! Invilii; pus: oil through n si" i* of ty- piiniil fever, when I Lo-nine convales­ cent my hair begun to come out. I at mi o Itaci my head shaved und ordered i; wig. The wlgnui! t*r. a f ron liman, • u uro I my head and l>- oie de;>u it ­ ili.g ashod : “ liluud, noli* or rouge?" I understiind nothing of any lim­ ginge ex< opt American ami d ii not hi o\v wliat he was tulkii ;; ali ut. Hut tiicre Is n dislike Li all persons to ac­ knowledge that they do not understand or do not hear or oiinnot see. 1 looked at I lie man as them; .1 I was deliberat­ ili ; on what he salti, tlien replied: "Owl. reu rt;." T : s soci >ed to s tisi’y him. for he Lowed himself tint without another word. "1 wonder what lie said to me?” 1 mused after he had .a ne. "Was it the price he was apiuking of or tlie time It was to he finished ?'' I found out what lit* Ir.d said when tin* wig came in. It was a Leanti.'ul red. I ala: (ed him for having made t wig of such a color, and he expo ;tu- iated with the usual French shrug and gesture. "Monsieur, 1 ask you if you have it blond, black or red. You . y I make him red." Seeing that 1 lind mtlhorlzi d the col­ or. 1 said no moie, but paid fertile wig like a man. The | rite being .Y-ö, 1 could not uCfortl another one and sub Jeeted uiyself to wearin ; it till my own chestnut locks should ic.ippear. It was about this time tlint I uveived an anonym on- note written in a wo­ man's hand The wider said Mint she had seen me on a sickbed in ihe Im ­ poni and had been impressed with n .. appearnme. She plastered the com munii atiou over with a lot of stuff abmt my Intellectn.. 1, pah* brow and other feu hues Whnt her ob.icct was l did not know, I ut I d.d know that there were cmouon.d w o ven in t lu* \vi rid who are sidy enough to do just thill s o; I t f lidi : However. since she gave ini* no i lew to her ideniii.i, . paid no attention to her letter, tossine it into the 111 »* and thinking no moie ala»: t It. When 1 had lor. »tleii it a married lady friend of mine told, uic* thut she ili -Irod to inti' hu e me to a friend of In iv. "1 I mik." * he said to me “ that, to use a slang phrase, you Lave made a mash. 1 think the lady admires you." lias sin* ever seen me?" I asked. "O f collise, ilow (»add she admire yon without lui ina seen you?" "O b' Her ad tifati« n doubtless only ex'-'ls lu your Imagi.siiii:-i." Nevertheless l was fluttered. This w is tin* sec .nl c.i>. ef admiration of wtd. li 1 was the subject, and I began to feel «pitie Adoni - ime. it -.coined to mo, after this Inst ,»>ni|Uest. that cm v girl who «nine near me was stru k with me l walled Impatiently for my friend to introduce nu* t»< my \ ic- tnu. but iioihiug I aine o f It. and l was beginning to settle down to the opin­ ion that l was not. aft**r all. a lady killer when another woman friend of mine said to me cue day: “ I would ike to know whether or Hot V»ui may a loie p'»t:oli nlxtut you." "W h y do you say that?" I asked, ni) tinger etuis I ogling and my heart increasing bs Leal "Oh, nothing. A friend of mine” — "W ell r " \ friend of mine was going Into raptures «wer «•«» i tin* otlier dav." " > hat did she lia v<* to say about me?” I don’t think 'hat the flattering things said of persons should be re­ floated to them any more than the dis­ agreeable Miingg. ’ That is all I could get out of tier. By this time I felt sine there was something about my appearance that ; attracted tin* fair sex. 1 stood before a mirror ti ring to discover wliat it was. It setnned to me that if my own black looks decorated my head I would be j passably good looking, but my sorrel i ton. I considered, spoiled tlie whole. I ” 'l«*n it occurred to me that these j "mashes" h nl been made since I had ' donned It, and it struck me that this i must lx* t ie secret of my success. One evening at a dinner the hostess i (iimo to me end .-aid she would intro- 1 (luce me to the lady who was to be my companion at table. Site took me to one who the moment sin* saw me started and shrank away from me. 1 noticed that her eyes wore fixed on my wig. The hostess p> iked at her in ns- i tonishment, but the other, recovering 1 herself, took my arm. and we marched 1 toa.iicj- to the dining room. Passing a min r I saw I ■ it my face and my wig were both vert red. My dinner companion, when seated, turned from me for an animated con- ! versation with a man sitting on the ' other sMe « f ln*r. Sin* scarcely spoke a word to tro during the dinner. This treatment brought me to my senses, and I resolved to make an In­ vestigation. Before 1 got through I knew more than I wished to know. All these women who admired rue were one—my demure companion. She had seen me in tin* hospital and. being ul . ressive instead o f retiring, had written me the anonymous letter. She had seen me with Mack hair falling over white temples. Meeting me at the dinner parly, she saw my sorrel wig. Tlie cfleet was not only disenchanting, hut irritating. Months later I appeared before her in ray own natural hair. She had by tills time recovered from tin* shock oc- e a-b nol by tile wig. and I had little ‘M s idly in completing mv compiest. Highest cash price paid for hides. Bring them or send them in. I will pay ihe cartage. dav Cheek mailed to vou same as hides are received. Werschkiil, Clovcrdale. : R. $ s e c s r r s m u a « In ever line of Merchandise, but none HARDWARE more especially than in Our iarge stock is in every instance the best that can he hud and our aim will be to keep the high standard up. Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and all goods are of the best quality. Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook,Ore.. I I The Evening Telegram, daily, and the Cloverdale Courier, both # D. Phone 13 S-f>. papers one year for 83.50. TAKE ¡THE WHITE! AUTO ( P I P y o u K N O W IT F R O M T H E GOOD ( J U D G E S L O O K S ? ) j STAGE ! t HERE, J U D G E ,Y O U S E T ] I TH A T'S O U S T W I T H O U T (Ti I S N ' T T H A T A S L A R G E ? f I DIDN’T K N O W ? I N E V E R N O T I C E A C H E W A S yp U E V E R | >THE JUDGE C \ P U R E TOBACCO TAKE I \ fEVER. C H E W E D ) | A SM ALL CHEW! j ? I* IV F R I E N D R I6 H T r1 KOR­ : Tillamook- Cloverdale AN I)- All Wav Points Safe and Comfortable Leave Clovcrdale daily at 7:30 a. in , arriving at Tilla­ mook at 10 a. m.— in time for morning train to Portland. Leave Tillamook at 3 p. tu , arriving at Clovcrdale at 5 p. m. J M. TK AXL ER . Prop. * X ? T seems ns though most men had just been waiting and waiting for \V-B G U T Chew ing. Naturally it should be that way. Tobacco satisfaction and not a big I chew is what tobacco lovers want. You couldn’ t get it the old way — c! tap tobacco and txceji ¡verteiung. But rich tobacco, shredded, lightly is wincing all this popularity. \ 0 bjr V. .¡tiefaction— that’s why W-B CUT ” ' N BP. ¡O.'l COMPANY, 50 Union Squire, New York City