1 So Molly gave him a big spoon, nnd Dr. Alexis Carrel, Famous I'ed stood on a high chair, and every Surgeon and Sciential '¡me tlie molasses bubbled up he stir­ red it like anything so it would net buru down on the bottom of the kettle Siiif«* Ih** application of a new *>*- “1 want to help, too!" shouted Tiny, tom of sterilizing wounds lias been tlie smallest doll. put into operation at tin* war liospiral So Molly gave her a little piece of a t <'oinpieune, France. unil«,r tlie di­ butter to rub on the plate, because mo- 1 re tion of I»r. Alexis Carrel of the lasses candy is such sticky stuff thm Itix'Uefeller institute. New York, ampu if you don’t butter It you waste a talions have dinilnlsliey «1«»||, Ted, said "l.et me >tlr it. I knon huw." All Wav w Points Safe ami Comfortable Leave doverti a le daily at 7:30 » m . arriving at Tilla­ mook at 10 a ui — in time for morning train t«> Portland Leave Tillamook at 3 p. - ? arriving at Cloverdale at 5 p. in. J M l KAXLKR. Prop O U notice a fine regard for appearance among the officers from Roundsmen to Captain—that’s one reason they are so keen for W -B C U T Chewing. The pass-word among these gentlemanly fellows is “ If you won’t take a little chew don’t take any. ’ No need to disfigure the face, when a nibble o f rich tobacco gives more satisfaction than a wad of ordinary stuff—also less grinding and spitting. Take a tip from the officer on W-B. Y M.«fc by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Unio« Sqtur«, New York City J