Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 26, 1917, Image 3

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ericau railroads accent this respoasi- xutioua in Portland are part of the O 1 . r -
S. L. Each has a representative who
Published Every Thursday
The President's message indicates serves as a vice-president and is a mem­
thut production and proper distribution ber of the advisory hoard. The system
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
of the country’ s resources constitute enables the league to come in direct con­
the most important task now confront­ tact with thousands of citizens.
“ Entered as second-class matter. Nov
A ll any community has to do is to
ember 18th, 1905 at the post office at Clo ing the nation as a necessaiy feature of
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un- ¡the problems of war. I t is the duty and have representatives of the local socis-
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. ! desire ef every man in the railroad ties get together and form a working
~ business to make the transportion ma- agreement, if a community wishes to do
Duriug the presidency o f Diax o f the
SrBSCRiprioN R a iv s
chine even more efficient for war than ! its full share toward standing behind
g i^ M ^ ft h t *1 a' Vant° ........................ 50 it has already proved itself in tim e of the President. To attain the highest republic o f Mexico I weut there with a
efficiency, each community in the state stock o f goods aud opened a store iu
Three Months.....................................25 peace.
Single C opy........................................ 05
The usefulness of the railroads can should have a brauch of the league, the state o f Durango. For awhile I did
be realized to the full without material which is non-political aud uon-sectarian, very well. Mexico hail long been at
A dvertising R ates
changes in the organization, which is and the services of every worker is vol- [leaee with herself, foreign capital had
Displayed Advertisements, 60 cents per tlexible already, as shown by the ease ! unteered.
come in to develop the country, and it
inch per month, single column. ,\11
looked as though her prosperity would
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
handled the armies that visited the which the league has undertaken. The
line for each insertion.
The first wreck of my hopes was tho
Timber land notices
$10.00 Panama-Pacific exposition.
first is to give every citizen an opportu­
revolution that displaced Dias and
Homestead notices
In war times the important place of nity to make that personal sacr.Gce
placed Madero at the head o f the Mexi­
Political Announcement Cards
the carriers in industrial life becomes which he owes his country; the duty can government. But this was nothing
conspicuous. The railroad man who which citizens may perform by volun­ to the accession of Huerta and the tur­
J ob D epartment
helps to keep the train running in the teering their services and material pos­ moil during Ills administration mid fall.
My Job Department is complete in every
time of his country’s need, and can do sessions. The second field is assisting The Mexican people, especially those
respect and 1 am aide to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short that better than he can do anything else in recruiting; making provisions for who supported Huerta, believing that
notice at reasonable prices.
for the nation is helping to fight his those left behind by the enlisted men; their troubles cumc largely from the re­
country’s battle as well as his brother seeing that employers keep jobs open fusal o f the United States government
who goes to the front. Each in his for the boys to answer the call to the to recognize him as president <>( Mexico,
T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 26, l»17.
turned more bitter than ever against
place is doing his part, his training and colors; provide comforts for men at the
j Americans.
experience are necessary in his present front; to mobolize the resources of the
I hail made a number of friends
position. A mail can be taught m o r e slate; urge the cultivation of gardens among Mexicans and was iieruiittcd to
K ill ar once every fly you can find quickly to handle a rifle than he can be and farms; assist in providing farmers
continue my business without molesta­
and burn bis body.
taught to repair a locomotive or run » 'w i t h help; provide a home guard and tion. This was all very well so long
Observers say that there are many train. It is not improbable that the assist the government in any manner as I remained in the location of my
reasons to believe there will be more government will hold it as important possible.
home and business. But I was f< i:d
flits this season than for a number of that the transportation service keep its
The foregoing summary of the activi- of sketching, ami 1 intended as - oil ns
ranks intact as the military and naval lies of the league embraces every avenue 1 could get out of Mexico with my
capital to go north and study art. The
The killing of just one flv now means
services be brought uj to a war footing. of endeavor which would develop in war
Sierra* Madre mountains are not far
there will be billions and trillions less
“ iii any event, what the railroadmen or preparation for war. Under the scope from my home, and I desired in take ms
next summer.
are to do w ill he determined by the de­ of the program there i- something which many sketches as imssihle away with
Clean up your own premises; see and
sire of the government. T^ey stand every man, woman a.,d child in Oregon me of the line landscapes there.
insist that your neighbors do likewise. responsive to tl>e needs of the couutry,' can do for the nation in the way of
One evening after sketching during
Especially clean
“ out-of-the-way-
file day I went to a house devoted to
ready to serve in whatever manner may patriotic service.
places,” and every nook and cranny.
