Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 12, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“Entered as second-class matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 15>05 at the post office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­
der Act o f Congress, March 3yd, 1878.
S ubscription R atxs
One Year, in
Six Months...............
Three Months..........................................¡¡5
Single Copy............................................. 05
A dvertising R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards $10.00
J ob D epartment
My Job Department incomplète in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
bonding issue.
No pamphlets on this momentous j OPEN COMPETITION
question have been issued except those
printed by newspapers entirely at their
own expense.
If it w asn't for tiie newspajvers of Ore­
gon, what chance would a public issue All Contractors to Have Chance
have before the people? It is the news­
papers which are the real boosters for
to Bid on Proposed
state developmens. Not only does it
cost them money to print these columns
and columns of information, but it costs
considerable to get the live, up-to date j In reply to an inquiry from the
and accurate information to publish. L egislative Good Roads Com m ittee as
It is the newspapers which have de­ to w hat its policy would be in the
contracts for road
frayed the whole cost of compiling and j m atter of aw arding
if the pending road bond
disseminating all the infermation which construction
be approved by the voters
to date has appeared before the public in bill the should
Ju n e eleetion, the S tate H igh­
on the road bonding act.
way Com m ission issued the following
Moving of heavy gun carriages, and
heavy loads of munitions and army
■ applies, necessitate better roads than
are at present available in Oregon.
Our state is exposed to attack; the
railroad facilities are not as well adapted
to carry heavy guns as are improved
highways; and it is up to Oregon to get
its through trunk roads in shape to fa­
cilitate the movement of supplies.
Should the railroad centers become
too congested, owing to war burdens;
or should they fall into the hands of an
enemy; the through roads would be the
only means of communication left to
get supplies from place to place in the
interior. Farmers would of necessity
depend upon the through ro«ds for
marketing their crops. Every resident
of Oregon will see the necessities of the
situation, and will see the bearing this
has on the road question to be voted
upon June 4.
The way for Tillamook county to help
boost the state highway bonding act is
to give the county bonding act an over­
whelmingly large majority.
The trust buster is again on the war­
path says the San Francisco Chronicle.
The government has hired Henry E.
Colton to go after the scalp of the
armor-plated steel combination. He is
well armed with rhetoric, as witness
the description of his intended prey as
“an abnormal, illegal ami grossly over­
capitalized colossal supercombination of
combinations.” Men who talk like that
seldom accomplish anything, and the
steel men are not likely to lose much
sleep in fear of such a frothy adversary. THE SLAB CREEK SAGE SA YS
When we hear of Grand Master of the
State Grange, Spence, of Oregon City, No man ever lost his self-respect by
or Tax Liberator Smith, of Eugene, acting on the square.
working against the proposed road It takes a lot of fortitude to follow the
bonding law, all that is necessary in our dictates of a perfectly good conscience.
mind to excuse them for the act is to
is the man who will stand with­
look at the motive. Both of these men in Brave
are alleged to be drawing a good big throws at. feet of anything a woman
salary from the timber interests of the 1
state to fight each and every movement “Glad to meet you,” is what one man
that proposes the expendituie of state usually says when introduced to an­
money, and from what is seen and other—but is he?
heard of them there is little doubt of If a man tells a woman she has a
their effort to earn those salaries.—Leb­ musical laugh she willl fall for any old
anon Criterion.
joke he will get off.
You cannot make a crow white hy-
Of 209 weekly new spapers in Oregon
outside of Portland, 191 are publishing Every woman’s plain duty is to be as
colum ns of inform ation on th e road handsome as she can.
Taylor Real Estate Agency
Fiftyr acres of up land, close to Clover-
dale, practically ail cleared and fenced,
no buildings, at $100 per acre. If you
have a smal1 amount of money to pay
down 1 will help you make the first
One hundred and sixty acres near
Meda at $25 an acre. Five cows and
some young stock on this place that will
he thrown in. A small cash payment
down will secure this place. Might
consider a trade on part of the principal.
This place for sals or rent.
Five hundred dollars down will buy
the nw J -4 of the se and the n % of
tbs sw % o f section 3, and the e % ol
the se J section 4, town 5 south, range
10 west. I can rent you this place, if
you want it, at a very reasonable price.
What have you to trade for 160 acres,
the old Schaler place. Will consider
eastern or Canada property. Tell us
what you have and keep the ball roll­
The John Weiss saw mill, the or.e
that makes money every time the wheel
goes round. Let us explain the terms
and price on this money-maker.
