• I j * * * — — LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS a c c AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST a a a — - ■■ - - - Bargain Day + ' Bids Wanted. I Bills will he received until February i ! 1st for delivering the cheese for ID 17 from Cloverdale Cheese Co. to Tillamook or to Portland at the option of the I directors of said company. Bids w ill also he received up to the same date for furnishing cheese boxes for said factory. 11. I 5. Lockwood, Chairman County warrants taken at face value W. A. Wine, dentist. in Roland M c ( ii uiiih returned from l’«>rt- Co. trade at the Cloverdale Mercantile land Wednesday. revival services will begin at Dr. W. A. Wise will return about the Special Cloverdale Baptist Church next Church Notes. We have the agency for February 1 st. Sunday at 11 a. no. The pastor, Elder Sunday school at 10 a. in. Classes for the Oregon Journal and Freeh country cured bacon at 24c per Blalock, expects Elder t». W. Reynolds, uli. of Silver Lake, Oregon, to be here Sat­ are now ready' to take Charlund A Deuel, Woods. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and urday evening or the first of next week. your subscription at Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Miles, of Woods, Ue will do the preaching, everybody 7 ;.'!0 p. m. All are cordially invited to visited Cloverdale last Saturday. invited. Come and enjoy the meetings. BARGAIN DAY RATES these services. Rev. J o s . A. McVeigh, pastor Wee V. F. (.earned for real estate. We According to the secretary of .-date, in These rates apply to Re­ can sell your place. Dint, it with us. a report recently made for ifilti, liila- If a feller approaches a mule careless luook County paid to the state treasurer newals as well as New like he kin learn more in two minutes Mr. and Mrs. W, It. Kohedce, of for automobile, motorcycle, chauffeur Subscriptions. than he kin learn in a grange meetiii’ Woods, were visitors in town Sunday dealers and transfers licenses the sum in a year. evening. Come in and let us talk of $1,47*.); costs to state for plates, etc., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, of Moh- $2155.44. Tine am ount Tillamook County oyer the proposition with Marryin’ a feller to reform him is a ler, were visitors in Cloverdale yesterday will receive from the state from such you. good deal like trvin’ to make an appe- and today. fund for purposes, w ill be $,21:1.5»», ti/.in’ omelet out uv a bad egg. Uncle .lobn Baker and John Darling At the congregational meating held Subscribe for the Cloverdale Courier Sr., of Meda, were Cloverdale visitors in tho Presbyterian church last Tues­ Twenty-five dollars an acre buys a last Saturday. day evening a call was tendered to Rev. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER ranch of 1(50 acres near Meda. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bays are e n ter­ J. A. McVeigh, the same being unani­ CLOVERDALE, Real Estate Agency. OREGON taining a young daughter who arrived mous. A committee of three, V. F. Learned, .Mrs. Frank Owens and Mrs. last Thursday. Chan. LiindquWt, was appointed to Mis. Alex Wat*, of Tillamook, visited solicit the people to see if sullicient her daughter, Vit*. W. A. High, and funds could he raised to pay the salary family this week. of a pastor. Mrs. S. S. John son, returned to her Exterminate the Hole. home in Tillamook Monday after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Jenck. On 'Tuesday afternoon Mr. Shaffer, of A. C., gave an interesting as well as Safety deposit boxes at the Nes- O. iustructi vo talk in the Cloverdale (»range tucca Valley Bank $1.50 per year. Hall. Mr. We have decided to sell out our entire stock of Men’s and Shaffer told what traps to Rent one for your valuable papers. use and how to set them to catch the Best prices paid for hides. Bring or mole. He also explained how to pre­ Women’s Clothing, all up-to-date Merchandise at send them in. Check will he sent by pare the skins for market. Mr. Shaffer return mail, »»rover Witt, Cloverdale. then went into the field and dem on­ Mrs. Wolfe, who has been a guest at