) — 3L 0V ER D A L E COURIER ers will be placed upon United Published Every Thursday Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. “ E n te re d as second-class m a tte r, Nov­ em ber 13th, 1905 a t th e post office atC lo - verdale, Tillam ook C ounty, O re g o n ,u n ­ der Act of Congress, M arch 3rd, 1878. S u b sc r iptio n R a in s " States farms and will be obliged to work for their board and pos­ sibly receive some compensation in addition. When this proposi­ tion is placed squarely before the German government, it can use its own discretion whether it desires to destroy its own ships and its own people. One Y ear, in a d v a n c e ..................... f t . 0C Six M o n th s ..................................................50 T hree M o n th s............................................. 25 Single C o p y ................................................. 05 D " ™. — ■ ■ « A d v e r t is in g R ates > Displayed A dvertisem ents, 60 cen ts per | inch per m o n th , single colum n. All i Local R eading N otices, 10 cents per line for each insertion. T im ber la n d notices $10.00 H om estead notices 5.00 Political A nnouncem ent C ards $10.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * » ♦ ♦ + ♦ O ♦ + ♦ sian Revolution By r. + * 4- + * * * * In the Arena of Sports + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ * + +•> + * A. MITCHEL * **❖ 1. Stephan M lkhallof left th e duraa, i w here he had been w orking hard for I days to bring about a change In the governm ent w hich had endured w ith ­ out break fo r m any centuries. Calling a droskv. ho ent> red it. telling th e J ob D epa r t m e n t coachm an to drive him to his home, My Jo b D ep artm en t is com plete in every Gardner of the Red Socks. respect an d I am able to do all kinds am i th ro w in g him self back on tbe cush­ C om m ercial J o b P rin tin g on sh ort Among th e players on whom the Bos­ ion behind him , cl< sod bis eyes and re­ notice a t reasonable prices. ton A m ericans rely to again win the m ained in a position d enoting ex h au s­ _____________________________ p eu n an t is th e veteran L arry G ardner, tion till th e vehicle drew up before his sterlin g th ird basem an. L arry is a n a ­ house on a bread av en u e lining the T H U R S D A Y . MAY 17, 1917. tive of Vermont an d a g ra d u a te o f the Neva. D escending from th e drosky, he U niversity of Verm ont. H e signed paid th e d riv e r his fare and entered Some of our representatives a t 1 w ith tbe Red Sox in 1808, spent a sea- his home. H e w as mot In the hall by bis d au g h ­ Washington gave Wall Street! te r M arya, a girl not 1 ng tu rn ed sev­ wheat gamblers a hunch the fore I enteen. Mar.vn w as a typical Russian. H er eyes w ere n pale blue, h er com ­ part of this week. One senator went plexion soft w h ite w ith a f int tinge of so far as to intimate tha t a con­ rose, her h a ir so light th a t had It not tinuance ot gambling in foodstuffs been for ber yo u th fu l face it m ight have alm ost been m i-tak en for the might result in the gambler being w hiteness of age. hanged to a lamppost. “Oh, fa th e r,” she said, "1 am so glad th a t you have come. S r g lu s Ivano- The I W. W.’s are bad enough, vitoh is In F etrepr. d. his regim ent having a rriv ed last night. H e has beau but they will rank as a aoterie of to see me and boas me to Intercede angels along side of the bunch of w ith you to gain your consent to our wheat speculators who are m a n ­ betro th al.” "W hy do you trouble m e about this ipulating the market and causing m atter." replied the fa th e r angrily, “at foodstuffs to reach such a price as | such a tln u ? Do you not know th a t to be prohibitive to the poor men, w e are on the eve of a consum m ation of efforts th a t leave been w orking for women and children. h alf n cen tu ry to throw off the des­ potism w hich sucks the lifeblood of COMMON SE N SE AND EC0N 0M T. our people? Besides, It Is im possible th a t you, the descen d an t of a 1 mg line No one need fear tha t be is go­ of nobles, slioul^ unite w ith a com­ ing to interfere with the co un try ’s m oner.’’ prosperity by economizing to the “B ut, papa, a re you n o t w orking for the cause o f th e people?” very limit in respect of food of “Yes, b u t th a t is no reason why 1 every kind. There is one phase of P h o to by A m erican P re ss A ssociation. should tak e one of th e people into my this matter of which everybody is fam ily.” LAW RENCE GARDNER. “ Sergius fs an officer, th e youngest agreed. There cannot be too much son In the New E ngland league, was economy in the purchase and use recalled the n e s t year and has since captnin in his regim ent.” “ H e w as a common soldier In the of foodstuffs. There is a food played fo r the Boston club. In all ranks." around value to his team G ardner “ And w as prom oted on account of shortage throughout the world and ranks high. He Is a splendid fielder Ids