N CLOVERDALE COURIER cut in acreage w hich is feared, due to th e high price of seed and labor. T he P ublished E v e r ; T h u rsd ay present crisis and th e urgent need of larger production makes the m a tte r of P ra n k T aylor, E ditor and P u b lish er. increased crop production doubly ltu- “ Entered as second-class m a tte r, Nov­ portant. em ber 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo- verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, u n ­ WARNING AGAINST BASELESS STORIES. der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. In th e interest of justice and fair play tow ard those of our fellow citizens who S u b sc r iptio n R a t ' s » One Year, in a d v a n c e .........................$1.00 m ay be affected, the Courier would Six Months ...................... ........ * .50 again caution its readers against giving Three M o n th s .............................................25 credence to stories which are cisculated Single C o p y .................................................05 to im pune one’s loyalty to th e Stars and Stripes. While there may occasionally A d v e r t is in g K .' trs Displayed Advertisements, 61 cents per be an isolated case of sem e person of inch per m onth, single colum n. Ail foreign birth m aking a disloyal rem ark Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per or c om m itting a disloyal act, it ia well line for each insertion. T im ber land notices $10.00 or. general principles to denounce H omestead notiees 5.00 stories of this sort. Frequently these Political A nnouncem ent Cards $10.00 stories are started w ith malice afore­ th ought to do some person a grave in ­ jury, and it is for this reason th a t we J ob D epartment My J o b D e p a rtm e n t ¡scomplete in every advise th a t no oue repeat auv story respect a n d 1 am able to do all kinds which is calculated to do a fri'ind or ac­ Commércial Jo b P rinting on short quaintance a n injury. notice a t reasonable prices. T H U R SD A Y . A PR IL 19, 1917. DION T WANT SPENCE AT ALL. A Beaverton m an tells of a funny se­ quel to the meeting of parent-teaehers ABNORMAL SPRING CONDITIONS. association of th a t town Wednesday I n practically every section of th e night. R obert K to h n , physical director north w e st spring work ia unusually late. of the Po rtla n d schools, had expected to A comparatively small a m o u n t of spring address th e meeting, b u t found a t th e plowing has been done. Such condi­ last m om ent th a t he could not fill the tions of farm operations, combined with engagement. A Po rtla n d organization an acute labor situation and abnorm ally was appealed to for an o th e r speaker and favorable m a rk e t conditions for farm th e gentlem an selected wa* m et a t the crops increases general farm in te re st in train b)- the reception com m ittee. Be­ e v e ry th in ? th a t can be done for losi ing a stranger th e visitor wae queried as tim e in plant growth. The labor s itu a ­ to bis proposed address and replied th a t tion in some sections will be very acute he would talk against the bond«. Th« du rin g ha ving and harvesting, owing to j ladies were in a quandrv for a moment, th e large dra ft made on laborers joining but finally explained th a t Beaverton th e colors. was for the bonds and they did not I t seems to us says the Porland L i r e 1 th in k it proper to introduce the topic in Stock R eporter th a t a very effective ! an educational meeting. H e therefore m ethod of meeting the situation is to returned to P ortland with an undeliv­ m ake liberal use of available p la n t food ered address and it is said t h a t inquiry in th e form of fertilizers. Such plant as to who he was brought th e reply th a t food not only gives a vigorous sta rt to he was C. E. Spence.—Hillsboro In d e ­ wheat, corn, potatoes and other crop", pendent. but, with favorable w eather conditions, | m a in ta in s rapid, vigorous crop growth, THE SLAB CREEK SAGE SAYS which does a great deal to c o m bat dis­ ease attacks and leads to largest yields People w ith long laces absorb much of best quality and early m a tu rity . sunshine and reflect none. If such speeding up of crop grow th is beneficial u n d e r normal conditions, Most photographers would have to m uch more is to be advised under the shut up shop if people could see th e m ­ present crop conditions, which have not selves as other see th e m . been equalled in favorableness within Did you ever notice how few people th e m em ory of th e average active there are present w hen anyone happens farm er. Speeding up crop production to say nice things about you. by liberal use of fertilizers a great deal I t isn’t work th a t kills. Its the worry will have been done toward m a in ta in in g th e production of food products a t th e ir caused by having to work th a t increases usual level, in spite of the threateued a n u n d e r ta k e r ’s bank balance. Taylor Real Estate Agency Fifty acres of up-land, close to Clover- dale, practically ail cleared and fenced, no buildings, a t $100 per acre. If you have a stnaP a m o u n t of money to pay down 1 will help you make th e first p a ym ent. One hundred and sixty acres near Meda a t $25 an acre. Five cows and some young stuck on this place th a t will be throw n in. A small cash pay m e n t down will secure this place. M ight consider a trade on part of the principal. T his place for sale or rent. Five