Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 15, 1917, Image 3

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Dr. Montgomery anil wife are spend­
ing a few days in Portland, he being
called as a witness in a civil suit, and
his wife improving the time visiting hit
Mr. Northrup was at Hebo seeing
about the new play shed on Monday.
If this shed is builded as planned it w ill;
be one of the best we have ever seen
anywhere. Size 36 x BO feet and 12 feet !
high, with movable stage and com­
modious dressing rooms.
Mr. Sti' erjon, the Cloverdale photo­
grapher, took some excellent photo­
graph* of our mission and part of the
people that were at the dedication, ’>8
of whom had a real family dinner in the
building on dedication dav. These
pleasant family gatherings we hope to
repeat from time to time during th e '
coming season.
There seems to be prospects of con- \
siderable improvement here, gome of |
the old buildings to l»e torn down and j
others remodeled and some new ones
are in prospect, of which more will be
said later.
Mrs. Fisher is still under the doctor’ s
care in Tillamook. She is greatly missed
by her friends and neighbors.
We believe there is more excitement
here over Uncle Sam’ s postal business
than anywhere else in the state at
We can sec no reason why the Nes-
tucca valley and our beach is not one of
the most desirable districts in Tillamook
county, and we are sure it will have a
bright future.
C le a n -U p S a le s
Are in Full Swing
If you have not already taken advantage of the sensational
savings made possible by these Great February Clean-Up Sales
Strip e d
we urge you to do so immediately.
Glance through this list and mark each item in which you
G a la te a «
are interested then cut this section out and bring it with you
when you come to town.
You will find just those
want with the least loss of time.
fered are listed below.
A few enly of the bargains of­
$16.50 Stylish Coats now........................
$25 00 Fur Fabrie Coats now
$25.00 Smart Suits now............................
$27.50 Tailored Suits now ........................
$7 50 Dress Skirts n ow .............................
5 98
M e n ’s, W o m e n ’s a n d
C h i l d r e n ’s T o o t w e a r
Additional Locals.
items van
L a d ie s ’ Ready to W e a r
Church Notes.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes for
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
7 ;30 p. m. All are cordially invited to
these services.
Rev. Jos. A. McVeigh, pastor.
Dr. Wise stopped at Beaver to do
dental work Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Desmond, of Pleasant Valley,
visited Friday and Saturday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Rimer Wade.
Miss Doris Lamson returned home
Friday evening from a visit with rela­
tives in the Willamette Valley.
Mr. and M rs. Hiner, of Tillamook,
came to Cloverdale Thursday to visit
the parents of Mrs Hiner, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Brooten. Mr. Hiner returned to
Tillamook last Monday.
W. M. Owen, our former townsman, j
visited Cloverdale again last Friday and
Saturday. His daughter, Miss Ava, who j
is teaching in Boulder Creek, came here
with him Friday and remained until
Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Turner, well-known eye specialist I
of Portland, will 1*> in Cloverdale again
Thursday, March 1, at Cloverdale Hotel. I
Don’ t fail to consult him about your
k eyes and glasses. Headaches relieved,
* cross eyes straightened, satisfaction
guaranteed. Consult him. Don’t forget •
the date.
C. V. Doling, of Madras, Oregon, and
Elder I. A. Brown, of Washugal, Wash.,
were in Cloverdale Saturday. They j
came to Tillamook County to look at
some land above Bearer and to visit R
Y. Blalock, an old triend. As Elder
Blalock was holding meetings here they
remained over Sunday with him.
There will be a meeting of those in­
terested in the orgaaization of a federal
loan association at Cloverdale, February
21. If you are interested in the organiz­
ation von should attend. Primarily the
association is for the purpose of securing
money at a low rate c.f interest for the
improvement of ranches.
T. E. Armstrong, manager of the Lake
ranch at Gaston, and brother-in-law of
Mine Host Antrim, of the Cloverdale
Hotel, was in Cloverdale over Sunday.
He came to investigate cheese making.
Gaston expects to have a cheese fac­
tory in the near future. While here he
visited the tide lands south of Clover­
dale, ami gives it as his opinion that a
caterpillar engine could be used in plow ­
ing ami cultivating this land quite suc­
cessfully. A caterpillar engine is used
on the Lake ranch, and it may be
brought here to operate on the tide
Special V a lu e s
We have just receiyed a
Splendid selection of these good
29-inch fabnos for
Skirts, Middy Blouses and Sport
Suits. They are shown in alter­
nate stripes 1-4, 3-8 to 1-2 inch
in width in colors White and
Red, Blue, Helio, Navy or
Reseda and in self colors of
White, Tan, Green. Red and
Navy Blue.
Special V a lu e s
Reg. to $8.00 Ladies’ Dress Shoes now................ $1 98
Reg. to $6.50 Red Cross Shoes now...................... 4.65
C h ild re n 's and
M isses’ S h o e s
B o y ’s K r e i d e r
Kick p r o o f S h o e s
Sizes 5 to 8,
Reg. $1.98 now
Sizes 8 to 11
Reg $2.75 now
Sizes 8$ to 11,
Reg. $2.25 now
Sizes 11^ to 2,
Reg. $2.75 now .
Sizes 12 to 2,
Reg. $3.25 now
Sizes 24 to 5^,
Reg. 3,50 now..
$5 50
$9 00
S erpe n tin e
Men’s B. C. Bluchers now ................................... $8 45
8-in. Top, Work Shoes now.................................... 4.35
12-in. Top, Dayton Shoes .................................... 5.85
12 and 16-in Top, Nap-a-tan Shoes...................... 5.85
Pretty 30-inch wide fabrics for
making up Ladies’ Kimonos and
Dressing Sacques.
shown in lovely large Rose De­
signs in Tan, Pink and Blue ae
well as in grounds of light Blue
with dainty
floral designs in various colors.
Th e New
A r e N o w on D isp la y
Time to change your Window Draperies, Hangings, Cushion Covers or renew your Comfort
Covers, bed hangings, etc Our new selections in Scrims, Cretonnes, Silkalines and Draperies of all
kinds will surely meet with your approval, for they are of exceptional quality, and modestly priced.
36 - I n S c r i m 8 l 5 c
3 6 -I n M a r q u l s s e t t e s 2.1c
Fancy and Plain Hem­
stitched self color Scrims in
White and Cream.
Special Values.
Handsome Plain
stitched self color Marques*
»ettes in White, Cream and
Always wash and
wear well.
3 6 -I n . b t a m l n e s IM c .
Hemstitched Etamines in
White, Cream and Ecrue
with floral borders in Blue
and Green, Tan and Green,
Pink and Green. Green and
Gold, and Purple and Brown.
36-in . b t n m i n n s 2 o c .
Novelty Bordered self color
Etamines in White, Cream
and Ecrue.
30- I n C r o t o n n e s 2 2 c
Tapestry, Panel, and Stripe and
floral designs in Cretonnes for
hangings, Cushion Covers, etc.
Splendid values
4 4 -I n . N e t s 3 3 c .
Very special values in Net
Draperies in pretty all-over
in self
colors of White. Cream and
Qulltirift C r s t o n n e s 13c
Pretty bordered and all-
over designs. (Quitting Cre­
tonnes 36 inches wide.
iilla m ook,