C«OVERDALE è •rOL. j 2. CLOVER DALE, T IL L A M O O K CO U N TY, OREGON. secure hog* to convert the surplus corn into cash. After the moat searching in vestigation the Nestucca Valley Bank has arrived -he Nestucca Valley Bank and a at the conclusion that it would be a most advantagous plan for the ranchers Plan to Secure a Silo in the Nestucca Valiev to build silos, and they have also arrived at a plan where they can be of assistance to the Ot late there has been more or less ranchers desiring to build silos. The lid about the benefits of the silo to the hank advises the Courier that thev will lairyman. Those who have used the J loan to ranchers for the purpose of do for t lie past tw o or three seasons are building silos what money they mav ! »ltd in the praise of the silo way. S i l o s need for one year at (> per cent interest. They will also assit as far as desired the ire not expensive structures and there ranchers in securing the best prices on re those who claim that enough can he materials and to perform such other -aved the first season to pav for the services as possible in the plans, ad­ vice, etc. • lection of one. We would advice any reader of the The greatest advantage, it is claimed, is tin* fact that they may he filled any­ Courier who is desirous o{ building a time, hence there is no danger of a silo to have a talk with the hank and spoiled hay crop on account of rain dur- get full details of the financial wav to ng harvest time. Then again a great get into the silo way. leal of material can be used in tin* silo For Sale—One complete set of medium that otherwise could not be fed to tin ■atti». In short, the story is told that 1 " ei« ht iarni harness never been used, the silo way is the only way. I lu‘ r APHORISMS ON WORK. ' . <$> Gasolene AND A utom obile Accessories W. A. W IL L IA M S T IL L A M O O K The time is never lust that is ■$> — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- »— _ _ ^ devoted to work. Emerson, ,s» j Ollicc < ¡round Hour Bell Phone fi.’t-J £ The result tests the work.— <§• National Bid. P. < f. Box 147 Washington. <%> \N ith Bollie Watson * A work well liegun is h nd $> ed.—Plato. <3> <%> Work first. and then rest.— <*> <*> Buskin. <$> At the workingmans house ♦ ♦ hunger 1 < >•.!. - in. hut does not en- p a c if ic a b s t r a c t co ter.— Franklin. ❖ A skillful mecli inie is a good I.. \. KBKKIIABI), Manager. * pilgrim.— Addison C omplele Set of A list raets of the Records # of Tillamook Countv, Orwgon. Abstracts on Short Notice by the ; ........................................................................................ ... TILLA M O O K . FIRE! m m r m ! f . - - OKKUON FIRE! The Havoc of Flame tnav bring disastrous reminder Im p too late. \ THEN your money is in the hank it is safe from pick- \A/ pockets aml j burglars. A man who is known to carry V il larpe s sum of money on his person soon is marked as prey by the thief. None of the big men of the country carry large sums of money about. Don't tempt the thief. It mav cost you not only your money, but your life. Bank your money with us. Protect yourself and your family. Assure yourself of a roof over your head. If the piesent home is consumed our word as fire insurers and our died will replace tin- old with a new one. A few dollars every three or five years will insure you wav up to the final notch of pro­ tection. Y NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. • Phone Us Call on Us Write Us NATIO NAL B U ILD IN O . TILLAMOOK . P O ! .! I F W - W A T S O N - The Insurance Man