having m ore inductive ev er Ids com­ it is the patriotic duty of every and an excellent batsm an, besides be­ rad es th a n all t'.e o ther < Ulcers of the person to produce a9 much food as ing speedy on th e bases. He bats left regim ent together." handed and throw s right handed. "E nough. I h a te neith er tim e nor possible and to consume no more Inclination to argue w ith you on this than is necessary for health and Rabbit and Nemo. point w hile engaged in th e g reat work T he sh o rtest players In the m ajor of pulling dow n the to tte rin g bureau strength. The use of common th is y ear are Rabbit M aran- cracy. You k ir w th a t th e c ra r, a w a re sense will go a lonR way towaid I leagues vtlle. sh o rtsto p o f th e Boston Braves, of o u r efforts to free Rtrvsin, dissolved solving the problem. Don’t be ex­ and Nemo Leihold. one of the outfield­ the rep resen tativ e ns ctnMy w hich w e ers of tb e Chicago W hite 8ox. Both w rung from him in th e la st revolution. travagant and d o a ’t be miserly. are five feet five iuches tall and weigh You know th a t w e refused to be dis­ Just 150 pounds. F u rtherm ore, they solved. T his from tli> g o vernm ent's A DISCOURAGING OUTLOOK. w ere born in 1892 nnd each began his point of view Is revolution, treason. The government crop report, professional care e r tn 1011 Miller H u g ­ H ad th e czar th e pow er Ids predeces­ made public recently, shot wheat gins. who wound tip active work on sors had m e re m em ber of th e duraa tbe diam ond last season, is five feet would e ith e r be sen t to Siberia o r ex e­ and flour to record prices. The re­ four Inches tall. cuted. Even as it it, rem em ber th a t port is very discouraging in this, your fa th e r is in Jeopardy, i f w e suc­ Mack's New Scout. ceed w e will free or.r c o u n try ; if we of all years, when a great output Connie Mack has a new scout In the fail we will be proscribed. O ur chains of food from the earth is desirable. person of F at F lah erty , once n fam ous j Will be so riveted th a t th e sledge of a Winter wheat is the least promis­ m ajo r league southpaw . F lah erty has i T itan cannot break th em .” “ But surely you will w in." ing of any year since 1888 with the finished coaching the A thletics' young pitchers and Is now looking over prom “Not If t V czar con tin u es to pour exceptions of 1904. ising recru its who m ay be tu rn ed loose troops Into the capital. All au to cratic The doleful outlook should not by th e o th er big league team s. Fla governm ents are supported by bayo­ interfere with the summer crops, h erty as head sleuth for Mack tak es nets. T h e oUL ers a re usually chosen the place of Ira T hom as, who ha» per from the a risto cratic classes, and the but it should be an incentive for m anently left th e employ of th e A th ­ officers control th e men. W hen the everyone in a position to do so. to letics. w ar began the bureaucracy controlled th e appointm ent of officers and took put into tbe ground crops which • Quinn 8uecaeda Rickay. care to appoint those upon whom they will yield other foodstuffs and off­ R obert Quinn, who has been prom i­ could rely to support the throne. Many set the falling off in winter wheat. nently identified w ith baseball fo r m any of th ese officers have gone dow u in the We must steel ourselves to the years through his connection w ith the struggle w ith tbe c e n tra l pow ers, and Columbus chib o f the Am erican associ­ th e ir places have been Gib'd by men situation and make up our minds ation, has been engaged as business from th e people “ It Is to lie supposed th a t the czar to offset this discouraging condi­ m anager of the St. Louis Browns, suc­ has concentrated such regim ents In ceeding B ranch Rickey. tion. P etro g rad as are officered by a su per­ Foundation of Japan. fluity of men upon whom lie can rely. Every Feb. 11 Is celebrated In Jap an We are secretly a rran g in g for a coup TO BRING P R ISO N ER S TO U. S. If present plans are carried out the great annual festival of K lgenset- d'etat. Tom orrow m orning the people will tu rn out In tb e stre e ts anil dem and tbe United States will give Ger­ su. th e ann iv ersary o f th e foundation fo your equal In social rao k ." with wihch food is to be obtained Tbe organization o f a p arliam ent took | T he fa th e r w as about to tu rn aw ay w hen the d au ghter stopped him. in France and England, makes a place In 1899 “ But. ra p a ." she saefore th e ing to form a new governm ent." W hile M ikhailof bud been talking revolution, did uot aw aken till th e n ex t M arya had been listening Intently, ut afternoon. l i e w as aroused by shouts , th e sam e tim e th in k in g o f h e r lover, and cheers w ithout. G oing to a w in­ who on th e m orrow w ould ta k e p art dow. he saw a large concourse of peo­ lu this g reat m ovem ent, anxious both ple sta n d in g In the street looking up at his house, liaisin g th e sash, he bent