W. A. Witte, dentist. If. A. Milei, of Woods, was in town Saturday. After the oiuviufiSaturday night ttiere will be a dance. Cbeitei Worthington was a Tillamook visitor Monday. Raymond Lowrance is confined to his home with tonsilitis. Will Koeuicke, of ^audlake, wag a business visitor in town Saturday. Stock Foods and Tonics l fi’rerrai — Do you know that your Cows and Horses need a Good Tonic at this season to prepare them for their year’s work, it’s just as essential that the Cow and Horse have a System Tonic as it is for the human, and every successful farmer and dairyman is giving their livestock this attention and are making more dollars by doing so. C. A. Smith retained Saturday even­ ing from a ten day» visit in Corvallis. Are You Giving Your Stock this Attention? A daughter whs born !a»t week Thurs­ day to Mr. and Mrs. John Lindner, ol Stock Meda. give For »ale—Heifers and young tows coming freeh this spring. W. Roenicke, W oods. If not come in and get a pack­ age of our Food Tonic and it a trial. You’ll be sur­ prised at the results. W m . A . H IG H See Dr. Wise about your dental work R E L IA B L E DRUGGIST at tbe CUverdale Hotel, Tuesday next, April 3rd. CLOVERDALE, - OREGON Easter Hats— A full line just received. Bee Mrs. Shortridge at Cloverdale Mer­ cantile Co.’s stole. Death ol Thomas H. Renter. On Saturday evening last at 0 o ’clock occurred the death of Thomas If. Reuter, Think it over, but don’ t tbiiik too a ■ • * highly ■ > Jj I I • • • respected V i I " V V» U 1IV i l V l w of * pioneer I rancher long. Phone us your order for Garden the x^tucca Valley. Mr. Perita had Seed P. D. Ott, Hebo been in poor health on account of his t I)r. and Mrs. Wise will be st the advanced age, for some time, but as lie Cloverdale Hotel Monday evetiiug and I improved some lust week, hope was en- tertained for his recovery. A turn for all day Tuesday, April 3rd. the worse took place last Saturday and Paint up this spring. We will furnish he did not rally. you any and all kinds of paint at 30 per The remains were laid to rest Mon­ cent discount. Cloverdale Mercantile day afternoon in the Oretown cemetery. Ce. Mr. Renter was horn in Arkansas For Sale— Rhode Island Red eggs August 29, 1838, and was married to tor hatching from prize-winning stock. Miss Small A. Milos in 18(34. To this Setting of 15 eggs $1.00. Mrs. L. M union there were two boys and three Kraner. girls born. Mr. and Mrs. Renter came to the J. H. Ramson was a Tillamook visitor Monday lust. This is tbe first visit in Nestucca Valley in 188;!. Besides the widow there remains to twenty years Mr. I.amson has made to mount his death Dell, w ho is ou the the cheese city. ranch with bis widowed mother, W il­ The last road bonding petitions were liam, of Oretown, Mrs. Minnie White- filed with the county clerk this week. man, of Oretown, Mrs. l ’earl Eraser, of The court will take action on them at this, and Mrs. Ada Mattoon, of Hebo. their meeting next week. an? r ; A PRE-EASTER SALE! FOB ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, March 31st Plan to do your Easter shopping here on Saturday, for this great One Day Pre-Easter Sale will save you dollars upon dollars on your own and the children’s Easter wearables. I have taken the entire stock of women’s new Spring Hats, Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses and priced them so low, for this one day, that when you see tho merchandise you will wish you had ten times as much money to spend, Remember Every Ladies’ New Spring Garment is selling for less, Puy Saturday—you’ll he glad you did for months alter. Just take a look at these: * T adieu’ actual $10 to $11 Coats Saturday o nl y ......................... 39.65 Ladies’ actual $12 to $13 Coats Saturday o n ly ........................... 11.45 Ladies’ actual $7 to $8 Skirts Saturday only........................... 5.49 Ladies’ actual $22 50 to $25 00 Suits Saturday oYilv................. 19.85 Ladies’ actual $5 to $0 Hats Saturday only..................................... S S3 Ladies’ actual $8 to $10 Hats Saturday only .................................. 6.93 Ladies’ actual $21 to $22 50 Dresses Saturday only ..................... 17.85 Ealcony Bargain Table No. 1, Values to 25 Cents, 2 A r t i c l e s lo To Use Whey in Butter Making. The progiain committee expected to There is being installed in the Ceil hold a literary here this week but owing fral Creamery a whey separating and to certain conditions it has been port butter making machine. Instead of re­ polled until next week Friday. turning the whey to the ranchers A congregational meeting will be held to be fed to bogs, the butter at she Presbyterian church next Tues making qualities in tbe whey will tie day evening at fl :30 o’clock. All inter­ separated and made into butter. ested in the church are invited to The whey will be somewhat lessened in feeding quality but will remain of some attend. Until further notice I will pay 28 value as bog feed. The amount of but­ ter (bat can be made from the whey is cents per pound for calf hides. Send them in and a check will