m rk ..j^ 'a a-a w u *."a 3 u KiES IN THE LEGISLATURE Still another, the so-called “ federal code,” has been given to the commit­ tee, as a sort of model from which to build. The latter has not been intro­ duced as a bill in either house or sen­ ate and may not be. No other subject to come before the session holds more promise of con­ tention than the subject of road legis lation, unless it is that of consolida­ tion of commissions. * -lay Agree cn C-nscliqjation Pr og ra m . , After considerable bickering be-j tween the two houses, the two con-1 sclidation committees have agreed to co-operate on a program and it seems I University and O. A. C. Criticised. likely something may be accomplish­ That there is a tendency on the part ed in the way of consolidation or abol­ D r y Bill Ready for Passage— T w o Con­ of Corvallis and Eugene citizens to ishment of certain state boards or solidation Bills Considered— Finance commissions, although there is such take advantage of the students at the University of Oregon and Oregon ag Causes W o r r y — Woul d Revise In­ a diversity of opinion on this question l ricultural college in charging them surance L aw s— W o r k on N ew H i g h ­ that considerable wrangling is apt to for living facilities and sometimes occur. way Code Begins— Report on State "grafting them to the limit” ; that a The committee has under considera- condition exists among the Greek let­ I nst i tuti ons— W o m a n in Speaker's I tion two consolidation bills. One C h a i r — Another Sunday Closing Bill. would consolidate the industrial wel­ ter societies at the university that "is undemocratic and dangerous” ; that a Salem.—The legislature assembled fare commission, the child labor com­ feeling of jealousy exists between the Monday for the last half of the session mission and the labor commissioner university and the agricultural college with the state industrial commission. with practically all the big measures and there is little or no tendency be­ still awaiting final action at the hands It would make the labor commission­ tween the two institutions to co-op of one or both houses. Most of the er an industrial commissioner, pro­ crate in educational matters, with a vides for a second commissioner to work of the third week of the session tendency to duplicate work, a condi­ be appointed by the governor and a was confined to whipping proposed tion "that is detrimental to both insti­ physician who is to sit with the com­ legislation into shape by the commit­ tutions,” are some of the findings missioners in awarding claims. tees. Both houses must turn in and made by the special legislative inves­ The other bill provides for the abol­ do some real hard work this week if tigating committee, appointed by the ition of the state tax commission and they wish to keep the legislative last legislature, which filed its report its consolidation with the public serv­ wheels from being clogged. Doubtless with the legislature. ice commission or board of control. this week will witness a considerable Mrs. Thompson in Chair of Speaker. Financial Problems Knotty. flow of oratory, for some of the im­ For the first time in the history of The joint ways and means commit­ portant bills are liable to meet with the Oregon legislature a woman pre­ tee are still struggling with the finan­ spirited opposition. sided over one of its branches last cial problems and the members are When the first half of the session week, when Speaker Robert N. Stan­ closed with adjournment last Friday uncertain just what will be the result field called Mrs. Alexander Thomp­ 531 bills had been introduced. 348 in of their labors. One of the knotty son, representative from Hood River the house and 183 in the senate. Only problems which bobs up to bother and Wasco, the only woman member, 16 unimportant bills had been passed them is the matter of continuing ap to the chair. by both houses and received the sig­ propriations, and the task of keeping Mrs. Thompson has a voice that fills nature of the governor and thirteen within the 6 per cent constitutional the entire chamber, and she is well other bills had passed both houses limitation w ill require some expert ac acquainted with parliamentary proce­ and awaited action by the governor, counting. dure. Four bills were passed while A bill passed in 1915 was designed so that out of the 531 bills introduced she was in the chair. to do away with these continuing and only 29 passed both houses. The men addressed her as “ Mrs. annual appropriations and it was Sepaker,” but at her own suggestion D r y Bill Made Special Order. thought they would be eliminated, but | did not cease smoking. The Anderson bill designed to make the present joint ways and means j Sunday Closing Bill In. effective the “ bone dry’’ amendment committee discovered early in their Representative Gore introduced a came back from the joint alcoholic I deliberations that quite a large num­ Sunday closing bill in the house. It committee and was made a special or­ ber of these annual appropriations would close up everything tighter der of business in the house Monday sriil remained. than the proverbial drum. It is aimed morning. This is one of the measures Aside from the budget requests, the particularly at grocery stores and is that most of the members seem to total appropriations asked for during said to have the backing of many of have taken for granted and there was only a handful of members against it , the first three weeks of the session the grocers who met here this week. In effect It would revive the so-called in the house. The promised fight on total $640,387.50. Insurance Code to Appear. "blue law" repealed by the people at the emergency clause did not mater­ This week will witness the intro­ the recent election. ialize and us no opposition to the “ bone dry" amendment has developed