Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 31, 1917, Image 2

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Fruit jars and lids at the old price
VV. A. Wise. dentist.
last. Bave money by buying
Harry Thomas, of Mfihler was in them they
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.,
town Sunday.
Inc. ,
Mr*. Alex Watt,of Tillamook, was in 1). T. Werselikul, J. L. Lawrence and
town Tuesday.
Webster Hudson wers in Tillamook to­
K«-v. J. A. McVeigh is spending the day in the interest of the Big Xeatucca
week in Orenco.
Drainage District.
Eggs 29c per dozen. Clorerdale Mer­ F. 8. F'oster, of Meda, was seen haul­ Makes an an admirable Birthday or
cantile Co., Inc.
ing n large planer through Cloverdale
Graduation (lift.
l)r. J. L. (ieorge is down from Ne- Monday of this week which is being
placed in bis mill at Me la
hale in this week.
Just the Pan for Boy or Girl, Man or
Miss Hazel Lamar, of Tillamook vis­ J. M. T railer returned to Cloverdale
ited at the Chas. Hay home this week. yesterday afternoon with a new W hite
have qualities th at surpass all
Frank Owens and Jim Baker made a truck, which be intends converting into They
F'ouutain Pens, are depend­
trip to Portland and Newberg this week. a passenger stage to put on the run be­
anu positively will not leak.
Mrs. Fred Nick la us and children, of tween Cloverdale and Tillamook. The
Tillamook are visiting friends in this little passenger stage has proven too
small for the trade. The Pacific Tele­
phone Co. has leased the little stage for
Blanker Bros, for all kinds of oliinib- a month or so to transport the men
lug, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til* back and forth from their work on a
lamook. Ore.
new telephone line from Tillamook to
Cuy Mattoon is working on the Dolph Bay City and Garibaldi.
road and moved his family there the
first of the week.
Look over you farm implements and
•end in vour needs early Cloverdale Resolution From Oretown Grange
Mercantile Co., Inc.
No. 345*
By R. C. Jones, County Agricultural
9. H. Rock, of Oretown, was doing
missionary work in town Wednesday in Whereas, the proposed paved road in Agent.
Tillamook County will be of great bene­
behalf ol the bonding measure.
What About the Slacker Land.
Horse for eule, S-year-old Percherofl, fit to the whole people of the county, The first impression a newcomer gets j
iron gray color, qot broke, 1100. Terms and, regardless of the fact that the m a­ upon entering Tillamook County is that
jority of the members of Oretown
if desired. W. Koanicke, Woods.
live from one to six miles from it is one of the most wildly beautiful
E.L. McCabe and Ben Joy celebrated Grange
of said paved road spots on earth, uud next be asks where
Memorial day by launching their boat i Therefore, he route
by Oretown is your farming country that produces
It is a very nifty looking little eruft.
Grange No. 3f>4, in regular session your famous cheese and then you point
Six hundred down, balance on time assembled, that we go on record as
get* a good business proposition in favoring the proposal bond issue for the out here and there among the stumps
the cattle that are picking their living
Cloverdale. Taylor Heal Relate Agency. proposed paved road.
Respectfully subm itted by pour com­ from the soil which is free to grow grass. '
Get a free ticket to the show next mittee.
Did you ever stop to consider what it
Saturday night by subscribing for the
costing you each year to let these
Cloverdale Courier. Sec* advertisement [9eal]
on last page.
L. J. Red berg. logs and stumps remain on your rich
farming soil? It you have not go over
F'or the housewife who wants to save
one acre of uncleared land and trv and
we sav buy your coffee before the war
figure out how much real land there is
tax of 9c |>er pound is added. Clover­
to raise grass. Then after you have 1
dale Mercantile Co., Inc.
The other day Mr. Northrup cam e1
this, figure your cost of clearing
Mrs. Glaaford and little dauhgter home with a ear, anil Charland A Duel done
see if it would not pay you to
Grace left for their home in California
and dear the iand right
Sunday after a few weeks visit with her
in this great time
brothers, A1 and Vic I earned.
With this as a beginning, who can say of need when America must feed the
Mrs. Nelson, of Newberg, is visiting Wools isn't prosperous.
world is is our duty to get busy and
her daughters the Mrs. F'rank Owens
m afp this land fruitful.
and Mrs. Chat. Blbin, of Cloverdale, and A few very pleasant hours were »Dent Mr. Cunningham, who gave a stum p­
Mrs. John Blum of rieasant Valley at 1‘aeific City the other night at a ing demonstration hare some time ago,
this week.
school entertainm ent given by the Pa write* (hat he expects to visit Tillamook
City school. The exercises were soon to conduct another dem onstration,
M rs. John Low ranee returned home j
Monday after attending a session of the unusually good and reflect great credit \ the time of w hich will he announced
Grand Lodge of ReK kalls and also vis­ upon Miss Goyne, the teacher. Re- I later.
iting her daughter, Mrs. ('has. Watson, j freshtncnts were served and the few
pleasant hours will long he remembered , There is no better immediate method
of Buxtoii.
by those present. Miss Goyne left for j
The W. ('. T. I’, went on a hiking trip her home in Tillamook Sunday morn- | for conserving the food material« grown
last Friday to the forest reserve station ing and w ill be greatly missed by all the in this county than by the erection of
ou Mount llelio, where Mrs Reach en­ people in this community.
It will not hurt to agaiu enum erate
tertained them with a cliieken dinner.
