Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, January 25, 1917, Image 3

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    H o m e C o o k e ry .
Wilde, Flyweight Champ'on
Jimmy Wilde, flyweight champion, is
England's most successful lighter. lie
is :i native of Wales, twenty-four years
tid and weighs but ninety-eight pounds
I k fighting trim. lie gives away ten to
twelve pounds to his opponents and
usually puts them to sleep. Wilde has
engaged in 187 battles in the six years
General von Kneussl,
German Commander
Cu.'ried Rice With Chicken.
In tlie «non grate to burn.
Cook the chicken as for an ordinary
Soon i ii > > k n e w ’t w o u l d l>e t h e i r tu r n .
stew. Boil the rice in salted water;
In t h e s u m m e r t i m e th ey m a d e
then proceed as follows to make tile I According to dispatches from flu*
S u c h u cool a n d sp icy sh a d e .
curry powder sauce; A cupful of chick I front, the fighting between the Ger-
N ow t h e y to a s t m i r t o e s a n d f a c e
In t h e o p e n fireplace.
en stock (broth», a tablespoonful ol ! man troops unde. General von Fulken-
You a r e g e n e r o u s a u d good,
flour, a teaspoonful of curry powder hayn and the Kotmmnian forces in the
L it tl e p in e t r e e s o f t h e wood.
(If the family be large the stock and
—P h i l a d e l p h i a R e c o r d
ingredients must be used in accord­
ance.) Rub smooth the butter an«; The snow tilled defiles of the mouu-
flour. Bring the stock to the boiling
point, add the flour paste and c o «> k
until the gravy thickens, stirring con­
stantly. -stir the curry powder into a
Tillam ook Abstract Company
little of the cold stock, then a«l«l to the
T h o u . C oa t ns. I’ u k m u i k n t .
gravy, stirring well. Arrange the chick­
en in a heap in the center of a deep
IXIM hlATTK s u e r o r A H STR A C T BO O H S
platter, surround it with the hot rice
o r T IL L A M O O K C O U N T Y . OK MOON.
and pour the gravy over all. Serve
very hot.
Savory Calf’s Tongue.
Skin u medium sized calf's tongue
carefully and cut it into slices about a
third of an inch thick and boil for
seven minutes in slightly salted wat-r,
says the Country Gentleman. Put four
slices of rather fat bacon into a s?«*w-
pnn and fry with it n sliced onion.
When the onion has slightly browned
put in the slices of tongue. season with
herbs, chopped capers, lemon juice,
chopped parsley and salt anil pepper to
taste. Pour in a cupful and a half of
brown stock, cover and cook gently f«>i
thirty minutes. Serve hot in a bordei
of mashed potatoes.
Macaroni With Bacon.
Cut three or four slices of bacon in
dice and fry. cooking with it a small
onion, sliced. When well browned stir
in two tablespoonfuls of flour and cook
till frothy. Add to this a cupful and a
half of tomato, stewed, seasoned and
passed through a sieve. Let simmer
until onion ami bacon are tender. Cook
three-fourths of a cupful of macaroni
P h o t o b y A m e r i c a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n .
till tender, rinse in cold water, drain
J I M M Y W II.D E .
and add to the tomato. Let nil heat
he has been in the ring and won all ex together; then stir in with a fork two
eept one. This defeat was banded to or three tablespoonfuls of grated
him by one Taney a Scotch fly­ c heese a ml serve hot
weight, and the title changed hands on
the result. Some time later he met Lee
Baked Sliced Ham.
and knocked him out in eleven rounds
Two pounds of sliced ham, two tea*
recapturing ihe championship
spoonfuls of minced onion, two tca-
spoonfuls of minced parsley, tho juice
of half a lemon to each slice of ham
King of Sweden Sends Cup.
An act of international courtesy that Slice the ham half an inch thick, re­
deserves appreciation by the athletic move fat nearly to the lean and chop
authorities in America is the sending it tine. Mince the onion and parsley,
of a cup by King Gustav of Sweden mix with the fat and spread over tne
ti> »he Amateur Athletic union in re« ham, which should be put into a drip­
«ignition of the visit of the American ping pan. Squeeze over the ham the
team to tin* Scandinavian countries lemon juice and bake till tender in a
Tl;e trophy is a very handsome one moderate oven from thirty to forty
fifteen inches high and made of gold minutes. Make a gravy from the drip­
It is now in the possession of the sec­ pings in the pan.
retary-treasurer of the union and If a
suggestion already made Is earned out
Rice P udding W i t h Ginger.
may be offered ns a perpetual chal­
Cook the rice until well done; add
lenge trophy for one of the champion­ sugar to taste, one large tablespoonful
of butter, a dash of nutmeg and two
ship events of the A. A. IT.
tablespoonfuls of preserved ginger cut
into small pieces. Each cupful of rice
Fulton Mav Box Willard.
