Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 14, 1916, Image 4

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    The day I arrived In Adelaide, Aus-
iralia, I was twenty years old and my
pocket contained a dollar for every
year I had lived. I had exactly £4
to lie-in life on In this colony, luit was
a healthy youngster, with no fear of
the future. Luck was with me from
the start. On the second day after
landing from the steamer I hired out
to a sheep raiser, who had a ranch on
the Murray river, near its junction
with the Darling, and on the third we
started off up the country.
One evening 1 was building a lire to
cook supper hy. w hile McCall, the over­
seer. went to secure a lever with which
to raise a wagon off its wheels. 1
was thus ulonv for a few momenta.
Suddenly a man burst out of the thick­
et and came running up to me.
“ For Clod's sake, young feller, give
me a bite to eat!" he said as he stood
before me. "Don't be afraid of me.
I'm a sheep herder who has been lost
in the busli for three days and a half."
I stepped to the wagon and handed
him a piece of bacon, some hard
»•rackers and a handful o f ten, anti
a ter he hud placed them in his pock­
ets lie continued:
"Young feller, do me a greater fa ­
vor still. Lend me your pistol and
knife until tomorrow, when you will
pass my station, and. furtherin' re, do
not mention to any one that 1 was
here. Do this and you will never re-
gnu it-.” Then he hurried away.
Just as McCall came back with thp
lever there was a clutter o f hoofs, and
1 looked up to sis* five mounted men
ride into camp. They were in the uni­
form of the patrol, and the appearance
o f tin* men and horses showed that
they had had a long ride o f it.
“ Well. Captain White, what is It?"
asked McCall, who seemed to know
every one o f th<> fire.
"Been after Mallir'at Sam again."
was the reply ns the captain »lis
inoui. ted.
“ And lost him. eh?"
"Yes. curse t’ :»> lin k! Wo struck his
trail near Dabney's yesterday morning,
and he led us a chase o f fifty miles
during the »lay. We killed his horse
about dusk 'nst night and had him sur
rounded in the scrub. I!»* got out, how­
ever, and we did not rot Ids track tin
til about noon today. We followed to
the creek two miles above and there
lost If."
We continued on up.the country and
finally arrived at the ranch, and for
the next sl\ months 1 was hard at
work as a sheep herder and neither
saw nor heard much o f the outside
world. Then one day I was called to
report at hoadtpuirters and upon my
arrival found a < »mple o f visitors there
two gentlemen who had lately arriv-
e»l from I'nglaud They had comp out
to \ustralia to go Into the sheep busl
ness, but would leave It In »'are of an
agent. They hired me and a numlier
o f others, and we began work with
On»» evening we had finished supper
ami were grouped about tin* «•amptin*
when on»* of th»* dogs burked and \v»>
took»*») up to find ourselves covert*»1 b\
live rilb's.
"I In mis up or you are dead men!"
shouted a \ olee, ami every »'tie *>f us
quickly ob»>\ »'«1 the command.
Tin* five advanced, eni h . keeping
his rltle levehsl, mul when I could
se«> tin* man who had spoken I at
once blent it,« ,1 him ns Ballarat Sum.
the man whom I had befriended
months before. lie recognized me al­
most as ijuiekiy and. taking a step for­
ward, he said:
“ Well, boy. you did me a good turn
that day and I ’ll not forget it. Move
over to the left. Now. then, gents.
who are you?”
All our arms were in the wagon, and
we were helpless to offer any resist­
ance. The first thing they did was to
despoil tlielr «•aptIves. A fter they had
robbed the two gentlemen o f every­
thing they had of value and helped
themselves liberally to our stores in
the wagons Ballarat Sam shook hands
with me and said:
"So yon didn't inform the police you
had seen me that day?”
“ No. sir."
“ Well, you were mighty kind to me.
and 1 am going to return the favor.
| Take this hundred pound note and
| save it for a rainy day, and here's the
| finest pistol anti knife in Australia,
t Probably some day you will sec me
hanged, but whatever Is said o f uie you
can vouch for the fact that Ballarat
i Sara never forgot a favor or failed to
j get even with an enemy.”
Columns o f matter were printed in
! tin* Australian newspapers concerning
Ballarat Sam ami his crew o f outlaws
during tiie next year, and bis picture
! was posted everywhere and a large re-
| ward offered for his capture dead or
! alive. The authorities were bound to
get him. but lie seemed to bear a
eharmed life for awhile**and, although
arrested several times, he always man­
aged to escape by some ruse or other.
Finally he was surrounded by a patrol
numbering forty policemen and tnken
prisoner, and when brought handcuffed
to Adelaide the entire population of
the town turned out to view the fa ­
mous bushranger. I happened to be In
the city at the time and witnessed the
hanging, and probably 1 was the only
one in the vast crowd that felt a pang
! t f regret. II»* went to bis doom with
a smile, ami after It was over the timid
ones in Australia breathed a sigh of
■ relief.
Ballarat Sam was a bad man, blit he
had played fair with me.
Highest cash price paid for hides.
Bring them or send them in. I will pay
j the cartage. Check mailed to vou same
dav hh hides are received.
R. D.
VVerschkul, Cloverdale. Phone 13 8-0.
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the hesit that oan be had
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shell and Heavy Hardware
Stoves. Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore.
The Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Cloverdale Courier, both
papers one year for 84.00.
B i l l TO
Clo verdate !i
All Way Points
Safe and Comfortable
Learo Cloverdale daily at
¡ 7:30 a. m , arriving at Tilla- <>
mook at 10 a. no.— in time for
morning train to Portland.
Leave Tillamook at 3 p. m . ?!
¡ arriving at Cloverdale at 5 ^
P* m.
J M. TRAXLER, Prep <
se a e se e e s e ve s e se s e e «# «»# * #
OU W-B CUT chewers know all about tobacco
satisfaction. You feci sort of sorry for users of the
old kind. There is so little tobacco satisfaction in
tobacco with excess of sweetening, no matter how big
a chew they take. It’s sortef difficult to make beguiners
understand how much satisfaction there is in tobacco
if it’s rich tobacco. They will know when they get to
be regular W-B CUT users.
V '*' v" V;rYH\
rn ro n COMPANY, SO Union Sqnir*. Now York Gty