Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 31, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. j 2.
Vote for Hardsnrface Roads and Kiep
raook County Abreast of the
courier ,
C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . M A Y 3 1 ,1 9 1 7
you had a hard time peddling it
off for a small amount of money.
Stop and think what thut timber!
I claim is soon to bring the pur­
chaser. If your heart has gone
J out to the poor timber owner it is
time you take a reef in it.
Be reasonable, be honest with
yourself, vote for an economical,
profitable hardsurfac« highway,
and not only do this, but see that
you neighbor votes. lie may not
be vitally interested. You are,'or
should be, if you intend to con­
tinue tour home in Tillamook |
Monday is election day. On this farmers are to be found in these
day the voters will have an op­ districts and farms are conducte'1
portunity of deciding whether they successfully.
Whoever Here is
want to continue the old method the spirit “the old mini is gone j OPPOSITION TO P OAD
of taxing the rancher to repair enough” will be found small school
roads or bond the county and build houses, cheap homes and a sparcelj
“When it Is explained that the ex
road* that do net have to he re­ settled community of unsuccessful, prnse of providing the crush«d rink
pure and unadulterated mossbacks bese on the roads to be hard surfaced
How are you going to vote Mon­ will be borne by the state and not re­
Look at the amount the road
quired of the counties, opposition to
from Tillamook to Cloverdule has day— back forty years or ahead the road bond bill is largely removed.'’
says Winnb Braden. of Dallas, Seen-
cost in the past five years and twenty
taiy-Tre«surer of Polk County B ' t i . r
It is not unreasonable to expect Roads
what it wlil cost in the next five
Asso. atlon. “It bus l. on my
years to keep it up, then if for no that every titan and his wife tha experience that It Is only neccs.-ury
other reason than that of economy have a ranch in Tillamook count} lo acquaint the individual oppon- nt ol
the road bond measure with the pro-
your vote should be for bonding to will vote in favor of bonding for a visions of the bill to make him a con­
build a road that will not require hardsnrface road while the timber is vert to the good roads movi ment. The
a force of men to keep it in con­ still in the county to pay its share people of Polk County uniformly wiih
oth«r p r e t r -ive people of the s'ate
dition to travel.
of the burden. When the timbei want good roads. All that is d mat’ d
And again, stop and consider to is once marketed the owners of the eil by them is the assurance that the
what extent your freight will be re­ timber land will want to bond and funds to be raised by the proposed
bord isuuo will b e applied economical­
duced on all you haul or have build hardsurface roads to enhanee ly In the construction of the great« d
hauled. This item alone is suffi- the value of the land they have. possible niilcaee of serviceable roads
cient reason why you should vote but with the timber taken off tin of a permanent and em iurl .13 charac­
the good roads in and the mud out land what per cent of the taxes
“With this ar-qrance and f i e fur
The comforts of travel we are will they then pay? The timber fh«r guarantee that nmrle funds arc
not going to touch on. but it is men are good business heads and provided in th ■ lmuvnn d automobile
iicens', which will have to k" paid
worthy of consideration from the j when the ranchers with improved s.nj way, to nv.ct. both h r r< ;;t at. I
fact that with hardsurfaced roads ranches have to pay principally all principal of the bonds, the voters of
tny stetlo a of the state arc more
the outside tourist travel would be <>f the taxes they will he in for strongly
favoring the road L 111 .”
more than doubled.
jeyery improvement that can be
Enhancing the value of farm suggested,
property in Tillamook is one of the
Don’t lose sight of the fact that
tilings the rancher does not want the standing timber in Tillamook
Apsurance that the woni n of this
to lose sight of. Piosperity and county was bought by the timber state favor good, roads was given at
progress follow good roads. Tour owners at v small percent of what the s'ate-vvide rally in Portland by
through California, Utah and sev­ it can he had for now in 1017, and Mrs. Charles H. Cas’ ner, of Hood
River, President of ttie Oregon Fed« r
eral other states and you will see that they are facing an extremely atlon of Women’s Clubs. She said:
“ If there is one form of legislation
that the districts served by hard- large profit. If you had a timber
the women of this S late are In
surfaced roads are the ones that claim to sell some years ago you
terested In more than any otln r. out­
mount to something. Prosperous, know as well as the Courier that ride of the home and schools, It Is
Be Prepared to JVcathcr a Storm.
