/ -+ LOCAL AND PERSONAL I TEMS Q a Q D I ! I ! New Spring Dry Goods If it Isn’t an Kastman It isn’t a Kodak! W j have just received our new line a AND OTHER NEWS n OF INTEREST -+ \V. A . V.M ", dentist. Dr. George vent Monday. back t.j Nehalem H. B. Lock wool was a county seat visitor Satuidav. We have a client »¡idling to borrow • 12.10 on A 1 security and a good man Mi uni Mrs. Jo'll. Fi x of Mid a were I to loan to. Taylor Real Fstate Agency. in town Tin edav. 11. C. Butts while attempting to ford Rev. J. A. McVeigh is visiting in the river near the Kellow place last Sat­ Orerico this week. urday with a horse and buggy had the I)r. Wise » i l l bo at bis Cloverdal® misfortune to get into hole, tipping the office next I ui ailay. buggy over and drowning the horse. Fritz L'ltz spout a low day« last week Mr. Butts barely escaped being drow ned. visiting at Nebftlom. Martin Jenck is convalescing from quite a severe si< k spell. Frank Nelson left Monday for South­ ern California for bis health. Robert Lockwood left Tuesday Portland to join the regular army. for Ktliol Ray, of Oretown, was the guest of Cloverdale friends over Sunday. Dr. Wise, the dentist, is nicely lo catcd in his dental office. We can supply your needs in fishing tai kle, no matter » hat it may I k -. V F. Learned. Recruiting Sergeant Kinney of the IT. S. army was in Cloverdale the lutter part of last week. Dr. and Mrs. Wise came to their Cloverdale office Monday afternoon and remained all dav Tuesday. J. B. (lillam is moving the house he recently purchased from J. F.. Cochran to a lower level on the property. Vick and A1 Learned are enjoying a visit from their sister, Mrs. T. n 1* box« s and all kinds of rough and finish­ ^ along s.,id 1-lfith section line 1(50 rods to ; the east line of section 32; thence south Saturday and Sunday. Her school at ed lumber Next Sunday evening there » i l l be SO rods to the quarter section corner be­ Boulder Creek, dosed last wet k and she the usual service, at Helm, by the tween sections ¡52 and 33, thence east left Monday morning for her In me iu Montgomery Northrup band. All are PH) rods to the center of section 33: Portland. cordially invited. ..." thence north *0 roils to the 1-ltith line; Mr. and Mrs. I . M. Kr.inei and Aibu No. *.*!' 1 thence east 320 risls to the quarter sec­ Stiveraon went to Tillamook Monday. Report of the condition of the tion line running north and south Mr. Kraner remained a couple of days .through section 34; thence north 320 to attend court, the rest o! the party re­ rods along tin* quarter section line run- turned the same day. OF CLOVERDALE, I niitg north and south through sections A card from Mrs. Mary 1 an lingbsin In the state 01 Oregon, at the close of ¡4 and 27 to the l-ldth line running east I business. May 1. liti” . states that tliev have rented a house in ! and »e *t t h n ig h the north half of sec­ RKSOUUCEP. Portland and that Everett as yet is not* Loans and discount* . >32,123.48 tion 27; thence east SO*rods to the cen­ much improved hut that the doctor Overdrafts, secured and un­ ter of the northeast quarter of section gives him much encouragement. secured ........ 2!».58 27 ; thence north .SO rods to the north Bonds and warrants ........... 215.3d ! line of section 27; thence west along the For Sale or Tiade—Studeliaker 20, Banking house . 100 .00 four door, three speed, ju*t overhauled Furniture and fixtures 2,200 00 north line of section 27 to the county Otlu r real estate owned ........ 2,052.40 mad leadii g south from Cloverdale, and painted. gA' ’ 11 trade for cows or thence northerly along said county nu.d horse or gasolene drag * 11 » \ mr Due from hanks 4 not reserve fianks)................................. UrAO.51 to »h e re said mad intersects the l-lt3th cash f a l l nr addice* Flirrest J. Aver, Due from approved rt-eive Beaver, tire. banks. ................................ 7,7 14 t>4 i section hue running north and south Oscar Antrim went to Portland last Checks and other cash items.. 