Fred Fulton, tin* Rochester (Mlnu.) will require «me «piart of sweet milk.
giant, has accepted an offer of $10,000. Mix all together thoroughly and bake
with the privilege of JO |>or cent of the in a moderate oven until thick aud
gate, to tight Joss Willard in Milwau­ creamy. Serve either hot or cold.
kee shortly after the first of the year.
Now the Cream City Athletic club,
A Well Spent Day
owned by Tom Andrews and Joe Er-
matinger, is dickering with Willard
and. it is said, is offering the cham­ i f y o u s i t d o w n n t s e t o f s u n
And c o u n t t h e a c t s t h a t yo u h a v e «lone
pion an even 840.0Mb
A nd, c o u r t i n g , find
H e a ds Basketball League.
Ewald O. Stiehm, a graduate of the
Fnivcrsity of Wisconsin with the «-lass
of 1909, the new president of tho
Western Conference Basketball associ­
ation, lias l>ecn bead conch at the T ni-
versity of Nebraska since his gradua­
tion front Wisconsin and is now di­
rector of athletics at the University of
L itC o P in e T rc e s .
L ittle pine t r e t s in n \vuu«l.
W a i t i n g | ii:«:.t > t h e y stn«xt.
O n e s e l f - d e n y i m t a>-t. o n e w ord
T h a t e a s e d t h e h e a r t o f h im w h o n e a r d .
O n e it la n e e m o s t k in d
T h a t fell tik e s u n s h i n e w h e r e It w e n t.
T h e n y o u m a y c o u n t t h a t d a y well sp e n t.
B ut, If t n r o u g h all t h e liv e lo n g d a y
Y o u'v e ehcere«l n o h e a r t b y y e a o r n a y .
I f t h r o u g h it all
Y o u 'v e n o t h i n g d o n e t h a t y o u c a n t r a c e
T h a t b r o u g h t t h e s u n s h i n e to o n e face.
N o a c t m o s t s m a ll
T h a t h e lp e d s o m e s o u l a n d n o t h i n g c o s t
T h e n c o u n t t h a t d a y a s w o r s e t h a n lost.
Conveyancing, Etc.
Opp. Coart House,
Tillamook, Ore.
Tillamook Undertaking Co.
K. N. HENKEL, Proprietor.
Night and Day calls
promptly attended.
Next Door to Jones-Knudson Furniture
L I E U T E N A N T GEN E li AI. VON K N E U S S L .
tains have rendered military operations
alike diflicult for both armies. Among
the officers under General von Fal-
kenhayn is Lieutenant General von
Kneussl, who heads the Bavarian divi
sions. Von Kneussl distinguished him­
self in the siege and capture of I’rze
tnysl in June, 101.7, when that Austrian
city was recaptured from tin* Russians
who had won it only twenty days be
Money to Loan
Estate Agoney
Sec tne for realty deals.
($> <3. < 3 » .j. <3> A ft. <> «3» <;•* <2* «3» *9» «2» *s*
Under New
M anagem ent
* 3 ’
More lies are. told by mothers.
* fathers and nurses to children
* than all the rest of the lies put
We lie to them with
♦ together.
♦ false threats, we lie to them
» with false promises, we lie» to
❖ them with false stories, we teach
•3» them by our practice that a < lilld
* has not a right t<> truth, and
, * then we wonder that they learn
the lesson.
The Todd Hotel
Tillam ook, Ore.
L. S. HUSHBECK. Proprietor.
«3» Dining Room run on Family Style
Meals ‘25c.
>3» <§*«?* *3» *3» <3* *3> ❖ «S» '2* «3» <2» ❖ ♦ -9* 'E* <3* <3*
Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special
Rates by the Week.
Tht Author of Evil
Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone •Vt-J
National Bid.
P. O. Box 14«
With Rollie Watson
Inquire no longer who is the author
of evil. Behold him in yourself. There
exists no other evil In nature than
, what you either do or suffer, and you
are equally «In* author of both. A gen
eral evil could exist only In disorder,
but in the system of nature I see an
established or«ler which is never dls
turlied. Particular evil exists only in
the sentiment of the suffering being,
and this sentiment is not given to man
by nature, but is his own acquisition
i Pain and sorrow have but little hold
■ «n those who. unaccustomed to roller
lion, have neither memory nor fore
sight. Take away our fatal Improve
: merits, take away our errors and our
rices, take away, in short, everything
that is the work of man. and all that
; remains Is goo«l.—Jean Jacques Rous
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
L. V. EBEKIIARP. Manager.
Complete Set of AhstractHof the R e c o r d s
uf Tillamook Count?, Oregon.
Write for Literature.