Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 03, 1917, Image 3

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Seattle are working to the limit.
Wooden ship construction is the only
Published Every Thursday
alternative for the rapid.organisation of
an oversea fleet of fair sized carriers.
Frank Taylor. Editor and Publisher.
Douglas tír, one of the greatest uaturul j
assets of these two states will la- the
“ Entered »»second-claas matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo- material used and in this way its great
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­ value for ship building will Ve proved
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. in a short time as in no other manner.
« *
Also the Washington and Oregon ship­
I t Once Served as
S u b sc r iptio n R at ms
yards will be brought to the attention
One Year, in advance...................... fl.00
a Hiding Place
Six Months............................................. 50 of the w hole world and give us an in­
Three Months.........................................25 estimable amount of valuable advertis­
Single Copy............................................ <15 ing. After the war our sh.pyards will
l>e recognized the world over and he in
A d v e r t is in g R ates
a ]K> 6 ttion to claim their share of busi­
+ • :• + + + •;-+ •{"> *+ + *+ ■ ;•+ + + + + + + + + + -!•
Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per ness.
inch per month, single column. All
“Flora, here Is u letter from Chesley,
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
your Uncle William’s lawyer, and lie
Timber land notices
has Inclosed a copy of the will.”
Homestead notices
Get ready for the big County Fair to
“To whom has uncle left his proper­
Political Announcement Cards
$10.00 be held August 28, 2!*, 30 and 31.
ty?" asked Flora.
It is not too early to think about
"I «an ouly speak for that enormous
J ob D e pa r t m e n t
an exhibit at our next CoUuty mahogany bedstead by which he set
My Job Department is complete in every
respect and I am able to do- all kinds Fair. Begin to select your grasses now so much store- the gargoyle bedstead.”
Commercial Job Printing on short and have all varieties included in your
“Did he leave it to me?"
notice at reasonable pricet.
exhibit. Select the best from the dif­
“Of course he did. Don’t be foolish,
ferent crops; have the necessary varie­ my dear. Listen:
"1, W il l ia m G r a y , b e i n g o f s o u n d m ind,
ties represented ; have everything neat
THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1917.
etc., tio g i v e a n d b e q u e a t h t o m y g r a n d ­
and iu good order, so that it may be at­ niece, I s a b e l G r a y , h e r h e i r s a n d a s s i g n s
f o r e v e r , m y S h e r a t o n s i d e b o a r d a n d th e
Those who took advantage of the in­ tractively arranged for exhibition. Be s u m of $£,000; t o m y g r a n d n ie c e . F l o r a
U r a y W in c h e s te r , h e r h e i r s a n d a s s i g n s ,
vitation to attend services at the Pres
t h e m a h o g a n y b e d s t e a d w h i c h s t a n d s in
byteriao church last Sunday morning labeled.
m y o w n e h n m b e r a n d w h ic h is k n o w n a s
and evening and listened to the sermons
tho g a rg o y le bedstead, to g e th e r w ith th e
"by the pastor, Jos. A. McVeigh, first thing for consideration should be s u m o f Jl.OuO.”
"Where shall wo put It, Harry?”
“ How to Get Wise’’ and “The Last the selecting of the best material pos­
Awful Prayer Meeting’’ were surely sible; second, to have it neatly put up interrupted Mrs. Winchester breath­
given a feast of good things. His per and exhibited.
“Put it? You don’t expect to get It
mons are all fine, but his Sunday even­
into tins flat?”
ing discourse was certainly a master
"We must have it here. I wouldn't
piece. He said that he had a message better work, larger yields, designating examine It there with Isabel looking
the crops best adapted to the local on. And, besides, it is such a journey
from God to deliver to the people of climate
and conditions. In no way can
Cloverdale, and as you listene 1 to his this be done ao effectively a» by placing down to Richmond Anyway, you can­
vivid word picture of the time when we the best products of the farm, garden not spare the time to go down now.
shall be judged, when the moral, the and factory on exhibition for public in­ and we must examine it together. I
w ant to get it here as soon us possi­
worldly wise, the self-sufficient, the so­ spection.
I urge every person in Tillamook ble. Who knows but Isabel or seine
ciety leaders would awaken to a full County to set fort.1, their best efforts, of the others might find the diary of
knowledge of their mistake, you were and begin now, as no time in the history Nancy Gray and learn the secret? My
forced to believe that the speaker was of our country has it been so essential Inheritance would be worthless!” Mrs
it, is now, to strain every effort to
.inspired. This message lock a vital as
Iuchester's voice tiembled.
make the soil produce the maximum.