for him and her fath er. Stephan M ikhailof stag g ered u p stairs fo rw ard and, looking dow n, saw th a t to his room nnd w ithout rem oving his th e c e n te r of th e c r o w d s attra c tio n clothes th rew him self on th e bed nnd wus mi officer in uniform stan d in g on th e landing of th e step s leading up to w as asleep th e m om ent he touched it. A few m inutes late r th ere wap a tb e fro n t door. W hile th e crow d w aved sum m ons at tbe street door, nnd C ap­ h a ts and handkerchiefs th e officer w as tain Ivanovlteh en te re d the house. bow ing his acknow ledgm ents. M ikhailof, h a rin g been clothed, w as M arya joined him Im m ediately. I “H ave you seen your fath e r? " th e sufficiently presen tab le to go dow n­ s ta irs to learn w bat all th is m eant. captain asked anxiously. “ Yes," replied M arya In n voice th a t H e w as m et by his dau g h ter. "W ho Is th e officer w ith o u t?" ho trem bled. "Ho has refu sed Ills con­ asked. sent." “ Sergius Ivanovlteh.” M arya ran over w hat h e r fa th e r had "A nd w hy Is th e crow d cheering told her ns to th a t w hich w as expected him ?" to occur th e next day. W hen she "B ecause, pnpn, w hile you b a re been had finished she asked her lover w hether, w hen th e revolution occurred, asleep th e re has been n revolution. T he tu rn in g point cam e w hen Sergius’ the troops w ould fire on th e people. “T h at is a m a tte r of u n certain ty . regim ent w as ordered to fire on some T h e men nre In sy m p ath y w ith th* w orkm en. I t w as at an aim , ready to mow- dow n the rebels, w hen Sergius crow ds they will be ordered to shoot stood betw een th e regim ent and the dow n. Some of the officers are revolu* w orkm en and told th e soldiers th a t If tlonists, and som e a re loyal to the czar. they fired on m en who w ere sim ply d e­ T his Is the case in my regim ent, nnd I m anding bread dented th em by the bu believe it Is tru e of the others unless reau eracy th ey m u st first kill him. U m ay lie som e of th e m ore a risto ­ T h at tu rn ed th e scnle. The w orkm en cratic com m anders, w here th e officers and th e soldiers fraternized, and from all support the bureaucracy. Success th a t m om ent regim ent a fte r regim ent or failure dep -lids u ^ mji w h e th e r th e took the p a rt o f the people." people o r tb e b ureaucracy can win over M ary a's last w ords w ere drow ned by th e troops to th eir side." a prolonged cheer w ithout. C aptain II. Tvanovitch tu rn ed and entered the T h e n e x t m orning th ere w as a feel- house. T he crow d dispersed la g In F etro g rad th a t m om entous Ivanovlteh. seeing M ikhailof, paused. events w ere to be enacted. F o r a long ’T ie cam e to see tr.». p a p s." sold w hile sp eculators hud tied up food o r M arya, “and th e crow d followed him th e railroads had been overburdened here.” tra n sp o rtin g m u n itio n s o f w ar, or th e “I t a p p e a rs,” said M ikhailof to the bureaucracy, w hich m u st receive lta cap tain , “th a t w hile I ha*o been sleep­ eop from th e sale of e v e ry th in g th e ing th e revolution has tak en nluce and people needed, had been w orking Its you h a re perform ed no sm all p a rt or gam e. A t any ra te , w hile R ussia w ae It." su rfe itin g In provisions th ere w as a "H e stepped In at th e crisis," said d e a rth of eatab les in P etro g rad . C row ds M arya, “and brought th e soldiers to began to collect In th e streets, and espouse th e cause of th e people." such places ns w ere Intended fo r th e “You m ean I turned m y regim ent to sale of food w ere surrounded. I t th e cause of th e people." said Sergius seem ed th a t every one living In th e m odestly. cap ital w as Interested In w h at w as M ikhailof advanced to Ivanovlteh going on. Then reg im en ts of soldiers and. p u ttin g both arm s about him, w ere m arched through th e thorough­ kissed him , according to th e R ussian fares to positions to w hi^h they had custom , first on one cheek, then on the been assigned. As th ey passed tbe other. crow ds they w ere cheered, and they answ ered the sa lu te s good n a tu red ly . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q But th e ir com m ander» rem ained rigid. O o T he troops of th e — th regim ent, of O T R U E FR IEN D SH IP. O w hich Sergius Ivnnovlt h w as a cap ­ o o tain, w ere ordered to nttai-k a num ber o T he m ost holv bond o f society O of laborers w ho had revolted. T h e ir I o Is friendship. It has been well o colonel, hav in g d raw n them up in line, * o said by a ahrew d sn tlrlst tliHt. o gave th e ord er to aim nnd w as ab o u t I o “ra re ns tru e love Is. tru e friend- o to follow It w ith Ihe w ord “ F i r e ! " ! O ship ts still ra re r."—M ary Well- O w hen C aptain Ivnnovlfch stepped o u t | o sto n ecraft. o before tlie soldier» nnd s tl«f: o o “.Sol Hers, 1.’ you f.re o:i th ese tneai, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o