We have a residence property at Pa­
cific City that can be bought for half
cash, balance to suit purchaser. You
know that Pacific City will some dav be
the ideal summer resort and that prop­
erty will be higher. Why not buy now-
while there is a chance for an invest­
Buying, selling or trading real estate
and business enterprises our big hold.
We have realty from Timber to Nesko-
win and business enterprises scattered
along the wav, that can be bought
right. Find us if you are in the market
and if you are not in the market for
some of the snaps I have, get in. A tip
that's worth taking.
Taylor Real Estate Agency
CloYtrdale. Oregon.
to assist In the cam paign for the $6.-
000,000 boud issue can do so by
forw arding subscriptions to Bruce
Dennis, Executive Secretary, at Uood
H eadquarters, 310-311 Selling
Building. Portland, Oregon. The m em ­
bers of the eum paign com m ittee have
refused contributions from paving
Proposed Issue of $6.000.000 concerns
and are relying entirely on
offerings from good roads
for Good Roads Will Not
en th u siasts to m eet the expenses of
the vigorous cam paign that has been
Increase Taxes.
outlined in behalf of the road bond
* * *
A uthorizes S tate H ighway Commis
sion during next five years to Issue
If the $6.000,000 bond issue and the
bonds to the am ount of $4,000,000.
highw ays designated therein are ap­
The issue iv lim ited to $1,000,000 in proved, com prehensive provision for
1917 aud $2.000,000 in 1918.
! construction of highw ays will have
Bonds are to be of serial form and been provided. Road construction will
beginning sixth year to be retired have been standardized; Federal aid
one tw entieth each year.
and co-operation secured; the cost of
statem en t:
Of the bond issue at least $500,000 efficient engineering will have been
"W e recognize the propriety of your m ust be in denom inations of $500 m inim ized; eo-operation betw een
Inquiry and therefore hereby au th o r­ each or less.
State, G overnm ent aud counties, to­
ize you on our behalf to sa.v that this
Bonds shall bear 4 per ccut interest gether w ith genuine com petitive bid­
Com m ission, at a public m eeting held payable sem i annually.
ding for construction will have be­
at Portland on this date, adopted the
Funds derived from bond U -ue to come « reality. T he acquirem ent of
following Resolution:
be expended in paving main highw ays ! funds fur road construction at a low-
“ 'W hereas there exists in the pub- after counties have m ade roads ready rate of in terest and a method of pay­
lie mind an im pression th a t undue to receive pavem ent.
ing both Interest and principal of
profits have heretofore been m ade by
Bill designates ro a 's to be paved, state bonds out of cu rren t revenues
paving co n tractors in Oregon,
but Highway Com m ission is au th o r­ aliead y Imposed will also ha'-e been
“ ‘Be it resolved th at it will he the ized to m ake local changes and r>uy secured, and this without additional
policy of the Highway Com mission to also add o ther post ami forest roads tax burden and w ith proper safe­
cq!l for bids on all standard types of to system .
guards to the general taxpayer.
pavem ent in open and fair com peti­ H ighw ay Commission i« to let all
•* *
tion and to aw ard contracts to the contracts in open and public session
t h e H lgh v a Com m ission has gone
low est responsible bidder who will be acm rding to law to low est best bill. on record on Ibis score U nless con­
required to give a good and sufficient
If low est bids doomed excessive tracto rs are reasonable In th eir bids,
guarantee for the perm anency of his Highway Com mission is authorized to the Com m ission has announced that
reject all bids anil do work Itself, It. will Install a paving plant and go
“ ‘Be it fu rth er resolved that in the being em pow ered to purchase neces­ Into the paving business Itself.
event no satisfacto ry bid can be ob­ sary equipm ent.
-* * ★
tained the H ighway Com mission will
Upon the construction of the roads
Proposed bond« will hot increase
proceed to do the work itself by force taxes. Increased autom obile license nam ed In the road bond bill, the
account a fte r the purchase and In and existing one-fourth mill sta te money form erly spent by the counties
stallation of its own paving plant.’
road tax will pay interest and retire In repairing and m aintaining the main
“The above resolution is intended bonds at m aturity.
lines of travel can be used for im ­
as a frank statem en t to the public Legislative Good Roads Com m ittee. proving the laterals and less traveled
of w hat our policy will be. If there
W. 1». Wood. Hillsboro.
is anything w-htch Is not fully covered
■ * ♦
Jtiilen A. Hurley, Vale.
It is due to an oversight on our part
Win. FI. Schim pff, Astorlk.