“Oh, all right!" said Winchester trac­
grip on the hearts of his hearers. The
Everyone should make an exhibit this
interest was intense. Mr. Mcveigh is a year, and take a special interest in the tably. "But how thp deuce you expect
very convincing speaker, and that his fair, as by so doing you perform a pat­ to get it in here 1 don't quite see. It'sn
duty to your country, as well as very large piece of furniture. Isn't It?”
whole heart is in his work is evidenced riotic
partake of the high premiums set out
“Now, Harry, dear," she cried, with
by the splendid results of his efforts. for each exhibit. All departments are
one plump hand upon his lips, "that
He has only been in Cloverdale four
bed must be got Into this fiat some­
months and has added five names to the ance or information regarding prepara­ how! First I will finish my letter to
tion or exhibiting will he gladly given
church roll.
by the manager. Write me today in Mr. Chesley and let Nora post It at
what exhibits you will be interested so once. I can hardly wait to see the bed­
I can put your name on the mailing stead, Harry, and I don't dure dream
Washington and Oregon today hold a list as subjects of interest will be taken of what will be ours when the secret
most important place in the campaign up from time to time between now and of the bedstead is disclosed. Do you
fair time. This information will be think, dear, 1 was wrong not to tell
for national preparedness.
valuable to you, at the present as well
These two states will be called upon as in the future. .Don’t fail to get your Uncle William about the diary of Nan­
cy Gray I found in the garret?"
to furnish a large portion of the im­ name on the exhibitor’s list. Do it
“Well, truthfully speaking, I'm afraid
mense fleet of ships required to trans­
It wasn't treating the old gentleman
Ben Kuppenbender, Mgr.,
port supplies to the allies.
quite on the square.”
Tillamook County Fair.
Steel shipyards in both Portland and
Tillamook, Oregon.
Two weeks afterward, while Mr.
Winchester was engaged in a mest
Important business transaition, he was
summoned to the telephone.
“Yes, this is Winchester. What?
Oh. the bedstead there! I can't pos­
sibly leave at present. I can't help It.
Tell them to send it up tomorrow. I
know it's important—the bedstead!
Fifty acres of up-land, close to Clover­
No. t didn't speak. Yes, I will come
home early. Goodby.”
dale, practically all cleared and fenced,
When he reached the Etruscan apart­
no buildings, at $100 per acre. If you
ments that evening Winchester was
liave a small amount of money to pay
fortified with a box of candy and a
down 1 will help you make the first
huge bunch of violets. He stepped to
■the elevator ami pressed the button.
A faint tinkle rpspoudedv from some
One hundred and sixty acres near
depth below.
Meda at $25 an acre. Five cows and
Presently the Janitor emerged from
some young stock on this place that will
obscure doorway and surveyed him
be thrown in. A small cash payment
with an unpleasant eye.
down will secure this place. Might
“It niu’t u-rnnnin’." he said gruffly.
consider a trade on part of the principal.
• Poor management,” commented Win­
This place for sale or rent.
chester as he prepared to conquer the
eight flights that barred him from
Five hundred dollars down will buv
home and dinner.
the nw V 4 of the se
and the n ’2 of
"Hull!” exploded the man. "What
the sw V 4 of section 3, and the e V 2 ol
with the freight plevator out er order,
the se *4 section 4, town 5 south, range
and people breskln' windows movin’ In
10 west. I can rent you this place, if
big stuff, and them chumps a-trvln' to
you want it, at a very reasonable price.
put the feet board in my passenger
car and a-tearin' a lady's dress, and
What have you to trade for 160 acres,
her the landlord's sister In law”— He
the old Sohaler place. Will consider
glared wralhfully at the vanishing
eastern or Canada property. Tell us
f<wm of Winchester.
what you have and keep the ball roll­
Opening the door of his apartment,
rampant disorder-met his eye. A huge,
dark form almost covered the floor of
The John Weiss saw mill, the one
the liny pailor. which in its chaotic
that makes money every time the wheel
disturbance looked strangely unfauill
goes round. Let us explain the terms
iar to the master of the house.
and price on this money-maker.