By all citizens of the state being the entertainment of qt rangers to pass
be best. The railroad service will not
Flies will not go where there is noth-
be found to be a comfortable place for affiliated with some branch of the the night. The place corresponded to
ing to eat, and their principal diet is to o 1 8 iiHkers
league there will he no opportunity for tin* old American tavern of former
filthy to mention.
irresponsible indivduals to Impose un days. It was not especially clean, and
The fly is the tie that binds the un- A WORKING COMMITTEE IS WHAT WE ! the patriotic impulse of the people by tho persons it contained were of a low
healthv to the lieaithv.
I the formation of mushroom organiza­
About 10 o'clock at night 1 was sit­
Designed to bring together all the tions. The lag idea of the Oregon Pat­ ting in the diningToom reading a news­
hundreds of organizations so that they riotic Service League is to bring tlie paper. I had gone there for the pur­
That the railroads of the country will will co-operate in unison and harmony people of Oregon to the point where all pose, since a lamp swung over the ta­
demonstrate their importance and v^lue to produce the greatest possible benefits will work for the common good thut the ble gave tlie only light that enabled me
to the countrv in time of war, under and results, the Oregon Patriotic Ser­ best possible results can be obtained. to read comfortably. I was seated di­
The league is the clearing house for
their present organization, is the vii w vice League has been formed. It is the any and all information which anyone rectly under It, with my hack to an
open door, when, hearing a faint creak
of President William Sproule i f the first time that a thorough organization may want.
o f a floor hoard in my rear, 1 raised my
Southern Pacific company, who has just has been undertaken in Oregon to
eyes from my paper. They lighted on
made a tour of the company’s lines from handle the subject of preparedness in a
a shadow east on a wall before me. The
the Mexican border to Portland.
big way and in a manner that will be
shadow was uot cast by the light over
President Wilson’s message to the fair and just to all. In the past various
my head, tint by one hack of the object
American people, said Sproule, so aptly societies have worked independently,
A w ise im a g in a t io n is one of
that produced It. It was not very dis­
referred ic* the railroads as the arteries duplicating work and wasting effort and
tinct, hut sufficiently so for me to dis­
the best a id s fo r liv in g , and in no
tinguish it as the tduidow of a man.
of the nation’s life, saying that upon the not always finding a generous response
w a y is it l ik e ly to be m ore u s e ­
The head covering was plainly a som­
men who run them rests the immense from the public.
fu l th a n in a n t ic ip a t in g r e g re ‘ a.
brero. The owner and shoulders came
responsibility of seeing that those ar­
By means of the Oregon Patriotic Ser­
A ll regrets m a y be avoided If
next. The left arm was lowered, and
teries suffer no obstruction of any kind, vice League everyone can do his “ bit.”
o n ly we w ill t h in k ahead fa r
since tho shadow o f the right arm was
no inefficiency or slackened power. Am- All the societies, clubs and other organi-
simply a lump I surmised that it was
enough a nd d e a rly enough, “ If
raised and pointed in my direction.
I hod o n ly k n o w n P ^ v e c r y . But
It required only n fraction of a sec­
we m ig h t h a v e know n.
ond for me to sec In this shadow what
Is called in art a foreshortened arm.
A Call.
[ believed also that tiie hand contained
The Playw right—Ah. the audience Is a weapon. That it was a pistol and
calling for tho author!
not u knife was evident, since it, too.
The House Manager—I lienr ’em. but was foreshortened.
Had it been a
Fifty acres of up-land, close to ( ’lover-
you can got out through the alley, and knife it would have been held In a d if­
dale, practically all cleared and fenced,
I ’ll hold ’em back while you heat It.— ferent grip, which would have produc­
no buildings, qt $100 per acre. If you
ed a shadow. I would have seen some
Philadelphia Bulletin.
have a srnal' amount of money to pay
evidence of a blade. In short, a man
down 1 will help you make the first
was standing in u passage behind me
and about to shoot me. Expecting to
be immediately killed. I was paralyzed.
