Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 07, 1916, Image 6

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    H ow Billy W as Sent
to His Mother
(PolU'ge M r o
O xfo
Brandcgoo -Kincaid Clothes
Our Clothes-
Creed in
»‘5 Paragraphs
1. Tu ina r Quality
am t Style the cop­
in g stone.
To sell at the
lo/rest price consist­
ent irith the sm a ll­
est jn'ojlt abore cost.
To tell the truth,
in print am i act if
in the store.
A. A. P E N N IN G T O N
Tillam ook,
Candies are higher than
they were, but we are
going to
Sell at Same Price
as last year.
We have a fre-h sup­
ply of all kinds o f.
Popcorn 7c per pound.
Flash Lights make best
Christmas Presents. We
ca rry them .
Writ»* for Literature.
T IL L A M O O K .
“ Toni,” said James Gowan to the
man In charge o f an express ear that
was about to i*e pulled out, “ here's a
package I want you to carry to M il­
ford Center.”
Gowan produced a box about three
feet long by eighteen iiu^ies broad and
deep. 'i ue lid was^ hinged and held
closed by a hook and staple. The box
was perforated and marked: “ Perish­
able. This side up with care."
“ I can’t take it,” said the express­
man. “ You must put it through the
otlico iii the regular way.”
Gowan took a ten dollar bill from
his pocket book and put it in Tom
Murphy’s hand.
“ Tom ," said Gowan, “ it’s my boy
r.illy. Ills mother went to Milford
yesterday, and I’ve got to leave home
tonight. Billy must go to his mother.
H e’s too young to travel alone, and
the company wouldn't take such per­
ishable property. You’ll be alone in
the car, won't you?”
“ Yes; I'll be alone In the car, and I
can let the boy out between stations.
Leastaways I can let him sit up in his
box. IIo w old is he?"
“ Five.”
“ W ell, I ’ ll try it on for you. Jim, but
I don't want your money."
Gowan took the box Into the open
ear. lifted the lid. and Billy clinched
his arms around his father's neck.
“ Billy, you must keep very quiet un­
less Mr. Murphy opens the box. If
any one hears you in the box yon
won’t get a ride.”
“ Yes, daddy. I'll be quiet."
“ Well, goodby. Give mother a kiss
for me."
“All right, daddy.”
“ I ’ ll close the lid till the train is off
and the ear door closed, then Mr. Mur­
phy w ill let you out.”
T lie father unwound his son’s arms
with a kiss, closed the lid, slipped the
hook through the staple and left the
ear. In a few moments there was a
putting and a grinding o f wheels, and
the train pulled out. The ltd was again
ilfted, and Tom Murphy stood looking
down at Billy with an amused smile.
’ is it time to get up?" asked the boy.
” 1 reckon I ’ll let you get «'lit for
twenty minutes. Then when we stop
at tlie station you’ll have to get back
Billy snt up, and Murphy lifted him
out onto the floor o f the car. Billy
looked about him wondcrlngly at the
boxes and packages piled here and
there. Seeing a tricycle, lie w-is much
Interested and wished to mount it and
have a ride. But Murphy objected.
When tlie whistle sounded for the next
station Murphy said:
“ Now. Billy, you must get back into
your crib and keep very quiet until you
hear the door shut and the train move
When the train stopped a special
agent o f the express company got in
the car. He told Murphy he was going
to the next station nni would ride In
the car. Murphy suggested that he
Would be more comfortable In a pas­
senger corn'll, blit ho was not to be dis­
suaded. Settling Ivmsi'if en a box near
Rilly's crib, be lighted a cigar.
When the train moved on Murphy
was much dlsturbe I Tlie n< \ st* •»
would not in» made for half an Fi . ir.
and he feared Billy would not be able
to keep quiet so long. But Billy un­
doubtedly depreciated the situation, fo r
he lav porfo tly stftl. The special
agent, who was a supervisor as well,
took occasion to say to Mur’ 'iy that
there bagl l*^go nippy » as,*s
carried by the < cmip.-iii.v’ ; agents the
charges for which had gone into the
agents’ pockets. He had been on the
watch for such and laid caught several
agents In tlie net. They had at once
been discharged. While communicat­
ing this fact lie looked about him. Mur-
’ ’hy thought, with a view to discover­
ing another case.