h u n d re d dollars down will buy th e nw ' j of th« ac th e n of the sw >4 of section 3, and th e e \4 of the se Jq section 4, tow n 5 south, range 10 west. I can rent you th is place, if you want it, a t a very reasonable price. W h a t have you to trade for 160 acres, th e old Schaler place. Will consider eastern or Canada property. Tell us what you have and keep th e ball roll­ ing. The J o h n Weiss saw mill, th e o r e th a t m akes money every tim« the wheel goes round. Let us explain th e term s and price on this money-maker. We have a residence property at P a ­ cific City th a t can be bought for half cash, balance to suit purchaser. You know th a t Pacific City will some dav be the ideal su m m e r resort and t h a t p ro p ­ erty will be higher. W hy not buy now while there is a chance for an in v e st­ m ent. Buying, selling or tra ding real estate and business enterprises our big bold. We have realty from Tim ber to Nesko- win and business ente%>riaes scattered along th e wav. th a t can be bought right. Find us if you are in th e m a rk e t and if yon are not in th e m arket for some of th e snaDS I have, get in. A tip t h a t ’s worth taking. Taylor Real Estate Agency C loierdale. Oregon. | * * + * + ♦ * + + * * + * • « - **•> •$ ++*+*+<■+ j i ! The Girl Next Door A S ketch of Ju v en ile Love By F. A. M1TCHEL ! Spring is the season of flowers and love, as has beeu remarked before, it seems, to the present writer. H e does not claim originality for the remark. But it is as tr u e now as It was wheu first made, some centuries ago, and all English and American poets from Chaucer to the present poet laureate have enlarged ou the theme. W hy not use it, therefore, to intro duce a little tale, or sketch, rather, of a very young man and a very young maid and flowers and flour? Billy A therton was nearing e lx te e n - tba t is, he was a t an age when two things monopolized the limited space there was in his undeveloped brain, the first being his clothes, the second a girl. It may seem absurd to put i the clothes before the ghl, but sn< h is the proper relation. There are a great many girls, but only one wardrobe, for a young m an, and be requires that j wardrobe to be exactly in vogue. T he first sign Billy showed of a p ­ proaching manhood was when he was j fourteen. Then he displayed marked concern about his neckwear. Later a new complication developed: then ! the period for long trousers came on T he color of his n erkw ear must match j the color of his 60 cks. Nothing would j Induce him to w ear socks that were not clocked His favorite shade for bis scarf and socks was a brilliant yellow, and woe betide the tailor who produced a pall of t r a c e r s for binr. that were not short enough to display 6even eighths of bis hosiery! When Billy was invited to bis first formal dance be was confronted with tue most im portant question thus far of his life. Should he wear a sw allow ­ tail or a tuxedo? If a tuxedo, should he wear a white or black vest, a w hite or black tie? In Hilly's time boys of his age were supposed to pass upward and onw ard to full dress through a tuxedo. So. notw ithstanding tha t he was Invited to a formal dam e. he must wear a tuxedo. Consultation with half a dozen othei boys of his age soon cleared the way through the vest and tie problems They were to lie liotb black. But Billy struck a snag on the collar. There was unfortunately a division of opinion Some of the boys ruled for a standing, some for a turndow n collar. During the afternoon before the dance Billy w as in a fever of suspense w hether It should be standing or turndow n Final ly the m a tte r w as settled by a tele phone message from his huhenlnsher. who, a f te r consulting a periodh-al giv­ ing such fashions, assured Billy th a t if he wore a nything except a turndown collar the bottom would drop out of the universe. T hat settled the final momentous question as to how Billy should be arrayed on going to big tirst formal dance. Since Billy was to e n te r upon hi« flrst love affair during the evening of this dance one w ould suppose th a t the apparel of the girl ho was to full In love w ith should be also described Betty Iliusdale. aged fourteen nml ten months, was as much concerned about her party get up as was Billy shout his apparel. A dress had been especially prepared for the occasion But if her costume were to be a t nit uutely described ns Billy's has been it would require a woman to do the Jot». This would Involve tw o persons to write the story. Hence I can only say tha t when Betty was paraded before her fa th e r In her party dress be 1m mediately ordered It lengthened a t both ends. This Is all the information I can give on the subject. T he apparel of the e two young per «ons being the roost Important part of this story has necessitated Its being Introduced In the beginning. It Is now necessary to mention a certain spring day when Billy had put on his base­ ball suit and w as in his ba^k yard sunning himself, occasionally throwing a ball against the brick wall of his home. Billy was standing within a few feet of the house examining a tear In the ball be bad been tossing when he was surprised a t a fine powder settling all over him He brushed It oft. but more settled In Ita place. He looked op to see whence It came All he saw was (bat It had em anated from a win dow In the houae next door. Billy waa puzzled N ererthelesa be suspected th a