In the library Flora reclined on a
ccu' b before the bright gas log, while
We have a residence property at Pa­
sympathetic Nora applied wet cloths
cific City that can be bought for half
to her mistress' g hing head Wreck
cash, balance to suit purchaser You
age from the partor impeded progress
know that Pacific City will some dav be
at every step.
the ideal summer resort and that prop­
• My dear glrlT he uttered
She turned a woebegone face to hie
erty will be higher. Why not buy now-
• Such a time as they had trying to
while there it a chance for an invest­
It In the window! They were
saucy because the window was too
Buying, selling or trading real estate
small, and one of them pulled It In
and business enterprises our big hold.
with a Jerk, and it struck the chande­
lier. The pieces of glass fell on my
We have realty from Timber to Nesko-
Wedgwood vase, and that is broken!
win and business enterprises seattered
along the way, that can be bought
I —I am quite discouraged!’’
right. Find ns if yon are in the market
With a restless glance toward the
and if you are not in the market for
parlor, where the gigantic bedstead lay
some of the snaps'I have, get in. A tip
like some dark shadow on bis little
that’s worth taking.
home, and with an unpleasant recol­
lection of the snorting Janitor below
stairs and of the generous tip It would
require to reduce him to his customary
CloTirdale, Oregon.
state of patronizing familiarity. Win*
cbvstcr endeavored to aoothe bis wife's
Taylor Real Estate Agency
Taylor Real Estate Agency
“ ‘Div- s 1 lie light eye, " quoted Mrs.
shalteml nerves, and together they
obeyed Nora’s summons to a belated Win het ti*r l.i t . 1 ; li es dy . “1 shall have
them sel in .1 . . . .on -■ pendant. Harry!"
They l.unr » .. . over the bed.
At table Mrs. Win hosier drew a fold
"Now press," she whispered sibi­
ed paper from her sown.
"This is the page I copied from the lant ly.
diary of Nancy Gray, Harry," she
Winchester pressed.
said, spreading It open I efore her. "I
“Nothing doing." he announced flatly.
thought I would refresh my memory
"Press harder," urged his wife. "The
as to the exact location of the secret secret spring Inis probably rusted.
They do rust sometimes, don't theyV”
’“ Richmond, Va.. April 21, 18(54.” ’
"I never hctml of one doing so. They
read Mrs. Winchester in solemn ac­ always yield easily, aud the door rolls
cents. “ ’I am greatly alarmed for the noiselessly aside and leaves nu aper­
safety of Grandmother Binpah’s dia­ ture. said Winchester grimly.
monds, and have vaialy tried to find a
"We must gel it open!” cried his wife
biding place for them. The Yankees tearfully. "Try some of the other eyes,
are digging up every inch of ground Hurry."
"But why try the others, my dear?
on the adjacent plantations searching
for buried treasure, ami I am quite at It says the middle one.”
‘There Is there must be a spring!"
a loss to find a safe place for our
retorted Mrs. Winchester. “Why should
“ ‘April 22.—Such an excellent Idea! Nancy have put It In her diary If there
I have just recollected that there is ¡1 was uot?”
"1 glvo It up when you ask me to
secret hiding place In Grandmother
Binpah's mahogany bedstead. 1 will explain tho vagaries of the female
conceal the jewels there uiiti will do mind”— began Winchester as he vi­
scribe tlieir hiding place so that in ciously jabbed the eyes of ail the gar-
case anything happens to me one of gov les in turn without result.
F l o r a burst Into tears.
our family may lie ublp to recover
“Don't cry, my darling," comforted
them, even If the bedstead should be
her husband tenderly. “I'll find out
carried away.
“ ‘First, one must observe the row (he truth if I have to chop the con­
of hideously grinning faces—“gar­ found» *1 tiling Into kindlings!
goyles," grandfather called them that
‘ t wish I understood the meaning of
outline the top of the headboard; there It anyway," said Winchester presently
sre twenty five of these gargoyYs In when wife liad rearhed a degree of
all. and one must press the right eye tranquillity w here she could nibble a
of flu* thirteenth gargoyle from either bonbon appreciatively.
end. when tho face will swing out
Again the terns flowed. "I might
ward, disclosing a cavity. Into this last ns well have had another thou­
cavity I hfHo dropped the leather bug sand dollars!" walled Flora.
containing the unset gnu- they are
Winchester's elbow knocked a small
"orth many thoii-oiuds of dollar- anil pock- a go from t lio table to the floor.