5.Ik) through the southeast quarter of section 1.037.1(5 22: thence north along said 1-ltith sec­ Saturday to enlist in the F. S. navy. Cash on hand........ 146.56 Having Liled to pa-s the examination Expenses .. .. .......... tion line to the Big Nestucca River, 011 account <>f In-ait difficulty he re­ thence southwesterly along the south Total ................... >4S 14!».03 turned M outlay very much disappointed hank of the Big Nestucca River to the LIABIL11TF.3 The news reached Cloverdale this point of beginning. That the commis­ ... >15,0.10.00 week of the wedding of Mrs. J. 11. Dun- Capital stock paid in sioners heretofore appointed to assess Surplus f u n d .................... 77s) .00 stan and Frank Worthington. The event Individual deposits subject lienetits and damages to the property took place in Tillamook Sunday and to cheek .......................... 28.050.13 and lands situate in said drainage dis­ 1,335 SO trict and to appraise thn cash value of came a* a complete surprise to their Cashier checks outstanding 5.00 many friend«. Both are well known Time and savings deiMisit 1 the land necessary to be taken for rights 2.100.00 throughout Tillamc k county, 1 e ng Note* and bills rediscounted of way, holding basins and otlu-r works among its most e-timable citizens, and Total .......... 48.140.1»:’. of said district w ithin or w ithout the that got m I wishes are heard on every State of Oregon, County | limits ot said district, filed their re|»vrt side goes without saving. - *«. of Tillam »>k, j[_ in this office on the l!*lh day of April, f. F L Mcabc, Cashier of th® atmre- Mrs Cl.a«. McKilllp was very much U*17, and you and each of you ate here- surprisevl Monday evening, wlK*n a named bank, do solemnly swear that tfie above statement i* true to th* l*e*t | by notified that you in»»- examine said party of about twciity-tn* slipped up to of niv knowledge and belief. | report anil file exceptions lo all or any the house and knocked at the front K. L. McCafi®. Cashier. jmrt thereof on or before the 2!»th dav of door. They plavcd games until mid- Subscribed and *w i rn to before me May, 15»! 7. night, when a table wa« set for Uinch this Oth dav of Mav, 1017. Krw,n Harrison, and all gathered around the spread. I Frank 1 avliir. Notary Public C runty Clerk of Tillamook County, After lunch the party disbanded, wish My commission expires Sept. 0, Oi l gon. mg Mrs McKiilip many happy return* Correct attest:—Cha» Ray, \V. u. j First publication April 26, l!*17. of the dav. Dwight. Directors. laist publication May 17. P»17. experience in operating and building Silos for the past eight years, four thereof in Tillamook County ha3 led rue to design the T I L L A M O O K H IC S I L O TIL L A M O O K S ILO is manufactured in Tillamook, is a home product and is designed I also have for simplicity, durability, economy and efficiency. Silage Cutters, Gas Engines, Farm Implements, Wagons, Manure Spreaders, Hay Tools, etc. Al l G o o d s a r e Absoutely Guaranteed f a n d all I n f o r m a t i o n WOODS ITEMS. NESTUCCA VALLEY DANK Co. C lo v e rd a le M e r c a n tile DRUGS AND KOlfAKS Cloverdale, DR Y Free. LE T ME HA VE YOUR TROUBLES O. K U P P E N B E N D E R , Tillam ook, - Notice of Completed Contract Notice is hereby given that the County Surveyor pt Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed in this office his cer­ tificate of completion of the con­ tract of Mallory A Blum on the Compton trestle in accordance with the plans and specifications and any person, firm or corporation having objections to tile to the acceptance of said work may da so within two weeks from the date of the first publication. Dated this 12Itli day of April, 15»17. Frwin Harrison, County Cleik, First publication April 2(1, 1!»17. I ast publication May 10, 1017. Plasker Bros, for all kinds of oliimb- O regon Gasolene AND Automobile Accessories W . A. WILLIAMS ing, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til lamook. Ore. fiOOD J u b c c SA> I .JCRRV'S T A U O t l l Q u a l i t y I ñ a u a d OF QU A N T I T Y . C **t*lN ¿ W \ >M*»£DL’ED AO I &FT WITHOUT SO MUCH C ^ > W (N G TILLAMOOK P IC E S C H C I N g t 7 -1 1 ^ Sl'*£ J U D A H I LEARNED THAT | 'V /'O U TvE bcgi.ming to notice a lot more information JL a oat tobacco, since YV-B C U T Chewing got into •i u People don’t hanker after size any more. I hey vnr.t tonaceo satisfaction—and excess sweetening c" n "bat's not there. The good tobacco taste ot \\ -li is winning friends pretty much wherever you go nowi’ ays—just rich, sappy leaf, shredded and seasoned u - j . h a tit o f salt to bring out the fine tobacco flavor, ky VEIMAN-BRUT0N CO HP AM. 1107 Br^dny. N*w T«k City