GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE CLOVERDALE VO L. j 2. ------------ J l Ti:e N estncca V rlley F irst, L a^t, and a ll th e tim e. CLOVEEDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. APRIL 5, 1917 HARDSDRFACE VS. MAY BE VISITED PATRIOTISM HIGH COST OF LIVING BY DARK CLOUD RAN HIGH Tho Former Will Help Minimize William Morriscn Again at Large, Large and Enthusiast c Meeting at the Latter—A Commercial Whereabouts Unknown to Highway. Asylum Officials. I believe one way of reducing th e high News reached Cloverdale Tuesday cost of living is by good roads, as they through official source t h a t William reduce waste. Take our railroad systems M orrison, th e colored gent th a t was a9 a n exam ple. They have th e highest sent from Cloverdale to th e insane asy­ type of good roads we have. T he ra il­ lum a t Salem last sum m er, had again road companies have spent h u n d re d s of taken leave of absence ami his w here­ millions of dollars in building road beds abouts was unknow n to th e officials of th it will carry heavy loads swiftly a t a th e asylum . small cost. I t has been a paying propo­ The asylum officials 6eem to think sition for th e m . They have connected th a t M orrison had m ade fur this place, up our towns and cities and m ade them th e sam e as he did last summer when prosperous. he m ade his escape from th e asylum, W h a t th e railroads have done for the for th e y have notified our authorities cities, goo! roads will do for th e country th a t if he reaches here tWw tify them districts. We c annot have a railroad and tfyev will come a. ter him. on each section line or alongside every Morrison is a large t »lored fellow and farm , b u t we can have good roads to is dem ented, Bo far lie lias done n o th ­ ing of a violent n a tu re , but owing to bis every farm. I t is n o t a question of building good condition it was not th o u g h t safe to roads for a utom obiles: it is a question society for him to he at large. of building good roads to reduce th e cost of tra n sp o rtin g produce to th e m arkets and tra n sp o rtin g the products of our city to the c o i n t r y cheaply. Good roads work hand in h a nd w ith Animals lo1 e th e ir masters, but men our railroad systems, first as the great feeders of th e c ountry to th e railroad seldom do. To spend tim e ai su in g with a fool is and second, as tlie outlet from the r a il­ to put yourself in his class. road to the country districts. T he g r e a te r th e m a n the more vicious A great deal of congestion on our the s n a r l of his small enemy. railroads can be relieved bv good roads, I W hen you cannot shake a bore by u dog th e m for short ha uls and leaving j g ra n tin g a loan he is hopeless. • th e railroads clear for th e long hauls It is b e tte r n o t to pay all as you go. Save enough for a re tu rn ticket. a n d th ro u g h freight. W hen we look some of tho grooms You cannot drive from one town to a n o th e r in th e districts where th e re are over w e do not w onder th a t the ir vic­ hard surfaced roads today w ithout pass­ tims are spoken of as “blushing brides.” T he m an who leads the simple life ing a great n u m b e r of trucks, w hich generally has a good appetite in the shows the tre n d of events toward w hat morning. I have said above. By th e tim e the proposed concrete B u m s ' B e st Poem . highw ay in Tillamook C ounty is c o m ­ I t Is said th a t a boy was once asked In the poet’s prasence which of B urns’ pleted it will be so crowded with com A fter taking mercial vehicles carrying h u n d re d s oi works he 11-ked best. tons of freight every day. t h a t it will be j thought w ith tum self for a little he rattier a com m ercial highw ay th a n a | declared th a t he liked the "Cotter's Saturday N ight" by faV the best, "al­ to u rist route. though." he added, "it m ade me greet (cry) w heu A y f a th e r bade me read it Organs were known before the time to my m ltb e r." T h is sta te m e n t seem ­ of Christ and were used in religious ed to im press Burns, for presently he services early hi the C hristian era. said to th e lad. "W eek my eallant T hose w ho are quite satisfied sit still (boy), it m ade m e greet, hoo. more than SDd do nothing; those who are noi once w hen l was w riting it by my fa ­ quite satisfied a re the sole benefactors ther's fireside." of the world. Charade. “ All thiugs a r e possible." quoted the My first is to d rin k from ; My second, to allow ; parlor philosopher. My w hole Is tw o verses. "E xcept some |>eoplo," added the You h a v e gu essed it bv now. m ere m an.—I.ife. A nsw er- Cup. l e t —couple f. Smartly Said Are You Thinking of Aiarriage ? the Charch Last Son day Evening. NO. 36 THE CONVENIENCE OF HAVING Che “R I G H T C H A N G E With a checking account at tbis Bank you will always have just the "right change” no matter where you pay the bill or to whom you pay it. You can draw your check tor any ODD AMOUNT and pay Tim patriotic m eeting th a t was a n ­ pour bill either in person or BY MAIL which is a real convenience nounced for S unday evening was a de­ you can enjoy by cided success. For a while in the OPENING A CHECKING ACCOUNT afternoon it looked as if the elem ents i would have the beet of it, but toward All supplies furnished free. evening th e sto rm abated and a very fair-sized audience greeted the ¡-peukei The c h u rc h was p ie ttily decorated with flags th a t appealed to out patriotism as A Bank for all the People soon as we entered th e door. Rev. Mr. McVeigh, in a few well- chosen words, asked tha t no uproaruus for n o t m aking Woods a visit, as this WOODS ITE: IS. appiaitse he indulge I in, as respeet to read is a good one fn? this bad season. G od's day and house were th e tit si principles of loyal citizenship. Despite th e storm . unduv, April 1, Tlarker Bros, for all k in d s of d u m b - A fter singing the Stai Siuingled Ban­ w.i~ \lt Fowls day for Woods. Our