I hope to re over them when the war
" \ \ hat Is this?” he asked, picking
is over.’ "
1* wp.
Armed with hammer and - n v
4 Aw express parcel that esrae tMa
driver, husband and wife repaired b* afternoon. I .haven’t had time to look
the parlor and lovLccf‘themselves with a» It.”
in, greatly |o the disgust of ihe I 11
He ripped o!T th^covers and locked
forested Nora, who availed herself of stupidly at a «nail leather volume tn
the keyhole as Ihe only sube to her hi« hand
wounded self respect.
"The Dhtrv of Nancy Orav!” he ex
“My dear girl, how do you think I'm clehroyi A letter fell from the book,
going to handle this tiling alone? It and he ope veil It efigerly
weighs a ton! Why wasn't It put In
"Read It!” commanded Fiorn Impa­
the guest room?"
tiently. And he read us follows:
“The instant I saw it in the wagon
My D«r Mrs. W i n c h e s t e r — Your un-'e,
I knew it would never tit into that • h o I a t * Mr. W illia m G r a y , h a s placad
room, so I told them to put It in here 1 t M s 11**1« v o l u m e In m y h a n d s w i t h In-
We can remove it to tlie cellar alter I M n i c t l m i t o t u r n It o v e r to y o u a f ' e r
j hi« d e a t h . O f c o u r s e y o u e r e a w a r e t h a t
ward—or store it.”
! t o u r u n c l e w r o t o t h is f a n t a s t i c a l little
"it fits In here,“ remarked Win j t»0e f o r his o w n a m u s e m e n t m a n y y e a r s
C hester.
! a#«,
p u b lis h e d .
"Let us rip off the covering I la* «1» p r o b a b l y In a p o s itio n to r e o o g n b e
t h a t y o u r u n c l « ’e e le v a r wit e n a b l e d him
lleve I know just where to place my 1 *•
ta k e g re a t lib erties w ith y o u r fam ily
finger on the spring! This Is the head b t a t o r y
As t h e p r e s e n t o w n e r o f t h e
b e d s t e a d , t h i s little book * III
board, of course, and here are tho gar
l * w * t o be of e sp e c ia l I n t e r e s t t o you.
goy les!" cried Flora excitedly.
t h e p o s s e s s io n of
Winchester took out his knife and C n a a e n h g r a a t u v l a a l t u l n a b g l e y o a u n ti on
q u e , a n d w i t h kind
leisurely opened the blade, lie lifted re g ard * . I a m , v e r y s i n c e r e ly vo u rs,
one corner of the bedstead, groaned
and dropped It heavily.
The long «Heneo waa broken at last
There was a straining and snapping by a suppressed chuckle from Mr. Win-
of cords as lie uppllod his knife to the charter.
Hta wife burled her face In the sofa
“Oh. Oh! I ana Just 11 s nervous as 1 pillow* “BruteI" she sobbed bitterly.
can be!” cried Flora, regardless of her And Winchester la »till wondering
husband's groan as he dragged aside whom she meant
the covering and disclosed the round
I m p o r t a n c e of tlva B e a rd .
ed, polished" top outlined by a semi-
The Importance of ttie beard was ful
clrt le of hideously carved faces.
|y recognized In the middle age*. Here
"Jove, whut a beauty!" ejaculated
n passage (quoted by -I A F. Oe-
Winchester, yet with a note of re­
spe t in his tone. "What a nlgln hnn 11 in "ftlxtine Rome"» from * letter
mare! Fancy wishing a guest 'pleas­ of the writer. Bartolomeo Catena: "It
ant dreams’ and then introdueing him 1« well thbt those who have to lead
lo that couch! Whew! Now, which and govern should have a lung and fine
face. Flora, love?”
beard. And I cun assure you that the
Mrs. Winchester triumphantly pro­ gov ernment <>f cities nud province» has
duced the paper from her laces an i b e e n given to m o r e tbuu one prelate
read solemnly: " ‘The thirteenth gar­ I «011 use tie had a long and flue beard;
goyle fre m either end.’ ”
“The one in the middle, of courte," i oilier wise be were not worthy that
j honor."
announced Winchester.
» a n
*» * i
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the hest that can be had
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stove» Hanges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the beet quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore.