Preparedness We’re Prepared for Spring with a Full Line of KODAK AND KO­ DAK SUPPLIES Are You Prepared With a Kodak to catch the Beu- ties of Spring? If not, Come in and let us show you our line of Kodaks and how easy it is to use them. PRICE $6.00 UP. Win. A. HIGH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER CLOVERDALE. OREGON LOCAL NEWS NOTES. It pays to advertise in the Cloverdale wagon was so badly used up th at it will cost you nothing. Dring a bit of C ourier and its advertising space is would not pay to have it repaired it was change with you in case you feel th at bought by successful, up-to date m erch­ som etim es m ads useful by w iring the his lecture lias been good, so th a t you ants. A perusal of its advertising col­ broken parts with hayw ire, of which can help to defray his expenses in com ­ there was an abundance in every ranch­ ing to Cloverdale. um ns will verify this statem ent. e r’s yard. Hence when an article of A griculturist .Tones, of Tillam ook, any discription hail been badly broken | For Sale—One com plete set of m edium phones us th a t a big silo excursion will it was a com m on expression to say th at weight farm harness never been used. m ake the Nestucca Va'ley Monday m orn­ it had gone “ hayw ire.” It is presum ed Twenty per cent below cost. Geo. R. ing, passing through Cloverdale en- th at ths com ing logging cam p evangelist \ Schaefer, Meda, Oregon. route for Pacific City at 10 o’clock, lie had at some tim e or another allowed j Church Notes. requests all those having m achines to him self to get into a hayw ire condition, or had gone “ hayw ire” so to speak. He Sundav schoel at 10 a. m. Classes for bring a load and m eet th e excursion. to speak in the P resbyterian church / all. It may lie som ew hat out of the ordi­ is next Sunday m orning and evening, and ! Preaching services at 11 a. m . and nary to title a man ‘‘H ayw ire” and y e t' besides telling of his experience will talk 7 ;30 p. m. All are cordially invited to it mav he highly appropriate. In one to the people regarding tho salvation o f 1 these services. section of the country when a buggy or | th eir souls. Come and hear h im ; it Rev. Jos. A. M cVeigh, pastor. The Hew York Clothing Store Tillamook’s Greatest Bargain House For tin* next few (lavs we are srointr to otter you the most exceptional bargains you have heard of in many a day— .hist received hundreds of dollars worth of good staple mer­ chandise consisting of Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Clothing, Shoes, l nderwear, Furnishings, etc., which will go during tins sale at prices far below actual wholesale cost. The few items below give you an idea of the great bargains wo are of­ fering. “Note tin* Prices:” v C j O * \V. A. W ise, dentist. Hr. Wise will be at Cloverdale Tues­ day Feb. “7. Hr. Wise cannot come to Cloverdale next Tuesday, Fab. 20. Fresh country cured bacon at 24c per pound. C h a rla n d o Heuel, Woods. W anted Will pay highest cash price for your calves. A W. Franklin. Phone. H I ncle llenrv M iller and Mrs. P otter, k of Braver, were Cloverdale visitors W ed­ nesday of this week. J . B. Gillam and fam ily enjoyed a visit from hts m other, of Tillamook from Friday to M onday. 1 3.95 Mrs. Oscar Bodyfelt, accom panied by buy now at per pair 8 1 1 .4 8 in* this sah* special her mot her, Mrs. lb R utgersand d au g h t­ $20.00 M en's Suits now go- xj — er, were Cloverdale visiters W ednesday. in* a t ............................... . . . ' ’ 'H '1 O .00 M en’s ’s W ork Shoes to O O X * ’ ** Mrs. A. W att, of Tillam ook, arrived $20.00 Ladies’ Suits «»in* u f ü To $7. f»0 Bovs’ Blue Serge X i s> go at |ier p air................... in Cloverdale this afternoon for a short ;11......................................... 0 , 1 Suits. 8 ,^ .1 at ..... ’, | S visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. H igh. M ira ’ I «m ra »K..K>va|. ,| ( ) s ^ 3 , 4 8 , Bov9’ School Shoe, , t « c t io n , 1 u«*s to go at ..................... I I « « Clam s for Sale—Delivered at Wood* Low Prices during o(> cents; Clover Tale <>h cents per live this sale. gallons. Claren»’« 'I Babcock Wooils, All Ladies’ Skirts to go at t begun ext’eptional low prices. I- nvoy O G underson, of the Salvation I n $4.IK) M en’s H ats, good styles. Your choice a t....... 2 . 4 8 Army, P ortland, was in Cloverdale •fl r>0 Values at ......... 7">» Men’s Ribbed and M erer ve«ter»lav. W hile here he m ade a trip Lined F nderw ear ex tra |< ) $1.00 Values a t 68c To $2.50 M en’s H ats E xtra (k * to Woods special, per garm ent ..... * big values Special a t ....... * llen rv A ltrnherger, of Blaine, was Men’s Fine [Tress Shirts in brought to Cloverdale todav on account •T-V M en’s Wool Sux at per ,) • > ., M en’s Fine Ribbed Linon a lot »if Neat Desirable »0. Kxtra W ashington's birth.lav danea will I>«> Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery Ladies’ Suits Men’s Suits Shoes ....................... ’¿.8» l»ovs’ K nickcrhockci Pants 98c held at H« ho I huradav evening, Feb. 22. Music will he furnished hv H ea­ to n's orchestra Gllie Woods, of Reaver, was operated on at the Nest le, a Valiev Hospital l'ueedav m orning lor appendicitis, lie is reported a» »hung nicely. \ repot t reached Ch>veniale Sunday th at J«*e Baxter, of Polph. was »piit« badly injured hv a fractious horse His injuries wi re quite serious, hut he is on the menti. V M en’s W ork si iris during | ( t this sal«- at I «*(‘ Special at 85 c at very low pi ices for the Remember the Name next few davs. The New York Clothing Store j >1. CiMGhM-’XM. P r o p . TILLAMOOK, OKL.