Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 08, 1917, Image 1

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? Anent
C L O V E R D A L E , T IL L A M O O K
C O U N T Y . O R EG O N .
Hard Surfaced Roads !
K l' L K S .
M A R C H 8, 1917
NO. 32
One person may enter but one contest.
In contest A the author must be a
Casta Prizes Awarded lor Essays and
resident of the county whose benefits
from the proposed roads are discussed.
T h a t takes the jolts and j a r » out of life la ter on and gives .you that
Contest B is open to any resident of
w o rry-free, successful air which comes from the k n o w le d g e o f the
Oregon who does not participate in
Following are the rules governing the
either of the other contests.
lit t le “ nest e g g ” e a r n in g you 4 per c en t interest in some g®od
In contests C and l> the argument
bank lik e ours.
T o be T H R IF T Y and PRUD ENT fro m 21 to 50
Contest A —Subject: The benefits ac­
must discuss the road proposal from the
cruing to the county in which the writer
means a successful and c o m fo rta b le o ld age.
statewide standpoint.
is a resident from the improvement of
No argument in any contest may ex ­
the roads described in the $<i,00U,000
Open a Savings Account Today.
ceed 2tX) words.
bonding act. For the best argument a
Writing must appear on hut one side
first prize of $5. For the second best
of the paper used.
argument, a prize of $2. There are .‘Hi
Manuscripts must be written prefer­
tirst prizes ami 3li second prizes in this
ably with typewriter or pen and ink.
The name and address of the author
Contest if— Subject:
The benefit
must appear in the upper right hand
Manuscripts that do not comply with together body for the various county
which will accrue to the state described
corner of the tirst page.
| the foregoing rules will not be considered, j organizations.
in the bonding act. For the best argu­
Arguments must he submitted with­
Manuscripts will not be returned to
Funds will be required for this work
ment. a lirst prize of $25. For the sec­
out accompanying letters, explanations l the authors.
and 1 suggest that each county organi­
ond best argument a prize of $15.
or other enclosures.
Neither Senator Wood nor the con­ zation adopt a rule that each member
Contest C— Subject: The same as
The envelope enclosing the manu­ test judges can undertake to answer pay a nominal sum, perhaps oue dollar,
contest B. This contest is open only to
script must be addressed to Senator letters or inquiries concerning the con­ for membership iu tiie club. The sums
bona tide students of Oregon high
W. I). Wood, Hillsboro, Oregon, and on test or awards.
thus raised to lie used iu carrying for­
-chools. For the best argument, written
the envelope must also be written the
Awards will be announced on or be­ ward tiie campaign, as suggested above.
l>v a high school student a prize of $10.
contest entered, thus: “ Contest A ,” fore March 25, 1(117, l»v three judges to
A fact which impresses me very
Contest D—Subject: The same as
“ Contest B.’ ’ Contest C,” Contest I>," be mimed later.
strongly is that this road bond measure
•oeb'st II, and is op r. only to I. ..a fide as the ease may be.
The right to publish any manuscript is a statewide proposition, and to secure
students of Oregon grammar schools.
Manuscripts must be received by Sen-
ttie adoption of the measure and the re­
For the best argument, written by a it-or Woodson or before ft p. in. March is reserved by the committee.
sulting ’benefits we who live outside of
grammar school student, a nrize of $10. 15.
Portland should take upon ourselves the
A Message From Representative Rowe duty of conducting a vigorous and en­
ergetic campaign for the success of tiie
Courier, Cloverdale, Ore.
Gentleman :—The
road legislation measure at tiie special election to be
held J line 4.
adopted by the legislature just flowed
Kindly consider this matter with
provides the means whereby Oregon those in vour county who are interested
can enter upon and carry out a compre­ in this Better Roads movement and ar­
hensive better roads program. Bv re range for the organization of your
County Better Roads Club.
ferring house bill 550 to the people for
I shall lie more than pleased to hear
* v I
j their ratification the proposition of better that such an organization is perfected
roads is put squarely before the people in every county of the state, for only by
<& >
of the state of Oregon for their decision. united effort can we secure success for
the measure at the coming election.
It is lip to those of us who are inter­
Kindly write me, letting me know
ested in this proposition to see that this what you think of the prospects fur the
act is ratified at the special election to organization of such a club in vour
l»e held June 4tli. To do so, w ill require county and giving me tiny ideas which
you may feel disposed to give as to how
a united effort on the part of all who such a campaign as I suggest could be
are interested in this great movement strengthened and made more effective.
Sincerely vours,
for better roads.
Frank A. Rowe.
In my humble way I wish to suggest
that in each county an organization he
Road Rally at Eugene.
perfected, to be known as a “ Better
Delegates from all counties of Oregon
Roads Club.” These duos to he com­
are invited to a western Oregon road
of all those in tiie county who
rally to be held in Eugene next Satur­
are interested in this work. These clubs
day. March 10th.
would hate for their principal function
“ What is Uncle Sam’ s Proposition?”
tiie deiseinitiation of information rela-
a question that will be asked of gov­
!E you ready for a busiucss opportunity? Suppose that to­
i tive to the bond measure, dealing with
representatives and separate
morrow you 6ce a chance whereby the investment o f
its importance and the great practical replies w ill tie made as to forest rends
$1.000 would start you on the road to an independent
benefits accruing to the state by its and post roads.
fortune. H ave you the thousand? Place your surplus
Competent engineers will tell the
of different widths and types of
Then each county organization should
paving, and cost of getting grade ready
ready for it. T h e r e is an old saying that money makes money.
select one or several delegates to what for paving under the varying conditions
It i- particularly true today. Security, service and courtesy are
might fa* termed a “ State Itetter Roads existing in different sections.
The state highway commissioner will
"tr watchwords.
This committee would
their policies.
thus t>e a state wide organization and
That the bonding act will insure im­
its function would )>e to gather the provement of all the designated high­
necessary information, arrange for the ways within the tive year limit at lew
publication of tbc literature needed, cost to the counties in preparing grades
is asserted, and facts and figures will be
plan publicity campaigns to lie carried
presented to throw light on every finan­
Cloverdale. O regon.
out by the newspapers of the state and cial question involved in the highway
generally to act as the central binding- program.
'I^eaily Cash Talks.