t some one was show er­ ing him. Bending his head over bis ball for awhile, be raised his eyes sod denly and saw the laughing face of a girl a t a window. It w as dra w n In with astonishing rapidity. Billy w a it sd and watched for some time, but there waa no reappearance of either the girl or the flour that had whitened him. Ilf it reiiiemlierod (hat lb's wn*. springtime. One morning when Billy was getting himself late for breakfast by a painful Indecision as to which cravat out of more than tw enty he should w ear be cast his eyes aside from the mirror liefore him —It was very close to a w indow —and saw a girl planting seeds or roots In the yard next door. He at once divined tha t she w as the maid who Imd floured hint, and he wished for something with which to return the compliment, fn the window was a box of plants, and the plants were budding. Billy began to throw the buds at the girl, who was pretty. A man would have been surprised a t seeing a flower drop uear him and would have looked to see w here It came from. Not so this young lady. She was conscious of th e fact th a t a young m an lived next door. She re­ membered to Lave dropped flour on his shoulders and was on th e lookout for a response. In fact, she had seen Billy a t his window am kl a rainbow of cravats. Given a girl in a hack yard, a young m an a t a window, and it Is to lie supposed th a t the girl will ex poet something. 1 Billy tossed sprigs anil flowers. j which fell to the girl's right, to her I left, before her, behind her. hut she paid no attention to them. T hen he went to the bathroom, filled a tum bler with w a te r aud, returning to Ids w in­ dow. sent the contents In a spray on the flower planter. T here w as jus! enough of n sprinkling Jo cause her to frnr a douche. She arose from her w ork and marched into the house. On her way site cast a glance up at BBIy and m ade a “ face" at him. Itllly hi return th re w her a kiss from tlie tip* of his (In'icrs This tim e Billy saw enough of the girl to be sure tha t sin* was pretty What else she was lie did not know and did not care to know, lie had at tra tod her attention though lie had been obliged to sprinkle lu r to do so She had brought the sprinkling on herself by giving him a stage snow­ storm. and as for rlio face she had mode at him lie did not mind tha t a bit. The next day w hen Billy was going up the steps, getting out bis latchkey, who should come out of the front door of the next house but the girl. She passed him with her nose iu the air, but she had scarcely reached the side­ walk when Billy beard a giggle. lie turned aud tried to get up bis courage to follow and Jo'.n her. but lie Imd uot beeu Introduced to her, and should she scorn him he would never recover from the blow. She bad floured him and lie hud (lowered her, but this did not con stitute an Introduction. He would uo more dare speak to her without the formal Introduction required in eocial life than he would return to his knick­ erbockers. Such was the condition bet ween these two next door neighbors when Itllly was Invited to his first* formal dance He liegnn t.> a rra y himself a t l! o'clock for a function th a t w as supposed to begin at half pust 8. Much time was required. Me put three sets of studs In Ids sh irt .before he was satisfied with a set of tiny mosaics. He had Inserted gold links i i Ills cuffs, and this necessitated a fu rth e r change, for had he worn mosaic studs with gold sleeve buttons he would expect to he orderid out of the house by the host. The tying of his neckw ear was anoth­ er delay requiring some twenty-live minutes. He succeeded In placing It above the collar button, but was In terror lest It »lip down. lie was lufi ruled by his mother, who -loud by him nobly !u this critical period »if his life, th a t be would purely I n * late, and at hist I k * put the flulshlug touches to bis m akeup and. going dow nstairs and out. entered a limou­ sine tliat bad beeu smumoued to trans- port him to the scene of ho|»od for con­ quests. * As he was driving aw ay a car stopped uext door. He wondered If th e girl who lived there w as going anywhere. Billy on reaching his destination spent half ail hour iu the dressing room. W hether it w as for fu r th e r a rra nge m ent of Ids apparel or a stage fright ut appearing a t his first function there is uo record. Nevertheless ho held on to the banister ou his way down. He made his bow to the hostess and w as a t once ta k e n off by a member of th e family to be present­ ed to some of the young ladles he dhl not know. T hose Invited were all supposed to he bet ween fifteen and seventeen, though some of the girls bad barely turned fourteen. Billy was introduced to several girls 111 succession s a d was landed for a similar purpose before another when lie stood stock still. She was the girl next door. “ Miss Betty Hinsdale, this Is Mr. Atherton!** Wily all the retiring qualifies are at trlhuted to the softer sex It Is difficult to explain. Billy, as he expressed It a fte rw a rd , w as taken “ flat aback.” Miss H insdale w h s as cool us a cucum ­ ber. Billy stam m ered something like "pleasure of a dance,” whereupon she threw back her head with nil the air >f a society belle, at the sam e time thrusting out a dance card with not a vacancy on It. But Billy soon caught ■ ip with her. He erased several name« md boldly wrote his own nam e In their place. Minute accounts of love affairs may