Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 22, 1917, Image 5

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-dans matter. Nov­
ember 1:1th, 1905 at the post office at (.'Io-
veniale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­
der Act of Congress, March drd, 1878.
S ubscription K at ' ïs
One Year, in advance....................$1.00
Six Months........................................ 50 j
Three Months ............................... 35
Single Copy....................................... 06
A d v e r t is in g R ates
inent in a big or little plaee. The mar- them the fever to go somewhere.
But here is the capping climax to all
ehant in the small town has the advant­
age over the big town merchant because advertising. The public long ago lias
One of the most popular forms of
advertising -pace in the mediums that decided that it will par no manufactur­ light exercise is falling in love.
he can use to advantage have not the er or dispenser of goes Is to advertise a
Though money talks, it doesn't always
high rate as has the mediums that pro­ shoddy article. The buying public can make a satisfactory financial sertlement.
vide advertising advantages for the city sometimes be deceived but the man w ho
Many a woman wears a drug store
tries to deceive all of the people all the
complexion while posing as a nature
Advertising is the biggest paying
stock a merchant can invest his money A res i?lt to this way of figuring is the,
Asa matter of fact your neighbors
in if he will give it the same careful at- fact that the public has confidence in
think just as disagreeable things about
tention that he gives in the purchase of advertised merchandise and refuse to vou as you think of them.
buy the unadvertised kiud. (iood qual- ,
goods that cost an equal amount.
Tomorrow is the day when people
Why do the railroads advertise in the | itv goods, such as you are not afraid to hire haloons and move into their air
country papers? Let me answer this put before a particular customer, with | castles.
question. It is simply because it cre­ some gumptional advertising w ill make j Son, learn wisdom from the tailor.
ates business for them. It simply the highway paved for tra <e that is When he transacts business with a man
he starts by taking the man's measure.
causes the people to travel more. Itgives worth looking after.
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
.* ocal Reading Notices. 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
5.00 K i a s u
Political Announcement Cards
J ob D epartment
My Job Department incomplete in every
respect and 1 am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable di ices.
The New York Clothing Store
Tillamook’s Greatest Bargain House
THURSDAY. FKB R C A R Y 22, 1917.
There is nothing mysterious about
financial success. It is merely accumu­
lating something and putting that ac­
cumulation to work.
It is refreshing to know that a Brook­
lyn judge has recently upheld with vigor
the right of a sailor in the uniform of
the navy to go wtiere any other person
may go. He imposed a tine of two
hundred and fifty dollars on the pro­
prietor of a moving-picture show for ex­
cluding one of the bluejackets, and re­
marked as he did so, “ The uniform of a
United States sailor must be respected. ’
— Youths Companion.
Occasionally a merchant says be does
not believe it pays to advertise. This
same merchant is conscientious in his
views and if he ha» e\’er tried advertis
ing has not succeeded. The reason iniv
have been because be did not under­
stand the game or his opportunities for
advertising was not good. Advertising
pays and pays well, pro« ¡ding, of course,
that you know how. Take a look at the
magazines that are published and sold
for less inonev than the paper alone
would be worth at wholesale on an open
market and reason out why you can huv
the magazine as cheap as you do. Then
look at the numerous pages of advertis­
ing the magazine contains. Now let us
sav, and you won’ t feel inclined to con­
tradict the statement, that the adver­
tisers are good business men and are
advertising because the advertising pays
them. Reason will teach us that they
are not paying h big advertising bill just
t i support the magazines.
We have discussed the magazine ad­
vertising, now let us hit Up with the
large daily papers. Not one daily paper
eotuea to Cloverdale postottice that has
less than one-third of its space used in
advertising the go»d* sold by merchants
of the city. You «couldn t expect the
merchant to throw auav his money on
advertising to support the big daily-
pipers. not when the dailies charge
from $“ 50 to $$tM) a page for the space.
Point out one exceptionally succesful
business man and vou will find that be
is an exceptionally good advertiser. He
knows bow.
You can go along down the line and
you will find that the tug bnsineta men
are the big advertisers, it matters not
whether they run a mercantile e-tab
For the next few days we are going to otter you tin*
most exceptional bargains you have* heard of in many a day—
Just received hundreds of dollars worth of good staple mer­
chandise consisting of Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Clothing,
Furnishings, etc., which will go (luring
this sale at prices far below actual wholesale cost.
The few
items below give you an idea of the great bargains we are of­
e ■ fering.
“Note the Prices:”
Ladies’ Suits Men’s Suits
$25.00 Val. to go dur-
ing this sale special
*51» . *
$20.00 Ladies' Suits going
Ladies’ Dresses $17.50 val-
ues to go at..................
All Ladies’ Skirts to go at
exceptional low prices.
75c Men's Ribbed and Fleece
Lined Underwear extra
special, per garment.....
Men-» Fine Ribbed Union
Suits. Buy now at the
special price o f ..............
I (j^,
75c Men's Work Shirts during I O / .
this sale at
■ '
$25.00 Men s Suits going
during this sale at........
| •)
$20.00 Men's Suits now go- 9 . 8 5
ing at............................
To $7.50 Bovs’ Blue Serge
Suits. Special at ..........
To $0.00 Boys’ Suits during
this sale at.....................
*> | W
$5.00 Men’s Work Shoes,
buy now at per pair .....
$4.00 Men’s Work Shoes to
go at t»er pair...............
($ ■"»
Boys’ School Shoes atexcetional
* ’
Low Prices during
Hoys’ Knickerbocker
$1.50 Values at
$ 1.00 Values at
Men’s Fine Dress Shirts in
a lot of Neat Desirable
Value to
1 1.50. Extra
Special at
this sale.
To $4.00 Men’s Hats, good
styles. Your choice at....
To $2.50 Men's Hats. Extra
big values. Special at.....
.‘45c Men's Wool Hox at per
pair ................................
Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery
at very low pi ices for the
next few days.
Remember the Name,
The New York Clothing Store
M.OLalGKMAIN, P r o p .