I I Notice. Notice is hereby given that the State □ a a Land Board of the State of Oregon will ! j receive ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS seated bids at its office in the Capitol Building at Salem, Oregon, up ! ! INTEREST OTHER NEWS OF AND a n a to 10 o’clock a. in. on April 10, 1017, for 1 1 ! all the State’s interest in the tide and overflow lands hereinafter described, giving, however, to the ow ner or ow ners The fishing season for catching steel- W. A. W ise,dentist. of anv lands abutting or fronting there­ on, the prefeience right to purchase said heads with nets closed yesterday. Preparedness Cloverdale Mercantile Co. pays Ac each tide and overfiow lands at the highest Hr. Wise will be at the Cloverdale for good sacks. juice offeied, provided such offer is I made in good faith, and also provided, Hotel Monday evening and all day We’re Prepared for Dr. Wise will not come to come to Tuesday March Id. | that the land will not be sold for, nor Cloverdale next Tuesday, March t>. offer therefor accepted of less Spring with a Full | j any than $7.50 per acre, and that the Board To KxcUange:—Huick automobile for W anted—Will pay highest cash price cows or two-year-old heifers coming Line of reserves the right to reject any and all for your calves. A. W. Franklin. Phone. fresh. J. B. (iillam , Cloverdale. j bids. Said lands are situated in Tillamook A boy arrived at the home of Mr. and County, Oregon, and are described as Estimable Citizen Passes Away. Mrs. Clyde Hudson Monday of this The communty was shocked Tuesday follows: to-wit : Beginning at a point which is the week. morning to hear of the untimely death corner to lots lit) and 21, of Section 5, T. Are You Prepared With Mrs. L. M. Kraner, Arlene and Arba of Thomas Brooten He had been in 5 8., R. 10 W of W. M.; thence N. 7 Btiverson were Tillamook visitors yes­ poor health but a short time and was a Kodak to catch the Beau­ degrees 00’ E. 827.04 feet to corner to Lots 13 and 1*0; N. 8!) degrees 28' W. terday. not considt.-ed seriously ill until a few ties of Spring? If not, I 1407.30 feet ; South r>U.tH) feet to corner to lots 22 and 23; S. 41 degrees 45’ E. Plasker Bros, for all kinds of olumh- days before his death. feet to corner to Lots 21 and 22; ing, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ Everything that love and money Come in and let us show j 077.50 could command was done to relieve him you our line of Kodaks and S. 85 degrees 00’ E. 050.04 feet to place lamook. Ore. of beginning, containing 18.89 acres of but the dread disease tuberculoses had title land fronting and abutting on Lots Or. and Mrs. Wist* were over night become too thoroughly established and how easy it is to use them. j I 20, 21, and 22, Section 5, T. 5 S., R. 10 guests at the Cloverdale Hotel Monday Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock he passed PRICE $6.00 UP. W. of W. M. of this week. Applications and bids should be ad- away. Ho left a host of mourners for tot i. (4. Brown, Clerk State Land Mr. and Mrs. I>. T. Werschkul re­ to know Tom Brooten was to be his W m . A. H I G H I I dressed Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked turned home Saturday from a three friend. The bereaved family have the “ Application and bid to purchase Tide DRUGGIST AND STATIONER I Lands.” sympathy of the entire community. necks stay in Portland. (i. (>. Brown, - OREGON The funeral services were held CLOVERDALE, Mrs. Jam es Mailev, of Wheeler, is Wednesday Clerk State Land Board. afternoon from the home of visiting this week at the home of her his parents and later from the Union Dated at Salem, Oiegon January 24. A New Era in Road Building. 1017. m other, Mrs. Win. Collins. school house, conducted by Rev. J. A. To the Editor—We are standing at the Mr. and Mrs. (ioorge Wells are the McVeigh, of tlie Clot erdale Presbyterian grave of an ideal in road making that happy parents of a bov which arrived church. The remains were laid to rest has outlived its day of usefulness. The American genius of invention has ush­ Friday morning, February 23. in the Union cemetery. ered into tiie world a new instrum ent OBITUAR Y. Best prices paid for hides. Bring or of travel and transportation that is Tillamook, Ore. send them in. Check will he sent by Thomas Brooten, second son of Mr. revolutionizing human endeavor and return mail. Grover W itt, Cloverdale. and Mrs. 11. H. Brooten, was born in industry, ami today L. S. HUSHBECK. Proprietor. we are witnessing McHenry County, North Dakota, April Ocean Spray Rebecca lodge will give 11, 1885, ami died at his father’s home the birth of a new ideal that meets an entertainm ent and basket social at near Cloverdale, Feb. -7, 1917, aged 31 present conditions of traffic and endur­ Dining Room run on Family Style the Cloverdale hall tomorrow evening years, 10 months and 1(1 days. ance, circumventing the elements of Meals ‘25c. to which all are invited to come and He was christened in the Lutheran decay and the erasion of time. the ladies are requested to bring bask­ church in infancy. The very genius that had brought ets. about the former has become the beacon He came to Oregon with his parents light of the latter, and a way has been “ How the Oospel Came“ will he the in the fall of 1808, and was married to provided w hereby the superior construc­ message of hope discussed next Sunday Miss Ruby W inters Nov. HI, 1912. Two tion may supercede the inferior, and the own a machine. morning. In the evening the pastor children were horn to this union, a little most remarkable fact of it all is that it Let us make a comparative statem ent w dl tell the story of “ The Palsied Man.” son, Thomas Dean, and a daughter, does it without expense to its bene­ now under the jiresent conditions, and Mr. McVeigh is making the Sunday Dorothy