Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 31, 1917, Image 3

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have their holdings disposed of or
reduced to the lowest valuation.
Published Every Thursday
While the timber is standing Til­
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
lamook county's valuation is
greater than it ever will be and it
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov-1
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo- is only right and just that the im­
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un-1 provement be made and paid for
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
before the land is divested of the
S cbscrijtmjn R at cs
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
receiving higher wages, is presenting
a problem to institution heads, who
probably will ask that the state board
of control standardize all v> ages at
the various institutions
That Kendall Bros., of Pittsburgh,
Pa., have abandoned all hope o f con­
structing a railroad from Roseburg
to their timber holdings iu Douglas
county In the near future was attested
when Judge Hamilton at Hoseburg
was asked to dismiss all of the con­
demnation suits brought In the name
of the city of Roseburg against own­
ers of land situated ulong the pro­
posed route of the line.
A number of timber cruisers have
arrived in Roseburg and have begun
preparations for resuming the cruis­
ing of the O. & C. grant lands in
Douglas county. The work hail ex­
tended as far as a portion of the
county last fall, when the winter
weather set iu and the funds for the
cruising were ex',tousled.
All Pint
p< rtlou of the lands In the southern
part of the state are already classi­
fn .telegrams lo President Wilson,
members of congrers and to the puh-
I>o service commissions of Waslnng-
ten. Idaho, California and Nevada,
the public eerv > c, r.imbf lon of Ore-
r-n is urging the appointment e?
Clyde It Aitchison as a member of
iln> Interstate co.ninerc- nun mission.
Mr Ailibiron formerly was chairman
of the Oregon commission and new Is
solicitor for (lie National Arroc'atlon
of Railway Commiraioners.
\\ hile realising the gravity of the
problem created by the shortage of
far1»1 labor. Secretary of Mar Baker,
in response to a telegram from Gov-
e.nor Wtthycomba asking that enlist­
m e n t in the rural d strirts be discour­
aged or discontinued, has written the
executive that he. as secretary of war,
has no right to discourage enlistment
' in the face of an act of congress
which attempts to create a very inrge
part of our army by this process,.”
The material is now being assem­
bled at Astoria by Contractor C. L.
Houston for the construction of 64
reinforced concrete storage bins foi
hulk wheat, which nre to be erected
in connection with the port of Astor­
ia s bulk grain elevator. The entire
plant, which will have a storage ca
pacity for 1,000,000 bushels of bulk
grain, will xeprtsent an expenditure
of $319,00i) In addition to the cit-va
tor and bins, the port warehouse has
a capacity for storing 2,000,000 bush
cts of sucked grain.
Agricultural land Included in the
Oregon S: California land grant area
ms,r he made available for rettb ment
uh soot, as the tax lien can be re
moved by th- payment of back taxes
bv (lie government to the various
counties in the state In w liicn Ilia
lands are located, according to a let-
•or received in Eugene fiojn *ne dW
partment of the Interior. The pay­
ment of the bnek taxes is being de-
!avod pending the disposition of legal
question* which have been referred
to the department of Justice.
Morrow county's prospects for the belaud, ay a tranger whom he had
accosted and v . escorting off the
wheat crop are excellent.
One Year, in advance................... fl ,00 i
railroad bridge.
Six Months............................................ 50
Marion county has 1058 school chil­
War Census Day Facts.
The decision of Herbert Hoover,
Three Months........................................ IB
dren who are members of industrial
Single Copy............................................05
food administrator, and
War Census Day is Tuesday, June 5. clubs.
Secretary of Agriculture Houston,
The city of Hubbard is constructing
It will be a legal holiday.
A dvertising R ates
placing apples on the list of food
Every male resident between the ages a water system and will pave the
Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per
necessities, and assuring the fruit dis­
inch per month, single column. All of 21 and 30 years, inclusive, must main streets.
tricts that ears would be supplied as
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents ]>er register. This includes aliens, as well
Oregon is expected to produce at
soon ns the crop is ready tor market,
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
$10.00 as men who are sick or crippled. Ex­ least 00.000 individual subscribers to saved to the ti od river valley fully
Homestead notices
5.00 emptions from military service will be the liberty loan.
so..eon. Growers are
Political Announcement Cards
$10.00 determined later.
Western Oregon traveling men held | jubilant on .ic- a •; of the decision.
Register in your home voting pre­ their uunual picnic at Cottage Grove
Bids fop the construction of a li­
J ob D epartme nt
My Job Department is complete in every 1 cinct. Booths at regular voting places with about 150 present.
brary budding on the Oregon Agri­
respect and I am able to do all kinds will be open from 3 a. in. to V* p. in. A b­
Fully luOO people attended the an cultural college campus were opened
Commercial Job Printing on short sentees must register befoie War Census nual Jackson count) school picnic
by a committee of the board of ie
notice at reasonable priées.
