i GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE CLOVERDALE COURIER. VOL. j 2. Tie Nestucca Valley First, Last, and all the time. CLOVERDALE, TILLA M OO K COUNTY, OREGON. M ARCH 22, 1917 COUNTY FAIR NOTES DROWNS SELF LINCOLN WANTS IN SILETZ RIVER GOOD ROADS County Fair Set for Last Four I Days of August, the 28ti), 29th, 30th and 31st. THR I F T IS THE i John Rydzeski Goes Insane and Bond Issue is Favored at Moet- Rushes to His Death infl- Discussion Shows “SHOCK ABSORBER” Duriug Ntght. People are United. That takes tbe jolts and jars out of life later on and gives you that (’lias. 11. Lilly Seed Co., of Portland and Seattle, are offering a prize of $10 in cash this year to be paid the person John Rydzeski, ol Taft, aged 21, com­ The Oregonian correspondent at To­ given the highest award for best ex­ mitted suicide late last Sunday night ledo, Oregon, iri writing to that paper hibit of farm and garden produce at our by drowning himself while in a says: “ The greatect meeting in point fair, according to specifications on page demented condition, lie had been of attendance and genuine enthusiasm four of their catalog. at work for Jo« Kosydar on ever held in the county was before the One hundred dollars in prizes are of­ the Siletz. During the night County Couit last Wednesday at the fered in the poultry departm ent this Mrs. lower Kosydar someone falling Court House. The meeting was in ­ year. Get a hatching of pure bred down the stairs heard and, arising to - i investi- stock of some C'lmnion c standard i ' l l * * . i t t i variety > ii i » . _ . , li t tended i p r i t to , ' gdte, she found Rvzeski in a wildly rn . ..onsidefi lemma u n be largely given over to the and get in on this. C tucks from , , eggs, ’ . . . • ' .. j sane condition. He ordered her to ! ronsiucr.i ¡ition of the court’s intention to set any time between now and April open the door and let him out and, be­ dispose of the county rook crusher, hut 5th will he old enough to exhibit. fore she could comply, lie knocked her the new $6,000,000 road bond issue in­ The secretary of tlie Fair Hoard here- down, tore open , the „ , door and ran terjected itself into the discussion. bv calls for bids on candy, ice cream i , . _ a , i I I soft drink i • , concessions at , the fair , screaming across the fields in the dark- While a number came with doubts in their minds as to the advisability of in- I this year. Five per cent of the bid tu ness. dorsing the big road bond issue, it de­ accompany bid in the form of a check D. X. Byerlee, formel ly of the Times veloped as the discussion proceeded | or cash. Bids to be in the hands of the at W illamina, is now putdisher of the that the persons present, representing! secretary by Friday, March 30th. Right ! Oswego, Ore., Times. For a time he all parts of the county, were gradually published a newspaper at Linnton, Ore. getting together as a unit on wanting reserved to reject any and ali bids. Mr. Bverlec puts out a lively paper for better roads. By order of tlie Board. F.rwin Harrison. Secretary. the growing town of Oswego. The court room was packed to the I doors during morning and afternoon { sessions and the enthusiasm was at a i high pitch. Perhaps as interesting a speaker ns took the tloor was William F. Wood­ My experience in operating and builJing ward. of Portland. Mr. Woodward ha 1 just arrived in Newport from a tram p Silos for the past eight years, four thereof in over the county road from Tillamook, Tillamook County has led me to design the and hearing of the meeting made a special trip to Toledo in behalf of the T I L L A M O O K SIL O state highways proposed under the new bond issue. Mr. Woodward urged the appointm ent of a committee to go to Salem to confer with the commission to including Lincoln county T I C T I L L A M O O K S I L O in ia regard the project.” i l i I TILLAM OOK S IL O 1 is manufaclured in Tillamook, is a horn« product and is designed WOODS ITEMS. for simplicity, durability, economy and efficiency. I also have Montgomery-Xorthrnp hand will Silage Cutters, Gas Engines, Farm Implements, Wagons, Manure be The at Ifebo Sunday evening. Special Spreaders, Hay Tools, etc. songs and interesting subjects will lie All G o o d s a r e A b s o lu t e ly G u a r a n t e e d a n d all I n f o r m a t i o n F re e . LET ME HAVE YOUR TROUBLES B. K U P P E I N B E N D E R , - Oregon ‘Ready Cash Talks. JK KE you ready for a business opportunity ? Suppose that to- handled. All are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bays, of Portland, have been visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bays, of Woods. Evangelist Northrup is somewhat of a (isherman these days by the clams he has been digging. Perhaps following At mstle Peter. We hope tho not with any idea of backsliding as did the great Apostle. He sang well at the mission Sunday night so I think lie is still on ! the safe side. I Woods and Pacific City are both very dry towns considering the rainy weather. ' The water supply of both places seem to he failing about the same time. However, we are assured that the proper remedy j will he applied soon and no one need go dry for sparkling mountain water will again be found in abundance. Several unsightly buildings at Pacific City have been removed and we are told that some new and more modern ones will take their places. From the unusual roar of the on an j in the vicinity of Cape Ktwanda the other night we thought the German» Had begun their submarine warfare on |K>or defenseless Parigo City or Woods. | Wby not have a modern fort and a doz­ en destroyers here? We ought to have a share of the preparedness plum. The g'is) el cars are on the move and no one seems to know their destination. I Gasolene morrow you see a chance whereby the investment of 1 lL $1.000 would 6tart you on the road to an independent fortune. Have you the thousand? Plhce your surplus cash in hank. Then when a choice investment offers you are ready for it. There is an old saying that money makes money. It is particularly true today. Security, service and courtesy are our watchwords. NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. worry-free, successful air which comes from the knowledge of the little "nest egg” earning you 1 per cent interest in lomo geod bank like ours. To be THRIFTY and PRUDENT from 21 to 50 means a successful and comfortable old age. Open a AND Automobile Accessories Savings Account Today. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK A, . , h Tillom ook, NO. 34 Counts T IL L A M O O K I f I HARDWARE Builders’ Hardware, , In ever line of Merchandise, Lut none more especially than in Our large stock is in every instance thé best that can Le hud and our aim will lie to keep the high standard up. Tools Shell and Heavy Hardware Stoves Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually kept iu a first-class hard ware store, and all goods are of the best quality. j AlßX McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore . I mm I 9 It Pays to Advertise in the Courier. Now is the Time to Visit Caliiornia IT< t beauty, her brilliant city life, her jiiyous sunshine, her fascinating haze of history—all draw you on. People never tiro of re-discovering California and never will. She is an old, old land, yet ever young. Go th> re. Refresh mind and body. See that your tickets read Shasta Route Portland to San Francisco Californ.a Express - Shasta Limited San Francisco Express This route offers a remarkable service of comfort and enjoyment. Steel cars, rock ballasted road bed. Past Ml. Shasta, Shasta Springs and other wonders. Ask tor Booklet, Helpful and Instructive JOHN M. HCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland W. A. WILLIAMS SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 1 »•