Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 01, 1917, Image 3

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Ma&a siria
E v e r O ffe re d
-a -:—— And Our P a p e r —All One Y e a r
— =
Today’s is the foremost woman’s magazine of the
country. During the year, this magazine will print
seyeral complete, novels by some of the best known
authors of the day. These hooks will sell for $1.25
each, after they have appeared in Today’s Magazine.
In addition to these novels, you get from 40 to 50
of the best short stories now being written by living
masters of fiction. No other magazine in America
uan begin to compare with Today’s at the price.
Then, too, Today’s will give a complete course in
Domestic Science, covering every phase of home­
making from cooking, and hygiene to dressmaking
and millinery. And last, but not least, you will
need Today’s because it contains the best and newest
styles each month.
GeJ Tfce M ost F o r Y o u r M oney
By taking advantage of this remarkable offer now, you make a cash saving
of $1.10. You get a year's subscription to our paper and to these four splendid
magazines—a total value of $2.35 for only $1.25.
This offer is open to old and new subscribers. If you are already a sub­
scriber to any of these magazines, your subscription will be extended one year
from date of expiration.
This offer also includes a FREE dress pattern. When you receive your first
copy of Today’s, select any dress pattern you desire, send your order to Today’s
Magazine, giving them the size and number of the pattern and they will send it
to you free of charge.
Never before has any newspaper been able to offer magazines of such high
character at this price. We are proud of this offer and we urge you to take
advantage cf it 8t once.
Send Your Order Before You Forget It
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T!,o Magazines Will Stop Promptly When Time is Up
-« ■ =
Woman’s World, the magazine of two million
readers is a big, clean, high class publication of in­
terest to every member of the family; and this year,
it will he bigger and better than ever. It will con­
tain several serial stories, numerous short stories and
hundreds of instructive articles on various subjects.
Home Life in ¡‘ beautifully illustrated, high grade
magazine. Its household departments are practical
and interesting. A favorite magazine in a million
Better Farming is a monthly publication for the
busy farmer who wants to keep in touch with the
latest and best methods. It is helpful and practical
and covers everv phase of farm work. Many farmers
save each month's issue and use them as a reference
$ 1.25
F o p the Gloverdale Gourier and the
above four high class Magazines.
You can’t afford to pass up a bargain so full of genuine merit.
The high
eost of paper lias forced many magazines and newspapers to increase their
price and we have no assurance that tins splendid offer will hold good longer
than the month of March.
S u b s c r ib e Now
G lo v e r d a le , O re g o n .
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