VOL. J 2. C L O V E R D A L E , T IL L A M O O K SILO EXCURSION C O U N TY. OREGON. F E B R U A R Y 22. 1917 NO. 30 “HxlYWIRE DAVIS” T H R I F 1 Interested Ranchers See Silos on Beals’ j He Delivered Two Interesting Sermons Last Sunday. Ranch at Pacific City. IS THE The Presbyterian church was well Monday morning two automobiles tilled last Sunday evening with people loaded with ranchers from Beaver and trom Clove relaie and surrounding That takes the jolts and jars out of life later on and gives you that Cloverdale, accompanied by Agrieultur country. In the morning the congre­ worry-free, successful air which cornea from the knowledge of the ist Jones, < • Tillamook, and several gation was not so large. The morning talk was very intesting, the reverend ranchers tha- lived within walking dis­ little “ nest egg” earning you 4 per cent interest in some good gentleman, clad in lumber-jack clothes, tance visited the Heals’ ranch and l’a c -! bank like ours. To be T H R I F T Y und P R U D E N T from 21 to fiO handling his subject in a plain and care­ ific C'ity and looked over the two silos on ful manner. means a successful and comfortable old age. the place. The evening sermon was devoted Open S avings A ccou n t T od a y. The excursion was for the purpose of j partly to telling of bis life history and demonstrating the advantages of silos bis tight against booze and gambling, for the Tillamook ranchers. Agricultur­ to which he was addicted. However, let us call the. attention of ist Jones gave what information he !.ad those w ho listened to him that it is not at hand relative to what was best adapt­ necessary to go to the limit he did in ed for silage. order to be converted. None of us are Those who have silos on their ranches anywhere near as good as we should be o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o were enthuiastic in their expressions as o and there is woild’s of opportunity tor O to the benefits to be derived trom the O H O P E ON, H O P E E V E R . O improvement in any of ns. Let the use of silos and the advantages of feed­ O o sinless cast the first stone and there will ing silage. O H o p e on hope e v e r! T h o u g h to d a y o O be da rk , o Mr. Kuppenbender was among the no rocks hurled. AND O T h e s w e e t su n bu rst m a y smile on o viewers demonstrating his perfected O Iliee to m o r r o w n Church Notes. O T h o u g h thou art lonely, th ere’ s an O Tillamook silo while John Rock, of Ore- O e y e will m a rk o Sundav school at 10 a. m. Classes for town, was there demonstrating the In­ O T h y loneliness and gu erdon all o all. O th y s o r r o w . o diana silo. Preaching services at 11 a. in. and O T h o u g h th ou m ust toll 'm o n g cold o and sordid men. o Best prices paid for hides. Bring or 7;30 p. m. All are cordially invited to i O O W ith none to e c h o hack th y o these services. send them in. Check will be sent bv O t h o u g h t or lo v e thee, o Rev. Jos. A. McVeigh, pastor. O Cheer up, p oor heart, thou dost C return mail, (jrover Witt, Cloverdale. [ “ SHOCK A B S O R B E R ” a TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Gasolene Automobile Accessories O------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O O O O not beat In vain, F o r G od Is o v e r all and h eav en a b o v e th ee— H o p e on, h o p e e v e r ! O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O H o p e on. hope ev er! A f t e r darkest night Comes, full o f life, the la ughing m orn ing. H o p e on, h ope e v e r! Springtime. flushed with light, A y e c r o w n s old W in t e r with her rich ad orn in g. H o p e on. hope e v e r ! Yet the time shall c o m e W hen man to man shall he a friend and broth er And this old world shall he a h appy home, And all e a r t h ’ s f a m ily love one a n o th e r — H o p e on hope e v e r ! O Hotel Fast to the Dollar. O o O o o o o TILLAMOOK o o Ollice ( ¡round Floor National Bld. o Bell I’lione 53-J P. (). Box 147 With Rollio Watson O O O O O o Abstracts on Short Notice by the O PACIFIC o o o o 0 oooooooooooooooooooooc FIRE ! W. A. W IL L IA M S ABSTRACT CO. L. V. EBERHARD. Manager. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Record-« of Tillamook County, Oregon. TILLAMOOK, - - OREGON FIRE ! FIRE ! The Havoc of Plame HERE is an old saving that “ any fool can make a dollar, but it takes a wise man to hold it.*’ There is one sure way of holding the dollar, and that is to hank it. When a man deposits his surplus cash he is loath to draw it out. On the contrary, if he carries the money on his peiaun there al- wavs is the temptation to spend. Bank your money with us. T 0 ^ • • NESTUCCA V A LLE Y BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. may bring di sastrous reminder too late. Protect yourself and your family. Assure yourself of a roof over your head. If the pieserit home is consumed our word as fire insurers and our deed will replace the old with a m w one. A few dollars every three or five years will insure you way up to the final notch of pro­ tection. Phone Us Call on Us W rite Us NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK RO LLIE W . VV A T S O N The Insurance Man