be sent you bv not so large, but sufficient enough to return mail. Grover Witt, Cloverdale, make it a paying proposition. Those interest« ! and experienced say that it Oregen. takes more than an expert to tell the Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Gilbert and son difference in the hotter from that made Allan, of Beaver, left Sunday for Los in the regular way from whole cream. Angeles in response to a message an- Is Improving. nonaciug tbe serious illness of Mrs. Gil­ Deep lias been the interest this week bert’s sister. felt by the many friends <>i Everett Werk was commenced this morning I.andinghaui, who was operated upon at ou a small building to be erected on the the Nestucca Valley Hospital last week. corner ol tho hotel lot. It will be u*ed It was learned after making an incision ■ a a sleeping apartment by Mr and that instead of having gall stones, the Mrs. Aiitiim, trouble wrts that of the stomach. For a A l etter from Rev. Joseph McVeigh time it was feared lie would not recover, says that lie will arrive in Cloverdale but later reports are to the effect that Friday evcu'iig. Conwminiou service he is improving and having been so ad­ will be held Sunday morning at the vised will leave, as soon as able, for | California where the climate will be regular hour of worship. better for his condition. This beiug the week proclaimed I y Gov. VVithycombe to be patriotic week WOODS ITEMS. in Oregon several (lugs were displayed iii Cloverdale amt tbe business house* ('has. Blum i* extending his field of of the town decorated in national colors. usefulness l*v cultivating quite a tract of our fertile laud near tbe old Virgil place. Captain Jenkins and I- K ('o lv d x k Even the elements has it in for our made a tour of inspection of tbe .V* little berg. Dining the still hours of the tuera bay and Little N«stucca liter night, after our recent storm, a large Tuesday to learn the channel, prepara jamb broke Ion c si.d made short work torv to starting the schooner out ou liet • f nur ferrv und line Emin the brnuk- ♦wg of tbe anelli i po~ts and tbe upr ‘ai summer's run. the dog- made we * re sure that a tier Mrs. Ilug’ i Antrim and children, i f man submarine ball at lust found our Aiuitv, arrive,! in Cloverdale last e v e « -! ‘W “ n',el,,!"i' 1 1 t,‘'' * ' * h t " * lug. Airs. Antrim is a daughter-in-law day calmed all “ iir fear- and also re­ u! Mr and Mrs Antrim, of the Cl o v e r - vealed our ferry safely umore I a Ett’e dale Ilutei, and will assist in tbe culin­ way down stream. ary députaient of the hotel. We tiui-t becom ing to the front by the great number of traveling men c.dl- We wish to call cs|>eciul attention to the club of inagAFiae* advertised in t on unction with our paper. This is by ( hi th» biggest tingazin» bargain we have •ver offered our readers And as a hint to the wise, we suggest that you avail yourselves of it at once, siuce wc liavo already I ecu advised bv the publishers that on accouat ol the tremendous in cress* la th# coat of white paper tbe regu'ar subocr:ption price of these mag asiurs will be Inoreaaed in the tieai future. Send in vour order now and get a Joubl» bargain. Patriotic Meeting. A patriotic meeting will be held at tho Mission in Woods next Sundae al­ tar neon. Local talent will do the talk­ ing. Tit so bavin* the matter in hand ex ­ tend an Invitati u to all to come and participate ta the «peaking, etc. ! '"** ''l*011 •ur merchant», ! Messrs. A. Babcock and Ernest Ed I rounds were recent Tillamook visitor# ! A* we were afraid to ask them the reas- 1 on, the public will, of tiecesitv, remain in ignorance, . . A , . , bri,l|f,. Kt.w to 'think of its advantage of bringing t'loverdale about three utiles nearer and also a j much letter road. More of this some other time A. C. EVERSON TILLAMOOK ORE. Money to Loan Real Estate Agency See u,c (or realty deals. J.S.Langhorne Manager of T illam ook , Oregon N0TICE OF FILING OF COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT for TBE BIG NESTUCCA DRAINAGE DISTRICT all the State’s interest in the tide and Notice for Publication— Isolated T ract. overflow lands hereinafter described, ( PUBL ISHER) 04784 giving, however, to the owner or owners Public Land Sale. of any lands abutting or fronting there­ on, the prefeience right to purchase said DERARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Notice is hereby given to all persons tide and overflow lands at the highest U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore- interested in tbe land included within price offeted, provided such offer is I gon. March 12th, ISO“ . the Big Nestucca Drainage District, | made in good faith, and also provided, Notice is hereby giv* u that.as directed Itliat the land will not be sold for, nor Tillamook County, Oregon, the bound­ any offer therefor accepted of less by the Couimisdoner of the General ary lines of which are as follows : than $7.50 per acre, and that the Board Land Office," under provision* of Sec. Beginning at a point on the south reserves the right to reject any and all 