The seriate sent six­ LEGISLATIVE DOINGS of teen the o th governor er bills over to the house for action and the house sent tw enty-tw o m ore bills to the senate. A p p ro p ria t io n s Asked f o r T o t a l $425,- F ir s t B ill Signed is fo r Expenses. T he first bill to pass both houses and receive the signature of the gov­ tr o v e r s y — C on so lidatio n of S ta te D e­ ernor was an appropriation of $25.00(1 p a rtm e n t s on P r o g r a m — “ Bone D r y ” to defray the expenses of the legisla­ Bill on W r y — No C han g e in T a x tu re itself. T his is only a sta rte r and several m ore bills relating to the ex N otic e L ^ w — Woman In trod u c e s penses are likely to follow. The total M easure. expenses for the 1015 session ran up Salem T l"' I ;! 'attire began the to $68,410.02 and it is hoped the ex­ third week of (he v s ion with all the penses of the present session will keep hi« constructive 1 (islation yet to re­ w ithin th at figure. A ppropriations aggregating $424,- ceive attention. In fact, aside from R epresentative Anders ill's m easure 787.50 have been introduced. The to m ake effective the “ bone d ry ” con- budget of the state gam e and fish com ­ stitution al am endm ent adopted at the m ission cam e in with an addition of N ovem ber election only one or two $89,600 and m iscellaneous claim s o th er bills of any great im portance to which have been filed m ake a grand the state at large had been introduced. total of $520,975.56 which has been W hen the legislature adjourned last asked of the legislature during the Friday in order to perm it m em bers to first two weeks. Inasm uch as the leg­ visit th e agricultural college at Cor­ islature faced a budget of $715,382.09 vallis S aturday, one third of the 40- in excess of the 6 per cent lim itation day lim it which the law sets on the am endm ent when it convened it finds session had expired and leaders ap­ itself at the close of the second week preciate that it will be necessary to j w ith a total sum of $1,194,830.15 which get down to business this w eek if the it m ust cut out to keep w ithin the con­ usual rush is to be avoided during the stitutional requirem ents. M u s t M a k e R ura l C re d its E ffe c t iv e . closing days of the session. During the second week of the ses­ One of the im portant tasks before sion the volume of bills introduced ! the present session is to enact a law was lnrger than during the first week m aking effective the rural credits and if the bills dropped into th e legis­ am endm ent to the state constitution lative hopper continue at the present adopted at the last election. rate the proposed legislation will be S enator Shanks of W heeler county alm ost as great as it was two years has sought to meet the situation by ago. T he senate adjourned with 119 i introducing a bill creatin g two new bills on the calendar, com pared with | offices and an expensive system of 9X at th e sam e tim e in ID 15 and the 1 adm inistering the rural credits fund. house had 17*» com pared with 206. j His bill already .has become more or Four m easures passed both houses, less of a storm center and has engen­ tw o of which received the signature dered a controversy betw een S enator OOO— R ural C re d its Bill Causes C on ­ Semi-Tropical Southern California CALIFORNIA— with its oranges, its Winter tiowers, its beaches, its m ountain resorts, its time-stained iniarions, its delightful su n ­ shine and out-of door lift— surely the call is ir res is table in January. But a two days journey away on daily trains of the delightful SH A ST A ROUTE Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express You can secure tickets or complete information from anv agent or write JOHN M SCOTT. General Passenger Aqent Portland Ore. Southern Pacific Lines Shanks and S tate T reasu rer Kay. A to drunkenness T a x Notice Via Postcard Is Lost. bill representing the views of the state land board and the organizations ' T he bill to abolish publication of de which initiated the rural credits ! linquent tax notices and sub stitute a am endm ent will be ready for intro­ ; system of postal card notices was un- ! anim ously disapproved by the senate duction this week. An effort will be m ade at this ses­ com m ittee on assessm ent and taxa- sion to work out an effective plan to ! tion following a public hearin g at consolidate state offices and d ep art­ which the dangers of the m easure m ents. Moth houses tackled the prob­ | w ere vividly brought out. It was the feeling of the com m ittee lem last week. The senate desired to have a joint com m ittee of both houses that even in this M ultnom ah county handle all consolidation bills, but the m easure it would not be wise to adopt house rejected a senate resolution fa­ the postcard system . Inform al discus­ voring th at plan; so each house will sion among the com m ittee m em bers have a com m ittee to pass upon con revealed the decided opinion th at a postcard system of notices is so in­ solidation bills. adequate, and involves such danger F irs t Consolidatio n M easu re Loses. to titles, th som e provision ought to The first of the consolidation m eas­ be m ade for at publication of the delin ures to come to a vote in either house quent tax list. provided for a new state hoard of edu­ cation of three m em bers and a paid C on te n tion O v e r C a re of D ependents. The Bowman bill providing for tin- secretary at $1800 a year. In this care and control of delinquent ami de­ board were to be com bined the state fective children w ent back to com m it­ board of textbook com m issioners, the tee for further consideration a fter it board of higher curricula and the had come on third reading for final board of regents, respectively, of the passage. Since it cam e back into the U niversity of Oregon, Oregon agricul­ house from the com m ittee on healtli tural college and state norm al schools. and public m orals, it has becom e a The senate com m ittee on education, i storm center of contention. returned unanim ously a recom m ends tion that it be indefinitely postponed. One point urged against the m eas­ ure as introduced and favored by the The senate adopted the report. com m ittee, is that while it w ithdraw s Creation of a state departm ent of state aid from sectarian institutions agriculture under which would be con­ which now handle these children, it solidated several state boards and of­ m akes no money provision for their ficers now operating separately is pro­ care under state supervision. vided in a m easure introduced into W o m a n M e m b e r O ffe rs Eill. the state house of representatives by R epresentative Vernon A. Forbes of Mrs. Thompson, the only woman m em ber, introduced her first bill, a Bend. The departm ents consolidated would m easure which would com pel the com ­ be the fair directors, live stock sani­ m itm ent of patients to the institution tary board, stallion registration board, for the feeble m inded. Any county board of horticulture, dairy and food judge may, under this m easure, cause com m issioner and deputy scaler of a feeble-m inded child to be brought before him and conduct an exam ina­ weights and m easures. The new departm ent would be divid­ tion. One or m ore com petent physi­ ed into fi\e divisions- -live stock, hor­ cians are to constitute the exam ining ticulture, agriculture, fairs, grain and board. The relatives of a person hay and dairies and pure food. A com ­ adjudged feeble m inded can have the m issioner would head the departm ent ! privilege of appealing. O ther states and d»**oetor m ira g e each division. have sim ilar laws. H e a rin g on “ Bene D r y ” Bill. L e g is la tiv e B revities. Service on jurors by registered mail is provided for by a house bill, intro duced by S tatrin, of Polk. A m em orial to P resident W ilson asking a speedy retu rn of the Oregon troops on the border was adopted. Resolutions of sym pathy over the death of Adm iral Dewey w ere unani­ mously adopted by the -house and sen­ ate. A bill for the repeal of the m others' pension act of 1913 was Introduced in the house by W. Al. Jones of Marion The ’ I m .'*" ury bill introduced in the house last week by R epresentative Anderson started on its way through the legislative mill Monday evening w hen the joint senate and house com ­ m ittee on alcoholic traffic gave whole­ sale grocers, food m anufacturers and other interested parties an opportun­ ity to be heard on tlie provisions reg­ ulating the use of alcohol. As drafted the m easure prohibits th e im portation of liquor into the state by any person by any m eans f o r nnv purpose other than m edicinal, scien­ county. tific or sacram ental. It carries an A bill to prevent Japan ese from em ergency clause designed to m ake owning or controlling property w ithin it effective im m ediately upon its p as­ the state of Oregon was introduced in sage and as soon th ereafter as the the senate by S enator W ilbur of Hood governor has signed the bill. The River county. bill does not contain the "search and Every man has a right to work, says seizure clause, which has been so R epresentative l.nurgaard, who in tro­ much talked of during the last few duced a joint resolution in the house m onths. proposing an am endm ent to the con W ou'd Punish Drunken Chauffeurs. stitution which will grant state em M ithout a dissenting vote the sen­ ployment to all unem ployed who have ate passed the bill which m akes it a 1 been residents of Oregon for a period crim e for a person to drive a m otor | of five years. vehicle while under the influence of W ith but one opposing vote the sen­ liquor; prescribes a penitentiary sen­ at e took a crack a* high in terest rates tence or jail for the person who, while which prevail in m any of the central intoxicated, drives an auto in a care ai 1 astern Oregon counties by pass­ less or negligent m anner, and causes ing Senator P ierce's bill reducing the the death or serious injury of another < cal contract in terest rate from 10 to person; prescribes a fine of $in a day 8 per cent per annum and reducing for any person who shall kn. wingly the regular legal in terest rate from 6 employ as chauffeur a person addicted to 5 per cant. \