Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 24, 1917, Image 4

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Pearl of the A rm y
li! r
ASerialStory will be printed
in the Courier and pic­
tured at the Movies
(Jomnieiiciug Thursday, Way
31, the Courier will publish
one of the most interesting
been put in print.
Head the story then come to
the show and see it acted out.
Special Offer
We are anxious that every reader ol thit advertise-
raent should get the first printed installment of “ Pearl
of the Arm y” and we are likewise anmioue to have
them see the play et the Moving picture ahow. As a
special inducement we will give each new subscriber,
pitying ciieh in advance, a free ticket to the first show.
One dollar pave for the Courier one year and a ticket to
the first show. Renewal eubecnptiona considered ae
new subscribers.
Remember the date of the first Show of this
Magnificent Serial
Saturday Evening, June 2
Cloverdale Hall
n-nt- T-»- -• i--*'
- ——» —
w——— *■«-*- JiU._ ....
Correspondence Lessons in
f)artnonj> anb Compoetftott
Composer, Teacher and Director
Provides Immediate Centime*
tion of Permanent Highways
Without Increasing Taxes.
Much hue been said in opposition tc
the good roads bond bill that haa ao
bearing whatever on the measure and
which could be designed only ta pot
con and prejudice the voters ageiaet it.
That being the case, the following per­
tinent facie are submitted for the In­
formation end thoughtful considera­
tion of the impartial voter on the eve
of the special election June 4th:
This read bond bill proposes the is­
suance of $«,i)0o.00P twenty-five year
four per cent bonds for the construc­
tion of a system of state-wide hard-
surfaced highways. The roads to ha
improved are designated in the hill
and Include the main-traveled roads
throughout the state.
Adequate revenue has been provided
by statute for paying both Interest
and principal and retire the bonds at
maturity without Increasing taxes.
The money derived from the increased
automobile licensee and the existing
quarter-mill state road tax will pay
the Interest and retire the bonds and
leave a substantial balance for the
construction et other roads net enum­
erated in tde bond bill.
The increased automobile license
sad the state road tax are provided by
statutes now !u effect and will have
to be paid regardless of wbether or
not the road bonds are voted at the
Special election June 4th.
The automobile owner is willing to
pay the Increased license. All that h*
asks la that the license money, which
has to be paid anyway, be expended in
constructing the roads proposed in the
bond bill. Tbs automobile owner will
provide ail of the money necessary to
meet the Interest charges and retire
the bonds. He falls to see why there
should be any opposition to the ex­
penditure of the money eo provided lu
the construction of good roads, in view
of the fact that it Is bis money that
will pay for the Improvements.
All of the money raised from the
bonds will be expended under the di­
rection of the State Highway Commis­
sion. appointed by Governor Withy-
combe. The Commission has announc­
ed tbet iu expending the fund all see-
tloue of the state will be considered
impartially, A dollar's worth of read
construction for every dollar expended
is guaranteed by tbs Commissioners,
who have declared that they will pur­
chase one or more pevlng plants and
lay paving unless satisfactory bide are
submitted by paving contractors. Or­
dinary common sense business princi­
ples will also govern tha Commission­
ers In their work of road building.
Scarcity of labor and tbs reasonable­
ness of war-time prices for materials
will determine the time for Inaugurat­
ing work and the scops of actusl road
constructleu. Road building will not
be undertaken by ine Commission un­
less conditions are favorable.
Approval of the road bond bill Juan
4th will be an indorsement of a plan
that Insures for the stats the construc­
tion of s system of hard surfaced roads
with fuuds already provided by law
and without Increasing other taxe*.
Vote S14 X YES and help "Pull Ore­
gon Out of the Mud."
tMM.èdo g**4 roads Send MU?
Paar roads ars vary exp«salve things
for aouatry communities. Tha farmer
who thinks that Improved highways
are a s ls ly 1er the h so edit of these
who drive aatamablla* shsuld reflect
« a tha result o f s reseat investigation
by the Pepar tmaat o f AprlcwKura,
which ftsAa that the soot s f houttag
ferm pro Aase errar ardi ear y rouutry
reads io M seats a trau whereas over
tafd-ourfaosfl rsa4e tt Is oaly M seats.
Past aad Comssoat is Ysath’s C<
pus Van. May 1 «, l#JT.
Tk« B h I AitiMptio
iMliM 6«nskMt
All mueiciane, whether director, teacher,
pianist or vucaliat should understood Harmony.
Instructions in tliia branch of etudy should,
whenever possible, be taken from ae expert
teacher. However, it is not always convenient,
nor possible for one to leave town end etudy is
person with such a teacher.
For the accommodation of each Dr. Allred
Woolcr. of Buffalo N. Y., ban perfected a moat
thorough course in Harmony and Composition
that is simple, concise end practical, which he
teachea ttcceeefully by mall.
It intaieeted. write for prospectus cod rates.
County Commissioners
Q tffrcfc T P oofer, (Tttus. © o c .