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application bank of tbe Big Nestucca River, where i bids. tbe quarter section line running north | Said lands arc situated in Tillamook of Nathan A. Gage, of 243 5th st., Port- and south through section 2t>, in town County, Oregon, and are described as | land, Oregon, Serial No. 04784, we will I offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, ship 4, south of range 10 west, of Will­ follows: to-wit : amette Meridian intersects said river; Beginning at a point which is tbe but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 10 thence south to the quarter section cor­ corner to lots 20 and 21, of Section 5, T. i o’clock a. in., on the 3d flay of ot May, ner on tbe south line of section 29, 5 8., R. 10 W of XV M . thence N. 7 1917, next, at this office, tbe following thence south 80 rods, to the l-)6th si-c degrees 00" E 827 fei t to corner to tract- of land: l.o ts 2, 3 and 4, Section i>0, Township tion line running east and we-t through Lots Bland 20; X. 8!) degrees 28’ W. tbe north half of section 32, thence east 140, 730 feet ; South 50.00 feet to corner 4 Smith, Range 10 West, W. M. The sale will not Be kept open, but along said 1 -Hitli section line 1(30 red-to tl) . lots __ _____ 22 and 23; S 41 degree* 45’ E the east line of section 32; thence south 1 977.50 feet to corner to Lots 21 and 22; will be declared closed when those pres­ so rods to the quarter section corner be- I S. 85 ,dt grees 00’ K. 050.04 feet to place ent at the hour named have ceased bid­ tween sections 32 and 33; thence cast I of beginning, containing 18.89 acresof ding. The person making tbe highest 1(30 rods to tbe center of section 33: I tide land fronting and abuttin on Lots bid " ’ b be required to immediately pay j|j to the Receiver the amount thereof. thence north 80 rods to tbe l-ltith line; i 20, 21, and 22, Section 5. T. 5 Any persons claiming adversely the thence east 330 roils to tbe quarter *e •- , XV. of XV. M. tion line running north and south Applications and bids should be ad- above described land are advised to file through section 34; thence north 320 I dressfd tot!. G. Brown, Clei k State Land their claims, or objections, on or before rods along the quarter section line run- Board, Salem, Oregon, and niarked the time designated for sale. X. Campbell, Register nine north and south through sections| “ Application and bid to purchase Tidi Geo. I. Smith, Receiver. 34 aud 27 to the 1 ltitli liue running cast i Lands.” and west through the north half of sec­ G. G. Brown, tion 27 ; thence cast 80 rods to the cen Rlasker Bros, for all kinds of olumb- Clerk State Land Board. ter of the northeast quarter of section Dated at Salem, Oiegon. Jauuary 21, ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ 27; thence north SO rods to the north 1917. lamook. Ore. line of section 27; thence west along the north line of section 27, to ttie county road leading south from Cloverdale. ÇTfffc uopo jurat, ovt c he .\ r d t h i t h .«- v ele as t a l k in s w b c u t tobacco .*! theme northerly along said county road YOU SAY YOU SNOOY GOOO I DO E N o O Y GOOO TOBACCO| to where said road intersects ti e l-l*ith SEN OS STANOINOf TO B A C C O ; T H E N TA K E A f A H 0 HAVE A CHEW IN u s e TOBACCOf section line running north and south CHEW OF T H IS W -B C U T MOUTH NO W — I T S ' OF TH E B E S T f through the southeast quarter of section AND TELL ME HOW IT G O E S L C U T TO O ! I Q U A LITY. ( 22; thence north along said l-ltith sec­ tion line to the Big Nestucca River, thence southwesterly along the south bank of tbe Big Nestucca River to tbe point of lleginning. That tbe commis­ sioners heretofore appointed to assess tienctits and damages to tbe propertv and lands situate in said drainage dis trict and to appraise the cash value of the land necessary to be taken for | rights of way. bolding basins and other , works of said district within or w it bout the limits of Said district, filed their re- ! port in this office on the 9th day of; March, 1917, and v,>u and e»ch of you are hereby notified that you may ex­ amine said report and file exceptions to i 1 *S natural that a gentlemanly feeling should prompt all or any part thereof ou or before ttie one man to tell another about W -B C U T Chewing, 9th day of April. 1917. so he, too, may enjoy the contentment there is in Erwin Harrison, rich, sappy tobacco—and also avoid so much chewing County Clerk of Tillamook County, and spitting. Oregon. Eiret publication March 1.1, 1917. I he common-sense of it appeals to people with Ioist publication March 29. 1717. 1 Notice. Notice is hereby given that the State Ijtnd B.'trd of the State of Oregon will receive sealed bids at its office in the Capitol Building at Salem. Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. ui ou April 10, 1917, for brains. There’ s no getting ’round facts, W -B will save a man m oney—a little chew lasts and satisfies. A 10c. pouch goes twice as far a .n cents worth of the old ordinary Li.iJ of chewing. Yak ly TvEYXAN SRLTON COMPANY, 1107 Br..dw.y, New York C»r