Marie, who, with hi* wife, his ficiaries! Marvelous and preposterous under the new, and see if the autom o­ night discourses intensely interesting. father and mother, three brothers, ow ner has actually paid anything or as this declaration may seem it is never­ bile Henry, Harry and Dolivcr. of Clover- not. At present his account at the end Hr. Robinson, of Tillamook, was in dale, and three sisters, Mrs. Claude theless true. of the first year stands like this: One Cloverdale Monday and assisted l>r. Christensen Mrs. Clifford Hiner, The advent of the automobile (in set of tires at prices quoted today, $71; Shearer in an operation on tieorge of Tillamook, and $3; total $74. Tires worn out and little sister Nona at this connection I include all explosive j at license, \N alters for gall stones. There are sev­ home mourn their the end of the year, credit $00. With motor vehicles) seen proved that not loss. j>aved roads it would stand like this: eral patients in the Nestueea Valley He has lived on his farm adjoining his only was its speed curtailed but the ab­ One set of tires, $71; license $0; total hospital and all are reported to he do­ father’s place for the last solute waste from wear and tear on $77. Credit at end of year, one set of four years. ing nicely. tires half worn out, $35.50; less extra He was a good son and brother and a tires and machinery in negotiating ) license fee of $3, leaving $32.50 profit on ('has. Rav and I.. M. Kraner, of Clov­ devoted husband and father. modern roads was excessive in the ex­ an investment $3, extra license erdale, K. F„ Cross, of llcho and T. R Tom was always a goad neighbor and treme. How glorious, however, is the fee! Thus a of Ford the owner, Wilson, of Meda, were in Tillamook his death will he sincerely mourned by genius of man trium phing over all sur­ mercializing his present losses by in com­ wear Monday in the interest of hardeurface the entire community. mountable obstacles and coming boldly and tear on his tires for one year and utilizing these losses in building hard- roads and bonding to get them. The forword with a proposition to salvage surfaced roads, would actually save bv more enlightened the Tillamooker gets I the major part of this palpable loss, con­ that act $32.50 Bids Wanted. exclusive of all on this question the sooner he becomes Sealed bids will be received up to verting it into modern, up-to-date roads license fees! or And $29.50 the hard-surfaced an anthuiast for better road condition. Saturday at 1 p. m. March 3, 1917, and by that supreme act bm Mug great road has cost him nothing! Nor is that all. This account has not taken into In this issue of the Ceurier is an ap­ tor assistant cheesemaker at the (’lover- Appian wavs, su|>erior to an; teretofore consideration any of the other numer peal tor aid for the starving Belgian dale factory. Address J. I.owrance, constructed, without expense to the out up-keej» items such as extra gaso­ people, because built by the saving of line, broken springs, etc., that every children After reading the call for aid secretary, Cloverdale, Oregon. that which was a former unavoidable automobile owner has to contend with slip a coin in an unused j>ocket and Church Notes. mere on bad roads than he does on good waste! when you ate asked to contribute bv Sundav school at 10 a. in. Classes for ones. For example, the cheaper automobile, The above indisputable facts had someone who will interest themselves al'.. if used very much, will wear out one set ought to itnjtreas the minds of enough to solicit aid called tor. just dig Preaching services at 11 a. m. and of tires year on our present roads, every voter that the Oregon state-bond­ up the piece and turn in over. 7 ,:U) p. m. All are cordially invited to and it is each hard-surfaced roads program is. estimated that with a universal ing. first <>f all. the saving and capitalization V meeting of the Presbyterian church these services. system of luirdsurfaeed roads one set of of present Rev. ,los. A. McVeigh, pastor. waste. That instead of cost­ board will lie held shortly when the tires would last two years, thus doubling ing us monev, it will actually make us Card of Thanks question of building a new manse will their lite. Now comes forward the great money and cost us nothing. That if we le settled It is promised to sell the We take this means of expressing our State of Oregon and proposes to bond, do not pave, t his loss will continue, and. .he j>urjM«e of building such mads, worst of all. it i* irretrievable. That the present manse property and with the heartfelt thank* for the many kind- for t t the extent of $0,000,000. and by man or woman who does not own a ma­ iii s*r* and expressions of sympathy liroeeeds make a start toward the erec­ doubling thus adding $3 to the license has nothing to do with the finan­ tion of a lie sit-in bull ling on tlx i-iop- shown us during t'is illness and death of the cheaper machines the present chine cial |i»vod husband, eon and brother, license tax on all automobiles pledces cept the improved roads and the en­ herself to redeem the said bonds, prin­ hanced value added to the community. quire aliout $1200 to erect the new I'lioiua« Brooten. and al-o for the beau­ ! cipal and interest, from the proceed* of Constructive legislation, like this, i* tiful Moral offerings received. bunding and will require assistance such tax. It is clearly evident, then, makes nations great. To rational frota. every one desiring to see the im­ 'I - I! ;' \ Bt it«», Ml and Ml», that no |»erscn p*va anything, either on what minds the proposition i- irresistible. provements along this line. II H Brooten and family. the Isolds or interest, but those who 1,. M Kraner. 9 1 t KODAK AND KO­ DAK SUPPLIES The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates 5y the Week.