— A Strange Revelation By ELINOR MARSH _____ £______________ W hen John Dowling retired from tlie police, a t a dinner giveu him he told the following story: "Most of you will rem em ber the Charuley m urde r case. A fter a mouth had passed and we had given out ev­ ery day or so th a t we were on the track of the m u rd e re r and would get him suit- the public begun to lose con­ fidence and the papers were full of a< athlng re m a rk s about the police. An election for city oilioers w a s coming on, and th e chief told me one duy to drop e verything else and work on the Charuley case, Intim ating th a t the ad- m inistration’s control depended on my discovering th e murderer. “1 did a hard lot of thinking on the problem. Indeed. 1 begun to fear that If 1 kept on 1 would ru n Into mouomu- uutniu. I walked the tloor nights tr y ­ ing to p u t this and tha t together to construct u theory of the murder. So my w ife put me hi a room by myself w here I could prowl without waking her or the children. "One nig h t a fte r the usual brain racket 1 fell Into u slumber. 1 don’t know how long 1 slept, hut 1 think It was about a n hour. Then 1 woke up and sta rte d ut seeing a man standing by my bed. ••‘Come With me,’ tie said, ’and l -ll p u t you on to an explanation of the Charuley m urder.’ "1 Jumped out of lied, bustled on my clothes, strapped on my revolver—for despite my anxiety to get the Inform a­ tion he promised 1 did not forget tha t he hud come Into my house w ithout being adm itted, a n d l was som ew hat suspicious of him and followed him ¿lowiistuirs. A horse and buggy were standing a t the door. We climbed Into the vehicle, the fellow whipped up the horse, und olT we went. “1 was so Im patient and curious to know w h a t w as coining that 1 tried to pum p It out of him, but It's mouth w as shut like an oyster, and never a word «ltd he speak from the time we sta rte d till we pulled up lit front of the house In which Charuley’s bob.' had been found the morning lifter tin murder. 1 knew It was that house, though 1 d id n ’t know any one of the family of the m urdered man. It ha.I been sh u t up since the tragedy, but now there w ere lights tn every part “ My companion alighted, led me to the house and, opening the front door for tne, bade m e enter. What became of him a f te r tha t 1 don't know. I didn't see him again, unless one of the persons about whom 1 aiu going to tei' you w as he. "H e a rin g voices mingled with sobs upstairs, 1 ran up and stood ip an opening on th e second tloor. looking Into a bedroom through an open door Ou a couch lay the llgure of a man. hut a n u m b e r of persons were crowd lug about him so tha t 1 could not see his face. A young woman wus on her knees beside the couch, hysterically clinging to the body, while another w om an w as trying to draw her away. A m an w as standing spurt, wringing his hands. 1 stepped Into the room, and the moment he saw me lie col­ lapsed. T he woman trying to draw the girl aw a y from the body turned and, seeing me, uttered n shriek. Then Bhe dropped on her knees before me. amt betw een her sob* said: " ‘h o u ’t ta k e Mill! He made a terrible mistake. Oli. w hy didn't I confide m hlui? Let me explain, and when you know bow we suffer at w ha t lias o c ­ curred I am sure you will not add t > our misfortune. Tills I* my Intimate friend' pointing to tin- girl beside the couch. ’She was i.isrrle 1 clandestinely to the man who lies t tere. T he m a r Huge could not be publii tied because her full e r would disinherit her. I per­ mitted them to meet here. My bus band was s w a y nml did not know H ers was here tills evening, und she w as e x ­ pected. My husband rum e home s u d ­ denly and found him here with me, w aiting for her. Mad with jealousy, w ithout giving us time to explain, he seized u heavy glass ornam ent and brought It dow n on th e victim's head. Please go aw ay from here and any nothing. We are the only ones who know of the tragedy.’ "1 was thinking w hat I could say to the woman to m ake It easy for her— for I felt obliged to rei>ort th e m a tte r —w hen th e lights w eut out and left me in darkness. "I was aw akened In the morning by m.v wife In my own room from a heavy sleep or stupor, I don’t know which. She could only get me up by telling uie 1 would l>e late In reporting. I man aged to get tutu Uiv clothes, swallowed a cup of coffee and went to bt adquar- ters. “ I thought th e m a tte r over th a t day and th e next told the chief th a t I had failed to find a clew to the f b a r n le y m urder and advised him to keep feed Ing the public with stories of clews t'll a f te r electlou and then let th e matter drop Now th a t 1 have unburdened l Wwuldut lulud hearing w hat i you think about It.” Odici ti round I iuir L* il i*. .