Sunshine Route Open Window Way through California MT. SHASTA SAN FRANCISCO YOSEMIÏE VALLEY LOS ANGELES ORANGE EMPIRE GOOD ROADS POINTERS j thal fins is an "Sge ~b? TuVEeT Tires. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Permit a few present day arguments to confront you, then look them squarely in the face. That is the only way to settle the matter honest­ Tillamook Abstracting Co. T hos . C oatks . P r e sid e n t . ly. That being the case we are cer­ tain that every voter who has not COMTLKTE BET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS already become convinced that Ore OF TILLAMOOK C orN T Y . OREGON. «on should be pulled out of the mud will resolve to do his bit by casting TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. his vote for the first real sensible measure ever placed before the peo­ ple which was intended to do a real T.H.G0YNE, good tor the state and not make a few erafters rich.—Tons I’av Harbor A vote for the road bond bill will be a vote for a s'ate-wlde system of good roads without increasing direct taxes. Con t forget this when you vote June 4U>. * * a Whether the road bonds arc voted or not the auto license and tile millase tax will have to he paid just the same. Where would there be any economy in voting them down?—Mc­ Minnville Register. Conveyancing, Etc. Those money who argue arainst outside through the obtaining six mil- ' V/ U 11 U U i U LI 1 1 1VJ Opp. Court House, Tillamook, Ore. lion bond issue are working against Tho Best Antiseptic the improvement of the by-roads or laterals which they claim to cham­ Healing Germicide pion.—Pendleton Last Oregonian. Lyseptic is completely soluable in A teaspoon full to one quart of “This is the greatest measure ever water. water is the average strength to he used contemplated by the state of Oregon,” for antiseplic, germicide, deodorants, Write for Literature. said Governor Withycombe, discuss­ ing the $6,(100,00'} road bond bill at vounifs, cuts, nail, punctures, mange, TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON 1 the statewide good roads rally in iioof rut, mud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff, Portland. "It means more to the state shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves than any measure in its history, be­ very effective for washing the animals' FRANK TAYLOR, cause the one thing we need is high­ and stable utencils, and if used in gen­ ways In Oregon.” eral, improves stable conditions, infect­ * * Notary Public ion, among cattle, atxjrtion, foul dis­ Industrial preparedness, military charge and externally to prevent the preparedness, economic insurance and common hofse sense •■ rise up to slap spread of diteases. Cloverdale, Ore. the contrary Mr. Spence s statements in the face. The bond issue IS prae- tical, IS necessary, IS without tax ReliableEruggist, Tillamook, Ore. A. C. EVERSON obligation, DOES make the auto own­ TILLAMOOK. ORE. er bear ALL the burden and SHOULD carry.—Astoria Astoriau. * * * Eighty per cent of the automobiles In Oregon are owned by persons liv­ ing in the cities, and not one cent An advertisement this See me for realty deals. of the proposed $6,000.000 bond issue size in the Cloverdale is to be used on roads in cities. A11 Courier at only 35c the Tillamook Undertaking Co. the money goes on county roads, and isssue. Don’t let the « as only 20 per cent of the auto license K. N. IIENKEL, Proprietor. door hinges of your busi­ will be paid by those living in tlio ness place get rusty for Night and Day calls country, that means that the auto the want of a little adver­ promptly attended. owners living in incorporated cities l tising. will pay $1,800,000 of the $6,000,000 Next Door to Jones-Knudson Furniture bond issue.—Tillamook Headlight. Store. ? A ★ OREGON f ! TILLAMOOK. It is time for us to get out of the i h ---------------- thud. We need and must have good a ♦ •««» »♦ < office Ground Floor Bell Phone 53-J roads. They will add to the wealth. I thrift ami happiness of our people and j 1 National Bid. P. Q. Box 147 our state. Tills measure ($6,000,000 : road bond hill) does not add one far­ With ltollie Watson thing to our taxes; it simply capital- | izes waste. No sane man or woman I should offer a single word of opposi- i Tillamook, Ore. tion (o this movement.