Bargain Day Special Mail Your Order Today P R O F E S S IO N A L — W h at — HOUSEWIVES Wish to Know Smart Fur Trimmed Suit The CSoverdale Courier Tillamook Absttaoi Company T H U D . O o A 'N M . I ’ R B O O M PU TTE »1C« O P A B B I M C t B O O K * o r TiiiLAMOOH courm r. TILLAMOOK CITY. okmuow . Q R B «!!«. T. H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW This fur trimmed suit of wool velours Is featured In taupe, green, brown, Coimayaueing, Etc. burgundy or plum color. Model de­ signed by Franklin Simon & Co., New York. The coat Is cut in straight lines, Opp. Coart House, Tillamook, Or«. \ Today’s Magazine 0A BD 8 (With Free Pattern) T illam o o k U n d e rta k in g Co. R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. Night and Day calls promptly attended. Next Door to Jones-KHudson Furniture Store. TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON Woman’s World t Home Kite A. C. E V E R S O N TILLAMOOK. ORE. Better Farming Money to Loan Real Estate Agency See nie for realty deals. All These Publication One Year Under Now I Management FOR ONLY $1.25 If The Todd Hotel vou «re a subscribers to the Courier Tillamook, Ore. L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. or any one of these Magazines your sub- Dining Room run on Family Style subseription will be set ahead one year on receipt ot your order with Meals ‘25c. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rales by the Week. cheek, post- office order or cash. We want the S I.25 and are offering you the best Combination ever offered by any newspaper. the fullness falling from slrles to back. The collar, cuffs and border of the coat are baiulcd with seul fur. The skirt is of the latest model, with shirred back and detachable belt. H ousehold Hints Should you desire a daily newspaper in connection with the above add 2.50 to the above, making a total of 3.75 and the Port­ land Evening Telegram will included for one whole year. w Call at the Courier office aud see samples of the Magazines. A d agent wanted in each school district. Write for particulars. fJUO those who wish to 7 ^ get a better KO- ^ DAK this season, have made arrange­ ments whereby we can take in a few good old style machines in trade on new ones, wh To prevent pie crust puffing up In the middle when baked, prick In several places with a fork before putting In the oven. A basin of cold water placed In an oven will soon lower the temperature. To clean enameled bathtubs rub with salt moistened with lemon Juice. Then wash with hot water and soapsuds. Sprinkle carpets before sweeping with sa lt It keeps the dust down ef­ fectively, and the carpets will look C. I. C L O U G H , fresher. Salt also prevents moths at­ tacking carpets. RELI1BLE DRUGGISTS Oil stains can be removed from linen Tillamook, * Oregon. and cotton goods by nibbing the mate­ rial on both sides with talcum powder. The powder should be left on for a few hours and then brushed off. To clean wicker chairs wash with Holes In kid gloves can !>e mended by salt and water, then rub 11s dry as pos­ first buttonholing around the bole and sible and place In the open air to finish then filling In with buttonhole stitch. drying. RotafiCfeantnganb (Repairing.