Tiie Neslucca Valley First,
Last and all the
NO. 4«
H ith a checking account at this Bank you will always have
just the “right change” no matter where you pay the hiil or to
whom you pay it.
You can draw your cheek tor anv ODD AMOUNT and pay
your bill either in person or BY MAIL which is a real convenieme
you can enjoy by
A Bank for all the People
All supplies furnished free.
C lo v e rd a le ,
O re g o n .
^ TTeii in b«ore.
farm, ft ! I. and orchard mean any
"G rocery butter Is so unsatisfactory,
tiling to (ho progress ami prosperity dear,” sahl Mrs. YoungbiUle. “I dedd-
of the state. 11 j pns.ago of the Rood I *| today that
Wie would make our
fords bond Issue will be to the ad
vain age of every man. woman ami
"Oh, did you?" «d d her hustmnd.
child tn Oregon.- The Spectator (Port.
“Yes; I bought a chnrn and ordered
buttermilk to be k-Pt here regularly.
I lome Vegetable Garden
Won't it be nice to have really fresh
Needs Good Cultivation butter?”—Boston Tran%.rtpt.
Tlle importance of thorough and con- 1
(llim„ |s cu , „ vatlon ln t)le home V9g9.
; t„ l)k, Kanlp|| ls p o lllt l,(1 olU
„ nP%T
$540 IN
farmers' bulletin of the l ’ulted States
department of agriculture. After the
seeds have sprouted or a fte r the plunts
have been set in thwlr permanent loca­
tion continued cultivation becomes in»«.'- H. West, of Scappoose, Tells
What Good Roads Mean
The gardener should never permit the
r.ul'fate o f the soil to become baked or
to Him.
even to form an appreciable crust.
Constant stirring with hand t o o l s or a
H. West, farmer and dairyman, liv­
wheel cultivator should be practiced
between tbe rows mid about the plants. ing near Scappoose, Is nil enthusiastic
Such a stirring permits the nir to peu«v ■upporter of the road bond bill that
Irate the soil, where It facilitates will be before the voters for their ap­
chemical action and bacterial activity, proval at the special election Jun e 4.
destroys weeds which otherwise would He fa for the road bonds because the
utilize large amounts o f plant food and value of good roods has been demon­
strated to him conclusively. Through
linuliy conserves tbe moisture supply.
T be rake is perhaps the gardener's the construction of a macadam road
most valuable tool In cultivating. This by which be Is enabled to send milk
•an lie passed backward and forward and cr»arn to market by auto truck.
< v er the ground until It Is in an open, i Mr "'c a t last year saved $540.
mellow condition.
Whore vegetables | “B i fora tbe macadam road was
grow close!., in the r«>v if often will built,” according to Mr. West, "1 had
l e ue e s s a . y to supplement the culti
lo haul my » I l k and cream by team
ratli n by band weeding Sin ill impie I 1° Scappnoae. But now an auto truck
monts nre made for tills purpo. e ami | ends at my home dally, delivers tny
may to purchased click |>ly. It Is well | dairy produits In the Portland market
a! I in - ..... e en <■« In pull up weeds In and on the return trip brings groceries
hand, especially w here they grow «dose I and other supplies right to my door,
ly about the stalks or Ilio garden plants i Hue entirely to tbe macadam road, my
: saving last year In marketing tbe
products of my dairy alone was $540.