Day at the office of the County Clerk of and field meet at Applegate.
rents and the contract was awarded
Despite war conditions, early tour to Sno >k A Tracer, of Salem, at
the county in which they happen to he.
THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1917.
Men of military age who are sick must ist travel indicates a heavy Invasion $83.300.
send a competent person to the office o f ' of Oregon by tourists this year.
The Sherman county school field
Are you wearing a good roads the County Clerk to arrange for their
Continued rains, which art- still meet and declamatory contest at Wes
keeping up. are making serious con co attracted over limp persons from
tag? Get one and wear it.
for the Coos county ranchers | the dif.’crent districts r.f the county.
The penalty for failing to register, or
The timber men are all right, for giving false, misleading or incorrect i The ministers of the state ar urged ’] he Moro school won both first and
but we want to run our own answers, is imprisonment without op­ to obsen e Sunday. June 3. a prison second place in a'hletics and in the
day,” in a proclamation issued by the dot lamatory conn :-t.
tion of fine.
county. So say all of us.
The public service coinmliedon hns
Pendleton claims the distinction of ordered a reduction in tb*■ light and
For the convenience of those who
Will the timber interests or the
having more autcm. l do.. in propor­
ranchers run the county ? It will cannot be at the polls of their home tion to population than no; city in power rates of the Portland ftullway,
precinct on War t' nsus Day on at
I Light a . Lower company. On the coni-
be decided next Monday.
| piny s present volume of business the
count of absence from the place and the state.
Governor With)combe has issued a i hi turns will amount to approxi­
where the county seat is of considerable
Don’t let your opportunity to
distance the county clei k is vested with proclamation declaring Tuesday, June mately $60,000 to $05,000 a year.
vote next Monday be lost. It is power to deputize county clerks for this 5, which is war census day, to be a
That students may be permitted to
your plain duty, and it is up to purpose.
P. D. Ott, of Hebo, and E. legal holiday.
I remain in the fiel,is to haivest crops.
Despite unfavorable, weather eondl
L. McCabe, of Cloverdale, are the deputy
every voter to vote Monday.
| and that th- fatuity may have a long­
county clerks appointed for this terri- lions, Linn county will have lira year er time to further the food prepared­
by far the biggt st acreage el beaus
We might as well look for a .tory.
ness campaign. the Oregon Agrtcul
and potatoes in its history.
needle in a haystack as u look for
coileg*' will not open for next
Only Told Once.
Brown rot <s prevalent in the p-une
work until October 8, three
any county improvements if the
"What do you tUiuk of the burl) orchards of Lane county.
a nul l
than the regularly ached
timber interests win in the race brute who would go away on a bitter of tiie wet, cold spring, and threatens
j uled date.
cold moruing and leave his wife to serious damage to the crop.
G. E. Coe, superintendent of the
build a fire in the furnace?” asked Mrs.
The University of Oregon Woman's
Indian agency, has an
Oretown Grange is all right. It Lerret.
league lias pledged its 40<j members
a sale of Indian allot­
“ That is something I’Te never told to return to school next (all with the
voted unanimously in favor of
held on June 19. The
bonding the county for hardsurface anybody but my husband,” laughed same dresses they now have
Jacob Wiscarson, a member of a tracts to be sold are situated in north­
Mrs. Yadilkth. "And 1 had to tell him
roads. See official copy of resolu­ only once.’’-P u ck .
Canadian regiment and a son of Mrs. ern California, southern Oregon and
in Harney valley. Much of the land
tion in the Courier today.
Mary Wiscarson, living near Eugene,
Nothing to Learn.
is said to be weil adapted to agricul­
“ Willie, what did you lenrn at school was killed in battle in France May It. tural purposes.
It is uj> to the voters of Tilla­
At a meeting of Sarah Childress
mook county to decide next Mon­ today?”
"Didn't learn nothin'. Teacher said has finished compiling the agricultur Folk chapter. Daughters of the Aioer
day by their votes whether Daugal- there's nothin’ new under the sun. a* survey of root- county. It has 18,000
lean Revolution, of Dallas, a resolu­
istn shall prevail or whether the Tlint let me out.”—Richmond Times- acres in crops, out of a to*al of 103,000 tion was adopted favoring th'1 erec-
county’s destiny shall remain the Dir, patch.
Durinjt the part week rot a plngle lion o ‘ a monument on the site of the
W o r ld ly W isd o m .
first court house in Polk county. It
hands of the ranchers.