mg, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ ner. th e first speaker, L, M. Krauer, was people turned out exceedingly well in lamook. tire. called to the platform , and after tellini: our patriotic meeting a t 2 p. m. and the audience th a t he was no public a fine program was rendered bv local ■Masker latilit bed into a.i address so fuli talent. H was opened by th e stirring of patiiotisiri and logic that he was fre­ notes of “ America.” by the congrega­ quently in te rru p te d by applause. He tion. appealed to the young men to respote P ra y e r bv Rev. f . A. N oithrnp. AND to th e first rail of our country, as the» Song, “ A riiousand Y e a r-." by L. A. were not bound bv those d ependent ot V orthrup. them for support and protection, and t> Original Reading by Mrs. Minnie those who would stav at hom e he Blunt. pointed out how building good toads, We wish everyone could have heard raising more bountiful crops, more liens Mr. Blum ns her paper was excellent and stock, they too could s e r w theii and should lie heard by everv patriot country. His whole address was so and especially th e women. Song by Miss Mable Goyne and Mary good and delivered with such e a r n e s t­ ness t h a t it wholly disproved his open W illiams accompanied by music on the ing sta te m e n t, and Mr. McVeigh told new ukuleles. TILLAMOOK Short talk by D. C. Collier, our old him he th o u g h t he would make a gcod veteran of 63. preacher. T he n ext speaker was Mrs. Charles Paper and sh o rt talk by Dr. Mont- ^ j j y j g RSON Blum. She had prepared a paper a- she had explained th a t she was not Song, “ Battle H y m n of R epublic” by UTLLAMOOK. ORE. gifted as an extem porainnus speaker tho congregation. T h re e cheers for the old flag T hat m uch careful thought and s tu d ' benediction. had surely been given to the subj-'e. M oney to L o a n was evidenced all th ro u g h her talk. Sin said th a t th e eyes of the world were on Tt is sai l th a t we will soon h e a r the th e U nited States as wo were as v< t an sound of the whistle atnl the logging e n ­ e x p e rim e n t. She also appealed to tin gine a n d see men again with th e ir dinner Women of the land to so conduct them Sen me for realty deals. pails near our burg, w hich wiil be nsign selves t h a t th e ir honor would he upheld of hi tte r times. and revered with the same loyalty as the It is rumored tha t Mrs. Willie Fisher a flor. I O the r citizens irave short t-ik s after will be perm itted to leave Tillamook f<»r « j) which Mr. McVeigh gave a splendid home som etim e th is week, and is pro­ ♦ talk urging our young men to a strongei nounced to be on the royal road to co m ­ An a d v e rtise m e n t th is sense of th e responsibility laid upon plete recovery th a n k s to th e skill of Dr. size in th e Cloverdale lhem , to be awake to the opportunities Boals. Courier a t only 2-V tho th a t were presented every day to men isssue. D on’t let the Then* will he Master sendees at the of sterling worth mol pointed out how mission next Sunday at 11 a. in., pro ' 1% door hinges of your busi­ young men from foreign countries came ceded by th e usual Sunday school. ness place get rusty for i here and saw those very opportunities the want ol a little adver­ The M ontgoinery-N orthrup hand wi!l| ♦ and by dogged d e te rm in a tio n and p e r ­ tising. be in Me ho Sunday evening wit 'i a men I sistency grasped them from undei the •age su.ted to this glad time of the year. : very nose of American youths who are Out new trnstle is nearly completed. I too careless to apply tlietris Ives to study and the b etterm ent of lln ir con­ and now th e re will soon I t no excuse ditions. T he service was closed by the singing of I n te rim . Taken as a whole, th e evening was well spent and any one with a drop of red blood in him m ust have gone home with shoulders squared at.d a full sense Mv experience in operating and building of loyalty to his c ountry, home and (I ig Hiloa for the pa-*t eight years, four thereof in in his breast. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BARK Gasolene Automobile Accessories VI. A. WILLIAMS Heal Estate Agency I ! ; T IL L A M O O K D ead S ò PO W ER OF F A IT H . F a it h la not bore for daya of aunahina only. F a it h dosa not find har tru aat and g reataat p o w ­ er w hen th * aun ahin * appeara. © S L O Tillamook County has led me to design the M en'* If eeth. Before Hrtltb Ini teeth were created defleieueies had to tie made good by the real article, so body snatchers ra v ­ aged the cemeteries ry night, iirenktng up the ja w s of the dead to extract their te e th to sell to dentLds for inser­ tion in live m en's mouths. An arm y of these ghouls followed Wellington's army They were licensed a- sutlers, but once nig h t fell out came tltelr nip­ pers. and they prowled over the battle fle’d e x tra c tin g th e teeth of th dead or dying.—London Mail. TART youi-weddcd life right. The young man who is con­ tem plating matrimony should b a n k his money. After he has furnished his home he shomld have something laid aside for possible adversity. Wedded life means added responsibility for him. The prospective bridegroom should open a bank account today. It means happiness in t h e future. We’ll gladly explain c*ir banking system. » T THE I L L A M O O K S I L O TILLAMOOK SILO is rnmufaclured in Tillamook,- ia a home product and is designed for simplicity, durability, economy and cflicicncy. I aleo have Silage Uuttera, Gas Engines, Farm Implements, Wagons, Manure Spreaders. Hay Tools, etc. A ll Good«» nro ¿\b*olutoly G uuronteed oriel all In fo rm atio n F re e . LET ME HAVE YOUR TROUBLES It ia tha a t t r ib u t i of fa ith to ba­ NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. llava in good in sp ita of a v il; it ia th * a ttrib u ta of fa ith to badava in th * tight althoucih ah* i* *n - vircn e d by th * d a rk n es*. 13. K U P P L N BLINDER, T illa m o o k , - O ro<£on