Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 17, 1917, Image 1

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Tbe Nestucca Valley First,
Last and all tbe
Ra,ph K
Ferguson and Jesse Stearns, ail
with large holdings of
ROAD’S FIRST UNIT identified
timber, are active in the new com- u.v R- ( - Jones, County Agricultural
NO. 42
The “ R I G H T
Mr. I’earson reports that
interests have come
Increase Yield.
December 31 to See Work Com­
Is it too late to materially in-
into the project and that ample
pleted on Gales Creek &
With a checking account at this Bank you will always have
funds are available to carry the 'crease our national food supply
“ right change” no matter where you pay the bill or to
Wilson River Line.
road to completion this season, this spring?
whom you pay it.
Not if our farm* rs in the eastern
despite the shortage of labor.
You can draw your check lor any ODD AMOUNT and pay
The company’s plans were orig j half of the country will promptly
bill either in person or BY MAIL which is a real convenience
Evening Telegram, Portland.
inally announced five weeks ago. resort to the use of the cheapest
enjoy by
Contracts for the construction of
and quickest known energy for
Where He Slept.
the first 10-mile unit of the Gales
Mrs. Smith My husband is always speeding up national production 1
Creek & Wilson River Railroad, com plaining of the church hells wak­ of foodstuffs, namely, lime.
All supplies furnished free.
the shortest line between Portland
Prices of most commercial fer-
and navigable tidewater at Tilla­ Mrs. B row n—la that so?
! tilizers at pres* lit are high. Potash
“ W hy, don't the church hells ever
mook, have been let and work will wake
your husband uPr
| is almost unobtainable. Only bv
- I
begin May 15. I. J. Rosten and
“ Oh, no. They never riug after he I most «•«Jrupulous conservation o f I'-
Arthur Porter have been awarded gets to church.”—St. Louis Pest Pis ¡stable manure, and an inoren«..».!
------ ■
--------- ■
the clearing and grading; the In- patch,
use of legumes as green manure, keeping a male fowl with a flock
The Irish Jig.
Bridge Company, the
^ |*llJ of ground rock phosphate, can of chickens, in fact, he should not
The jig is peculiar to Ireland, having
bridge .work, and \V. D. Haley,
unless separate
j been danced there from time imme­
the furnishing of materials. In ! morial. Thetr.v it : prvnd to Italy, the ev‘‘n temporarily. There n mains from the lung.
It Is seldom that a person appears at
the near future contracts will be Italian mtisici.iiis to. tying the old Irish | one th in g however, th at m a V b
It has been cle.irlv demonstrated his best. Ho is awkward, uncouth,
let for the second unit of 12 miles. ni,tl°nal music Eve i the Kngti.-hconn- don
iiu T r a ~e v ich is, w h ich co sts that the production nnd general cureless or slouctiy. For some reason
or other he hides or suppresses the
T, : . l ,
, . •
try dan ea are founded on the I i
It s the intention to have the 50. I1MtloaaI o;„,
t:,„ ,llinii i;;e> whu.„ no more now than it did hefore. ! condition of a Hock is better when grates or Which ho is capable. If It
miles of lin*‘ completed before thi is merel.v u variety of the jig, lias been It mai saf. .> he said, I believe,! ilare is no mule bird around, and were not sound every man and woman
end of 1917, announced John Pear- n' 1 inai f,-v described as the national that if all sources of artificial and also sterile eggs have better allowed flic divinity wltlilu them to
. ,
dance of England,
shine out society won 1*1 be a heaven.
son, president of the new railway
chemical fertilisers failed, our total [keeping qualities than fertile ones, One sometimes meets a man or woman
company, this morning at his office 1
farm output in many sections could : und where one is packing eggs, and who puts her beautiful nature Into
word and deed, but there are not many
in the Spalding building.
not only bo maintained, but even we urge everyone to pack eggs this such people. There are Indeed some
Arrangements have bt en made •
increased for a cotisidi table timt year, this improved keeping quality j whose very presence sw ■emu like a Mess-
for trackage rights over the United *
sinjplv by the application of lime is of a great deal of importance.
