A Kiss in Coach a j only said, "bet tnat pass." But a mo­ X - - .................. . »?» q* q, q, q, <-> v q. 1 ;* 4> 4* j cent at my magnanimity. 1 left her to | 4> The crosses which we make for 4* lie gone till the following spring, then 4> ourselves in this life by a restless *1* i returned for our wedding. (Continued from (¡rut page) 4» anxiety as to the future are not 4» Nov. 15, 1855.—My wife's Aunt Ame- j 4* crosses which come from God. »3* er girls. I hail l>y this time made up iia died a week ago. This morning l 4» We show want of faith in him by *3* nay mind that she had given me a kiss ! Agnes came to me and told me that the Your Work and Why It Is Done j 4> our false wisdom, wishing to fore- 4* ! change toward me without explanation in the dark and that her innocence was j 4* stall his arrangements and strug- 4* assumed. Acting upon this theory, 1 i or apology for my transgression was \ 4* gliug to supplement his provi- 4* suddenly clasped her in ray arms anil lne to her aunt's having confessed to There is a reason for everything, but ! 4* dence by our own providence.— 4* her that she had kissed me in the rained kisses upon her cheeks and lips. we don’t know the reason for every­ j 4= Fenelon. ♦ A man may sometimes kiss a girl coach. thing. There’s a reason why black is ; 4* 4 without having declared himself and black and white is white, and there is <§> <§> <3* <3» not appear disrespectful. I, having as­ a reason for knowing which is which. W is e O b s e rv a tio n s sumed that Agnes had overstepped the So in your work find out the reasons boundary of feminine modesty, gave for doing things. You will work better. When a man looks on only one side You will earn more, for this is what is her too many kisses. of a question, and that his own side, meant by the big expression “standard- CLOUGH’S L Y SE P T IC As soon as she could release herself ] it looks ns if there was a big streak she turned from me without a word, izatiou of work” It is getting the best The Best Antiseptic went to the steps leading below and of selfishness in his makeup. returns for the least expenditure of en­ If you think the world is growing ergy. disappeared. There was that In her Healing Germicide manner to tell me it would be useless worse just lie a bettor man yourself The world Is strewn with lost energy. to follow her; that she was Incensed ami thus prove to others that it is The bulk of the loss could be avoided if beyond measure and if 1 obtained for really a pretty good place after all. only workers found out the reason and j Lyseptic is completely soluable in Worry less ami trust your Heavenly giveness I must wait and strive for it remedied the leakage. Most women water. A teaspoon full to one quart of Had I known her better I would not Father more, at the same time doing rush headlong to a task. Now, I advo­ | water is the average strength to be used have feared that she would make it your best to overcome obstacles, and cate quick action and decisions. But i for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants, unpleasant for me with the others of you'll surely come out victorious. object to blind, headlong rushes. wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange, Use the commentary of a severe her party, but my limited knowledge of When put to a task find out the enuse j hoof rot, mud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff. friend rather than the gloss of a of its being done. Get a definite idea her made me fear that she would. | shampoo, being of a soapy nature preves I confess I was very much disgrun­ sweet lipped flatterer. There is more of your work. Get a realization of i very effective for washing the animals' profit In a distasteful truth than de­ tled. To have made such a mistake what it leads to. Find out why. ceitful sweetness.— Quarles. troubled me very much, for I was at What would you think of an architect and stable utencils, and if used in gen­ Whoever is a genuine follower of who built a house without working eral, improves stable conditions, infect- an ago when a man is especially sensi- live to the good opinion or condemna­ truth keeps his eye steady upon his drawings or an artist who painted a i 'on, among cattle, abortion, foul dis- tion of women. 1 brooded over the j guide, indifferent whither he is led, picture without making a sketch of his | charge and externally to prevent the matter during the day and lay awake provided that she is the leader.—Burke work? For the same reason make a J spread of diseases. thinking of it at night. picture of your work—figuratively. 1 di US 1M M T ► S K I o r A B S T R A C T M O I I the kiss given me in the coach had not blackest hair and blue eyes. must be done with exquisite care. Nev­ O r T IL I .A M O O K C O U N T Y , « ( S S O S been Imparted by her. I was In a di­ Outdoors it was snowing. So Char­ er say, “Oh, it doesn't matter." It n ay lemma. 