Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 26, 1917, Image 1

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C loverdale
Harvey Q. Starkweather, of Milwau­
kee, Clackamas County, for 23 year« a
member of the Orange and who as­
sisted in drafting the rural credita leg­
islation in this state, has the follow
tng to say in approval of the pending
! $6,000,000 road bond bill:
I "1 am not prepared to sav whether
The Number of Advocates for Bonding Increasing With this bill la as good as the one pro-
P a rh lia r
posed by the State Orange committee
& aCu H a y .
or n0L but the question now up to the
Oregon voter is upon the bond tasue.
, .
I has had years of experience in road and speaking from the standpoint of
Oregon has talked good roads for I. ....
. ..
. ..
60 years. Millions of dollars have been bu,ldinR and lhe «c o r d s of his wore a farmer and Granger since 1894 I
expended in that time filling mmf- I 8how the most satisfactory results a' ! feel that the state s interest will be
holes. The state is in third place in
a low C06t t0 tho8e footing the bills, i best served by an affirmative vote on
commerce and population among the
Good road9 are ind,8penSable to the ! ¡J *
“ ¡¡IT In i
Coast states. The road bonding prop 1 progress and DrosDeritv of anv state I ,y hopP wben ,b * bo,P 'p,Pst,nn hM
osition on which the dcod I c will vote !
been carefully studied that the Orang-
people will vote 0r community. Such tmprovements
of (he s t. te> )npIudtnK tb„ 8t. "
June 4th, is the first comprehensive
attract the tourist encourage local
wlI1 bP fo,lnd on thp aid, of
road programme ever submitted to the development, promote social life, 1m- t
_____ _
. .
1 progress, assisting to pull Oregon out
prove market conditions and stimu-
. .
With the main trunk lines, provided late thrift. Rural life is made more , 01
for in the road bond bill, taken care attractive and agricultural develop­
In an editorial indorsing the good
of, road district money will he ex­ ment is advanced in proportion as ac­ roads bond bill the Portland Journal
pended on local laterals connecting cessible roarls are established and •aid in part:
with state improved highways, bring
Shall we go on wasting tax money ta
The further settlement
Ing the farmer, no matter where situ­ and development of the state’s unten­ the filling of mud holes or shall we
ated, in direct contact with the city anted lands add to their value. The concentrate our expenditures on the
consequent increase in assessable val­ most important roads and when they
Governor Withycombe and Highway ues gives assurance of reduced taxes. are made efficient pass on to the next
Commissioners Benson, Thompson, and Support the good roads bond bill June in importance and fo on?
Shall we continue to spend forty or
Adams are included in the list of 4th and thereby assist to effect these
fifty million dollars during the next
speakers for the State wide Good conditions.
ten years without system, as at pree
Roads Rally to be held in Portland,
All are agreed that Oregon needs ent, or shall we spend that amount In
Saturday, April 28th. The committee good roads
The only material dif- , bl)9ines8 !ikP ,
on Bom„ defin1,*
, ,
in charge of the gathering also plans ference of opinion is as to the method
____:.. ~
-------------- «
i :____, . __
PiBIl .
to have five-minute talks by a num­ of financing the movement— direct tax­
We can not get away from the
ber of Mayors from various Oregon
fact that we must spend for good
already provided by law. The fact roads wether w-e have them or not.
! that taxes are already burdensome is
Representation at the meeting will
j the very best argument for Issuing
"A good road ts a thing that will
be unlimited. Every club and organiza­ bonds. The combined revenue from
last forever, when properly kept In
tion throughout the state that is in­ an increased auto license and the
repair,” remarks an exchange. "The
terested in good roads and is favor­ existing state road tax will pay the next generation has no right to he
able to the road bond bill has been ! Interest and retire at maturity the enjoying an improvement that their
bonds proposed in the good roads bill. fathers sweat to pay cash for
invited to send as many represent«
tives as find it possible to attend the The people will vote cn this bond bill children of today can use the itnprov
at the special election June 4th.
ed roads in going to school so why
shouldn't they help pay for them. Un­
The railroads hare granted a special
In an attempt to array different
rate of one and one third fare for the counties against the $6,000,000 road der a bonding system the cost is dls
tributed over a long period of years
round trip, based on the certificate bond bill, opponents of the measure
and is more just than a pay-as-you-go
plan, for those attending the meeting
are maliciously alleging that few system which means a heavy tax up­
Reports from throughout the state in­ counties will he able to avail them­ on the farmers of today if roads are
dicate that the attendance w ill be selves of the bond measure for the really made good, or it means a con­
reason that the cost of preparing tinual tinkering with the roads and
In the selection of a Highway roads for hard surfacing under the eventually getting no real improve-
Engineer at an annual salary of 13600, terms of the hnnd bill will exceed the ment.”
the State Highway Commission threw actual cost of hard-sur'acing and,
The state bonding act (good roads)
another bombshell into the camp of j therefore, be greater than those coun­
does not mean that an indeptedness
those opposing the road bond bill. ties can afford.