tu™. “_d,
nr world Into a
bright one. There Is a harmony In
Railways line, a unit of the Spo­
to ncrea'go that now are low in I lie present high price of grain llieir lives that one lingers long to en­
kane, Portland it Seattle line, to
yield or lying fallow because they makes it impractical to keep the joy. The frond Lord created men to t>e
give entrance to Portland and also1
are too sour to grow profitable rooster, and from a practical, eco­ happier and nobler than they arc, and
it Is within them to be so, but another
Forest Grove. Construction will ,
crops. Lime and should he put on nomical standpoint at this time of Influence sneaked inlo creation and tin-
begin at Wilkesboro, 27 miles west
all sour land. By a plentiful use the year he will muke better pot- dariutned that beautiful capacity, so
of Portland, the end of the United
of lime can, figuratively speaking, pie than anthing else. Therefore, that It often happens that people come
nearer being devils than angels. But
Railways line, which will make
make our “ war brt ad” of stones.
in keeping with the national plan it need not tie so. It ought not to 1*«
the distance bv rail from this city <p-----------------IC R --------
There i= perhaps no considerable of food oonservation we urge yon so. Man transgresses the laws o f life
if he Is not the best ho can be. The
to Tillamook less than 80 miles.
section of the United States with­ to “ swat the rooster.”
purpose to be so is a virtue o f Itself.—
With completion of the new lim­
out some local supply of limestone,
Why Not Keep Bees?
Ohio State Journal.
it will be possible to deliver at:
marl, or ojstn shells Ground
With ttie wonderful abundance
Lovo Ono Another.
shipyards on tidewater and in and
limestone for u.ngt application to of fl i we rs in this locality all
How beautifully Is it ordered that, as
near Portlasid the long timbers re
the* soil costs, deliver* d on the through the summer, we have
many thousands work fo r one, so must
quired in ship construction. It
nearest siding, from $1 per ton up. oiten wondered why there were every Individual bring Ids labor to
-A N D -
will be a standard railway, built
depending on the length of the not more bees in this country; fm make the whole. The h gliesl Is not fo
to carry the big timber of the Coast
haul. If crushed limestone is not these little workers could 1»- mad* •leapt e tlie lowest nor the lowest lo
A ll W a v P o in t s
envy the highest Each must live In all
range, of which there is approxi­
available, burnt d lime, either a source o f a great <1* al o f pleasure and by all. W ho will not work neither
Safe and Comfortable
shad lie eat. So dud has ordered that
mately 15,000,000,000 feet tribu­
tg ground or hydrated for agricultural n nil profit.
men. being In need o f each other,
tary to the Gales Creek *i Wilson
Leave Cloverdale daily at
Of course we would not recom­ should learn to love each other ami
River road as located. One of the
:3U a. m . arriving at Tilla- # ried by all deal* rain building ma- mend them for the windy portion.* bear each other's burdens. <!. A Sata.
tnook at 10 a. m — in time for
direct effects of the new line will
'cnals, may be u-ed in emergency, of the county, but in the sheltered
The Created Man.
morning train to Portland.
be the erection of a large capacity
though linn* in this form is fre loculi lien we set- no reason wh>
The (.'rent*' t man Is ho who chooses
Leave Tillamook at 8 p. m ,
qtientlv more expensive. On the tlu-ysh mliJ not he raised, especial! v th*> right with Invincible resolution,
«awraill in Gales Creek valley,
* arriving at Cloverdale at 5
where extra large dimension stuff
other hand, it hurried or hydrated as it is so easy to get a st .rt, and who resists the sorest temptations
p. m .
from within and without, who hears
will be worked up.
lime is u-eil the application should we urge their trial. We would be the heaviest burdens cheerfully, who Is
Rind to furnish further information
he less than one-lull* of those of to anyone interested.
Besides President Pearson, O. »'I
calmest in storms, most fearless under
menace and frowns and whose rrUsnc«»
ground limestone.
**n truth, on virtue, on (,*>d. Is moat un­
Thus ther* is available for al­ Feeding Table Scraps
faltering.—William Ellery Clmnnlnfl.
most every farmer, at nominal
To the Poultry Flock
cost, in spite of war conditions, a
Hospitality must lie for service and
I material which for the time being,
During file present year o f high not for show or It pulls down the host.
ma v a vail to increase our agricul priced feed it Is quite likely that the The brave soul rates itself too high to
I tural output enormously. The in small flock will receive greater quanti­ value Itself by the splendor o f Its t«t*le
! itial returns from the application f ties o f table scraps than ever before, and Its draperies. It gives whet It
writes J. It. Kessler In the Country hath nnd nil it hath, but its own maj
; lime to sour land are sometiuns Lentlemnn. Itut table scraps must bo e.sfy can lend a better grace to ben-
An investment in fed with judgment, for they are usual­ nocks and fair water than Itelcuge lo
j limestone often pays a dividend of ly very rl< b and If fed in too great gland etty feasts.—Emerson.
quantities a-** sure to bring about
a hundred per cent or more tbe bowel disorders.
<»♦♦♦**♦•*•♦* * 4 + *+ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ *
i first year, if care is taken at the Tbe only safe way to feed such mate­
| same time to maintain the organic rial is to watch tbe dropping boards of *
the poultry house nnd nt the llrst sign ♦
The worst la yet (*» coma.
! content of the soil.
o f disorders to atop the table scraps +
Ho wall the doubters glum
Itut here's the hrtter «low :
4 -
It is the duty of American entirely fo r a few days.
“ My boat I've y*t to do.”
There are three things that can be *
I farmers, in tins national crisis, t<>
*l«no to avolh bowel disorders from
The w orst some always fear
j make the most of this, our cheap­ feeding table scrap s-first, drain all * 4 > Tom
orrow holds no rhenr,
Tet farth er on life's lane
est and most easily
available water from the material and feed as 4 »
Are Joys you shall attain.
| agency for speeding tip production dry as possible; second, see that the ♦
s*--nns are not sour when fed nnd that 4 »
CSo forw ard bravely than
War or no war, a carload of the allowance given the fow ls Is con ­ ♦
And play your par* ns n t s ,
For this Is ever true:
! crushed limestone where needed is sumed at once so It will not lieceme +
"O ur best we ve yet to <V\"
sour from lying about; third, keep a *
always money in the farmers’ hopper o f charcoal l>efore tbe birds nil +
pocket at the end of the crop year. the time so they tnny eat o f it at will + •> + *4- + + + + + + + -f- + + + + ► + ♦♦♦
Volcanots In tha United 6ts%fe
ON'T spend as you go. Don't scatter your dollars. Plan
And a carload of -limestone, ju The charcoal will correct the majority
than a quarter o f tbe a<4lv«
to set aside a certain sum for the bank. None can tell
f slight disorders nrd Is particularly
diciously used by each farmer o necessary
when a business reverse, loss of position or siege of illness
when table refuse I * fed reg­ voleanoo« o f the world are on Totted
Staten soil, according to the repulAF
whose land is too acid, will aug­ ularly.
will overtake him. You’il find that in adversity your
Monthly. We have the dlstlM^
ment our supply of bread.-luffd by
bankbook is your beet friend. We offer every banking facility.
rial la had It will be found a good plan thin o f possessing about sixty » 0 ^
Call on ns and we'll be ¿ ’ad to explain our system.
a surprising numb* r of millions of to do away with all tnasli mixtures, f anoe* In Alaska nnd in tbe Aleuttau*
bushels. — Hoard’s Dairyman.— both dry and wet. and t«> fee* I the ta­ Islands Just o.T the coast. In the * M t-
Carl Vrooman, as«i-tant secretary ble scraps once a dny at noon In place ern United States, in the ThlllppUM*
o f tlie tnash. allowing groin In the and In the Hawaiian Islands we h ere
of agriculture.
*i"arly as many more, raaklnr over •
usual quantities morning nnd night
A Bank for all the People
I Tiliamook-
Cloverdale !
Willful Waste Brings Woeful ¡¡ "ant.
Cloverdale, Oregon,
Swat the Rovster
T o L*
n lien fed It Is a good plan to mix In n
lit I to dry wtiea* !„u u or nlfulfa mesi to
When tbe spring hr*edingseason
• is over there ie no good reason for absorb the excess moisture
l '- t
- ih.a v. .• p .*-. «e (not
that we pla •• I*h\
possession*. Tli. r*' are but 417 tin
out tbe entire globe.