Good roads enable dairym en and
and not due to any desire to evade
E. D. Cusick, Albany.
gardeners w ithin a radius of 60 m iles
any issue or question.
of I,os Angelos to reach the city m ar­
Roy W. R itner, Pendleton.
"W e nrtay sum m arize our plans as
ket daily before 7 A. M. The sam e
W. H. Gore, Medford.
follow s: W e shall dem and and en­ C. C. C lark, Arlington.
sort of bigliwnvs in Oregon would
deavor to acquire for the sta te full
m ake mark< ts In Oregon equally ac­
O. I.aurgaard, Portland
value for every dollar of public money
Bruce Dennis, Executive Secretary. cessible to producers.
* * ★
expended If the bond issue is adopt
ed we shall so far as possible, com ­
The ‘‘Back to the F arm ” m ovem ent
m ence w’ork in every county in which
will receive a great stim ulus from the
work is to be done at the earliest GOOD ROAD SSDEUOHTS approval ot the good roads bond bill
possible m om ent. We shall not favor
at the special election .Tune 4th.
one county or locality over another,
but will, to the hes* of our ability, be lar's w orth of expenditure is nssured
Could Suit Her,
fair to the various sections of the at tlm hands of the S tate Highway
“ Do you guarantee these colors
sta te .”
Com m ission which Is charged with fast?" asked the custom er at the ho­
disbursing the funds raised from the siery counter.
proposed $6,000,0^0 good roads bonds
"C ertainly not, m adam .” rt idled the
* * *
In the fullness of his know l­
The question involved in the pro edge. clerk
Is never considered a fast
posed issue of $6.000,000 road bonds
U nder the plan subm itted In the Is s 'lrp 'v th is: Do the people of Ore color, you know. But 1 ran shew you
road bonding bill, the ta n n e r has gun desire to approve and in,< igurate som ething pretty sw ift in stripes.” —
everything to ga.n and nothing to a com prehensive system of statew id e .New York American.
lose. A ccording to a com pilation by highw ay develot m ent. If tiie bond
the State Tax Com mission, agrlrul issue is approved, taxes will not be
ture in O regon pays on approxim ately Increased one cent on th at account
26 per cent of the total taxable prop j Both the principal ami the intern ;t
erty, tim ber and lum bering on 19 per ! on the bonds will be paid fretn thi
cent, city and tow ns on 41 per cent fund created by doubling the autom o
and public u tilities on 14 per cent. bile license and adding thereto tin
D esignated as they are to m eet the q u arter of a mill sta te road tax a!
requirem ents of the state as a whole, rcaoy provided.
these main through arteries will be
★ * *
A u to m o b ile
built from city lim its to city lim its,
In the Inst ten years approxim ately
the cities alone having authority ovei $40,000,000 lias been expended
city streets. The Highway Commis toads
in this state. W hat is there
A c c e s s o r ie s
sion has announced that, w here any to show for it? Support the $6,000,
of the m ain roads to he improved 000 bond issue on June 4th and let’s
pass through the sm aller tow ns and take up road building on a practical
villages and the street is not already and com prehensive basis.
im proved, the Com m ission will hard
* ★ *
surface that portion of the road fn
Friends of good roads trhn desire
eluded w ithin the lim its of such towns
and villages w ithout additional cost
to such com m unities. W hen improved
these m ain lines will serve not only
the agricultural d istricts through
w hich they pass, but will also serve
cen ters of population ihe principal
m arket places. They will be m arket
roads as well as through sta te roads
—not luxuries.
In ever line of Merchandise, hut none
Quality Counts
The S tate H ighw ay Com m issioners.
! who will have charge of the disburse
| m ent of the proposed $9,000,000 road
bonds, have given the assurance that
I all roads built under their supervision
will be constructed honestly. Con
i tracts for the work w ill be subject to
I free and open com petition. Ther»
! will be no gouging of the public.
No, Mr. Taxpayer, your taro* will
not be increased one ten cent piece
on account of the proposed $
good roads bonds Both the interest
snd the principal of the entire bond
issue are provided by the lrc-f>*«od
automobile license and the standing
j quarter mill state road tax.
.An advertisement this
size in the Clover-tale
Courier at only 2V tin*
isi-sue. Iv>n't let the
door hinges of your busi­
ness place get rnstv for
the want of a little adver­
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be had
and our aim will he to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware I
Stoves Ranges, Farm anil
Garden Tools
And everything usually kepi in a fir.-t-clas* hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
\ Alex McNair & Co., TiUamook.Ore.
i J