F.vervone enjoved themselves immense- ; Next Sunday morning there w ill be ! some of the advantages of the silo. Its
the usual services at the Chapel, after j first and most im portant usage is that
w hieh the congregation w ill repair to it increases the food vfiltie of the en­
Rev. J A. McNe gh will return Sat­ the beach, taking their lunch with siled
This has been dem on­
urday evening and on Sunday morning them, when, if the afternoon is pleas­ strated m aterial.
and grass m ixture
his subject ut the church will lie “ I'he , ant, appropriate service* will tie held in right here in Tillamook.
also solves
Holy Ghost Given". In (the evening the open, otherwise, in one of the build- | the harvesting problem, as It rain
the topic will be “ The Crooked Made ings in l'acillc City, followed bv special do damage to material which is will going
evening services at th* Chapel. All are j into the silo.
Announcements for the eommenre- normally invited to come and spend th e' Just w hat ty) e of silo to build is an
luent exereise* at the State Normal at day with us. Bring your luneh.
individual quastion, as any of the ap­
Monmouth were received by friends of Preparations are being made to con -' proved types are giving satisfaction in
the graduates this week. Miss Ruth | struet a foot bridge across the river to I most instance*, however, the common
Clark, formerly of this place, i« a mem­ tlit* beach from Pacific City, from the •lave silo offer* the simpleist solution
ber of the i la*s
cud of which a good plank walk will be a* to which is l>est in this locality, as
Last riiursdai tieing Mrs. O l* N| rat - j laid to the beach. This is a much the material can he secured »t our mill*.
Just w hat crop will he developed as a
toon * birthday, a few of the lieighlmrs needed improvement.
silage crop for this locality re­
came ill and surprised her. A \err Mr Reals has greatly improved the
he yet solved, although, as
pleasant afternoon was spent doing canipiag grounds, which we understand
fane) work aud a lovely luneh wa~ a*rv ' are to be free tins season. He is also ha« been stated, the clover and grass
ed by tlis hostsss.
i constructing a number of foundations for m ixture gave the letter results in the
milk pail than when it was not made
Leo Norton r«al# in from Amitv W ed-' tent houses.
Into silage. It is interesting in this
nesday on his wheel, lie said he left A merry party of anglera s|s*ut the connection to note th at the U. S. De­
Amity at 7:30 a in. and arrived in I day here Sunday, They seemed to en­ partm ent of Agriculture is breeding
Cloverdale at 4 :3U p. in. and made stops joy tin* s|Hirt, Inn refu-ed to give us the toward an apparent front proof corn,
at Dolph and Hebo. He ie|>orls tbs exact weight of the catch, hut suppose and present indications point toward
Sour Grass road iu tine condition.
ye editor has seen them ere this as they success for this would allow us to m a­
ture the crop.
Ko m atter, who you are, what you were from Cloverdale
are or where voli are, if you ars between Mrs. Duel and Mrs. Cornett and chil­ Placet of Voting, War Census Day.
the ages of 21 and 30 inclusive, you dren mads a trip by low boat to Clover­ Sheriff Campbell has kindly sent a
Monday. They report a pleasant
must 1* registered War Census Day or dale
enlivened by several exciting in­ list of the voting place« throughout the
I* liable to imprisonment without ths cidents.
county with a foot note stating that we
option of a tine. And furtherm ore it is
charge it to our Uncle Samuel.
up to the individual himself to see that | Dr Montgomery and (anuly spent a
we give th at portion of the list
few days last week visiting at ths home
he is registered.
in the south part of the county
A surprise party was given Tuesday
Reaver—School house
evening iu honor of Meta A nliim 's
Blaine—School bouse
Elected Officers
birthday and was a verv pleasant aocial The Oddfellows elected officers S atur­ Cloverdale—Schiol house
llelx»—School house
event for the young |>eoi>ls < ìanii s and day evening. They an- as follows
K L. McCaU*
Little Meet urea—School houae
music were ths amusements. Haintv N
refre*hments were servrd. Miss Meta V U — Chae Murphy
Neskosrin—Mier* Hall
Sand lake—School house
was the tpeepieat of numeious pretti Sec —Fred Murphy, re-elected.
gifts and g *ovi wc-bes
l uiou—Collier Building
l r«s# — U C. Sanders, rs elevled
Fountain Pen
Special Sale
A 3 0 c G ra d e
2 5 c p e r lb
A 3 5 c G ra d e
30c “
G e rm a n A m e ric a n C offee 3 5 c p e r lb,
3 lbs 81-00
R o y a l C lu b C o ffee 4 0 c p e r lb, 3 lbs 1.10,
5 lbs 1,75
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc
Our Improved
Put our Engines years in
advance of all competition
Our Customers are Protected by a Five-Year
O ur E n g in e s are guaranteed to develope 20 per cent over and
above th eir ra tin g . Our Silage Cutters are backed by 42 y ears of
en silag e c u ttin g , are simple, durable, easy to operate, lig h t ru n n in g
and no silo too high. Our line of farm machinery is high grade,
backed by the staunch firm of Mitchell, Lewis <k S tav er Co, so
you tak e no risk. Avoid imitations.
W. K U PPB N B E N D L K .
T IL L A M O O K , O R E .
“Pearl of the Army”
The film feature that is creating
intense interest tlirougout the
United States because it deals
with the conditions of today.
First Episode Bat., June 2
Read the story in the Courier, first installment in
next week’s paper. Read it.
( inoliati T Hfc I'lL'M : k : i *; h about it .)
people have way of sizing things
up for themselves—\V-B CUT is all shreds, ail
t o b a c a n d ordinaly piud is 1c. f wi*h a lot of
heavy, (lummy sweetening, holding it together. But
everything d-icsn’t g3 by quantity either; W-B CUT
is a rich, sappy chew, because it’s r»rht safiXV tobacco.
It doesn’t take so much V* -I) io satiify. Take a small
. chew. Then notice how it lasts.
I IM . fcy WETSUH-EirrCN CCBFAST. 1.07 Br«Jw.y, K,« T-rti City