, N ket rolled on the lloor and “W hat Is it. Toko?” jo r and tra n sfe r to Colonel D are's regi­ Toko pointed to the portrait. His w ill,” said he briefly. “You can draw ment, he w as som ew here w ith P earl at out o f tin i f re ich. P»erU.>a w as about vlifu a knock on the door usually Inscrutable fa c e was expres- it up tomorrow and mnil it for my sig an afternoon tea dance or som ething. to shriek nature.” brought B n f t to his s e is e s . B erth a sive o f real regret. Already had his subtlety in the a rt o f The law yers seated them selves “ W hat was the charge ngain^t the love gained fo r him a place In the reeovered the lo ck et w hile h e re lu ct­ heavily. Balnhridge wondered wind antly an sw ered ' eumneons. captain ?” heart o f th e colonel's daughter. Her “He sold n valuable army secret to m anner o f man th is was. At the tl resh 'id , snluting, stood an glowing eyes and the rich color m an­ M eanw hile Pearl and her father no enemy coun.ry. Toko,” M ajor B ren t tling h er cheeks told him that on th is orderly fr< m the :vai" office. gloomily returned to town. occasion he w as fascin atin g her and “Compli’ i< nts » if the o f ptl}fr gruffly replied. “To G ranada.” When T oko drew up at the war de­ “W ill he bo shot?’ th at, fo r the moment, his rival was nol and in stru ctio n s to hei 'd q u arters i Brent shook his fiend. “T h e proof, partm ent to permit the la tte r to alight, in her thoughts. l i e was on the point full dress t nifort j. s ir.” s ’-id ho from while quite conclusive, was circum ­ la* lingered at tin* side o f tin* machine o f proposing, knowing th at the idea a resp eecfii dista nee. stan tial. He has been sentenced to holding ids daughter's hand tightly. w as not en tirely repellent. jw “ I'.e liruve, girl. Uemcmher that you of life im prisonment in I hi* federal peni­ Then cam e the shock flint put n lu h is fa c t to a i oid V 'JY are a D are to whom Am erica stands ten tiary. He will lie dismissed from , stop to his m atrim onial calcu lations B e r th » . who. taldng tidvaii.age . i f the iirst.” Tu rning aw ay, he mumbled fo r the present. F o r B erth a Bonn, a c­ situ n t.on , slipped o u t when a sa fe e x it tl, •» arm y a t sunrise.” something about not seeing t a r until “ I ,'**l*i »1 Captain Payne." said Toko, companied by an atniuhle hon vivant, w as assu red . late lu the follow ing afternoon. Pearl had entered the room and. taking an Sb ? im m ediately w ent to the Tsrfel a fte r n *d turned a w a j * /niffernbly blunt. He turned away to can officer been noised shout. T n e An Episode in M ajor B ren t's Past. debt. H is position made refu sal o f her with a f eellng of securb'y. Ineuri« u sly 1 /tde his feelings r-rc e ts w ere unusually a le rt with peo­ demands im possible. u the hall stixid P eart wringing Imr sh e r»t .served the ord irly from th e ple. At corn ers under lamp-posts nn-n d< nee o f her presence, fo r the Intruder l i e reached the “F ” stree t side of w ar r jfiee aw aiting the m ajor. Then han«. N T h e hopelessness o f it all was and women were grouping around news skillfully hiding his fa ce turned Im­ th e W ilton in a fever. Unnoticed by she 'v e n t to h er own tuom . Hardly* wrlrfen nn fi“ r Xt wns Plaln ,h n ' hoys. T h e nam e of Itulph Payne was mediately nr.d leaped through an open him at the curb stood th e D are au ­ had s te entered when ft nm the pave- th o colon «il had told her everything on everybody's lips. T o hep sham e window, making off in the shadows. tomobile. Toko s i t at the wheel qu iet­ roor ,t rose the sh rill c r y o f m elted , see hon— alone." she sahl " I must P earl heard h er own linked with his by Nbe was a fte r him In a second, but ly smoking a -ig arette . i a y \ slx»ys. p'teonslv. nj nrnaohlnz the . iioijg r. a knot o f workmen a t a culvert over when she reached the ground he had At th at hoar the hotel lobby wo? , T h e lioarse. bellow ing rolces in B ren t ft mu! ' 1' m1 ■> mIMlth jr which h er c a r bounded. disappeared. Then th e throbbing o f p ractically deserted. When B re n t j ~ ,,_,i t .;|r judefir ja rr*d tn>on ht • i h - roinnei ' t * 1 “In th ese perilous tim es, there nln’t a m otor a ttra cted h er to th e street. passed through the por:IJ*e eolfld lex ’’ He hold und remained lanornnt o f national i "Qulok, please, follow thnt car. I'll pocket was caused by » revolver tight- j T h « hotel lobby wop s»*ethlng with «H-tiisrht cooler^nee nf affiilrs. T h e tim e had com e when in»*n psv you any price. I ’m Miss D a re !” ly clenched In his co n ' );a|e(j fist. Colo- excited people B erth e «lid net e s c a " ? orrom pany 1 er. for th • visit wa- n‘ had censed to speak In J e s t o f the T u r­ I T h e driver shifted Into gear before to he b rief and t!*»-r<* nel Dare, noticing P r c ja t, quickly drew (fie th rill c f the niomot (t. In awed id* espanly tle bay incident, the H aitian uprising, •be w as fairly Inside. Sh e swung h er him aside. j |Pnre eho re-entered th e elevator. As irer® rofn-.* d etails for 1dm nion* v th** M exican hfnwl nnd of our perplexi­ swaying body Into th e tonneau clos­ H e spoke bluntly. “P tiyne Is— -jn d er , f w r«t upward It pa« rd B ren t re a ’i* Kettle ? t the b arrack s whs-re at day- ties with all Latln-A m ertca. It was ing the door with a hang, only to find arre st. T h e Pamama defense plans to descend. He Ignot sd her passiag l»reaTf ho w as to p rf-.d e over tiic t ,ir v f 11 known th at foreign m en o f war. h erself pinioned by a pair of steel-coid and the chem ical w afejrs n e c e s s a iy to sm ile o f m ocking s ireetness. She mat dlsrij ‘‘-•«al scenes of th e court-m ar­ In fighting trim , bad fo r some tim e hands. H er outcry was unheard save th e ir interpretntJon h a v e —'" he look ed laughed to h<-rsclf. tialed o f rer. been m yateriously patrolling the Cnrrl- by th e m ysterious man into whose at B ren t meaning!* —“dlsappeat cd- s i,» npered her pt t he tt It gratefu l fo r h er fa th e r's -’ip- r‘-e to put th e b**an s r d the P a cific; and the financial arm s she had unexpecteilly fled. a t ere fo r instru o tions." change a w iv and di* v ______ covered, to - h - er |K*rr In th is trying ordeal, for no soon­ and com m ercial intim acy o f the south­ Then agpln P earl smelled ehloro- curious calm env eloped B re n t a n d am azem ent, th at th e • («plicate Involve er had she entered C aptain Payne * ern hem isphere, with Europe and tim a fa in t sm ile played upon his thin 111 * f» r her locket, w hich she had pla wd qu arter t and found tie r-"If alone with Continued ou page I Orient» lately bud assum ed «. aew him j ¿an there, came to lux the 0.« P * ap p ro ach ed . h i s nnartm eqiu'' there, h u t a fen . me m en u ago.. 1 « N ovelized From the Alotion Picture Serial o f the Same Name Released by Pat he “Watt beJ ------------ !” Brent shut *-------- V i rr~ d°or r- #