Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 08, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
y r.
L im b s
t a Painel
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As <mr bodies, to i ;■ in health, must
I h * generally exeivi id, so ot:r minds,
to lie in henltli, nmst lie generally nil
tivated. Von would uot call a man
healthy who had strong anus, but was
paralytic in his feet: nor one who could
walk well, but had no use o f his hands;
nor one who could see well, though
he could not hear You would not vol­
untarily reduce your bodies to any
such partially developed state. Much
more, then, you would not. if you could
help it. reduce your minds to it. Now,
your minds tire endowed with a vast
number o f irifts o f totally different
uses—lltubs o f mind, as it were, which
if you don’t exercise you cripple. On*
is curiosity—that is, a stiff, a capacity
o f pleasure in knowing, which if you
destroy you make yourselves cold and
dull. Another is sympathy the power
o f sharing in the feelings o f living
creatures, which if you destroy you
make yourselves hard and cruel. An
other of your limbs of mind is admira
tion the power of enjoying beauty m
ingenuity, which if you destroy you
make yourselves base and irreverent
Another is wit or the power o f playing
with the lights on the many sides of
truth, which if you destroy you make
yourselves gloomy and less useful ami
cheering to others than you might he
So that iu choosing your way o f work
it should lie your aim. as far as possi
ble. to bring out all these faculth s as
far as they exist in you: not one merit
nor another, but all o f them, buskin
T h e C o u ra g e o f L ife
> -------
—---------------------------- --
The two virtues that help us along
most in life are trust and courage.
Apart from the tragedies invited by
sin and violence and self indulge ace.
a large part o f our trouble comes Irom
anxiety, distrust, apprehension. It was
not all frivolity that dictated the an­
swer o f a young girl who, being urged to
prepare herself for a profession or a def­
inite work, responded: " I ’m not going
to look ahead and worry. I cun do a lot
o f useful things. I can mend, and make
salad, and amuse < hildrcu. and be pa­
tient and e. onomical. and help people
to enjoy themselves, and 1 don’t be
lieve nice girls starve." Courage and
faith are always assets, liven if life
goes back upon them and fails to come
up to expe tations Hie practice of these
virtues, is Just that miuli to the goo 1,
and we have at h st a t lived in the
evil moment until it arrived
What Do You Save?
A wealthy man. who died ttie other
day. said that ills one rule for tinaueial
success from the lowest rung o f the
ladder was to save ’Jb per cent o f Ids
wages. Some economists have been
content to suggest that every individ­
ual budget slion ,1 Lie so adjusted that
one-tenth to one-lifth o f the annual in­
come lie set aside for future erne'geu-
oies Whatever the ratio o f saving may
be—81 in .Si. $1 in $10 or some ratio
between these limits—the essential is
to have some fraction specifically de­
termin'd (.in a.* the saving ratio—then
Teach Your Boy the l ulne of a
'Bank Account.
- ^
Several of our customers are people we do not know bv sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years.
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
It saves \(>u time, and TI.ME IS MONE'l , especially at this season
of the year.
No need to come to the hank in person.
w W
J 111
stick to it through thick and thin.-
Milwaukee tournai.
Imitate Nature.
Many a nttle flower ts crushed be
aeatli Hie foot o f the wayfarer. Na­
ture, rich and inexhaustible, replaces it
a hundred—aye, a thousand—fold. Im­
itate nature. That is to say. do not
stop to bemoan the first effort ns wast­
ed, but go on to produce something
more. The one who refuses to be
beaten must eventually be the victor.
Be Strong.
It is easy to quarrel A weak man
can do it if he can find some one to
quarrel with, but it takes a strongman
to return good for evil and even under
strong provocation to endeavor to live
peaceably with all men. Be a strong
a ynp-'V? ¿ST ’* m s-
M oney to Losm
R eal E sta te At>enev
See me for real tv deals.
T A R T your bov oiT right in the battle of life. Deposit
something to his credit in the hank. If he is working for
a salary, ask him to place something aside weekly. If he
is in business, show him the importance of keen rig a
good I v balance in bank. There’s no telling when an opportunity
mav present itself whereby a little ready cash rnay he the foun­
dation of a fortune. \Ye do all kinds of hanking.
Cloverdale, Oregon.
believe we have given them satisfactory hanking service and can
NO. 28
Office t ìround E'loor
Bell I'lione bit J
IV t). Bo* 147
National Bid.
With Rolli*- Watson
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
L. V. K B K R H A R I), Manager.
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
T IL L A M O O K .
Tlie Havoc of Llame
may bring disastrous reminder
too late.
Protect yourself and your family.
Assure yourself of a roof over
your head.
If tlie piesent home is consumed
our word as fire insurers and our
deed will replace the old with a
new one. A few dollars every
three or five years will insure you
wav up to the final notch of pro­
Phone Us Call on Us Write Us
. P O I I I P VV
A T S O N The Insurance Man