strated how to set the traps. Mr. Shaffer the Phil Measlier home for a couple of is organizing a hoys' a n d g ’tls’ campaign The people of Tillamook and the com m unity have the weeks, returned to Tillamook Saturday. j against the mole. Many ot the peoph of Cloverdale have already fallen in line It is reported that Arch Meyers has leased the hidings ranch at Oretown to co-operate with him. A purse of live has been raised for the hoy or and w ill move onto the same about Feb­ dollars girl who will get the most moles by the ruary 1. end of the school term. Besides that Never before, in the history of Tillamook, have prices been slashed Mr. and Mrs. Ham llushheck, of the many of the farmers have offered a 1‘odd Hotel, Tillamook, were guests bounty of live cents each to any one for as they are now. of Mis. llushheck'» hiothci and family, each mole caught on their land. Bovs near Woods. We mention here a few o f our prices. Come in and convince and girls should speak to Mr. Spaulding Mrs. Edward Karl left this morning at tin* store if they wish to know which yourself: for Dundee being called th e re b y the of the farmers will pay a bountv of live serious illness of her brother, James cents each for moles caught on their Men’s Suits, very tine weaves Ladies Suits j land. Whitman. Mr. Farmer, now if ever, is youi | and fabrics, values to $25 # 8 5 values a t ........... ............# 1 8 . 7 5 Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Werschkul, who chance to fight successful!v the mole. at .......................................#10 So have been visiting their son near Tilla­ Inst go tin* Mercantile Company's store i #80 values at ....................... 14.75 mook for the past two weeks, returned and put your name in the list with those > Bovs Suits to #7.50 a t. . . 8 95 #25 values at ....................... 12.75 hoiM«> Tuesday. who will pay a bounty of live cents for I. M. Dennis and family moved to moles caught on your land. Ask Mr. i Bays’ Suits to #5.00 values at 2 95 #20 values at ..................... 10.75 Tillamook today. Mi. Dennis has se­ Spaulding to show you the list. Men’s #2 >o Hats to go at #1 15. Men’s Union Suits #1 5 0 v a l u e s # 1 .1 5 cured a position m the Tillamook l.um ­ Soma Gaod Buys. bel Co s mill at that place as a tiler. See us (or prices and torms on an A 1 #8.50 Wool Union Suits #2 15. I strived from my premises at Meda saw mill that ha* made money and i- about Dec. 15, two Jersey heifers now making money. A good proposi­ Men’s Work Shirts values at Men’s 7*”>c and #1 00 work marked with split in right car ami tion to oti«*r to tin* light party. 56c, e a c h .............................. 89c upper bit in left Finder please notify lt!0-acra ranch that will (-ear the gloves a t ................................ 4 9 c D. J. Dunn Men’s #1.50 overalls, at the lo-cst invesugat¡on at $25 per acr»\ p a ir ........................................... 95c Men’s fine Underwear, val­ Wluh riding lior«ahack to tow it Mon­ I'.'-t) buys a 15-acre ranch near the day evening, .lohuny l.iakwood ran Agency Small house and barn. School, Boy.-’ #1 50 Hats now going ues to #2 5 0 at per gar­ into a buggy driven by Dale (»lick, postollice, stole and line church near at ................ 49c ment #1 45 t rowing tin former to t h e ground and this place. iujuryitig I i i i i i sullicieiitlv to lav h i m u p $ Ilk) per acre buy s 50 acres close to for a few duv s Cloverdale. Small pay ment down, low The iuas<|iieiade d a m e given last interest. • veiling for the benefit of the Nestmv.i Valiev Hospital netted fio that in stitu­ \ general store, fine location, at in- In the Buildiug formerly Occupied by tion $ltiO. A voting contest was carried 1 voic«*, If you want to g<*t into a good on and Miss H elm Peals w a s > oted the pav ing business inve stigate this open- the Chas. I Clcugh Drug Store. most popular lady in the hall. The j ing Taylor Real Estate Agency, costouns. it is said, was very elaborat»*. Cloverdale. Ore TILLAMOOK. OREGON VVm. A. H IG H THE NEW YORK STORE CLOSES ITS DOORS LESS THAN COST Chance of a Lifetime The New York Clothing Store