Finally the supervisor got tired of
talking and smoked in silence. Sud­
denly lie cocked his head on one side
and listened. Was that some one
breathing? He got up from his seat
and walked about trying to locate tlie
sound till he finally stopped bending
over B illy’s crib. He distinctly heard
1 the sound o f some one breathing in
sleep. Murphy was at a rude desk at
an end of the car looking over some Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone 53-J
way bills. His back was to the super­
Todd Hotel.
P. O. Box 147
visor, who unhooked tlie lid o f B illy’s
With Rollie Watson
box, and, lifting it, there was Billy
sound asleep. Glancing at Murphy,
the supervisor saw he was not ob­
served. He stood for a moment with
his eyes bent on the boy’s innocent
face irresolute, then softly lowered the
A few minutes later the train stopped
L. V. E B E R H A R D , Manager.
at the next station.
“ Toni,” said the supervisor, “ all I Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
want from yon is that you haven't
made any money that iiroperly belongs T IL L A M O O K .
to the company."
“ I haven’t,’’ was Tom ’s reply.
“ So long." And lie left the ear.
As soon as a new start was made
Tom went to Billy to let him out o f his Veteran Football Man Says Princeto-
nian Is Best Man in East.
box. The hook was not in the staple.
He was sure lie had put it there at tlie
“Talk about your tackles! Show me
Inst stop. Only tlie supervisor could one who lias anything on McLean of
have removed it.
the Tigers." said n veteran footballer
“ Time to get up. Billy," said Tom. who had watched the work of the big
raising the lid.
Princetonian In the game with Lafay-
"A re we there?" asked Billy, wide
“ No, but nt the next station I’ll turn
you over to your mother.”
Wtien the train pulled up at Milford
Center Billy was standing nt the door
of tlie car. His mother, who was w ait­
ing for him. saw him and ran toward
him. When sin- came near enough h*-
sprang into her arms.
W . A. W IL L IA M S
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
" I f St. Paul had lived a couple of
thousand yeurs later he would have
been a captain o f Industry." This is
the remark attributed to John I>. Rock­
efeller after hearing a sermon in Clove
land in which St. Paul was held up as
a model o f power and forcefulness
Mr. Rockefeller said that Paul’s virtue
was that he was persistent and that
persisteut men got to tlie top; that nat­
ural leaders are rare and reap rich re
wards in business and Industrial life,
for every line of commercial effort o f
fers them big opportunities. These are
simple, plain, truthful words from tin*
mouth o f the most successful captain
of industry the world lias known. Per
sistence, patience and assiduity have
as great reward* today for tlie young
man who possesses these virtues as
they had fifty years ago, when Mr.
Rockefeller was working sixteen hours
a day in a country store for a salary o f
id a week.
Be Yourself.
Insist on yourself; never imitate
Your own g ift you can present every
moment with the cumulative force o f
a whole life’s cultivath n. but o f the
adopted talent o f another you have
only an extemporaneous half posses­
sion. That which each can do best
none but his Maker "cau teach him.
Where Is the master who could have
taught Shake [*eure?
Where Is the
master who could have Instructed
Franklin or Washington or Bacon or
Newton? Every great man Is unique
I>o that w hich is assigned to you and
you cannot hope too much or dare too
Photo by A m erican P ress Association.
ette recently. "W h y, that boy is a
He is here and there and
“ McLean is easily the best tackle in
the east tills season, bar none," contin­
ued the veteran. "In the game with
Lnfnyette he made more down field
tackles than did the ends. He should
I be placed on every All American elev-
en this fall. McLean will be the big
Tiger man for Yale to wnt -h," eonolud-
I ed the old tinier.
Six For On*.
Which Is the strongest day o f the
Sunday, because the others
are week days.
They Cry For More.
What U that which mnkes every­
body sick but those who swallow ItT