322 West Utica St.,
H .4.— Dr W o o l« also correct* amateurs' musical compositions, amt
writes music to poems Those desiring such service must send their
M S or poem tor estimate of coat. Prices ere reeoncble.
Cvery motorist has observed hew his
ear accelerate* when h* goes frsm as
unimproved road to a stretch ef bar*-
surfaced; but he may net realise bsw
large s saving sf power end gaoellne
that acrelerattea represents
I f he
were to travel over a Herd eves snr
fare habitually Instead of over the
average country rood, hts gasoline hill
would be greatly reduced. A motorist
tn Mississippi baa figured out that
bard surfaced reads In hts csmmnalty
save him $$V per year In the fssattno
eessumed by s stagls tar
In the face ef thews foots la those
say possible reason why every ssta-
gWbUe owner U s aid hit* Tuts tor the
Tillamook Abstracting Co.
Taos. C o a tm . P r x d id i . v t .
eeterusra s u or abstrac t books
or m u u r o i cookty , on coos .
Conveyancing, Etc.
Opp. Coart House,
Tillamook, Ore.
Lyssptic la completely solnahls in
water. A teaspoon full to one quart of
water is tbs average strength to be used
for antiseptic, gsrtniclde, deodorants,
Write for Literature.
wounds, eats, nail punrtnree, mange,
hoot ret, mud fever, lice, fleas, dsndraff, TILLAM OOK.
shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves
very effective ter washing the animals’ FR A N K TAYLOR,
and stable utencilo, and ii meed in gen­
eral, improves stable cognitions, infect­
Notary Public
ion, among cattle, abeftion, foal dia-
chasgs And externally to pravsnt the
spread of diseases.
Cloverdale, Ore.
Sellable DrmggltL Tillamook, Ore.
e«e»w eief» e » e « è« i m i t>
A . C. E V E R S O N
Money to Loan
Real Estate Agency
An advertisement this
site in tbs Cloverdale
' Courier at only 36« the
is»» ns.
Don’t let the
door binges of yonr busi­
ness place get rusty for
-the want of a little adver­
tising. •
me for re a lty deals.
Tillamook Undertaking Co.
R. N. H E N K E L , Proprietor.
Night and Day calls
promptly attended.
Next Door to Joues-Knudson Furniture
i iit e»e>e«>teteeMef > e«e
Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone 53-J
National Bid.
P. O. Box 147
The Todd Hotel Abstracts on Short Notice
With Rollie Watson
j Tillamook, Ore.
L. A IUSIBBCK, Proprietor.
by the
Dining Roam ran o-a Family Style
Meals 25c.
Rooms SO u d 70 Cents, Special
Rates h; the f e e t
L. V. EB E R H A R D , Manager.
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
Taylor Real Estate Agency
Fifty acres of up-land, close to Clover-
dais, practically all cleared and fenced,
no buildings, at $100 per acre. If you
have a small amount of money to pay
dowt 1 will help you make the first
1 am for t ' « road boad lseuv hs-
oauae I bsltsvs it will glvs us of Ore­
gon good roads aad at p!ac«s where
• < have uut good roads aow, and
where we uaod th«m most. There is
only one plan bfforo us by whluh <s
may obtain sums really good and serv­
iceable road* and that Is the
scheme of permitting the stats ts sell
I4.vod.u00 lu four per cent serial bonds
ts be redeemed both In principal and
'su rest by the revenue derived from
s state tax on automobiles. I f we «•
not adopt this plan ws of Oregnm will
continue ss we have already continued
too long, with poorly drained, wretch­
edly located and miserably surfoosd
roads. Impassable la winter and Im­
practical and rtxpoaaive at all time*.—
Rufus C. Holman, President of Stats
Association of County Judge* and
• ..
One hundred and sixty acres near
Meda at $25 an acts. Five cows and
some young stock ob this place that will
be thrown in. A small cash payment
down will secure Ibis place. Might
conaidar n trade on part of the principal.
Tblg pises for sals or rent.
fiv e hundred dollars down will buy
lha nw
of the *e \ i and the n % of
the sw Vi of section 3, and the e % of
the Se Vi section 4, town 0 south, tange
10 west. I can refit you this place, if
yon want It, at a very reasonable price.
What have yon to trade for 100 acres,
tbs old Schaler place. Will consider
eastern or Canada property. Tell us
what you have and keep th* ball roll­
The John Weiss saw mill, the or.e
that makes money «very time the wheel
goes round. Let as explain the tonus
and price on this money-maker.
Ws have a residence property at Pa-
rifle CUT that can ha bought for half
cash, hglancs to suit purchaser. Yon
know that FeeiEc City will some dav be
tha Rlesl summer resort And that prop-
« A y will b* higher. Why not boy now
while ihsrs is a rhsnrs for sn invest-
Baying, tailing or trading real estate
and business enter prises our big hold.
Ws have realty from Timber to Nesko-
win and basinets enterprises scattered
along the wav. that can be bought
right, find us if yoa are in the market
and if you are not in the market for
some of the snaps I have, get in. A lip
that’s worth taking.
Ttflor leal Sitati Agency
CloTirtilt, Oregoi.