• >ne òd J PROFESSIONAL CARDS “ Who do you think v a s the man Nati.mal Bld. P. O. Box 147 who took you to the bouse?" asked one. Ti'lamook Abstract Cciryany With Ito!He Watson “ I don’t like to sr.y, biP my suspicion i) he was tin* m urdered m il!.’’ T hus . C oztsm . P besident . "I.’id a nythin» e ver come out a b o u t e o M ru rrc s e t o r abstract books the m urder?" asked another. “ N< t th a t I evpr heard.” o r Tru-AVOOK c o c .v r t. o s m io *. T he consensus of oplnii n was thai TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. Howling had thought ko much shot»» the- Charuley ca.-e t !■ t he had (’:<. • c l ■ it all. T.H.6QTSE, A few years Inf»r a men on h' L. V. E B E R H A R D , Manager. death! ed confessed tha t be hud Mile Charuley Ly nJM ake through jealous» Complete Set of A bstracts of the Record.' whl« h w as line.-. Ped for. of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. Conveyancing, Etc. Right Back at Her. . TILLAMOOK. OREGON “Docs your husband allow you to Opp. Coort House. Tillamook, Ore. have things charged a t the stores?" “Oh, 1 think he would, but”— “ But the stores wouldn't. Is that whut you wore going to add?" “Oh, no. I was going to say th a t he Tillanook, Oro. gives me plenty of money with which Write for L iterature. Co pay cash. Does yours?”—Buffalo L. S. EÜSHEECK, Proprietor. Express. j TILLA M O O K . - - OREGON A bstract» on Short Noticc by thè PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. Tillamook Undertaking Co. K. N. H E N K E L , Proprietor. N ight a m i Day calls ntom ptly a ttended. Next Poor to Jones-K nudson F u ru itc r# Sb>re. OREGON TILLAMOOK. CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIC The E83t Antiseptic ATTORNEY AT LAW The Todd Hotel N ature Outdistanced. Ju d g e —The prisoner claims th a t he tooted his horn before ho ran over you. Com plainant imuch dam aged)—Maybe he did, your honor, hut w hat good Is th a t when a c a r is traveling fa ste r than sound?—Exchange. Dining Room run on Family Style ’■’ e a l s ’2 5c. F. R. BEALS " REAL ESTATE _ . _________________________ _ _ _ _________________________________________ FRANK TAYLOR, Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. Healing Germicide Lyseptic is completely soluable in water. A teaspoon full to one q u a rt of water is th e average stre n g th to be used for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants, wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange, hoof r o t , m ud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff, sham poo, being of a soapy n ature proves very effee'ive for washing the a n im a ls’ and stable utencils, and if used in gen­ eral, improves stable conditions, infect­ ion, am ong cattle, abortion, foul dis­ c h a r g e and externally to prevent th e spread of disease». Notary Public r.HAS. I. CLOUGH, Cloverdale, Cre. RaliableEraggist, Tillamook, Cre. ja s» 1 O E v e r O ffe re d Today’s if ibe foremost wom an’s magazine of tho country. During the \cur, this magazine will print s e \ < rtl complete novels by some of/ ihe best known authors of the day. 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It will "con­ tain several setial stories, numerous short stories and hundreds of instructive articles on various subjects. Horae Life is a beautifully illustrated, high grade magazine. Its household departments are practical and interesting. A favorite magazine in a million homes. Bettor FariuiEQ is 0 monthly publication for the busy farmer w bo wants to keep in touch with the latest and b> st methods. It is helpful and practical and covers every phase of farm work. Many farmers ” " e each month's issue and use them as a reference library. > i ■ 3 i b l .^ 2 5 T o r th e G io v e rd a ie C o u r ie r and th e a b o v e lo u r hf^Si c l a s s M a g a z in e s. I ^ oil cant afford to pass up a bargain so full of "outline merit. The high cost of paper has forced many magazines and newspapers to increase their price and we have no assurance that this splendid offer will hold good longer than the month of March. S u b s c r i b e INvOw • G lo v e r d a le , O r e g o n .