Bargain Bay Special k the Arena Mail Your Order Today of Sports K— ........ ....... C a p ta in H a r r y D a d m u n of H a r v a r d . Among the forwards on the big uni­ versity teams Captain Harry Dadmun, right guard and captain of Harvard’s formidable eleven, stands out. There are few line men his superior. Dad- The Cloverdale Courier PROFESSIONAL CARDS Tillamook Abstfiaot Company T hos . C oaw m . P assiaim r. c o js r u r r k o k a r stb a c t ’ hooks or T U . LA « 1 X 1 W CO U B TTi TILLAMOOK C ITY. »«H O O T * O K fiflO » T. H. GOYNE, ATTORNET AT LAW Conveyancing, Eto. Today’s Magazine Opp. Coart House. ^With Free Pattern) Tillamook, Ore. Tillamook Undertaking Co. R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. Night and Day calls promptly attended. Next Door to Jones-Knudson Furniture Store. TILLAMOOK, - - OREGON Woman’s World Horne Life A. C. EVERSON TILLAMOOK. ORE. Better Farming Money to Loan Real:? Estate Agency See nie for realty deals. All These Publication One Year Under New Management FOB ONLY 81.25 The Todd Hotel If von arc a subscribers to tlie fourier or any one of these Magazines your sub- Tillamook, Ore. L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. Photo by American Press A s s o c i a t i o n . IIA R K Y DADM U N . subscription will be set ahead one year on receipt ol your order with check, post- office order or cash. We want lIn* mun began bis football career at Tufts, where be was considered about the best man on the team. His work was polished up lust year by Percy Ilaugli- ton, and now lie is one of the most de- peudable men on the team. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. GOPHERS’ ORIENTAL ATHLETE and are offering C a p t a in W e n P in g P a n , C h in e se S t u ­ dent, an A ll A ro u n d S ta r. The University of Minnesota boasts of an athlete who has not only distin­ von the best Combination ever offered bvi guished himself upon Northrop field, any newspaper. Should you desire a daily newspaper in connection with the above add 55.00 to the above, making a total of t.2o aud the Port- % land livening Telegram will included for one whole % veer. Call at tlie Courier office aud see samples of the Magazines. Au agent wanted in ea< b school district. Dining Room run on Family Style Meals 25c. Write for parOculare ) those who wish to get a better KO- DAK this season, we hare made arrange­ ments whereby we can take in a few good old style machines in trade on new ones. but also won fame In the far east. Wen Ping Tan, captain of the Minne­ sota soccer football team, bears the distinction of being one of the great­ est ntliletes of the orient. ran attracted the attention of sport followers tire world over three years ago when he won the pentathlon in the all eastern Olympic games at Ma nlln. In these games he competed I neuinst the leading ntliletes of China, Japan, India, the Malay archipelago and the Philippines. Wen IMhg Pan was born in Sliang hni. China. lie prides himself on his pure Chinese descent. Since entering the University of Min nesota one year and a half ago Tan has entered into all sorts of athletic sports. When soccer football was es­ I C. I. C L O U G H , tablished at Minnesota last year Pan RELIABLE DRUGGISTS and his brother. Wen II. Pan. won places on tlie first Minnesota soccer f Tillamook. - Oregon. team. Both of the Pan brothers dis­ tinguished themselves by their aggres­ sive playing and by their cool general­ ship. Wen Ping Pans election to the captaincy of the university soccer team Plaster Bros, (or all kinds of olumb- was unanimous. g. bath roonj outfits and fixtures. Til- ! "RotaR Cleaning anfc (Repairing. tuook. Ore.