! will he incurred. It meaus that the
Opponents of this measure had been
Meeting this misrepresentation, the gtate will use its credit to build a
predicting that a $5000 or $6000 man State Highway Commission at its re j hard surface road in different parts of
would be given this job. The action cent meeting in Salem reiterated its , the state which the revenue from
of the Commissioners in this import- previously announced policy on this ' automobile licenses will pay for in
ant matter only corroborates the as subject. All that will be required of Years to come. It does not mean In
surance previously given that they will the counties under this policy will be creased taxation. It ought to mean a
safely and economically expend all the preparation of grade of the roads reduction of taxes for has not the old
system of filling up mud holes been
This means
funds entrusted to them. It is entire­ to he hard-surface A.
an extravagant and useless expeudl
ly in keeping with the announced
ture of the taxpayers' money.— Silver
policy of the Commission that it will a read to grade and drain it before ton Tribune.
give a dollar's worth of value for the state applies the hard surfacing.
every dollar expended In all niatters The rock base is considered a part of
connected with road construction. Mr. the hard-surfacing and will be built by IS MR. SPENCE
Nunn. tbo Highway Engineer was « *
the state, assures the Highway Com
leeted because of Ms efficiency. He mission.
Hold Fast to the Dollar .
ITERE in an old saying that "am
fool can make a dollar,
but it takes a wise man to hold it." There is one sure
wav of holding the dollar, and that is to hank it. When
a man deposits his surplus cash he is loath to draw it out.
On the contrary, if he carries the money on his person there al­
ways is the temptation to spend. Bank your money with us.
The Nestucca Valley First,
Last and all the
NO. Z 9
With a checking account at this Bank you will alwaye have
just the ‘ right cluing« ” no matter where you pay the bill or to
whom you pay it.
You can draw your check t«>r any ODD A M O U N T and pay
your bill either in person or BY M A I L which is a real convenience
you can enjoy by
All supplies furnished free.
A Bank
roads for marketing tb; ir cr >p- Every
resident of Oregon " i l l -or tit.- neces­
sities of the situation one this is
called to his attention and will sea
the bearing this has on the road ques­
tion to be voted upon Juno 41b..—
The Dalles Chronicle.
"The people of my countv ace Just
about ready to ni >) t lit"
slogan of the ( lalsop County enthu«t
ssts - ‘ Mol “ It Unanimous’ -so tar as
the $6,000,000 road hoed bill is eon
cerned,” reports C t,. llawley, n farm
er and atorkgrow or of McCoy, I’olk
County. "O f course. the voters of my
home county are not a unit for the
measure, hut 1 find very little opposi­
tion to it.
“ I think I am RBfo in saying that un­
der the present system of road con
struction in this state and considering
the amount of money we ha ve expend
ed on them, the roads of i’ olk County
compare favorably with those of anv
other county in the state. Cut we are
not satisfied. W e want more and bet­
ter roads and believe the proposed
bond measure offers a practical plan
for inaugurating an era of permanent
road construction from which every
section of the state will benefit with­
out increasing direct tnxp.v
"When it comes to a choice liMwenn
being in mud up to cur knees or he
tng In debt up to our knees my people
are willing to assume something of
a financial obiicalfon if it will Insure
getting un out of the mire ”
the People
Auto license fees «.’ one -will pay all
the costs— principal and Interest— of
the $6,000.000 road bond bljl and leave
a substantial balance for fWher roada.
And all this without an additional cent
of taxation for the farmer.
* *
Every automobile owner In the state
should vote for the $6 noo.ppfl road
bond bill. Ills license tax was doubted
by the last legislature and lie will
have to pay the increased fee ¿anywuy.
If the road bonds are voted at tha
ant ini election In June, the money
derived therefrom is fo be expended
in the construction of a sytdem of
state w ide hard surfaced roada.
a a *
W ill the people from the interim
ho benefitted, inquires J. F. Hutche­
son, of Uouglas County, In a c m n u n L
cation to the Roseburg News. Tbarw
is no questlou about that, he re pi la»
in answering his own question. Th#
bonds mean better roads for »vary
section of the county and better road*
mean many things.
Tbe farm at
ranch can im sold for more money II
one wishes to sell.
Marketiug 1»
facilitated and the cost Is lnssnnad.
The sooner we get p«-rmanent road»
the sooner will taxes grow less. Good
reads cost, less to maintain
If w#
dump our money each year Into •
few mud holes and keep it up from
year to year we have benefitted no
one, not even the men who fill tbe
mud holes, for they have to pay pmrf
of the taxes, too.
* *
To our way of thinking." says t>e
Hillsboro Independent, "perhaps the
chief argument in favor of the rood
bonds Is that the cities and towns as
well ae an additional proportion of th»
total valuation will pay the largest
share, and the burden will be shifted
from the farmer s 26 per cent to tb»
remaining 74. Not only that, but tbe
complaint that the city automoblllet
luis worn out the roads he did not p»y
for is met and In the future be w»>l
travel the roa«l that cost him more
than was pad by the farm he passes
and. in addition the fat total of bis
automobile licenses, a proportion of
which was returned to his own county,
will now pay the interest on the loan
ha made to build tbe roads.”
County money now spent on trunk
lines will be used on Intent's and other
less traveled roads If th-- good roads
bond issue Is voted by the people at
Four yaars ago C. E. Spence, Master the June -»lection.
nf the Grange, advocated the Grange j
* *
bill which proposed the Issuance of 6 1
Clackamas County, the home of C.
per cent bonds by counties for con­
K. Spence. Grange Leader, who is op
struction of permanent road*, the
posing th«' roar) bond bill. Is reported
bonds to be paid by direct tax levy.
to have spent $3,000,fi0y on mads In
Mr. Spence is now- vigorously op­
the last ten years and hnr thr«'“ or
posing the road bond bill which pro­
A vote for the good roads hoods
four mile» of Improved rou-ls to show
poses (suing $6,000.000 twenty fiv#-
June 4th will be a rote to pull Oregon
for it.
year 4 per cent bonds for hard suifac ed
out of the mud.
♦ *
roads A direct tax is not intpos“ d for
the retirement of these bonds Ample j
revenue to pay the interest ami retire It is good business.
* *
the bonds at maturity is already pro |
Uallfornia vot
Tided by law from the Increased auto- |
mobile licenses and the existing ono- ed bonds to the amount of $18,000,
Do not waste time, for that I» ♦
fourth mill state road tax which ha* Ooo for good roads by a small majority. 4*
been a fixed tax against all property Last Fall by a 4 to 1 vote th«-y approv­ 4* tho stu# life Is made of.— Frank­ ♦
In the state for the last four year». ed a further bond l*su** of $15.000,- 4> lin.
(Jod never Imposée a duty w th- ♦
In other words, the bill to he pa-*«*d 000 for the same purpose. Californians *
upon by the voters at th» June slew know » good Investment when they * out giving time indo it.— Uuskln.
4 *
Stay not until you are fold o f ♦
tlon will not tnrrease the ■•»aval see it.
♦ *
4 - opportunities to do good. Inquire
taxes of the individual
roads buy -e after them as a man.— Webster, ♦
If Mr. Spence was right tn 1911 he
la wrong now.
Idleness Is costly without being #
* a
4 - a luxury.
It Is bard work for ♦
"Paying as we grow Is better than
those who are not used to It and ♦
MILITARY PREPAREDNESS paying as we go" w as one of the point­ 4 + - dull
work for those who are.— ♦
ed remarks of Highway forum ¡salon
4 - Horace Fmith.
Moving of heavy gun carriage»,
er Adams when h“ rerentlv addressed ♦
heavy loads of ammunitions aod army a mooting of Portland Realty men.
1 + + + 4 t + + t t t t + 4 t t 4 t
supplies, necessitates better roads tha#
a a
at present are available In Orego».
People won't go bark to the farm
Rusbin’a Boyhood.
L our state is exposed to attack. tb« they have roads to get there.
Ri,skin’s mother was an extraordi­
railroad facilities are not as wall Assist the "Park to the Harm"
nary woman. 8be was an evangelic*!
adapted tn carrying heavy gun» as ment by voting for the
road bond Puritan o f tbe atraltest type and held
are Improved highways, and It ts u# bill at the June election.
strong views ev«n on the sinfulness mt
to Oregon to get its through trunk
a a
toys. An aunt once bought the boy «
roads in shape to facilitate the n o v a
Place the burden of building th«
went of supplies.
roada on those who wear tli< m out— Pouch and Judy, but bla mother
Should the railroad centers heron»» the automobiles The state license on uiediately put It awav. and be nev­
too congested, owing to war burdens, automobiles has been doiibbd and the er saw it again. "M y parents,” Kus
or should they fall Into the hands of owners of these machines are willing kin once said, "debarred me from
an enemy, the through roada would to pay the Increased fee All they asa exerrl-xos »m «agiking. They would not
leaf I should be thrown;
be the only means of communication Is that the money so raised shall be let me
left to get supplies from place to expended In construction of gone boating was dangerous because I might
be drowned, and boxing my mother
piece in the Interior
Farmers, would i roads
Vote for the road bond Mil
, thought vulgar exercls».”
of necessity dene-«» aasa. ige through and assist to bring that about.