I X- I, The Trump Card Mine By GUY HALLECK -M certain stock and secured' a contract from him that if I named it and he bought and made a profit he was to give me 4u per cent of his gains. Then I told him that 1 believed there was something up in Trump Card. lie consented to make a small invest­ ment In it by way o f observing its e f­ fect on the market, and, being busy himself, committed the matter to me. I found that the only stock to be had were scattered shares held by those who considered their investment a dead loss, and most o f these did not enre to sell nt the present low market price. This strengthened the confi­ dence o f my backer, and when I pro­ posed to go about among the former stockholders anil pick up the stock at private sale, paying an advance ou the market price for it. he assented. In this way I got what stock did not belong to the original owners, and then I began to bid for more on the ex­ change. Some stock came out, and ray backer feared that we were buying a dead horse. But it turned out that the ring had sold some stock to prevent the price from going up. This they did because some o f them had not got all the shares they wanted. When I had bought all the shares my backer would stand for and had put back the money I had received for those the managers had so kindly re­ lieved me of, I was obliged to await developments. They came one day when there was a scramble for Trump Card stock on the exchange, and It wont up like n squirrel climbing the trunk o f a tree. My wife, who was as much absorbed In the matter ns I. came to me with the papers giving an account o f “ A Stir In Trump Card" and throw her arms around my neck, delighted. Evidently the secret, whatever it was, had come out. The company had struck a new vein not connected with any other and was getting out ere that assayed $300 to the ton. • I reaped a small fortune, but after n'l I was disgruntled bo in o 1 did not got revenge on those who had bought r 'y stock frr n song when they saw fine prospects «head. Travet on Loir Round Trip HOLIDAY I had worked In the Trump Card mine, where they were taking out gold in paying quantities, and had invested my savings in it, I had subscribed for my stock when the owners were form ­ ing the company and they needed mon­ ey. Consequently I got a good lot c f stock for very little cash. Three hun­ dred and fifty dollars was all I had, but It, bought me 10,000 shares o f stock. The "lead” on which the value o f the mine depended soon died out, and the mine appeared to be worthless, but the Incorporators knew of paying veins « ■ <*! rp which ran in our direction and believed Oxfo that some o f them extended into our property. So they held on until a rich vein was discovered on adjoining prop­ erty, and there was a fine chance by digging down a hundred feet to strike the extension. But those interested In both mines kept the secret from out­ siders, and our managers got on to It only from their neighbors trying to buy us out. I '-as completely ignorant of nil this. One morning I was told that, the com­ pany had no more work for me, it hav­ ing collapsed, hut since the original owners did not. like to see me lose any­ thing they would buy my stock at what 1. To m ac Q uality I had paid for It. 1 thanked them, but the corner-stone told them that I saw no reason why I should not suffer with the rest, and I and Style the cop­ would put the certificates away and in g stone. consider them charged up to profit and loss. But they insisted on making 2. To sell at the me whole, and I, unsuspicious, sold torrrst price consist­ them my stock. ent irith the sm a ll­ ’/or some time after this, so far ns 1 knew, there was nothing doing in the est projit a bore cost. Trump Card mine. Occasionally there was a quotation nt from 3 t o o cents a 3 To felt the t r u t h share on the mining stock exchange. in p r i n t a n d act it One evening while walking by the i n the store. property I was surprised to see some workmen coming out o f a hole In the Athletes Go to War. ground, carrying their dinner pails. 1 A. A. P E N N IN G T O N Among the troops that left H alifax asked one o f them if they had been recently was the One Hundred ami at work, but he was a Norwegian and Eightieth Canadian Sportsmen’s bat­ T illa m o o k , Oregon spoke no English. In fact not a man talion, and in its ranks were such tine o f the lot could understand a word I fellows ns A. E. Wood, the fifteen mile said. record holder; Tom Longboat, the fa ­ I f I had simply discovered that work mous Indian runner; Lou Marsh, an­ was being done in the mine 1 would other famous distanccr; Tom Flana­ not have become suspicious. But that gan, who first won fame as Longboat's the owner had thought fit to employ manager, and many other well known (hose who wish to only those who could not communi­ sportsmen. This battalion was recruit­ { «ot ii better KO­ cate with inquirers seemed singular, ed entirely from young men who have DAK this son son, especially since when I was working followed track athletics, hockey and wo have made arrange­ for them their men were mostly Amer­ football, and It Is considered the finest body o f troops that the Dominion has ments whereby we enn icans. take in a few good old Booking at the sales list o f stocks sent to the war zone. i style machines in trade that evening in the newspaper, 1 saw on new ones, more sales o f Trump Card shares than 1 had noticed for several weeks previ­ ous. though the price had only advanc­ W ith a little thought aud care of ed a fraction. I w< ndered If some­ thing was going on. That night 1 lay shoes the fam ily shoe bill may be re­ duced at least one-third. The present awake thinking. I sent my w ife to llmrer In the tie! ;li- day liquid polish used on shoes is apt ’ rhood nf the mine and watch. She to crack the leather uml ruin It. Most snw nothing unusual. There was in th­ liquid dressings have a certain amount ing alive In It '-o far as she could see. o f acttl. and this destroys the oils in The same night I went to the prop­ the leather. 11 one must use liquid erty nud sat on a stump near by till dressings, once in two weeks wash o!T 2 o'clock in the morning, when a cart every bit o f dressing from the shoes loomed out o f the darkness nud pass­ and apply a liberal coating o f castor oil and set the she, s in an airy place ed away Into the darkness again. I for tw o days. T l e elasticity o f the RELIABLE DRUG6ISTS noticed that It was without a creak. I leather will be renewed and the sh knew enough about mines to believe Tillamook, - Oregon. become soft and pliable. Wipe shoes that It was carrying ore. and the axles carefully before applying the next coot were inn tiled. ^ o f liquid dressing » » 0 9 « 4 4 S « t « I» ♦-» « The next day 1 went down to Den- ver. whore I procured an interview Tennis All Year In Japan. Women would be happy it they could with n man who had held a lot o f Japanese lawn tennis play* rs enn Trump Card sto k, but had sold it nt live long without getting very old. a small profit 1 ofore the mine collaps­ play all the year r tun; hi the Flowery The game was Introduced People who make fools of themselves ed. 1 ti>ld him that I could give him Kingdom into Japan by the English. a pointer on a * respective rise n a never fail to attract attention. Brandc^ce-Kincaid Clothes Our Clothes- Crced in 3 Paragraphs . Care oí Footwear lìoìalì Cleaning anb t (Repairing. } C. I. C L O U G H , I Go home for Xmas. Stay for New Years Day. Our low round trip Holiday ticket! allow you plenty o, time. All points in OREGON CALIF ORN IA WASHINGTON and IDAHO Holiday Sale Dates Between Oregon points Dec. 22 to 25 inc; Dec. 30 *0 Jan. 1 iuc. Return limit Jan. 3,1317. To California points Dec 21 to 23 inc; Dec. | 26 to 28 i nc. Return 't limit 15 days from date of sale. * To Pacific Northwest points in Washington and Idaho Dec. 22 to 25 inc Return limit Jail. 3,1917. Ask local Agent for time of trains, fares, etc. ohn M. Scott, G. 1*. A., Porttand, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES FOOTBALL Oregon vs. Pennsylvania Pasadena, Cal., Jan. I. Gasolene AND Automobile Accessories W. A. W ILLIAM S T IL L A M O O K