L-uck of the Pearl Fishers T h is estim ate do«-s not Include the
saving that has ottended the market­
« L H IÜ U
ing of uiy farm products and the de­
ret. am , -„'T
i wW,*.:
-Z\\ ®‘ M
r#«,..-vr we
livery of freight and other supplies at
•n«T erae
Ys! V'TfiOr
n «ceri
my home.
-i.cii '"M
:;ood roads, and particularly do they
V•«* 3 W ML
“ By hgr<j surfacing this macadam
wish this for the rural worn n, for to
P teet-
, itflU v . my savings due to Improved
whom can -ond roads mean more than
' Y*
ronds will he even greater for with tha
to the women on the farm. It would
completed roid the cost of operating
tend to lessen that g n a t isolation
auto trucks will be further reduced.
the great factor in driving the boj s .
Yes, I am enthustaatlcally ln favor of
end girls to the city.
the road bond bill.
“The women of my organization,
Ail’líi.0:' Í
-wies v-
F arm ers not residing op any of th«
composed of lli.l clubs, and m arly 15.
roads to be Improved under the road
000 wom- n in this state, are Interested
bond bill should not for th at reason
In aood roads, as mis shown by a resit ,
oppose the bond measure. With tbe
lution unanimously passed for good
approval by the voters of the bond Is­
roads at th«’ last annual m e t i n g held
sue. every such farmer will derlvs a
at Seaside.”
two-fold benefit.
In the first plane,
he will be brought that much etaaer
Among the false statements elrcu-
to a hard surfaced road Secondly, the
Intcd by opponents of the $G,OOO.UOO
money nowr expended on tha main
road liond bill 1 « one to the effect that
roads will be available for th * Im­
the burden of paying for the bond«
provement of the connecting mads.
will bo saddled upon the taxpayers of
M F » « . S o o f t » g l f :n o « i f < s h in 4'"
Surely, the farmer, regardless af hi*
the state. The fact is that under tb*‘
residence with respect to the mstn
quarter-mill state road tax. which Is
trunk roads, canno* help bub recognize
In effect and has been for the last
that he will be benefited by tha ax
rvt hrm
four years, the taxpayer assessed for /»t«l
tue»' Fis », wovr
pendlture of funds raised by tha pro
» n S i M ftW
finnn Will pay 25 c< nts a year. In t :m
TA » i n e *
posed bond Issue.
25 years the bonds are to run the total
amount the taxpayer will contribu'n
Ypung m»n are being continually
under this tax will ho Ik.25 and Its
urged to "Oof back to the F a r m ,* hut
payment will be d i s t r i b u t e over a
they are expected to wade In mud up
period of 25 years. Begirt'-«. th is tax
to tbelr knees to get thera. Vota for
la already provided by statute and ,
the $ M 00.000 bond measure and help
must be paid regnrdle«* of whether
make the farm more accesalbla ta la-
HO * M
the road bonds are vot'd at the special I»/
¿T rT Jtí
; her as well as to tbe market*.
election Ju n e 4th
The revenue from I
the Increased automobile licenses wilt
■■■ ■
he more than sufficient to pay both
Interest and principal on the road
bonds. The direct tax-'» of the Indi j
E»»r/ man is the canter of par
vldtial taxpayer, therefore, will not bo
patual radiation liks a tummoua
Increased If the road bonds are voted j
body. Ha is. os it wore, a bea­
No additional burdens wijl be tm
con which ontices a ship upon
posed on a % taxpayer by reason of
th# rocka if it does not guida It
the passage of the good roads bond
• afoly into port.—Amiol.
Issue. Aod If good roads, qul-ker com
tnunication, safer transportation, bet
t»r traveling facilities, and reduction
HINGS may be going well with you today. You may have
a fine position. Y out business may be prospering. You
mav bo in the full rigor of youth and health. Of course
none cares to look on the dark side. But it always is
■well to be prepared for a change in the tide. The greatest prep­
aration is a healthy bank account. Drop in and see us about an
account. We’ll gladly talk it over.