“ Now that my engagement to Edgar fatal aecident was reported to the was located somewhere in North Dal­
Watch out for last minute scare Is broken off I wonder if he will ask un­ btato industrial accident comnvsrion. las and a suitable marker for the apot
There were 351 non fatal accidents re J
stories regarding the bonding. to return the Jewels that ho iru’ e me.” ported.
will be secured.
"If he doesn't usk for them I'd send
There is always someone who can
Curry county sheep ra'sers in the . Peter Zöllner placed 12 sticks of
them back at once, for iu that ease
invent a story at the last moment they're not genuine.”
region of Flores creek arc being dynamite under hl3 brother's motion
forced to abandon this line of agri pi« lure theatre at ML Angel end blew
that mav turn a yote. They tell
I lie side of the building out, besides
cultural pursuit, owing to the ?Avent
there stories when it is too late to
breaking many windows In the neigh­
of coyotes.
investigate and determine their
Plans have been formulated for the borhood. Zöllner declares he <1 id it
for revenge on his brother George,
annual strawberry testival at Leban­
on and the dates were set for June 14 with whom he has had trouble over
The difference of views being
and 15, by which time an abundance family property rights.
Dissatisfaction which has arlren
settled as to the north end route,
of strawberries is expected.
‘‘Every cloud may have a silver lin­
tng some employes of state instl-
Japanese strnwl erry growers of the
it being left entirely with the
in'," said Uncle Ehen, “ hut do facilities
Hood river \al!ey, numbering approx­
state commission, there eeems to
nln' alius pervided fur climbin' up an’
imately 200, will eld the local Red employes doing the same work ns I mikin' at dat side o’ de cloud."— Wash­
be nothing to hinder the county
Cross chapter with a donation each
ington 8tsr.
bonding act carrying.
of a crate of extra fancy fruit.
Mr. Dougal can find something at
A probable plot to dynamite the
'» • (
mill of the Oregon Lumber company
the last minute to disturb the
at Baker failed by the discovery of
quietness of the election Monday.
a quantity of dynamite, caps and fuse
hidden by a firce 25 fejt from tbs
With the opportunity Tillamook
county has of getting state aid in ♦ • »s s c M s e s s s e s M e m s s s e *
That Portland will be represented
her road building, it would he
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
in Europe by a complete unit of JO
ridiculous to suppose that any
ambulances in the American amhii
more especially than in
lance field service seems certain Al
Tillamooker would vote against
ready 14 ambulances have be°n sub
bonding the county to put the
roads in condition so that the state
Mrs. C. II «'astner. president of the
could carry oi^ its program. There
Oregon Federation of Women’s eluba,
is no county in the state that will
ha 3 been unanimously elected chair­
Our large stock is in every instance the Lest that can he had
man of the Oregon division of lh*
be more favored in this matter
ami onr aim will be to keep the high standard up.
woman's committee of the Council of
than Tillamook.
National D efen s e.
As a result of the food prepared­
We have yet to hear one argu­
ness campaign in Hood river county,
ment that has any reason in it
th“ first steam power threshing m i
against bonding the county for will be operated thU • »»on to
harvest the largo l crop of grain ever
hard surface roads. Would a rail-
seeded in the vallej.
company or any other corporation
Under an opinion by Attorney <$•*
bond itself for improvement, if
era! Brown It is held that th ameiinl
with the money they could save a
of the federal Inh-rttanoi tax is not
percent-!ge in cost of operation?
to tie deducted trora the appre ted
valuation of et-tet
to arrive at lha
You know thev would, and you
amount of the state tax
know they do.
And you also
Safe and Comfortable
Stockmen from • ar ous -- 'rtlons n t
know they profit by bonding. The
Douglas county report that many
only reason the timbe interests op­
Leave Cloverdale daily at
horses have tec me affected with
7:30 a. m . arriving at Tilla­
pose bonding is because they do
what Is known a* pink eye and
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
mook at 10 a. m.— in time for
that In some in lances the animals
not want to pay their propor­
morning train to Portland.
all goods are o^the best quality.
are in a actioua condition.
tionate share of the expense of im­
Leave Tillamook at 3 p. m „ 2
Adam Oarren, 37 years old. of Hub-
proving the county. What they
arriving at Cloverdale at 5 J hard. a prDate In Company I. Third
are working for is to put off the
p. m.
? Oregon Infantry, is in a serious con­
J. M TRAXLKR, Prop, i dition as the result of being throw n
improving until they get the tim­
ber logged eff the land and they
» • < • • • « • • • • • • * » « « ? | from the trc;t!e at Graves creek, near •«
! Tillamook-
Cloverdale j
All Wav Points
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
S(ovcs Ranges, Farm ami
Garden Tools
I Alex McNair & Co., TilUmook.Ore.