/ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Tillamook Undertaking Co. A Steeplejack and A n Aeronautess By WILLIAM CHANDLER the m aneuver wa» Teal lug bla seat OiLec Ground 1 loor E« 11 Elione Ó3-J ■ w ithout the rope being w renched from N ational Eld. P. O. Box 147 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; his hold. He m anaged this dextrously I and us soon as free from the spire low W ith ftollie W atson ! ered him self to the noose and, getting T h o s . C o a t e s . P r e s id e n t , . bis legs into It, sa t on it. Tho guard below, seeing th e ir pris co m plete set o f abstract books oner sail aw ay suspended from an aero O F TILLAM OOK COC.VTT. O R ItllO N . plane, gave up Hie w atch and departed TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. Tom and Emily descended a t a vil luge miles d istan t from th eir home and j decided to he m arried. A fter lielng T.H. GOYNE, ! united by a country parson they went — L. V. E B E R H A R D , M anager. : hack to the bride's fa th e r and w ere forgiven. But Toni left the profession j of steeple cfJmhir •; and w ent into bus! ! Com plete Set of A bstracts of the Records uess with bis fa th e r in law. of Tillam ook C ountv, Oregon. C onveyancing, Etc. TILLAM OOK. - - OREGON Opp. C ourt House, Tillam ook, Ore I T he reform atory school system orlgi- i Bated in France and w as adopted in 1 England in lSiiO. Tillamook Abstracting Co. Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. We a re likely to adopt for mi oecu- paflon w h at we have u passion for. Tom G urley as soon us lie could walk begun to cllinb over the furniture, and his m other w as In d read lest he get up on to a w indow sill and tum ble o u t A few y ears la te r his pluce of blissful re st w as a treetop. T hen he got to clim bing w a te r spouts and trtdllses on to roofs, and by th is time, being old enough to go to work, lie becam e a steeplejack. Em ily KadcIIITe was built upon sim i­ la r lines io Tom G urley. W hile Eben KadcllBc did not try to p revent his d au g h te r from risking her neck In an aeroplane, he was very m uch averse to her m arrying Tom G ur­ ley, to whom sh e had become attached. "W h a t do you w ant to m arry a stee plejack fo r-/ " lie asked. “ He'll break his neck and leave you u widow.” "No more thun I'll come down w ith a thum p in an aeroplane und leave him a w idow er,” w as th e reply. Torn had one u n fo rtu n ate trait. He w as a sp en d th rift. Mr. Itadcllffe In order to get th e w hip hand of him em ­ ployed nu agent to lend the young man all th e money he w anted and d raw the pupers in such a w ay th a t If the .funds w ere not paid a t m atu rity he could a r­ re st Tom and Juil him. Of course the fuuds w ere uot paid, and a constable w as se n t for Tom. Em ily got w ind of the move and w arned her lover. Torn kept an eye o u t for suspicions looking persons, and when he suw a m an m aking a bee line for him he ran for his n atu ral defense, a church spire. A tall eliu stood be­ side th e building, and Toni, catching a low er limb, pulled him self up and was soon In th e topm ost branches. The constable followed him. und Tom. clim bing out on n branch overhanging th e church, dropped to th e roof. T h e constable followed, and Tom, who had clim bed tlie steeple before and knew every projection, climbed up to w here th e cone began. T here was a lightning rod ru n n in g to a isiiut above th e u [ n ? x , and Tom w ent up by it and s a t ou the bull, holding to the w eather vane. T h is w as m ore than the constable d ared do. H e descended by the way he had come and, once on the ground, settled him self to sta rv e out th e cul­ p r i t lie had a good view of Torn, who m u st com e dow n sootier or later aud give him self up. Now It happened th a t Emily needed to do som e shopping th a t m orning und passing th e church saw her lover cor- raled on th e apex of the church spire an d th e constable below w atching him like n dog eying n coon. She took in th e situ atio n n t once. She m ust help h er lover out of his em barrassm ent, but how? V arious plans suggested them selves. T h ere seemed no way to help him unless she could feed him. and to convey food to the top of a steeple w as uot an easy thing to do. “ I have It!" she said piesontly, and s w s y she w ent to put In practice u plan sh e had thought of. Going homo, she m ade up a luncheon mid put It Hi a p ast ebon rd box, to which sho attached a ball o f tw ine. T hen she got out her aeroplaue and, rising In the a ir made for a point above the steeple where Tom w h s it prisoner. Tom suw her and took heart. C ircling above tin* spire, she gradually drew n earer to h point w here she could low er the box to Toni. H e m ade several a tte m p ts to cub h It and Ht last succeeded. Then In* broke th e tw ine, opened th e box aud proceed­ ed to refresh h im s e lf., T h e constable eyed th e proceeding w ith ctiHgrln. He reported It to bis principal, w ho sent word to trim th at th e p risoner could not stay where be was forever, even w ith food, and to keep on th e Job. So th e constable had bis food supplied from a restau ran t. Tom lookinl dow n on his enem y eating com fortably from a tab le brought him for th e purpose and w ondered which of th e tw o could hold out th e longer. W hen night caiue several a ssista n ts w ere th ro w n around the church to p revent th e prisoner escaping under cover o f th e darkness. Tom winced. T h e w eath er Was chilly and lowering, and he did not relish th e kind of a bed he was subjected to for even a single ulght. Em ily lay aw a k e th a t night, th in k in g o f her lover on his perch und w orth'd lest he fall asleep, tum ble olT and In» dashed to death. If sh e could low er a box to Tom why could she not low er a rope to w hich he 1 m ight cling and thus l*e carried aw ay to sa fe ty ? As soon ns day cam e she arose, got out her aeroplane and. ln«h lug a sto u t rope to It. knotted nt Inter­ vals and a noose at th e end, sailed for the steeple W hen Tom saw her corn tug he supiH*setl she w as bringing him his b re a k fa st; but, seeing the dangling rope, he aaw a t onoe w hat It m eant ! and felt every COUfldenee pro» Ided Euilly could place It w ithin Ids reach As guod luck would have It. she sue- ! oecded th e first tim e she tried in sail- tug right over him. and th e rope grazed UlA abuU.dw. TUa