One hundred and sixty acres near
<0 YO*J «sow T W * t « i A 6 0 U T S I
f V.rlY OOilY VOo I had not even the power to duck un­
5 *>" r e a r « <v>oct » i n»vt »/
Meda at $25 an acre. Five cows and
der the table Naturally my eyes wore
or small sar <-K3 7
some young stock on this place that will
be thrown in. A small cash payment
down will secure this place. Might
consider a trade on part of the principal.
This place for pals or rent.
A n Episode
O f M exico
Taylor Real Estate Agency
The Obliging
•/ to Loan
Estate Agency
See n*e for realty deals.
rm • <
Our large stock is in every instance the hest that can be bad
and our aim will he to keep the high standard up.
The John Weiss saw mill, the one
that makes money every tiro* the wheel
goes round. Let us explain the terms
and price on this money-maker.
Builders’ H ardw are,
Shelf and H eavy H ardw are
We have a residence property at Pa­
cific City that can be bought for half
cash, balance to suit purchaser. You
know that Pacific City will some day be
the ideal summer resort and that prop­
erty will be higher. W hy not buy now
while there is a chance for an invest­
Clovtrdale, Oregon.
In ever line of Merchandise, hut none
more especially than in
W hat have you to trade for 160 acres,
the old Schaler place. W ill consider
eastern or Canada property. Tell us
'what you have and keep the ball roll­
Taylor Real Estate Agency
Quality Counts
Five hundred dollars down will buy
the nw
of the se
and the n % of
the sw yK of section 3, and the e ^ of
the se *4 section 4, town 5 south, range
10 west. 1 can rent you this place, if
you want it, at a very reasonable price.
Buying, selling or trading real estate
and business enterprises our big hold.
W e have realty from Timber to Nesko-
win and business enterprises scattered
along the wav, that can he bought
right. Find us if voo are in the market
and if you are not in the market for
some of the snans I have, get in. A tip
that’s worth taking.
glued *i>> I lie evidence o f my <1 auger.
Snd« only I saw an Increase o f the
area of the shallow, on either side,
just below ill.* shoulders, a protul>er-
anev uppt-a.oil uion etiiurlly. then merg­
ed into the i..ahi balk. The right arm
was lowered and liuug ut au angle with
the body. Now I could see thut It was
an arm and there was a shadow o f
what it was plain was a pistol barrel.
When wo are lu duuger our faculties
become greatly ahar|>eiied. I question
If they do not become rather instinct.
I reasoned out the change is this w ise:
Some one had come up behind the man
who was about to kill me and thrown
a pair of arms about him. What should
I do now? I always carried a revolver
on my sketching tours, hut it was at
my hip, under my coat. I f I turned
now to defend myself while my ene­
my's weapou was lowered I might lie
too late, whereas If 1 sat still, pre­
tending to he ignorant o f what was go-
iug on behind me, I might he saved.
This consideration flashed through
my brain within a fraction o f u sec­
ond. I had scarcely conceded it when
I saw the shadow o f tho arm drawn
up to Its former position. Evidently
tlie man who had been Interrupted was
intending to proceed ns before tho lu-
Then there wns a commotion in the
outline o f the shadow. I Judged It to
express a struggle betweeu two per­
sons The right urm shadow appeared
iinl was grasped near tlie wrist by a
Now was my time to net. I made
four moves instantaneously*-! drew
my pistol. 4 ro^e. I turned, aud I cov­
ered my enemy,
A .Mexican stoo.l before me s i n g ­
ling with a woman, who maintained u
Urm grip of his right wrist. At my
movement both stood still.
"Drop that weapon,’’ I said.
The man replied h.v an effort to
wrench his wrist from the woman. 1
tried to quiet hlui by putting a bullet a
few Inches from his head, hut he con­
tinued to struggle, aud ibe woman held
<>n. In another moment I saw his hand
with tin* pistol in ll extended on his
right. I pul a I all in the hand, and tlie
pistol dropped on the floor. Darting
''orward. I picked it tip
"(1 lingo!" hissed the man.
I asked him why he wished to kill
no. and lie said that he hated gringos.
Ibis was the* only reason lie gave. I
mil been saved from being murdered
iv the woman win» kept the lions*
Ranges, Farm and
I .W 1I 0 *«• K K r » MR MV I T T v f e v v t * Y S O « W 1
|M Ñ M C I M» — -
Oarclen Tools
And every thing usually kept in & first-class hardware store, and
ail goods are of the hest quality.
Alex M cNair & Co., Tm&mook,ore. s i