—Governor L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. Withycombe at statewide good roads lull) in Portland. ★ . * * Dining Room run on Family Style Six years ago the people of Califor- ' Meals 2."ic. nia voted $18,000,000 bonds for good I,. V. F.BERHARD, Manager. roads. The measure received only a small majority. La t November t h e y 1 Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records, voted an additional $15.000,000 of of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. bonds for further road work. The vote at the Bcrond election was 4 to 1 TILLAMOOK. - • OREGON for the bonds. There's a reason. Dai- j ifornians were satisfied with their first investemnt. Hoad construction in California has yielded satisfactory ' dividends to the people of that state. * * * The State Highway Commission has adopted the following policy with re­ gard to road surveys: Fifty acres of up land, elose to Clover­ Whenever any County shall make dale, practically ail cleared and fenced, application to the Commission setting no buildings, at $100 per acre. If you forth a disire to do construct ion work have a small amount of money to pay on post roads, forest roads or any down 1 will help you make the first other state highway within its limits, payment. the Commission will authorize a def­ inite location survey establishing One hundred and sixty acres near grades and alignments. The expense Meda at $25 an aere. Five cows and of such surveys will be paid for from some young stock on this place that will the state funds of the Commission. he thrown in. A small cash payment . . . down will secure this place. Might We cannot conceive how a farmer consider a trade on part of the principal. can oppose the present good roads ; This place for sale or rent. movement when it lutaus so much to him to have good roads to take his | Five hundred dollars down will buy products to the market. Tho State ! the nw of the se l4 and the n ** of of Oregon is endeavoring to bring i the sw t of section 3, and the e of about a comprehensive system of road the se ’4 section 4, town 5 south, range building, which it should have done : years ago. but, strange to relate, ob­ 10 west. I can rent you this place, if jection is raised by farmers, who w ill vou want it, at a very reasonable price. be the most benefited by a system of What have yon to trade for 100 acres, hard surfaced trunk roads. Take the old Schaler place. Will consider «• Tillamook County for an illustration with a hard surfaced highway through eastern or Canada property. Tt 11 us the county. The farmers would use what you have and keep the ball roll­ it 12 months of the year and the sum ing. ' * mer auto travel throe months of the The John Weiss saw mill, the or.e >» ar.—Tillamook Headlight * #• that makes money every time the wheel f don't believe In going In debt for goes round. Let us explain the terms something that we don't reed, and I and price on this money-maker. don't think bonding is the best way. Rut. there yon are, under the s»«tem We have residence property at Pa­ that thi* government is run it 1« the cific City th it can be bought for half only way to get what we need, and cash, balance to suit purchaser. You we all agree that we need good reals know that Pacific City will some dav l>e • nd we know that macadam will not the ideal summer resort and that prop­ stand the traffic Will we w$;t until erty will l ing, selling or trading is>al estate on the license pajlng for the bonds ami business enterprises our big hold. know wnat what they arc are ta'ktng talking about about.— I We have realty from Tiuil>er to N e s k o - C. A. Schut’bet, Clackamas County win and business enterprises scattered farmer, r, In a communication to the along the wav. that can be bought Oregon City Eu’erprls*. right. Fin-1 us if you are in the market * * * nn-l if you are not in the market for In arriving at a sensible conclusion some of the snai»» I have, A tip aa regards the road bond laaue it is that's worth taking. not unwise nor untimely to reckon along the line of a twentieth century resident. Do not harken back to the days when our «’•andfathera crossed the plains tn a prairie «efiooner drawn Fy * yoke of oxen, P. . . »* remember CLOUGHS LYSEPTIfi ^ U ATTORNEY AT LAW U F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE * ('o.sts Lillie .More Aik local agent for information John M. Scott, (¡»-lierai Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines “Portland P.osc Festival” • June 13, 14, 15” CHAS. I. CLOUGH, Money to Loan Real Estate Agency r %/ i ■* » o ! * The Todd Hotel It Pays to Advertise in the Courier. Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT ^ 0. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. Correspondence Lessons in 2)armon£ anb Compoetfton BY DR. ALFRED WOOLER Composer, Teacher and Director Taylor Real Estate Agency >4 -4 Ml musi i uh . whether director, tendier, pi ii^-t or vocalist should understand Ifarnmny. Instruction« in this 1 rane 1 ot stu-lv should, whenever possible, he taken from an expert teacher. Ilowcv-r, it i- u t always convenient, nor possile for mie to leave town and study in person with such n teaeher. For the aecouim dation of «unii Dr Allied Woolei. of Filtralo \ Y , has |>erfectcd a tin st t boron ili eonr«e in Harmony and Compì -itimi that is simple, - ■ neise und piiutieal, which he Laches «necessitili / bv mall. 1 1 If i liter est e d , w rite foi prosp eine and ritti s. Addre*» Qtffreb TUcofer, QVUio. ©oc. 322 West Utica St., BUFFALO, N. Y. P S —Dr. Winder also correct« amateurs’ musical c-m positions. mm writes music to poem«. Tho«- desiring auch aeriio* must send their M S. or poem for estim ate of »*o«t. Prices are resonahle. i h a f Taylor Real Estate Agency Cloverdale. Oregon. *