duction of a comprehensive insurance Would Bar Aliens From Public Work. Only citizens of the United States in the senate the law will be in the code revising the insurance laws of hands of the governor the latter part I the state, and putting the insurance are eligible to employment on public i department on a solid and efficient works in cities, towns, school districts, of this week. The committee on alcoholic traffic , basis, according to the claims of its counties and the state, under the pro­ visions of a bill introduced by Senator submitted a tavorable report with a | advocates. The code is encountering more or Orton. It provides that if any public number of more or less important amendments. Probably the most im­ less opposition, however, and it will officer knowingly employs an alien, he shall be charged with a misdemean portant amendment provides for the probably precipitate a lively fight. Highway legislation has marked or and, if convicted, fined not to ex manufacture of denatured alcohol in ! time for the first half of the session. ceed $200. the state. Legislative Brevities. Physicians will have the right to *There are some 15 bills on matters The legislators with their wives vis sell one quart of alcohol to any one relating to highways now in the hands person, for medicinal purposes, in any of the committees on roads and high- , ited Eugene Saturday as guests of the four-week period. The original bill, ways. Five are senate and 10 house state university. With six votes against it, the senate before amended, permitted the sale of bills. Begin on Road Legislation. passed senate bill 95, by Eddy, pro­ two quarts. The first concerted step towards viding for the recall of school tlirec Another amendment will permit dentists to obtain alcohol for their the enactment of a state highway code tors. was made on Tuesday evening, when j The senate passed house bill 60. by professional work. Some relief has been provided to j the joint committees on roads and Stott, providing that prisoners in the the express companies handling li­ highways held their first meeting and county Jail shall be fed by the county quor shipments under the present law took up the various hills now before instead of by the sheriff. A hill passed by both houses and They will have five days after the the legislature for consideration. Two highway code bills have been which now awaits the signature of governor signs the act to complete deliveries of shipments on hand or in 1 presented to the house, one by I,aur- the governor gives a school district transit. After that all undelivered li­ gaard a/itl the other by Schimpf. chair fee simple title to property condemn­ quor will have to be sent out of the man of the house roads and highways ed for school purposes. A join t memorial to congress urg­ 1 committee. state. Only 29 Unimportant Dills Have Been Passed. With Half of Session Gene. ing the enactment of legislation which will open the waterpower resources of the nation to development and use has passed both houses. A bill regulating cold storage plants was introduced in the house by Mrs. Thompson and Representative Bean, jointly, at the request of the Oregon Federation of Women's ( ’labs. Hero worship is not altogether dead in Oregon. Reepresentative A1 Jones introduced a bill appropriating $800 for medals to be presented to Oregon guardsmen who served on the Mexi­ can border. * -----------------------------------------------------------* i Mother’s Doll Story The Sugar Doll *----------------------------------------- « One winter day Jack Frost said to a little sugar doll, "Come on out In the garden, and 1 will play with yon." Now, the sugar doll was very lonely because she never had any one to play with. All the china dolls and the rag dolls and the kid dolls played together, you see. So now the sugar doll was delighted with Jack Frost’s kind Invitation. “ Wait till I get on my rubbers,” she called back to him through a crack in the nursery window. Soon as she reached the yard Jack Frost beckoned her around behind the clog house, where the other dolls in the nursery could not sec* them. Then h * shouted, "Run now, for 1 am going to snow!" Then beautiful little round clamp snowballs began to fall on the; sugar doll's coat. She* held out her tiny hands to catch sonic*, and then sho threw them right at Jack Frost's head. They had a lovely time snowballing each other till snap! the snowballs turned into raindrops. They bent upon the sugar doll's head and her legs till she .lust run away in a little puddlo that tasted just like sweetened water. Nest Building. The first birds to begin to nest are the bald eagle (Florida), the* golden eagle (in California), and the grout horned owl. Those birds begin to nest ns early as the first week In January, and the Canada jay the* last week in February. So you see the little feath- erecl folks are busy housekeeping dur­ ing the first live mciitliN of the year, ns the last bird to sit upon the nest Is the American goldfinch, laying Its eggs during the* second week of June. Numerical Enigma. I am composed of 7 letters. My 4 2 (5 is a sac k. My 2 c> 7 Is n period of time. My 1 5 d is a velitele. My whole Is a vegetable. Answer. Cabbage. Words—bng, age, cab A Kindly Scout Act Mrs. Hnrphnm lives alone in Nemaha county, N'eli. The potatoes In her gar- don would have had to remain there all whiter had not a troop of Boy Scouts in the town of Itrocli done her the good turn of digging them out. Only Dreaming. I dreamed I was ii butterfly Flying In the air. Rut then I heard the baby cry fn her «mall high chair. Then I «ailed the ocean blue And dreamed I was afloat. But when 1 opened up my eyes The bed was my sailboat. It's lots of fun to dream such dreams, But tf they make you smile ft's best to dream of cake and ertam, And be happy all the while. — Philadelphia Record.