1 must either acknowledge lie thought It would lie great fun to go not matter to you, but it does matter TILLAMOOK CITY. ORJBOOl«. myself a culprit or excuse myself by snowballing. for the welfare of the concern,—St. telling her of the kiss in the coach, a “Come on out In the yard and make Paul Pioneer Press. T. H. COYNE, story so improbable that it was not some snowballs!" Charlie called across likely to be believed. to his neighbor. Not H e r Celebration. “Walt till 1 get on my leggings!' Yer.i soon a.ter my offense we ar­ Old Zeb Jackson, the champion rived at (lie landing at Cincinnati. Alberta called back. That Mr. Shot well did not know of So she put on her warm leggings whitewash«!*, walked down the main Conveyancing, Etc. anything amiss between his daughter and fur coat. She pulled it wool cap street of the village one morning dress­ and me was made plain by his giving down over her china ears and got her ed in his best suit, with a large, bril­ Opp Court House, Tillamook. Ore. me an invitat. n to tail at his house. red mittens. And out into a snowbank liant buttonhole bouquet and cotton gloves on liis big hands. I looked at At: es to note if she acqui- she jumped to play with Charlie “Hello, Zeb!"’ said the postman. Tillamook Undertaking Co. esced, but s a w n o n that I would or They would have had a lovely time would not ho welcot o We parted on If a big boy doll from the next street "Are you taking a holiday?" R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. leaving the boat, the Shot well party had not Jumped over the fence and “Dish ycro." said the old man, with a Night and Day calls driving to their In me in the city, I invited Charlie to play with him. proud wave of his huge hand—“dish promptly attended. to my hotel “Let’s build a snow fort!" lie shouted rere mu mah guiding wedding univer­ ! Next Door to Jones-Knudson Furniture After much brooding over the matter right In Alberta's ear. sity. sail. Ah'm celebratin' hit." Store. I roneluded to make tin* call. I bad In So she had to stand one side while 1 “But your wife." said the postman, me the conseiousnoss of not being quite the boy doll * built a fort. When it “is working ns usual. I saw her at the TILLAMOOK, - - OREGON so bad as I ap| eared and I must bide was finished they began to see w ho | washtub ns I passed your house.” 1 my time for an opportunity to explain could hold the fort. The \ cry first | “Her?” said Zeb hotly. "She ain't Upon entering the Shot w ell residence snow ball the big boy doll from the next got miffin' ter do wlf lilt. She's mail FRANK TAYLOR, 1 received the surprise of my life street threw struck Alberta right in fou’th.”—Country Gentleman. Agnes cattle Into the drawing room the mouth and knocked out one of her ' Notary Public alone and with a very different look china teeth. So instead of having fun ! The Usurper. on her face from any 1 had seen titer*' she had to go to the dentist. Cioverdale, Ore. Every night since he arrived at his sitti o iii \ transgression it was very summer boarding house the occupant cordial. of the small but airy room on the rear W in ter Bird Feed'ng In Ohio. I was of course relieved, but puz­ ground floor of Many boy scouts will work iti co­ zled. 1 did not believe for a moment operation with tie Ohio Fish and (lame the fa rm h o u se that Agnes imd protended to be offend­ Protective nssocirtion this whiter to had been annoy­ ed with me. and yet as a sensitive girl aid In keeping birds alive dur.ng the ed by a large pig how could site suddenly return to her cold months 11 rain is to be dt posited trying to gain en Write for Literature. former treatment of me without even In fields where coveys of quail and t r im c e to his an apology"? I started to make one, but grouse are known to be. so that these • - OREGON w hilom domicile. TILLAMOOK. slio checked me and went on talking birds may not starve during the heavy “Why is that i ____________________ _____________ alKiiit something else pig always trying snows. lly this time I was madly in love, to go into my A. C EVERSON and love overcame curiosity |te she room?” Inquired Thoughtful Boy Scouts. T I L L A M O O K . O R K. good, bad or InditTervnt, Agnes | h * s - t h e in m m e r Boy scouts of Calumet, Mich., did sessed me. Instead of staying a week tiieir good turn the other day by boarder of the in Cincinnati. I remained there a thoughtful!.* s:u ling the streets after Money to Loan hired man one month. When I left I was engaged to an ice storm had rendered the side­ morning. "Do you think he lias taken Agnes. After our engagement I asked walks almost Impassable for pedes- | a fancy to me?" Kstate Asrenev her why she had forgiven me without triads "It's his room during the winter." Real my having asked to bo forgiven. 5Jho whispered the hired man cautiously. See nie for realty deals. Inspiration Miscellany J * J CHAS. I. CLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE