Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 01, 1917, Image 2

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The school at llebo is closed this week
as so many of the scholars have the
Messers Barr and Seymour, of Cor­
vallis, Supnrintent of Schools Lamb and
Tomorrow is groundhog day.
County Agriculturist Jones, of Tilla­
Valentine« at High’s I>ruie Store
mook, will be in Cloverdale this even­
and bold a meeting in the (¡range
Fresh country cured bacon at 24c |>er
in the interest of industrial clubs.
pound. Charland it l>euel. Woods.
Bev. McVeigh left Monday morning
M th . !'. II. Messner is visiting her son
Portland and Orenco. lie will see
and his entu at Tillamook this week.
Bev. Montgomery, head of the mission
County warrants taken at fat e value board, at Portland, and if tlie Presby­
in trade at the Cloverdale Mercantile tery are willing to make up the differ­
ence with the amount subscribed here
Arch Myer and family moved yester­ to make him a living salary, be will re­
day to the ranch he recently rented at turn and occupy the pulpit until July,
at least. Mr. McVeigh is one of the
most able ministers Cloverdale has ever
Dusker Itroa. for all kinds of oluinh-
bad and it is hoped by the people here
ing, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til­
that everything will be made satisfac­
lamook. Ore.
tory so that he may return to remain
Twenty-five dollars an acre buys a permanently. Mis wife is at Orenco and
ranch of 1(H) acres near Meda. Taylor lie will visit there this week, returning ;
Real Kstate Agency.
to Cloverdale Saturday evening, it is |
Dr. W. A. Wise bus returned from his expected.
W. A. Wise, dentist.
eastern trip and will be at the Clover-
dale 1 Intel February tith.
Surprise Party.
Mrs. Mabelle Foster gave a very suc­
W .C , Bordow, of Innisfree, Alberta, cessful surmise party Wednesday even
has trailed for the Furniss ranch and is ing in honor of Miss Kthel Mew hirter,
the occasion being tier 1st 1 1 birthday,
moving on the same this week.
(rames and music filled the evening
L. C. Peek went to Portland last Sun­
with pleasure. Delicious refreshments
day and now we are informed the family
were served. Miss Kthel is very popu­
will remove to that city Saturday.
lar and received many pretty and useful
Safety deposit boxes at the Nes- souvenirs, among which was a tine
tucca Valley Bunk $1.50 per year. fountain pen from the high school.
Bent one for vour valuable papers.
Those present were the Misses Carrie
Best prices paid for hides. Bring or% Stevens, Helen Beals, Bessie Hunter,
send them in. Check will be sent by (¡oldie Wilson, Margaret Shearer, Viola
return mail, »¡rover Witt, Cloverdale. Bedberg, Jennie (¡lick. Metta Antrim,
Krma Taylor. Messrs
Merton Kverest is shaking hands w ith James Karl, Omer Bailey, Arha Stiver-
his Cloverdale friends this week, having son, Pharos Stiverson, Raymond Low
arrived here from Portland last Friday ranee, Howard Owens, Webb McCinnis.
K. L. McCabe, Ben Joy, Sam Ray, Os­
Mr. and Mrs Alex Watt, who visited car Antrim, Merton Kverest,
and Olenn
over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Learned, Wade Arstill
11 igh, returned Monday to their home Tayloi Mosd nines Bid good and Mallory,
the hostess and the honor guest.
in Tillamook.
A school meeting will be held at the
Uncalled for Letters
•cbool bouse on February 10th for the
The following letters remain uncalled
purpose of hiring high school teachers for at the Cloverdale postotlice Feb. 1,
and considering the advisability of
1917 :
building a high school building.
Mr. Herman Clause
Mrs. C, L. IMllon
K. F. Parker, of Woodi, was in town
Mrs. Harriot McCtillock
Mr. Parker is to have an
Mrs Mary Fryeae
auction sale of household goods, etc., at
Dr. and Mrs. .1. L. Hasten
his home Saturday afternoon, February
M r. Mest
III, and will later muve to southern Cal­
In calling for the same please say
“ Advertised."
Mi and Mrs. D. T Werrchknl left
Mabelle N Foster, Postmaster.
Mond.iv morning for Portland to tie ab­
sent a couple of weeks On Tuesday last
A Snap.
Mr. Wersclikul’* mother celebrated her
Five-acre track good land with small
WOth birthday and on that account Mr cottage dost to Cloverdale. Price only
ami Mrs Wcrscbkul made the trip.
100 .
Ne«ducca Valiev Real Kstate A gene v
Dr. Kited)
veterinarian, of Tilla­
mook. aaaisted by Mr. Jackson, of llebo,
Bids Wanted.
have been husv the past two works test­
The School Board of School District
ing cows jo this neighborhood. The
No. I.*t at llebo, Oregon, will receive
Daniel’ s i a licit w as probably the hardest
luds for the construction of a playihed
bit of mu of them, 1*7» of the heard i i : i >
JOxOO feet. Plans can be seen at Hie
found ti he effected.
resilience of Chan. McKillip. Bids to
We are in correspondence with a be iii by February 12, 1017. The Board
party having an Si)-acre ranch near renerves the right to reject any or all
Cbas. McKillip, Clerk.
Monmonth, SO acres in Italian prunes, bids
dryer, warehouse, house, barn, silo and
Churcb Note*.
Sundav school at 10 a in. Classes for
water system, who wishes to trade for
dairy ranch or mercantile store
The ali.
value placed on this ranch is Ilil.Oltn
Preaching services at II a. m ar.d
It vou have anything to trade for tins 7 ,.'!() p in
All are Cordially invited to
property sec Taylor Beal F»tate Agency these service*
Rev Jos \ McVeigh, {»astor
( lov erdale
Rubber Goods
Hut W ater Bottles
and Combinations
just received from the man­
ufacturer» at right prices.
If you are in need any of
the above items come in
and let us show you the
Mr. Fisher and Mr. Widner are very
busy these davs caring
lor about
Eoulder Creek items.
Those who “ jined the (¡range Satur­
day were Mr. and ' ! rs. Boh McClay,
Mrs. Sperry, Miss Ktna Daniels, .Miss
Cordia Blalock and Ava Owen.
A new cheese making room is being
built on the cheese factory. Expect to
have more milk this year than ever be­
fore, and will have two vats instead of
Mission Chapel Dedication
The W. C. T. C. met with Mrs. K. K.
Cross last Friday aft." noon. A very
good meeting was reported.
U was Fairview Grangers who in­
stalled the ottieers here two weeks ago
instead of Pleasant Valiev.
Mrs Kd Karl returned home Tuesday
from Dundee where she had been called
on account of the illness of h e r’brother,
Jas. Whitman, who is slowly improving.
cows on the Beals ranch.
We understand our enterprising post­
master and bis partner expect to build
a nice little^arage near the postotlice.
which will ne unite convenient for
people stopping here.
Mrs. Fisher has had a serious re!.ipso
and is still in the Tillamook hospital.
Sunday, February 4th, will he a red
letter day for Woods. Their new Mis­
sion building is at last completed and
on that day will he dedicated. The new
building has several distinct features.
It can he divided into rooms for Sunday
school. Has mother’s room (so don’t
stay away on account of the little ones)
and a system of ventilation free' trom
draughts and efficient. Lust, but not
least, its all paid for. Come with us for
the day, brining vour lunch, and help
us make merry. Begins at 10 a. m.
Several interesting features during the
Nutt— The south side road would be
best for heavy vehicles.
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land Board of the State of Oregon will
The Hurliiiian brothers are making
receive sealed bids at its otliee in the
quite extensive improvements on their
Capitol Building at Salem, Oregon, up
ranch, and incidentally are piling up
to U) o’clock a. m. on April 10, 1017, for
lots of tine wood.
all the State’s interest in tin* tide and
We notice by a Tillamook paper that overflow lands hereinafter described,
Bert Coriutt bad bad nearly l(M) boils, giving, however, to the ow ner or owners
but w hen we met him the other day he of anv lands abutting or fronting there­
was still smiling and unlike Job said, on, the prefei ence right to purchase said
that so far. they had been confined to j tide and overflow lands at the highest
the back of his neck—he would be price offeied, provided such offer is
all right unless they covered bis entire made in good faith, and also provided,
that the land will not he sold for, nor
Mr Corut hers lias decided that the any offer therefor accepted of
people of this vicinity deserve more than $7.50 per acre, and that the Board
comfortable floors so expects to put in reserves the right to reject any and all
the winter making carpets.
Said lands arc situated in Tillamook
Woods is on the boom. It vou don't
County, Oregon, and are described as
think so come dow n next Sundav to the
follows : to-w it :
Beginning at a point which is the
corner to lots •_’() and 21, of Set tion 5, T.
Some Geod Buys.
See us for prices and turms on an \ 1 •» S., R. 10W. of W. M.; thence X. 7
saw mill that ha* made monsv and is degrees 00’ K. s27.ti4 feet to corner to
now making money. A good proposi­ Lots K> and lit); N. Nil degrees I’M' W.
140. '¡0 feet: Smith 7>0.»i0 feet to corner
tion to otier to the right party.
to lots 22 and
S. 41 degrees 45’ K.
lil()-acre ranch that will Lear the '•*., .>0 fc< t t" (■'irner to Lots 21 and 22;
losest investigation at $25 per acre.
S. n 5 degrees On’ K. iv<i>.i)4 f,**t to place
of beginning, containing lM.sp acres of
»■new Small house and barn. School, ti l-land fronting and abutting on Lots
poet office, store and tine church near 20, 21. and 22, Section 5, T. 5 S., K. 10
W. of W. X.
this place.
Applications and bids should he ad­
$100 per acre buy* 50 acres clo«c p,
dressed t o ( i. G. Brown, Clerk Mate Land
Cloverdale. Small |>ayment down, low
i’> ard. Salem. Oregon, and marked
Apt'!icatiou ami hid to purchase Tide
A general store, tine location, at in­ Lands.”
voice. If you want to get into a good
G. G. Brown,
paying business investigate tht« open­
Clerk State Land Board.
Taylor K-al Kstate Agency.
Hated at Salem, Oiegon January 24,
Cloverdale, ( »re. Bor.